Engineering technology

Practical engineering technology
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Engineering technology refers to engineering Practical technology Science and technology refers more to scientific theory Technology. People also often call engineering technology as engineering, and science and technology as science.
Chinese name
Engineering technology
Foreign name
Engineering and technology
Production technology
It refers to practical engineering technology
Basic characteristics

Technical Introduction

The engineering technology with a long history is the construction engineering technology, and its theoretical basis is Theoretical mechanics With the need of national defense, military engineering technology has emerged, which integrates the engineering technology of different industries. In recent years, with the continuous development of scientific theory, there are more and more categories of engineering technology, such as genetic engineering Technology, information engineering technology, system engineering technology, satellite engineering technology, etc.
technical study Of Organizational system It also adopts two systems of engineering technology and science and technology, belonging to engineering Technical system For example, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Engineering Technology Research Center And other scientific and technological systems, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Different from the term science and technology, engineering and technology almost belong to the same category. For example, there is little difference between construction engineering and construction technology, and there is no big difference between information engineering and information technology. In some cases, engineering can refer to a certain project, while technology emphasizes the attributes of the project.


Engineering technology, also known as production technology, is the technology actually applied in industrial production. It means that people use scientific knowledge Or use technological development The research results of this paper are the means and methods for industrial production process to achieve the intended purpose of transforming nature.
Engineering technology
Engineering technology
Various forms of engineering technology have been formed with the different means, methods and purposes of human transformation of nature. For example, mining engineering that studies the tools, equipment and methods of ore deposit mining; Research metal smelting Equipment and process Metallurgical engineering Study the power plant and power network Equipment and power engineering in operation; Material engineering, which studies the composition, structure and function of materials, etc. In recent decades, with the development of science and technology comprehensive development The concept, means and methods of engineering technology have penetrated into all aspects of modern science and technology and social life, resulting in the emergence of biological genetic engineering Medical Engineering Educational Engineering Management engineering Military engineering , system engineering, etc. Engineering technology has broken through the scope of industrial production technology, and shows its broad prospects.

Basic characteristics



People's activities to transform the objective nature are all for the survival of human beings and the needs of society, so it is necessary to use the means and methods of engineering technology.
Engineering technology
Select, strengthen and maintain the movement of objective substances for the benefit of mankind according to the purpose of human beings, and limit and exclude those that are not conducive to human beings and social needs Possibility. For example, water has many advantages and disadvantages. The task of water conservancy project construction is to promote benefits and eliminate disadvantages. Water conservancy engineering technology reflects this practicality. Every tool and machine created and used by people also has a specific purpose, and every tool and machine is based on Material form To reflect the use of people. Tools, machines, etc Labor materials It is no longer a natural thing in natural form, but an artificial natural thing. They should follow natural law Sports, however, must meet a specific purpose of people. If their movements are not suitable for human use, they will engineering accident If completely separated from human use, it will become a pile of scrap iron, which will slowly erode away. Therefore, engineering technology must be practical. Without practicality, it has no vitality.


Any engineering technology project has a specific goal, but the realization of this goal is subject to many conditions, that is, the selection, scale Development speed , capital, energy, materials, equipment, manpower, technology, environment and other conditions. All engineering technologies must be considered at the conception stage of design National economy and social development It is necessary and possible to form several schemes. Then analyze and evaluate each scheme one by one, and select one that can meet both the practical requirements and the above constraint condition The best plan is feasible. Of course, the feasibility of engineering technology is also a dynamic concept. A project is not feasible in one period, but feasible in another period. Various constraints are also changeable. By taking various measures, we can actively create conditions, or we can change conditions to find a new way. Therefore, we must try our best to determine the economic and social Applicable technology


Engineering technology must take the promotion of economic and social development as the primary task, and must have good economic effects So as to achieve advanced technology and economic performance Unification of. Because the materialized form of engineering technology is both natural and socio-economic. It is not only governed by natural laws, but also subject to Social law , especially economic law Domination of. An engineering technology, although it conforms to Latest science The clarified natural law cannot exist or develop if it does not meet social requirements, cannot improve labor productivity, cannot bring economic benefits, and lacks competitiveness. For example, mechanical industrial product It is an important material for modern production technical equipment In the past 20 or 30 years, mechanical products have also changed with each passing day, and various departments of the national economy require continuous provision of new products with high efficiency, good quality, perfect performance, convenient operation, and durability, especially the products must have specific functions. The so-called function refers to the specific use and use value Design Machinery industry When producing products, we should use scientific methods to carry out thorough and meticulous technical and economic functional analysis Through functional analysis, we can find out which functions are necessary, which functions are excessive, and which functions are insufficient. In the improvement scheme, unnecessary functions can be removed, excess functions can be weakened, and insufficient functions can be supplemented, so that the product has a reasonable functional structure. In ensuring the realization of Product Functions In order to provide the society with high-quality, inexpensive and durable advanced technical equipment, we should reduce the cost as much as possible, or improve the function under the condition that the cost remains unchanged, so as to optimize the combination of cost and function.


Engineering technology
Engineering technology is usually a comprehensive application of many disciplines. It not only uses Basic Sciences applied science And other knowledge should be applied at the same time social sciences Theoretical achievements. According to the current situation of our country, we should also adopt multiple levels of technology at the same time. With the development and progress of engineering technology, its comprehensiveness is becoming more and more significant. Modern engineering technology comprehensively uses a variety of learning systems and material systems (materials, design departments, and a variety of technologies and technical means Project It is a complex integrated system composed of human resources, funds, energy, etc.), information systems (indicators, progress, data, drawings, plans, decisions, etc.) and control systems. Even single project technology is not only comprehensive in itself, but also comprehensive consideration and evaluation in the whole system.
In a word, the above characteristics reflect the essential characteristics of engineering technology, which embodies the objective and subjective, natural and socio-economic laws, local and overall Dialectical unity Therefore, engineering technology plays an important role in the development of national economy.

History of technology development

Ancient and ancient flint spearheads, about 100000 years ago, have the same history of technology as human beings. Some major types of tools are found in almost every archaeological discovery of ancient humans, even in the era of skillful people. However, other animals are also found to be able to learn to use and refine tools, so it is incorrect to regard humans as the only animals that can use and make tools. The history of technology follows the process from simple tools and energy (mostly human) to complex high-tech tools and energy.
The earliest technology will simply transform existing natural resources into simple tools, such as stones, trees and other plants, bones and other animal by-products. By simple means such as carving, chiseling, scraping, winding and baking, the raw materials can be transformed into useful products. anthropologist Many shelters and tools made by early humans from natural resources have been found. This period is called Stone Age
About 500000 to 1 million years ago, humans began to use fire and then master it, which is an important turning point in the evolution of technology in human history [1], providing a simple energy with many far-reaching uses. Perhaps the first time to use fire for heating was in the preparation of food, which greatly increased food sources such as plants and animals, because it greatly reduced the rate of food decay.
Fire extends to the processing of natural materials, and allows the use of natural materials that need to be processed by fire. (The oldest throwing weapon found today is a wooden spear fixed by fire, about 250000 years ago) Wood and charcoal are the first materials used for energy. Wood, clay and stone (such as limestone) were the first materials to be shaped and processed by fire, and were used to manufacture such processed products as weapons, pottery, bricks and cement. Continuous improvement has created stoves and bellows, and the ability to refine and forge natural metals. Gold, copper, silver and lead were the first metals that could be refined. The advantages of copper tools, which are superior to stone, bone and wooden tools, quickly showed up in early humans, and Native copper It was used in the early Neolithic Age (about 8000 BC). There is no large amount of natural copper in nature, but copper mine It is very common, and some can be easily made from wood or charcoal.
Around 4000 BC, the production of metal led to bronze and brass And other alloys, so it is called Bronze Age Steel, etc ferroalloy Its first use was in the Iron Age, 1400 BC.
The wheel was invented about 4000 BC.
In the meantime, humans learned to control other types of energy. The earliest known use of wind power was sailboats. A book with sails was found in an Egyptian mural dating back to 3200 BC. from Prehistoric era At the beginning, Egyptians used it“ the Nile The once a year flood river irrigates their land and gradually learns to build Irrigation canal And pools to manage the fields. Similarly, Mesopotamia The Sumerians learned to use Tigris River and Euphrates River For the same purpose. But more wind power and water power, and even the use of manpower, need to be invented again.

Production and development

Sprouting and initial stage
Engineering technology
Engineering technology was started by primitive people from making tools. When human ancestors first made primitive stones tool of production When stone tools were used, they realized the transformation from apes to humans, and opened the historical prologue of human conquest of nature. From making clumsy stone knife The increasingly sophisticated stone tool processing is an important creation in human history. It took millions of years to make stone tools. It was the first stone tool Machining process , namely, the initial sprout of engineering technology. About half a million years ago, the primitive people forest fire During long-term observation and practice, gradually learn to use natural fire, and reserve fire to warm, illuminate, cook food and defend wild animals. In the future, people will fight against Millstone And to wood processing Sparks, smoke, heat and other phenomena are often found in the process of. After hundreds of thousands of years of exploration, it was finally realized by friction Manual ignition The discovery and use of fire human civilization The development of has played a huge role in promoting. In this regard, Engels Zeng highly commented that: "In terms of the worldwide liberation effect, friction has exceeded steam engine , because friction and fire make people dominate a kind of natural force So as to finally bring people together Animal kingdom Separate. " About 20000 years ago, people began to use bows and arrows, Firing pottery Wait a minute, these are all budding engineering technologies. Stone tool grinding technology is Primitive society productivity The main sign of development.
About 6000 to 4000 years ago, people gradually mastered the technology of improving furnace temperature in the production practice of pottery. Later, natural materials were found in various stones for manufacturing labor tools pure copper Thus, mankind first realized the smelting of copper. Bronze tools The productive forces caused by the use of "Tao" eventually led to the disintegration of the primitive society and the emergence of slave society. In addition to building water conservancy, the construction technology of this period has reached a very high level. Ancient Egypt Built Pyramid , and China Shang and Zhou Dynasties The exquisite bronze wares of the period marked a new height in the development of engineering technology in this period, and accumulated rich practical experience in bronze smelting technology. Thanks to the invention Bellows The iron smelting technology also gradually came into being and developed, and the first ironware appeared. The substitution of iron tools for stone tools is another major change in engineering technology. The invention of iron smelting technology and the wide use of ironware were the most important achievements of science and technology in this period, which greatly improved social labor productivity Not only caused the slave society to feudal society The important conditions for the transition also became the main technical basis of the whole feudal society.
It can be seen that the initial development of engineering technology has gone through three historical stages: primitive society, slave society and feudal society. The basic feature of this historical period is that engineering technology is mainly in the materialization stage of experience, and production technology is basically manual. Since the emergence of class in society, engineering technology has been developing in a society of class opposition. At this time, create in production Material wealth Slaves, peasants and handicraftsman Their practical experience is technical progress The foundation of. However, the main production tools and public wealth But was Slave owner And the landlord. The progress of engineering technology in this period was promoted by production on the one hand, and on the other hand Social class The profound influence of. However, the development of production and the accumulation of experience are still the fundamental driving forces to promote technological progress. On the whole, the progress of early engineering technology was quite slow, and the level of productivity was also low. On the one hand, the technical foundation is weak; On the other hand, slave owners and landlord class They don't care about the improvement of technology. stay Slavery In society, slaves are regarded as living tools, and they resist the cruel oppression of slave owners by means of sabotage and destruction of labor tools in production. In order to prevent the destruction of slaves, slave owners only used the roughest, heaviest and indestructible tools for slaves. Feudal landlord class Only through land rent and various Super economic exploitation The means squeeze the blood and sweat of farmers, while the improvement of agricultural production tools is of no importance to them. When the slave owners and landlords went into decline, they became even more extravagant, using violence to suppress the people, so that production was destroyed and the economy stagnated, which seriously hindered the development of engineering technology. Marx pointed out that:“ modern industry The technological foundation of Production mode The technical basis of is essentially conservative. " The mode of production of slavery and feudalism is based on Conservatism After all, it cannot exist for a long time. It is inevitable that the new mode of production characterized by the continuous revolution of engineering technology will defeat the old mode of production.
(1) Engineering Technological change Social conditions
Since the 1860s industrial revolution It is the first time after using iron in human history technological revolution It starts at textile industry The mechanization of, with the invention and widespread use of the steam engine as the main symbol, thus promoting the emergence and development of modern engineering technology.
Modern engineering technology came into being capitalism In the revolutionary era, this revolution was mainly based on British Industrial Revolution and French bourgeois revolution
Recorded in history. In feudal society, the development of engineering technology contributed to bourgeois class And make him a new social ruling class The bourgeoisie is overthrowing Feudal system Later, it also promoted the further development of engineering technology. The bourgeoisie needs scientific and technological discoveries and inventions because capitalism Production determined. Capitalist production is based on pursuit surplus value Purposive commodity production The competition among capitalists is Capitalist mode of production The internal law of. If capitalists want to make money and defeat each other in the competition, they must constantly expand the scale of production, constantly improve production tools and technical equipment, replace manual labor with machine production, and replace old machines with new ones. The industrial revolution in Britain, which began in the 18th century, was the beginning and preparation for the great development of productive forces under the capitalist system, thus promoting the reform of engineering technology. The transformation of engineering technology starts from cotton textile industry Of Working machine Started. Thanks to the new working machine, Power machine The revolution of transmission Changes have also taken place accordingly.
(2) Invention and improvement of steam engine
Engineering technology
The invention of the steam engine is mainly due to the British textile industry and Mining industry But its technology is much more widely used. The original steam engine was first born in a prototype technology of Newcomen in the 18th century. Later British craftsmen watt Applied Blake's“ specific heat ”And“ latent heat ”Guided by theory, it improved the Newcomen steam engine, solved the problem of cylinder leakage, and invented condenser Later he invented Centrifugal governor And flywheel, so as to improve the efficiency of the steam engine theoretically and practically, and make the steam engine applicable to everything industrial sector Of Prime mover Since then, steam engine has been the main power of the working machine. Engels pointed out that "steam and new Tool machine hold Workshop handicraft It has become a modern big industry, thus revolutionizing the whole foundation of bourgeois society. "
The invention and improvement of the steam engine was the decisive factor of the industrial revolution, which greatly accelerated the transformation from Manual production The process of industrial revolution in transition to machine production has promoted the overall transformation of industrial production technology. Have successively invented Steam steamer (1807) and steam locomotive (1817) Transportation A revolution has taken place in the cause. At the same time, metallurgical industry, especially ironmaking and steelmaking technology has also been greatly developed. Henry, an American mechanic Mozley (1771-1831) All the old lathes were changed to iron ones, and they were made into sliding belts in 1797 tool carrier This is a major breakthrough in the history of machine tool development. From then on, in the process of machining, people can not hold the tool directly, but just manipulate the tool holder. The lathe can be designed according to the specified size Automatic processing cylinder Or screw, this is Machining technology An important creation in the history of development, which marks Cutting A qualitative leap has been completed, from which mechanical operation Metal cutting machine The machine tool has been developed rapidly and further improved.
Engineering technology
Of this period Technical Invention Although these inventions were made to meet the needs of capitalist production technological development It is basically created by the experience of craftsmen or engineers. Although these inventions conform to the laws of mechanics and physics, few of them natural scientist Participate in and use the conscious guidance of scientific theory, which is similar to the nature of early engineering technology. However, the development of early engineering technology was not valued by the feudal ruling class at that time, while the bourgeoisie paid attention to technology Invention In the early years, British capitalists established the patent system "The consequences of the first technological revolution marked by the widespread use of steam engines, as Marx and Engels pointed out: the productive forces created by the bourgeoisie in its class rule of less than one hundred years are more than and larger than the total productive forces created by all previous generations." Steam engines and working machines provide a powerful tool for capitalist production Basis of Material Technology , became the triumph of capitalism feudalism And establish a powerful weapon for the capitalist mode of production. The bourgeoisie in the rising period took a series of measures because it attached great importance to science, which also effectively promoted the development of natural science in this period. New experiments, new materials, new laws and new theories have sprung up, and mechanics has become more mature, Molecular physics electromagnetics , chemistry, biology and mathematics have entered their own fields New stage Since the second half of the 15th century Modern Natural Science In the 19th century, it has entered the stage of sorting out materials from the stage of collecting materials, and all sciences are nearly perfect. The theoretical natural science tends to mature, laying the foundation for the theorization and scientization of engineering technology.
(1) Generation of motor and application of electric energy
The 1870s was the beginning of the age of electricity. The application of electricity is the second time after the use of steam engines technological revolution Although this technological revolution is certainly a new demand for power put forward by big industry, its emergence does not come directly from production, but from scientific experiments, from the Electromagnetic phenomenon Results of the study. Electricity and magnetism were discovered more than 2000 years ago natural phenomena But before the 19th century, people regarded them as irrelevant. In the 19th century, Italy Volt (1745-1827), a physicist of Chemical battery (1800); Denmark Oster found out Magnetic effect of current (1819), the research on electricity and magnetism was carried out rapidly. A scientist born in 1831 as a British worker Faraday Found Law of electromagnetic induction , which is the theoretical basis of the generator.
In 1832, according to the law of electromagnetic induction, Pichy of France used Permanent magnet The rotor is made into a generator. Later, from 1840 to 1865, people made electromagnetic motors and used them in electroplating Pair rotor And stator have been improved for many times, and in 1867, Siemens in Germany was first made into self-excited type DC generator , which uses a powerful electromagnet The efficiency is much higher than that of the early electromagnetic machine. Later, 1870 Gram In 1872, Germany's Altenek invented the drum rotor, and the generator entered the practical stage. The valuable motor has been made. Since then, electricity has replaced steam power. In the 1980s, the problem of long-distance power transmission was solved, from the manufacture of practical generators and motors to the technical success of distribution networks and long-distance power transmission, power industry They began to establish, and opened up the electrified New era In 1844, American Morse (1791-1872) invented the telegraph, and in 1876, American Bell invented the telephone. The radio technology that emerged at the end of the 19th century was already widely used Cable telegraphy After and telephone, more powerful communication tools have been added. So, Human history The modern society based on electricity has appeared on the Internet material civilization , widely used in power, lighting, communication, etc Social production and civil life All areas of. The application of electricity makes the whole industrial production A society created by electricity productivity than Steam age Much higher.
From the development of the experiment and theory of electromagnetism to the emergence of the electric power era, it vividly shows that after science has entered a relatively mature stage, science not only can directly promote the development of production, but also has gone ahead of production and played a guiding role. So that engineering technology has developed from a stage mainly based on the experience and skills of workers to a stage mainly characterized by the application of science in industrial production. This is a new beginning of the relationship between science and production
(2) Invention and use of internal combustion engine
With the development of capitalist industries, steam engines can no longer meet the needs of power. By improving Heat engine efficiency and thermodynamics The research led to the invention of internal combustion engine. At the end of the 19th century, it was made by German scientist Otto Gas engine Later, he invented gasoline engine And heavy oil engine. In 1892, German Diesel developed a high pressure shrink type that can use low-grade fuel Automatic ignition The internal combustion engine makes it a practical power machine. If we say that generators are first and foremost beneficial to urban industry, the invention and application of internal combustion engines have revolutionized agricultural production technology. The use of tractors has promoted the mass production and Agricultural mechanization The process of. The invention of the internal combustion engine has also developed the automobile manufacturing industry. The widespread use of automobiles, highway network The construction of the new era has greatly strengthened the relationship between production and society. The development of large industry and cities has broken the blocking situation in rural areas, and cars have become an important part of transportation.
1913 United States Ford Adopted by automobile factory Special machine tool The production of automobiles is specialized, standardized and streamlined Means of transport send Production process It is a pioneer of modern production. The invention and application of internal combustion engine has also changed the situation of railway transportation and has become a powerful power for various transportation. More importantly, in 1903, the first plane of mankind was equipped with a gasoline engine and flew in the sky. The illusion of mankind for thousands of years has finally come true.
In short, the rapid development of the production technology of motors and internal combustion engines has not only caused the growing rise of large industries, but also greatly changed the backward face of society and accelerated the process of historical development.
In the 1940s and 1950s atomic energy Industrial, electronic computer and space technology The third technological revolution is the main symbol. The content of this technological revolution is more abundant than that of the previous two, and its influence is more far-reaching. It also includes automatic control, remote sensing, laser and synthetic material At the same time, a new comprehensive Basic theory one cybernetics information theory and system theory , etc.
(1) Development and utilization of atomic energy
Engineering technology
The development and utilization of atomic energy is a technological frontier that has developed rapidly in the past three decades. Since the 1930s, due to the development of electric power industry and radio High voltage multiplier Electrostatic accelerator and cyclotron , make people nuclear reaction Great progress has been made in experiments. As early as 1922, British scientist Aston isotope The theory of Nucleus The energy contained in can be used as power for factories or for manufacturing in the future Nuclear bomb In 1932, an accelerator was used to realize the transformation of the atomic nucleus. In the same year, neutrons were discovered. It was immediately used as artillery shells to realize nuclear reactions. 1933 German Hahn , Strassman and others found that bombarding the uranium nucleus with neutrons can split the uranium nucleus into two pieces and release energy at the same time, which is called atomic energy. Experiments have confirmed the practical possibility of using atomic energy, and have estimated how much energy can be released from one gram of uranium in fission. Uranium atom Nuclear fission The discovery of the phenomenon has opened a new era of atomic energy utilization.
At that time, it was the Second World War On the eve of the war and the urgent military needs, all countries immediately turned to the practical military use of atomic energy. Used by the United States in 1945 Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239 Made Fast neutron chain reaction Explosive device Atomic bomb As the energy source of industrial power, atomic energy was only in the stage of experiment and exploration in the 1950s, but after the 1970s, Atomic power generation Technology has been popularized and applied. In addition, to meet the needs of space technology development, nuclear reactor Major breakthroughs have also been made in miniaturization.
(2) The emergence and development of electronic computers
Electronic computer, usually refers to electronic digital storage program computer. It is an electronic device that can automatically and rapidly calculate data and process information. Electronic computers were originally developed by military needs. During the Second World War, high-speed flying Jet aircraft And missiles. Radar can find targets, but if there is no fast computing equipment To conduct ballistic calculation and control air defense fire, then Air defense radar No matter how good the performance is, it is meaningless. It can only be found but it is too late to fight back. It is in this case that electronic computers came into being.
Electronic computers are developing towards giant, micro, network, intelligent simulation and so on. Electronic computers are widely used in Auto-Control And promote industrial production and engineering technology to realize automation rapidly. In the early 1950s, electronic computers began to be used Jet aircraft , then used for missiles, etc Strategic weapons , and launch Artificial satellite With the electronic computer technology The development of, especially the emergence of a large number of micro computers, the use of electronic computers for automatic control is also increasingly widespread Cosmic space , industrial production, transportation and commercial sectors automata , automatic instruments, automatic chemical plants, workshops, and even large automatic system It not only saves manpower, but also improves labour productivity , so that factories and enterprises can get fundamental technological transformation, and also create Human intelligence The robot can be used at the bottom of the sea, high mountains and other places where humans cannot work and live Automated production , collect data. And use the special conditions of space to establish automatic Space laboratory And space factories. Electronic computers are also widely used in economy, military affairs, transportation, scientific research, culture and education, medical treatment, science and technology Information And book management. Computer technology is essentially different from the previous technology, because it brings human intelligence and thinking mental labour The liberation of. Modernization based on electronic computers Development of information technology It is another major technological revolution in human history, which has increasingly and profoundly affected the changes in modern production, economy, science and human social life.
Engineering technology
Space science and technology is an independent science and technology gradually formed in the 1950s. It revolves around man-made satellites (including spacecraft )It is a comprehensive science and technology for the development, launch and application of. Space science and technology is an important indicator of the development of science and technology in a country. Satellite technology has reached the stage of practical use, Application satellite There are many kinds of Reconnaissance satellite Earth resource satellite meteorological satellite Communication satellite Scientific satellite Etc. Space science and technology have been widely used in military affairs, national economy and scientific research In many aspects, it has entered the infinite and vast space, thus expanding people's horizons and opening up a new place for human beings to understand and transform nature.
To sum up, since the birth of engineering technology, Experienced Three epoch-making technological revolutions. The first technological revolution, marked by the widespread use of steam engines, played a huge role in the development of productive forces. The second technological revolution, marked by the widespread use of electricity Production field A profound revolutionary character Changes have greatly developed the social productive forces labour productivity It has been greatly improved and promoted the progress of human material civilization. The third technological revolution, marked by the use of atomic energy, the emergence of electronic computers and space technology, has brought social mass production and Modern science and technology Closer integration, so that the production scale and Object of labor More profound changes have taken place, and social productivity and labor productivity have developed faster and improved significantly. People are striving to realize the fourth technological revolution around 2000 genetic engineering And other new breakthroughs. We can expect that the ability of human beings to understand and transform nature will be greatly improved at that time. The rapid development of social productivity will have a more profound impact on all aspects of social life, so that human physical strength and intelligence will also be more liberated.
The history of engineering technology development shows that its development is certainly influenced by production, science Production relations and Superstructure The strong influence of. However, once a major breakthrough is made in engineering technology, it will bring prosperity to economic development. Practice tells us that only relying on technological progress is the fundamental way to promote the rapid development of social productivity. In the contemporary era, a country's scientific and technological level and ability to apply science and technology have increasingly become a measure of this National strength (including economic strength National defense strength )An extremely important symbol of. Any country, no matter what its national conditions, no matter what it is social system , do not attach importance to science and technology, do not attach importance to Scientific research achievements It is impossible for its economy to develop by leaps and bounds if it is popularized and applied. In order to carry out the construction of the four modernizations of socialism, China must also rely on science and technology, especially attach importance to applied technology And production technology. Therefore, in order to realize the four modernizations, China must develop engineering science and technology, because engineering science and technology is to develop industry, increase production, and improve product quality and cost reduction The key to. Industry developed country Our experience has proved this, which is worthy of our careful reference.