
zero Useful+1
Routing is used to represent a processing route (processing sequence) and standards in each operation of an enterprise's products working hours Quota of. It is a plan management document, not a process document of the enterprise, and cannot be simply replaced by the process card of the process department. The process card is mainly used to specify various operation requirements and process requirements of workers during processing, while the process route emphasizes the processing sequence and man hour quota, and is mainly used for process scheduling and workshop cost statistics.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Process route
Used to
working procedure Scheduling and workshop cost statistics
Processing sequence and working hours quota
Operation requirements and process requirements

brief introduction

Routing in English is a description materiel Processing and parts assembling Of the operation sequence of Technical documents , a sequence of multiple operations. An operation is an action or a series of actions that a production operator or machine equipment takes to complete a specified task. It is the most basic processing operation for processing materials and assembling products Work Center Data directly associated with location information, such as outsourcing suppliers, are the basic units that make up the routing. For example, an assembly line is a process line, which contains many operations.
stay ERP system The routing document is generally described as follows: article code Process No Process description and work Center code , queuing time, preparation time Processing time , waiting time Transmission time , minimum transfer quantity, outsourcing ID (Y/N), standard outsourcing fee, and operation inspection ID (Y/N). Item code It is used to indicate what the routing is for materiel The routing of. Operation No. is used to indicate the addition of the material working hours How many processes need to go through, and the process number should be arranged according to the processing sequence. Work Center Code, which indicates the work center where the operation is processed. Queue time , preparation time, processing time, waiting time, and transfer time. They are mainly used to describe the operation time of an operation for capacity calculation and workshop scheduling. Outsourcing ID and standard outsourcing fee refer to the process (such as electroplate )For enterprises, it is outsourcing processing and needs to be specified in the routing.

Design preparation

The routing mainly includes the following data: operation number, job description, used Work Center , various time quota (such as preparation time, processing time, transmission time, etc.), time and cost of outsourcing operations. The alternative work centers, main process equipment codes, etc. shall also be described as a reference for issuing production orders and adjusting processes.
In the traditional ERP system, the process route is production, processing assembling Concept in. In fact, the concept of routing should be extended to include management processes. Management work, or management operation, should be like production operation, develop standardized operation process, define time quota and cost of each activity, work center involved in each activity, etc.
If the routing is not related to the specific materiel If processing is associated, this routing is a standard routing. In general, routing is associated with specific material processing, so that accurate lead time data can be obtained. Therefore, routing data includes Material Data
For example, the standard of evaporator and condenser components in air conditioner assembling The processes of the process route include string U-tubes Tube expansion Bend , cleaning Pipe sealing Air tightness test, sorting, packaging and warehousing, etc. The processing sequence of U-tube is: Blanking elbow Pipe cutting , pipe closing and burring, etc.
Generally, routing data mainly includes routing code, routing name, routing type, manufacturing company materiel Code, material name, operation code, operation name, machining center code, outsourcing, time unit, preparation time, and processing center code working hours Time, moving time, waiting time, fixed machine time, variable machine time, fixed person time, variable person time, code in replacement work, effective date, expiration date, inspection mark, etc.
The process of preparing the process route includes determining raw materials and blanks; Based on product design data, consult enterprises stock List of material standards; Determine the specifications and models of raw materials and blanks according to the process requirements; Determine processing assembling The sequence is to determine the process; Determine the sequence of processing and assembly according to the existing and possible future conditions of the enterprise, similar workpieces, standard and similar process routes and experience; selected Work Center , according to the existing capabilities and possible future conditions of the enterprise; Determine the rating of each operation based on the requirements of size and accuracy working hours Etc.
Routing report
The process route and process are not static, but change with the production type, technological progress, product development and the continuous improvement of staff quality [1]

Type classification

Main process route
The main process route is a group of processes used most frequently to manufacture products. You can define a primary route and multiple alternative routes for a project. When defining a new primary routing, you can specify only the item (no alternative name) and a routing version. For example, you can include two processes—— assembling The item definition routing of the part and test operation. Generally, these processes are used to manufacture products, so you can define this project process as the main routing.
Alternative routing
Alternative routing
You can define alternative routing to describe different manufacturing that produce the same product technological process Different from the new main routing, you need to define an alternative routing by specifying the project and alternative name. You must define a primary routing before you can define an alternative routing, or any number of routing for a project. For example, you have three test devices. The new device can execute test A and test B at the same time, while the two old devices can only execute test A or test B. The best way is to use a new device that can perform two tests, but if it is not feasible, you can also use the other two devices to complete the task.
replace label detailed list And routing can share override labels. If you create an alternative list with the same label as the alternative routing, the component will be assigned to the operation on the alternative routing. If there is no routing with the same substitution label, the component will be assigned to the operation on the main routing.
Engineering route
You can define an engineering route as an alternative to a manufacturing route. This is generally used from the same manufacturing assembling The main routing of a part generates a variant of the routing.
Engineering and manufacturing routings share the same resource, department, and standard operation information.


Routing is an association Work Center , lead time and materiel The important basic data of basic data such as consumption quota is implementation Labor quota management Important means. In nature, the process route is a means to guide the manufacturing unit to complete the production task according to the specified operation process. In MRP, you can calculate the start date of components, parts, and materials based on the completion date, routing, and operation lead time of products, parts, and parts Subitem Date of completion. In CRP, you can calculate the work center's load (Consumed working hours )。 Therefore, routing is also the basis for calculating work center capacity requirements. According to the actual completion data collected in each process, enterprise managers can understand and monitor the completion of production progress. The standard labor hour data provided by routing to calculate processing costs is the basis and basis for cost accounting. The process route is an important document, which represents the operation mode of an operation in the factory. if Bill of Materials It is used to describe how the material is hierarchical structure If they are linked together, the routing describes the production steps and processes for manufacturing each material, and is used to determine the detailed Production progress The role of the process route is as follows:
Basis for cumulative lead time of inventory assemblies
When stock When defining an ITEM in a module, you can define the lead time information of each ITEM:
For procurement materiel We can define its pre-processing lead time (the length of time from the time when the purchase requisition is submitted to the time when the purchase order is released), processing lead time (the time from the time when the purchase order is released to the time when the supplier delivers the goods), and post-processing lead time (the time from the time when the goods are received to the time when the goods are available, such as the quality inspection time). The lead time of purchased parts needs to be entered manually.
For manufacturing materials, the lead time information can be accumulated through routing: the lead time information can be accumulated step by step by defining the time required for each step on the routing. Lead time information yes MRP Master data during planning: through the lead time setting, the system calculates the purchase start date and production start date backwards. Only when the material lead time information is set, can the system automatically release the purchase order by date (by setting the conditions for automatic release (such as three days in advance), the system automatically releases the purchase order on the correct date).
Basis of cost module roll assembly parts cost
assembling The cost of pieces is determined by material cost and working hours Expense cost Constitute. Within the system Bill of Materials Indicate the materials and quantity required to produce an assembly part. For the standard consumption of man hours and expenses, the system defines the routing: any input other than raw materials can be defined as resources (such as labor, equipment, fuel, plant, amount, etc.), and indirect inputs can be defined as expenses (administrative expenses, etc.). By defining the resources used in each step, Expenses Record the man hours and expenses into the material cost.
The MRP module is the basis for capacity calculation and assessment
ORACLE system provides Capability planning module The routing is the basic data for realizing the capacity plan. When the system performs MRP calculation, it can also consider the production capacity. For the production capacity in the system, it is expressed by defining resources in time units, such as human time and machine time. The production capacity of the production workshop is expressed by defining the quantity of resources owned by each production workshop. When carrying out capacity planning, the system will consider the amount of resources owned by the production workshop, obtain the amount of resources needed to produce products from the process route, and comprehensively consider whether the workshop has enough time to produce products according to the plan within a certain time.
Basic conditions for WIP real-time recording and control
If the management department wants the system to reflect the real-time production progress, it needs to define a detailed production process. In actual production, you can move the MO between operations in the routing to indicate the status of the MO.
If you want to realize process inspection through QA, you must define the routing so that the production task can be realized Mobile Transactions (MOs without routing cannot be moved.) When moving MOs, you can directly enter the quality collection plan associated with them.
If cost accounting needs to be recorded in the system in real time working hours The routing must be defined so that each MO can process resource transactions.
Realize system standard outsourcing function
The standard outsourcing function in the system is defined by Outsourcing resources and Outsourcing materials Realized by: associating outsourcing resources and outsourcing routing. When releasing or moving an MO in the system, the system automatically generates a purchase order for the related outsourcing materials according to the outsourcing resources used by the MO. When the purchase order for the outsourcing materials is received, the system automatically records the expenses of the outsourcing materials into the MO.
Accurately define bill of materials
After the routing is defined, it can be more accurately defined Bill of Materials : You can define the input step of each raw material, and more accurately calculate the time required for the material. WIP can automatically deduct specific materiel send stock The quantity on hand is more accurate.


Requirements for the accuracy of process route data and Bill of Materials Also, it should be more than 98%. If the process sequence is wrong, working hours Inaccurate quota will directly affect the calculation results of MRP and CRP, resulting in premature or late release of production orders, or inaccurate release quantity. If a job appears in the Dispatch List In fact, if the operation is not in the department, or an operation is in the department but not in the Dispatch List sent, the routing may be the root cause of the error. The routing error will also cause Work Center load Unbalanced, backlog of work in process, poor logistics and processing cost calculation errors. The accuracy of routing can be measured by calculating the number of routing sent to the workshop every week and the number of wrong routing fed back by the foreman every week.


Rectification of process route
For many enterprises, before MRP is put into operation obstacle namely correcting Routing. Most routing documents are consistent with the 80/20 principle, that is, 80% of activities occur in 20% of the routing. It will be difficult for many enterprises to calibrate all the process routes before installing MRP. However, with the help of MRP, there is a practical way.
(1) Before the MRP pilot, check and correct the process route that accounts for 20% of 80% of the activities.
(2) When MRP is gradually put into operation, use the plan to place an order several weeks in advance to indicate which routing must be checked and corrected.
(3) During the preparation of capacity plan and Dispatch List At the early stage of, ensure that the process route to be used in the near future is correct [2]


Maintenance of routing
Routing and Bill of Materials As is usually the case with Engineering Department Responsible for establishment and maintenance, such as Work Center The equipment installation time and single piece production time quota shall be determined by the engineering design department. At the same time, the actual work and the implementation of the process route shall be compared frequently, and the production process shall be reviewed in detail. There are many reasons for the change of the process route. For example, the product and production process may change, the equipment installation time and single piece production time standards may need to be adjusted according to the new operating data, and new products and new components may need a new process route. The routing is established and maintained by the engineering design department and used by the production department. After the MRP is put into operation, ask the foreman to Dispatch List Report the routing errors found at any time, so as to maintain the routing continuously. The change of process route shall be negotiated by the two departments.

Machining sequence

(1) Follow the principle of "datum first and then others", and first process the fine datum - the bottom surface and several holes on the bottom surface.
(2) Follow the principle of "roughing before finishing", and arrange the rough machining process first, then the finishing process.
(3) Follow the principle of "first primary, then secondary", and process the main surface - left end face and rear side face first, and then process the secondary surface - right end face and four corner end face.
(4) Follow the principle of "face before hole", milling each face first, then drilling holes on the face [3]