
[gōng yè huà]
The rising process of industry in the total proportion of national production
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Industrialization is usually defined as Industry (especially the manufacturing industry )Or the secondary industry output value (or income) in Gross National Product (or national income )Medium proportion The process of continuous increase and the proportion of industrial employment in total employment rise Process.
Industrial development is one of the prominent features of industrialization, but industrialization cannot narrow Land is only understood as industrial development. Because industrialization is modernization The core content of agricultural society Towards modernity industrial society The process of transformation. In this process, industrial development is by no means isolated But always with agriculture Urbanization and Service industry Development complements each other.
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The rising process of industry in the total proportion of national production


Although in Marx and Engels The term "industrialization" does not appear in his works, but the concept clearly exists. Marx put“ modern industry ”, "factory system" or "machine system" Workshop handicraft A distinction is made. The reason why modern industry is different from workshop handicraft industry is that machines play a major role. "Only when the tool changes from the tool of human body to a mechanical device Tool machine Only after the development of the engine, did it achieve an independent and completely free form of human constraints. So... a single tool machine is reduced to a simple element of machine production "( Capital Volume 1, page 415)
In comparison with handicraft industry, Marx Machine system The development of is divided into two stages.
In the first stage“ Simple collaboration ”That is, it is just the "assembly" of "the same kind of working machines that work together at the same time" in the factory, and they use a single power source.
In the second stage, it is an "organized machine system". At this time, products will be transferred from one production stage to another through continuous handover of work between local machines. When this organized system is perfected, and the entire production process can be carried out only by workers looking around, it becomes an "automatic machine system" (ibid., pp. 416 and 418)
Manually operated tools become Machine tools This reduces workers to "just" a source of power. With the expansion of production and the limitation of human physical strength, a mechanical power is needed to replace human muscles. Under the factory system, all machines are started by a single "power", that is, a steam engine.
However, Marx stressed that the steam engine had existed long before the emergence of modern industry, but it "did not cause industrial revolution
On the contrary, it is because of the creation of Tool machine , which makes the steam engine revolution necessary "(ibid., p. 412). An important driving force for improving the steam engine is the demand of modern industry for new means of transportation. ocean and Inland steamer , railway and Telegraph system All these need "huge machines" to build, and Steam hammer Drilling machine Mechanical rotary bed Such machines need a large machine that can be completely controlled by people machine


Industrialization refers to the development process in which industrial production activities take a leading position in the national economy of a country or region. Industrialization was initially just a spontaneous social phenomenon, which began in the 1860s britain This industrial production activity characterized by large-scale machine production challenges the original production mode and the narrow local market. The old production mode can no longer meet the growing Market capacity Needs. At the same time, capital accumulation And the development of science and technology laid the foundation for the emergence of industrialization. Industrialization is a long process of development. In its early days, some advanced industrialized countries urgently demanded to break the original social labor in order to realize the free flow of population and provide sufficient and cheap labor force Organizational system It took about 100 years. Since the 20th century, especially after the Second World War, industrialization has become the goal of economic development of all countries in the world. Scope of space activities of industrial production In industrialization Different development stages have obvious tendency. At the initial stage, industrial production activities are often limited to a certain geographical scope (dotted distribution), and spread out in a line or band with the improvement of traffic conditions. Finally, it will reach a relatively balanced distribution state of a country or region. The development of industrialization has both positive and negative effects on the progress of human society. With the large-scale industrialization, there are increasingly serious air, marine and land water pollution, and a large amount of land is occupied, soil erosion The intensification of desertification has caused great damage to society, nature and ecology, even endangering the survival of human beings, forcing countries to restrict and transform the development of industrialization.


present China It was also proposed that New industrialization The concept of. The so-called new-type industrialization is to insist on promoting industrialization with informatization and promoting informatization with industrialization, which means high scientific and technological content, good economic benefits Low resource consumption Less environmental pollution The industrialization road of giving full play to the advantages of human resources Compared with the traditional industrialization, the new industrialization has three prominent characteristics: first, Information driven Industrialization that can achieve leapfrog development. with Scientific and technological progress And innovation as the driving force, pay attention to scientific and technological progress and improve the quality of workers, and strive for a larger market share with high-quality and inexpensive goods in the fierce market competition. Second, industrialization that can enhance the capacity for sustainable development. It is necessary to emphasize ecological construction and environmental protection, properly handle the relationship between economic development and population, resources and environment, reduce resource consumption, reduce environmental pollution, and provide strong technical support, so as to greatly enhance China's sustainable development capacity and economic stamina. Third, industrialization that can give full play to the advantages of human resources. [1]


Mozley The rotating force frame of the invention solves the processing problem in the construction of the engine (ibid., page 421). In a factory with an automated machine system, workers are reduced to machine attendants, and "the intelligence of the production process is the same as physical labor The phenomenon of "phase separation" is becoming increasingly serious, because the requirements for skill level at this time are even lower than in the period of workshop handicrafts (ibid., page 464; for further discussion on this problem, see the "Bibliography" ①). "Modern industry" is also changing agriculture. Agriculture uses machines, as well as chemicals and other new technologies produced by industry. More and more capital needs to be invested in agricultural competition, forcing farmers to leave the land, while new machines have replaced a large number of agricultural workers, and left others in poverty. Therefore, the process of population migration from rural areas to cities has accelerated, forming a split between urban and rural areas. The industrialization process of agriculture has not only destroyed the fertility of the land, but also trapped agricultural workers in poverty (see《 Capital 》Volume 1, Chapter 13, 10). Whether in industry or agriculture, the use of machinery and its dominant position in more and more production sectors have resulted in "overpopulation" and "unemployment reserves" (see population entry), because living labor is constantly replaced by machinery (see Volume 1, Chapter 23, 3 of On Capital; and Engels' Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development , Part III).
Although the capitalist form of production existed before industrialization, "modern industry" is the highest form of this kind of production, which has finally swept all other forms aside and established Capitalist mode of production The ruling position in the economy and the ruling position of the bourgeoisie in politics. Modern industry passes the Local industry The uniform and destruction of handicrafts and workshops, as well as the realization of its economic domination by seizing all domestic markets (see Chapter 13, Volume 1 of Capital, see "Bibliography" ②). At the same time, the competition among capitalists has led to the continuous improvement and expansion of machinery and factory systems, which has led to continuous revolutions in social productivity and production relations. "Modern industry never regards... the existing form of the production process as... the final form. Therefore, the technological basis of modern industry is revolutionary, while the technological basis of all previous production methods is essentially conservative" (Capital, Vol. 1, p. 533, People's Publishing House 1975).
although Marx Put modern industry in England However, he listed the period from 1846 to 1866 as the period of fastest industrial development (see Capital, Vol. 1, Chapter 23, 5). However, the repercussions of this industrial development are not limited to the UK. After realizing the revolution of international means of transportation, modern industry destroyed foreign handicrafts with its cheap goods, thus establishing a new international division of labor That is, raw materials are produced in one part of the world to meet the needs of industries in another part of the world (ibid., Chapter 13, 7).
Marx and Engels only discussed the industrialization of capitalism, but later Marxism They use their analysis as the theoretical and practical basis for industrialization under socialist conditions. Although the "vigorous" industrialization in Russia is usually associated with Stalin's name (see Stalinism Soviet Marxism), but Preobrazensky It was the first attempt to put Marx Capitalist industrialization A Marxist whose analysis is applied to Soviet conditions. In this application, special emphasis is placed on Constant capital Part plays an important role in accumulation and industrial development (refer to Volume 2, Chapter 21 and reproduction schema )。 stay Stalin During the rule period, this view led to the emphasis on the basic product industry, that is, "heavy industry", and has since become a prominent feature of the industrialization of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.


The so-called industrialization mainly means that the proportion of industry in a country's economy is constantly increasing, so as to replace agriculture and become Economic entity Process. In short, it's traditional agricultural society Modernization industrial society The process of transformation. The main characteristics of this process are Agricultural labor force A large number of people turned to industry, and a large number of rural people moved to cities and towns. The urban population exceeded the rural population. Industrialization is the foundation and premise of modernization, and a highly developed industrial society is an important symbol of modernization. The first task for China to realize industrialization Five year plan It is proposed that China has striven for industrialization for half a century since the "First Five Year Plan" A big agricultural country Build into an independent, relatively complete, and partly modernized industrial system And the national economic system. However, China's industrialization task has not yet been completed, and on the whole, it is still in the middle stage of industrialization. It is manifested in: agricultural modernization and Rural urbanization Low level, rural population in the whole Social labor force And about 50% of the total population; industrial structure The level is low, the competitiveness is not strong, the technical level of industry, especially the manufacturing industry, is not high, and the proportion and level of the service industry are still far behind those of developed countries that have already achieved industrialization. Without the completion of the task of industrialization, modernization will be difficult to achieve. Therefore, continuing to complete industrialization is still an important and arduous historical task in the process of China's modernization.


Most of the major industrialized countries in the world completed their industrialization in the 19th century. They left Colonial plunder The way of industrialization, which consumes a lot of energy and raw materials and seriously damages the environment, has a negative impact on nature and society that is difficult to treat for a long time, leaving a profound lesson for future generations. Naturally, China cannot and should not follow this path. The Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that "to drive industrialization with informatization, to promote informatization with industrialization, to take a path with high scientific and technological content, good economic benefits, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution, and to give full play to the advantages of human resources New industrialization Way. " It is a major decision made by our Party based on the national conditions, facing the world and the future, and a major innovation in the development ideology to clearly propose a new road to industrialization. Compared with the previous way of industrialization, China's industrialization must meet five standards: high technology content, good economic benefits, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution, and full use of human resources advantages. High technological content means to speed up Scientific and technological progress And the promotion and application of advanced scientific and technological achievements, giving full play to scientific and technological achievements Primary productivity To promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, build economic development on the basis of scientific and technological progress, and improve the quality and competitiveness of products. Good economic benefit is to achieve Economic growth mode From extensive to intensive, that is, from mainly relying on increasing input, new stalls, and quantity, to focusing on economic benefits, to improve labor productivity through technological progress, strengthening scientific management, and reducing costs. Low resource consumption means that we should fully consider the reality of the relative shortage of resources per capita in China, implement the sustainable development strategy, adhere to the simultaneous development of resource development and conservation, put conservation in the first place, strive to improve the efficiency of resource utilization, actively promote the transformation of resource utilization from extensive to economical, and transform the mode of production and consumption. With less environmental pollution, we should attach great importance to it Ecological environment problems , start with macro management, focus on preventing environmental pollution and ecological damage from the source, and avoid Old industrialization In the process, the old way of first polluting and then cleaning up. To give full play to the advantages of human resources, we should take into account the fact that China has a large population Labor resources Proceeding from rich reality, formulate specific policies to promote industrialization, and properly handle development funds Technology intensive industry And Labor-intensive industry We should adhere to the path of urbanization with Chinese characteristics and improve the ability of labor resources through education and training. Overview World Development History The industrialization process of any country is closely related to the times. Successful industrialization is the result of absorbing and applying the most advanced technology at that time. Today, when human society has entered the information age, we must attach great importance to the multiplying and catalytic role of informatization in the development of industrialization, and actively promote informatization. However, it should also be noted that informatization is the product of industrialization at a certain stage. Information infrastructure The construction, research and development of information technology and the development of information industry are all based on the achievements of industrialization, which provides the material basis for informatization and puts forward application requirements for informatization development. Therefore, information technology that ignores industrialization and leaves industrialization will lack the necessary material foundation, and the path of one-sided development of information technology will be impossible.
Basically, the industrialization process is accompanied by Scientific and technological progress , continuous economic development Optimization and upgrading of industrial structure Process. The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is based on the new trend of world economic and technological development New industrialization According to the requirements of the road, in view of the outstanding problems existing in China's economic construction, we have made a deployment to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, that is, to form a high-tech industry as the guide basic industry And manufacturing industry Service industry Comprehensive development of the industrial structure. This has pointed out the direction for us to promote industrialization, modernization and the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. First, we should actively develop high-tech industries. High and new technology industries have high scientific and technological content, fast development speed, strong penetration and driving force, especially to accelerate IT industry And widely apply information technology, so that the national economy and Social informatization Secondly, we should vigorously revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry, especially the equipment manufacturing industry, is the foundation of the sustainable development of the national economy and the engine of national industrialization and modernization. Production technology level and competitive power To a great extent, it depends on the performance and level of technical equipment provided by the manufacturing industry. It must be recognized that it is impossible to realize China's industrialization and modernization without its own strong manufacturing industry, without arming various industries with advanced manufacturing industry, and improving their equipment and production technology.
go New industrialization The road is an inevitable choice for China to comply with the development of science, technology and economy in the world. Since the 1990s, great changes have taken place in the development of the world's science, technology and economy, which are mainly reflected in two aspects: first, the new scientific and technological revolution has made rapid progress. High and new technologies, especially information technology, have been widely applied, not only becoming the economy social development It also makes human life and social activities enter the era of information, intelligence and automation. Second economic globalization Deep development, the world Economies of scope The flow of capital and technology for trade development has accelerated, and the economies and markets of all countries have become more open and interdependent. In particular, informatization takes the world as the stage, leading to information, technology, capital, talents, etc production factors More intense international competition. The CPC Central Committee complies with the new trend of the world's scientific, technological and economic development and makes timely moves New industrialization The decision on the road fully demonstrates that our Party insists on advancing with the times and always stands in the forefront of the times.
Taking the road of new industrialization is also China Basic national conditions Determined. China has a large population, insufficient per capita resources, and labor supply exceeds demand. Historical experience has proved that in a country with relatively insufficient per capita resources, industrialization promoted at the cost of excessive consumption of resources and environmental and ecological damage is not only difficult to support resources, industrialization and economic development are unsustainable, but also damage ecology, pollute the environment and hinder the improvement of people's quality of life. Therefore, attach importance to Scientific and technological progress And strive to improve economic efficiency, conserve and rationally use resources, protect the ecological environment The road to sustainable development Is our only choice.


Industrialization has been a hot topic since the 16th CPC National Congress. When it comes to industrialization, people tend to interpret it literally as a way to vigorously develop industry and make it a part of the national economy prime mover industry However, this definition of industrialization is not comprehensive. Industrialization is not only to make industry become the leading industry of the national economy, but also to integrate the ideas and concepts of big industry into all aspects of society Production mode The implementation of a completely new transformation has led to a rapid increase in labor productivity in agriculture and the service sector. After China's entry into WTO, some scholars put forward the slogan of building China into a world factory Sixteenth National Congress Offer to go New industrialization road The slogan of. These two slogans have received positive responses from governments at all levels and enterprises. Enthusiasm for industrial development is very high across the country, and industrial production and fixed asset investment are growing at a high speed. This is something to be happy about. However, from the current industrialization boom around the country, we can see that there are some biases and misunderstandings in our understanding, that is, our understanding of industrialization is one-sided and superficial, and it is generally believed that industrialization is industrial sector The relationship between agriculture and industrialization is to provide raw materials, and the relationship between the tertiary industry and industrialization is to provide various services for industrial production and circulation. In fact, the essence of industrialization is a process involving all aspects of society. It is not only a process of industrial upgrading and development, but also a process of standardization, normalization, scale, socialization specialized The process of development is also a social process natural economy The process of the overall transformation from the concept to the concept of commodity economy. If we do not realize this, we will only attach importance to the construction of industrial projects, but not to the application of industrialization ideas to all walks of life, which will greatly reduce the role of industrialization in promoting social progress. This deviation in understanding led to the slow improvement in the efficiency of agriculture and the tertiary industry and the lagging development in the process of industrialization, which also greatly hindered the development of industry itself and reduced the overall growth rate of the national economy in the process of industrialization. The goal of industrialization is really to increase the proportion of industrial production in the national economy, but this is only one of the important external indicators to measure the level of industrialization. The internal indicators should include industrial structure, overall technical level, and reasonable Enterprise organization structure Degree of socialized and specialized organization Etc. In addition to these indicators, a country's Industrialization level It also depends on the extent to which the industrialized organization mode, such as specialized division of labor and cooperation, large-scale production, scientific management, etc., is used in the production and operation of agriculture and the tertiary industry and in the management of the government. These are the essence of industrialization. If we can't do this, no matter how many factories are built or how big they are, they are all large and all inclusive, small and all inclusive enterprises, so they can't be competitive in the market, and it's hard to say that they have achieved industrialization.


1. It is impossible to establish a complete large industrial system only relying on the market mechanism
Western economics, which is in the mainstream, is a theory based on the practice of small-scale peasant economy, and does not adapt to the modern industrial economic society. The expectation that the market mechanism will automatically and spontaneously realize the desire of national wealth is just a fantasy. The backwardness of a country's economy is not due to the lack of an "invisible hand" market mechanism. It is a good example that many countries that have established a pure market economy still have not changed their backwardness. In fact, the root of backwardness lies in the lack of a large industrial system suitable for modern industrial economy. The large industrial system cannot pass the market mechanism and free trade It can only be realized by concentrating the national human, material and financial resources through the government power and planned economy. Only in this way can we get rid of the right developed country Only when we grasp the dominance of the national economic lifeline can we have the opportunity to occupy the highland of world economic interests. [2]
2. Market mechanism is a theory based on the practice of small-scale peasant economy
In fact, any theory has its preconditions and scope of application. At the same time, the theory sometimes has its own special mission, and the "invisible hand" market mechanism is no exception. The "invisible hand" is basically a workshop handicraft industry characterized by agricultural society and typical manor private economy or free competition In the early days of the industrial production society, it was an economic theory of practice. Its premise was that decentralized, independent, power balanced buyers and decentralized, independent, power balanced sellers, both buyers and sellers used market prices spontaneously and equally commodity exchange act. Therefore, Chinese economists do not really understand the reality of industrial society and industrial economy Operation rules and dreams Market for technology ”And take the "invisible hand" as God market economy With clear property rights as a treasure, I believe that as long as a "sound market economic system" is established and all assets are attributed to individuals who can make a fortune, a strong country is just around the corner and wealth will roll in. It is hard to imagine that there is no free market in this world that has developed into developed country Example of. The global economy, national economy and regional economy in reality are far from the theoretical premise of "invisible hand" industrial economy During the period of high development, the economy is always manipulated by large capital in a monopoly position. Under such circumstances, the study of China's economic problems cannot be carried out by using the small-scale peasant economy Free market economy We should study China's problems from the perspective of modern industrial society.
In the era of agricultural economy, individuals are the main body of production and use simple production tools for repetitive labor. The modern industrial economy is characterized by the widespread use of advanced machinery, the coordination of the whole society, and the continuous development and change of mass production. In an industrial society, production is a combination of people and machines industrial system To complete, the machine has far more physical strength and energy than human beings, and can achieve production efficiency that is far less than human beings. Man only designs and operates machines in production. The whole modern industrial society is like a machine, which has a highly organized social structure and needs the coordination and cooperation of all departments to operate. The main body of modern industrial production is the heavy industrial system, whose productivity has almost no upper limit and is only limited by available resources and markets. Even agriculture is the result of modern industry. Without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery, seeds and other industrial products provided by modern industry, the per unit yield of agriculture will be greatly reduced, and it cannot feed so many people. Scattered personal enthusiasm is also insignificant in front of the steel monster of the big industrial system. As for other industries, the efficiency of the unified large industrial system is far more than that of scattered manpower. The early machines lacked flexibility and were only suitable for standardized mass production. However, with the development of computer control technology, the flexibility of machines gradually increased and they constantly replaced people in production. Due to the development of machine technology, labor has been replaced by a large number of machines in the entire industrial production chain, but in the final assembly link, due to the large variety and small single assembly batch, it is impossible to design an automatic production line for each assembly separately, and a large number of labor is required. People in the industrial society either improve their knowledge and technical level, engage in intelligent fields that machines cannot enter, or improve their enthusiasm, engage in the assembly industry of simple institutions, compete with the efficiency of machines, and fight against steel with flesh and blood.
3. The root cause of backwardness is the lack of a complete large industrial system
Agriculture, handicrafts or the tertiary industry cannot promote their own output or quality as heavy industry does, unless the population increases on a year-on-year basis. For example, traditional agriculture, no matter how well prepared you are for the next year's cultivation, how much sweat you shed on the land and how many seeds you planted, it is difficult to increase the yield of the next year by 10% from the historical maximum. The same is true for handicraft industry. The quality and output of handicraft products depend entirely on the technical level of handicraftsmen. It is better to find a good master and guide yourself to become a skilled worker. However, the technological progress of agriculture and handicraft industry is single and isolated. The technological progress that cannot promote each other with other technological achievements is not sustainable. Once new technologies are popularized, the progress will also stagnate. In contrast, modern industry can not only Indexation More importantly, machining accuracy and technology can be accumulated in a generation of machines, and various technologies can support and improve each other. Hand tools can be used to produce the original machine tools, and the machine tools themselves can produce more precise rulers and more precise machine tools to produce power machinery for themselves. At the same time, they can promote the progress of the whole science by providing standardized experimental equipment, and then get further development direction from the scientific progress. Finally, we can get the whole modern industrial system. In almost two centuries, simple machine tools and steam engines have evolved into solar power plants, numerical control machine tools, and meteorological satellites. Moreover, the improvement of energy resources collection and processing capacity has not yet reached its peak. This progress is unimaginable in the handicraft agricultural society.
In modern times, backward countries can sell their own resources and labor force in exchange for machinery and equipment, key materials and parts in developed countries, and also enter into mass production of machines. The introduction of foreign mature equipment and technology can improve the production capacity in a short time, but because of the relative surplus of resources and labor, the price is low, and the number of resources and labor labour intensity There is an upper limit to the increase of, so it does not have the characteristics of heavy industrial technology index proliferation. Relying on the introduction of foreign heavy industrial technology to develop the economy basically shows the trend of catching up.
Whether it has a complete and comprehensive steel, chemical, mechanical and electronic backbone industry is the difference developed country And the fundamental symbol of backward countries. Having a complete and comprehensive basic industry is a developed country, which can design and manufacture almost all modern products. Countries with large industrial systems may also be temporarily poor, or the technical level of some basic industries may be low. But as long as they are comprehensive and complete, and choose appropriate development paths, they can achieve biological exponential proliferation and evolution, and become rich countries in a short time.
4. Establishing a complete large industrial system is the only way for China to become strong
In the present World pattern China has restricted the scope of activities of backward countries, and backward countries participate in the global trading system that already exists but is dominated by western developed countries. It is the combination of the characteristics of the large industrial system and the "invisible hand" that has prevented these countries from establishing their own large industrial systems. If you try to obtain industrial resources and technology by trade and domestic enterprises alone, when the western industrial system has taken an absolute position, you will fall into the trap of low-level development. Because according to the comparative benefits, the establishment of its own production knowledge system and large industrial system requires a lot of talent training, long time and capital, and the industrial quality made at the beginning is inferior and expensive. If the state power can effectively block the interference of other large industrial systems and establish an independent economic system It is absolutely possible. Late developing countries should use the history of the rise of the West for reference, seize the key to economic progress - the industrial revolution, and improve their own technology and economic level faster. This is also a helpless and inevitable choice for the backward countries to establish an independent big industrial system when the existing western big industrial system is monopolized and restricted by capitalism, and can not be fully expanded to serve all mankind.
An ideal large industrial system should be composed of a heavy industrial system that basically implements the planned economy, and an assembly industry and light industry that need free trade and emphasize enterprise independence and free trade. The former is to invest in limited key technologies and resources and provide basic industrial materials and machinery. The latter basically maintains the system of the pre industrial era, using these materials and machinery to complete the manufacturing of final products (including non physical products). developed country Through partial nationalization of core industries and mutual penetration between enterprises, this economic system has basically been established, but assembly industry and light industry have been transferred to the third world countries to a large extent. For the general backward countries, the latter is not lacking, and what is lacking is that they cannot pass market economy The heavy industry system established by free trade.
The backward heavy industry system cannot free trade In the case of competition with advanced competitors, unless efforts are made to develop and narrow the gap with advanced competitors, it is possible to change the adverse situation. However, in the process of upgrading and catching up with the heavy industrial system of backward countries, the economic resistance is often growing. In fact, the West and Comprador The collective reasons for opening the market are often made and imposed by the industrialization efforts of backward countries.
5. Western economics has become a very ingenious theoretical tool to prevent backward countries from becoming rich and powerful
The most fatal problem of the "invisible hand" is to ignore the relative scarcity of this heavy industrial system, or to say that this state is only a temporary imbalance. Long term world economic development will naturally make this balance disappear rapidly western economics It is not integrated with the real society after the industrial revolution. But why does such a theory that conflicts with reality occupy the mainstream position all the time.
western economics Before the industrial revolution, it was an economic thought that advocated free market, private property rights, and expected competition to provide economic power. It was a theory suitable for agricultural society, and only in agricultural society would such a theory appear, which was consistent with the social historical facts of Europe before the industrial revolution and after the Han Dynasty, especially the Song Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty in China. At this stage, most agricultural societies have also established concepts similar to modern western economics, and are willing to trade with the whole world under low tariff conditions.
stay industrial revolution After the outbreak, the lucky western countries took the lead in establishing the heavy industry system, and were able to free trade And can be consolidated through free trade developed country As far as we are concerned, the "invisible hand" is certainly a very suitable theory. In fact, the "invisible hand" is just the greedy big capital and the decisive force of big capital in the interests of developed countries. However, the backward countries outside the West failed to establish an independent heavy industry system. Therefore, in these countries, the most powerful economic group organizes the export and import of domestic raw materials and simple labor Comprador Economic blocs. In the short term, selling more resources and labor to the free trade system and importing more advanced products have indeed increased profits. According to the law that social operation determines ideology and culture, both western developed countries and backward countries have their own economic structure Inherited the economic thought of pre industrial time. Under the western centered economic pattern, the industrial revolution itself was not included in the theory free trade The doctrine has maintained its mainstream position.