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Industrial type

[gōng yè lèi xíng]
Industrial strategic industry type
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1. Concept: Industrial strategic industry refers to the type of industry that requires priority development in the future. 2. Features: large capital investment, priority investment, rapid growth, large resource investment and high policy inclination. Industrial strategic industry is the center of national economic construction and can drive or promote a lot Related industries Development, promote technological progress.
Chinese name
Industrial type
Types of industries requiring priority development
Large capital construction investment, priority investment, etc
Can drive or promote a lot Related industries development

Industrial function classification


Industrial strategic industry

3. Main types: (1) Bottleneck industry ——In the current and future development process, Industrial structure Already appeared in the system
And the possible short-term industries, the forward contact department needs the industry to provide Input It is more than the maximum production capacity of the industry, or its maximum additive capacity is far less than all the inputs provided to the contact departments. China's bottleneck industry is energy. Cause waste of resources and productivity of long-term departments; cause Industrial sector structure Unreasonable causes the comprehensive production capacity of industry to decline. yes Bottleneck industry Key investments must be made.
(2) pillar industry ——It refers to the industrial total output value The industry that plays an important role in. It may be the sector whose output value and supply accumulation account for a large proportion in the industry, or the sector that the country must rely on to complete the strategy of economic detergent, or it may be the sector related to the national economy and people's livelihood and the stability of the national economy and society, such as food, textile, chemistry, etc.
(3) prime mover industry ——Refers to Industrial structure In the system, the industrial industry has many connections with other industrial industries and other industries of the national economy. There may be more backward or forward contact departments than general industrial industries, and the substitution of demand is weak. Others Related industries It has a strong dependence on it. Its rise and fall directly affect the development of other industries. The improvement of its product quality can promote the technical improvement of related industries, with a strong joint promotion effect.
generally speaking prime mover industry stay Regional economic growth The dominant position in China can influence and drive the development of other industries through its extensive connection with other industries, and then play a leading role in regional economic growth. prime mover industry It has two important functions, large production scale and high product output rate. It accounts for an important proportion of similar products in China and can affect the whole region economic activity
Strategies for different stages of industrial development industry It is different.

Other industrial types

(1) Related industries ——Refers to direct contact with prime mover industry In product Input and output The industries that are related to technology and provide support and cooperation for the development of leading industries can be divided into forward (industries that use the products of leading industries), backward (industries that provide information for leading industries) and lateral (industries that provide technical schools, energy and other services for leading industries) according to the contact information.
(2) Basic industries - basic industrial sectors that provide means of production and other support (production, life, society) for other basic national industrial sectors, such as transportation, health care, health, agriculture, raw materials, energy, transportation, post and telecommunications, etc.
Some people also divide it into consumption tendency (poor transportability can only be consumed on the spot), wide distribution (large demand for products, factories in the consumption place, and low limitation of layout conditions), and products cannot flow in space.
(3) Potential industry (possible in the future prime mover industry ), the current scale is small Regional economic growth Industries that have little impact but represent the direction of industrial development and have great development potential.

Divided according to intensity



according to industry In production activities production factors The degree of dependence.


(1) Resource intensive - high dependence on resources, power, mining, agriculture
(2) labour-intensive ——High dependence on labor force, traditional textile industry Food processing, steel, shipbuilding, etc.
(3) capital-intensive ——Large amount of capital to purchase raw materials, steel, metallurgy and chemical industry
(4) Knowledge and technology intensive - products are highly dependent on knowledge (knowledge of research institutions, universities, scientific research breakthroughs) and technology (workers who rely on a large number of technology inputs and master complex technologies), High tech industry The rise of( IT industry , bioengineering, genetic engineering, laser, etc.)

According to location factors



Different industrial sectors have different production processes and production characteristics, different production input factors, and different production costs. Therefore, according to the different leading factors that affect the cost, industrial locations can be divided into different guidance types.


(1) Raw material oriented industry - industries where raw materials are not convenient for long-distance transportation or where the cost of transporting raw materials is high.
(2) Market oriented industry - industry where products are not convenient for long-distance transportation or the cost of transporting products is high.
(3) Power oriented industry - an industry that consumes a lot of energy.
(4) Labor oriented industry - an industry that requires a large amount of labor.
(5) Technology oriented industry - industry with high technical requirements.