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ex-factory price of manufactured goods

Price of products sold by industrial and mining enterprises to commerce, materials or enterprises
The ex factory price of industrial products refers to the price at which industrial and mining enterprises sell their products to commercial, material enterprises or other production enterprises. For buyers, it is their purchase price. It is composed of the medium cost of normal production plus appropriate industrial profits and taxes, in which cost is the main basis and the lowest economic boundary for setting the factory price of industrial products. The ex factory price of industrial products is related to the transformation of industrial commodities into monetary forms, and is an important condition for industrial enterprises to reproduce; It is the first price for industrial products entering the circulation field from the production field and the basis for formulating the wholesale price, allocation price, supply price and retail price of industrial products. [1]
Chinese name
ex-factory price of manufactured goods
Foreign name
Producer’s Price for Manufactured Products

Price composition

Ex factory price index of industrial products
The ex factory price of industrial products is determined by the production cost profit and Taxes Three parts. In China, the ex factory price is Planned price An important part of the Price policy And comprehensively consider the price comparison of products, supply and demand, national accumulation and people's Consumption level And other factors.

Price form

The ex factory price of industrial products in China has a variety of price forms, mainly including the ex factory price uniformly stipulated by the state and the range floating price (see Planned price ), industrial internal settlement price, preferential price for supporting agriculture, industrial self selling price, Collaborative price (including process collaboration price) and new products trial pricing , etc. A reasonable ex factory price of industrial products is conducive to promoting production development, promoting enterprises to improve business management, improving product quality, increasing product varieties, and reducing product costs Circulation cost And improve economic benefits.

producer price index

ex-factory price of manufactured goods
It is a relative number that reflects the trend and degree of changes in the overall level of factory prices of industrial products across the country or regions in different periods or years. In China's industrial statistics, the index of gross output value is usually divided by total output The index method is to estimate the ex factory price index of industrial products.
The ex factory price of industrial products includes industrial enterprises selling to commerce, foreign trade material Besides the products of the departments, they also include the means of production sold to industry and other departments, and consumer goods directly sold to residents. Calculated accordingly index To analyze the change of ex factory price Total industrial output value Impact. at present Total industrial output value Yes Press present price and Constant price Calculated. Press Constant price The development speed of the calculated gross industrial output value is the product with the factory price change deducted Volume index The calculation formula is:
Ex factory price index of industrial products =Total industrial output value Total index /Total index of total industrial output × 100%
PPI is also called Producer price index
The main purpose of PPI is to measure the price changes of various commodities in different production stages. Generally speaking, the production of goods can be divided into three stages:
1、 Completion stage: no processing procedures will be carried out for the goods;
2、 Intermediate stage: the commodities need further processing;
3、 Original stage: the goods have not been processed in any way.
PPI is a measure of the trend and degree of changes in factory prices of industrial enterprises index , reflecting a certain period Production field Importance of price changes Economic indicators Is also to formulate relevant economic policies and National accounts Important basis for.
according to Price transmission Regularity, PPI has a certain impact on CPI
PPI reflects production links price level CPI Reflect the price level of the consumption link. whole price level The fluctuation of Production field , and then via Industrial chain towards Downstream industry Diffusion and finally consumer goods. Industrial chain It can be divided into two items:
First, the production of industrial products as raw materials. There are raw materials → Means of production → Transmission of means of subsistence.
The other is the production of agricultural products as raw materials Means of agricultural production → agricultural products → food transmission.
ex-factory price of manufactured goods
In China, according to the above two transmission paths, the second one is that the transmission of agricultural products to food is relatively sufficient. Since 2006, the rise of grain prices has been the main factor driving the rise of CPI. But the first is that the transmission of industrial products to CPI is basically ineffective.
Since CPI not only includes the price of consumer goods, but also the price of services, CPI and PPI are not strictly corresponding in terms of statistical caliber, so it is possible that the changes of CPI and PPI are inconsistent. CPI and CPI continue to deviate, which is inconsistent with Price transmission law. Price transmission The main reason for the break is that the industrial product market is in the buyer's market and the government controls the price of public goods artificially.
Under different market conditions, the price of industrial products tends to the final consumption Price transmission There are two possible situations: first, under the condition of the seller's market, the rise in the price of industrial products (such as electricity, water, coal and other energy, raw material prices) caused by rising costs will eventually be smoothly transmitted to the price of consumer goods; Second, in the buyer's market, because supply exceeds demand, it is difficult to transfer the price of industrial goods to the price of consumer goods. Enterprises need to digest the rising costs by reducing profits, which results in middle and downstream products price steadiness , and may even continue to decline, reducing corporate profits. Some enterprises that are difficult to digest the rising costs may face bankruptcy. The prices of industrial products that can successfully complete transmission (mainly the prices of energy raw materials such as electricity, coal and water) are currently mainly within the scope of government price adjustment. When the upstream product price (CPI) continues to rise, enterprises cannot smoothly pass on the upstream costs, which will increase the final consumer goods price (CPI) and ultimately reduce the profits of enterprises.