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industrial economy

Economic development mainly depends on the possession and allocation of natural resources
industrial economy , also called resources Economy, that is, economic development mainly depends on natural resources Possession and allocation of.
Chinese name
industrial economy
Foreign name
Industrial Economy
Also called
Resource economy
Depends on the possession and allocation of natural resources
Successfully developed intellectual resources


Due to the continuous development of science and technology, the continuous accumulation of knowledge, and the increasing ability of human beings to develop nature, most of the recognizable resources have become scarce resources. World wars since the 19th century are mainly aimed at plundering or defending natural resources Recently launched by the United States Iraq War , mainly for Gulf region Of oil resources Under the condition of national independence, with resources, we can develop the economy.

Historical development

Since the 19th century, the world developed country Completed in succession industrial revolution , science and technology have made great progress, tractors and machine tools have replaced Manual production Tools, cars, trucks, ships and planes have replaced the backward means of transportation, and production efficiency has been greatly improved. But in this period, knowledge has not yet played a decisive role in the economy. Iron ore , coal, oil and other major resources for developing machine production soon became scarce resources, and began to restrict economic development. Therefore, economic development at this stage mainly depends on the possession of natural resources.


In the stage of industrial economy, production is mainly distributed according to natural resources (including those formed through labor Means of production )To take possession of. So, although production efficiency Greatly improved, Material wealth Greatly increased, but the majority of the people living standard The increase of is not proportional to this. It took about 100 years for major western countries to solve the problem of food and clothing, and it took about 50 years for them to become well-off, before they began to become rich gradually. During this period, they were basically popularized secondary education , started the talent's free flow , successfully developed intellectual resources

China's economic transformation

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments will develop Productive services As a way to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading Deep integration of industrialization and industrialization , Go New industrialization road We have made solid progress in this important work. [1]
As Modern service industry The core and main components of the producer services include transportation Modern logistics Financial insurance Business services And other industries. stay global economy In the context of overall relative downturn, many of these industries have become Economic downturn "A touch of bright color" in. The counter trend growth of producer services has made it not only a Modern manufacturing The important supporting force of Steady growth Structure adjustment Role played in promoting reform Not to be ignored [1]
As the supporting service industry of manufacturing industry, producer service industry has become an important supporting force of China's modern manufacturing industry. The material basis of the development of producer services in China objective condition Further improvement and increased opportunities for international development have ushered in new opportunities for accelerated development. [1]
our country Value added of service industry occupy gross domestic product Is not only less than high income country About 70%, which is also lower than that of China Development stage The relatively new Market economy countries About 50%. Vigorously developing producer services is promising and will boost China Industrial structure adjustment To accelerate China's progress from an "industrial economy"“ service economy ”The pace of. [1]