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industrial system

[gōng yè tǐ xì]
Industrial terminology
The industrial system refers to the organic connection of industrial strength and technological economic activities within a certain region, as well as the whole of the resulting spatial flow, that is, the industrial system. From an industrial conglomerate to a country or even a group of countries, industries can be regarded as some kind of industrial system.
In addition to industrial production units, the composition of the industrial system also includes: ① decision-making and Administrative functions Management unit and affiliated development research unit; ② Factories and mines engaged in raw material mining, processing or product repair; ③ Auxiliary units such as material allocation and transportation, product sales and service for production plants and mines.
Chinese name
industrial system
Foreign name
industrial system
It refers to the industry within a certain region
Industrial complex, or industry with large facilities and perfect technology
Steel industry; chemical industry Petrochemical industry Equipment manufacturing
Heavy industry, light industry, military industry, modern agriculture, future industry
After three "industrial revolutions"
Major countries
China, the United States, Germany, Japan, Europe, Iran, etc

System Introduction

meaning: As small as one Industrial association Enterprises, as large as the industry of a country or even a group of countries; Large scale industries with advanced core technology and equipment facilities can be regarded as industrial systems.
For example: For example, an iron and steel complex should at least include production units such as iron mines, limestone mines, ironmaking plants, steel mills, rolling mills, coking plants, refractory plants, machine repair plants, as well as auxiliary units such as material departments, transportation departments, sales departments, service companies, and the company's management organization itself. Large joint ventures also have affiliated design and construction units, research and development units, analysis and test units, information and intelligence units, etc.
All these units are in the same system of the company and have close cooperation or subordination with each other, forming various Material flow , personnel flow and information flow. In a country, there are a large number of industrial and mining enterprises, but there are government industrial departments and large companies or enterprise groups responsible for general management decisions, professional design and research institutes to assist in planning, and specialized materials, commerce, foreign trade, transportation departments or companies to provide various services, thus forming an industrial system with complex internal links.

System level

Although theoretically speaking, the whole world can be said to have an industrial system, or it can be divided into two major industrial systems, capitalism and socialism, if someone advocates, but due to the development of the world political and economic situation complex Sex, it is difficult to define its category. Researchers pay more attention to national or regional groups of countries and their subordinate Regional industrial system
National industry: it and national Economic management system and industrial structure The characteristics of are closely related. Socialist country The industry managed by the industrial departments of the central government is the main body of the industrial system, forming a certain sectoral industrial structure through the planned economy, and forming an internal relationship of vertical dominance and horizontal coordination. capitalist country On the basis of a large number of companies, through the adjustment of industry associations or enterprise groups, a more flexible industrial structure of the market economy and a more developed industrial system with horizontal links will be formed. The scale and structure of the national industrial system are closely related to the country's geographical scope, population, resources, economic base and international environment.

Regional industry

The administrative divisions at all levels in socialist countries generally have strong economic functions There are industrial systems with different development levels. capitalist country The administrative division units of the administrative division do not include economic functions, and generally there is no planned administrative division level industrial system. So the first level under the country Regional industrial system Divided by economic zone. Large economic zones with relatively developed economies generally have relatively complete industrial structure As a pillar, specialized departments with national significance are relatively complete and coordinated in major light and heavy industries, so that they have sufficient economic strength to operate independently and effectively as subsystems of the national industrial system. The industrial system in such a large area generally includes several relatively concentrated industrial base And a number of industrial centers.

industrial base

(Industrial area)
It is formed due to the concentrated development of industries with national advantages in a relatively compact geographical area. Its industrial system is characterized by the emphasis on Leading industrial sector The importance of, rather than Departmental structure Integrity of. Around several output value , output, economic benefits and the coordinated development of the most prominent specialized sector in the balance between supply and demand of industrial products in large regions industrial base The advantageous resources, geographical location and economic foundation of the region and its surrounding areas are closely related, which makes the industrial base play the role of the economic core area as a part of the national and regional industrial system. The industrial base generally includes several industrial centers adjacent to each other. Each industrial center is an industrial system with certain characteristics, has strong cohesion and maintains certain contact with other industrial centers.

Related Introduction

System connection
The functional links between units in the industrial system can be broadly divided into two categories: ① organizational links. In the case of centralized management in socialist countries, it is mainly reflected in the central government's Vertical leadership Arrange appropriate division of labor for each unit directly under it. Material allocation and product sales are mostly controlled by special national departments, and horizontal cooperation among enterprises also plays a role. stay capitalist country , industrial system Grass roots units It is an organizational link between factories and companies, which is formed by various forms of enterprise groups or industry associations. Because of the different size of the company, the complexity of the internal organization is also different, transnational corporations And even beyond national boundaries. ② technical economy Contact. On the one hand, it refers to the technical and economic links formed due to the continuous processing process, the supply of raw materials, spare parts or finished products, and the comprehensive utilization of by-products; On the other hand, it refers to the technical and economic ties formed by sharing infrastructure such as water supply, power supply and transportation. Organization and technical economic relations, reflecting various professional and non professional information, services and Material flow On. Their types, scale and intensity reflect the strength and characteristics of regional ties, which are determined by the level of regional development, urban system and Industrial layout , geographical distribution of resources, etc.

System changes

Over the past 100 years after the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, most of them developed country In the first half of the 20th century, an industrial system with relatively stable structure and basically fixed layout was formed. By the 1960s, the world had formed five industrial core regions, namely, the United States, Western Europe, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Japan, with an independent, complete and powerful national or national group industrial system.
Since the 1960s, developing country Economic growth has produced new factors affecting the layout of the world's industrial system. At the same time, the rapid development of modern science and technology has promoted the industrial revolution The interaction of these two factors has led to significant changes in the structure and layout of the world's industrial system, such as Emerging industries Emergence of clusters, restructuring of old industrial parks Traditional industry The transfer from developed countries and regions to developing countries and underdeveloped regions, the development and industrialization of marginal areas, etc Regional industrial system The changes that have taken place in the past ten or twenty years are more significant and profound than those in the past decades or hundreds of years. But even so, once any industrial system is formed, it is still relatively stable. Only when some important factor changes suddenly, will it cause the change of the nature of the entire industrial system. All levels of the industrial system are constantly changing, but changes at the regional level are particularly significant and noticeable. The research on the development and change of the industrial system mainly includes three aspects: ① the development and change of the system in function and space; ② The system's Material flow , information flow and changes in interregional and intraregional links; ③ The development trend and change impetus of the constituent units.

Domestic overview

First from 1953 to 1957“ Five year plan ”Hundreds of key enterprises built during the period laid the foundation for the formation of the national industrial system, and built and developed several important industrial base And several industrial centers. In the 1960s and 1970s, we continued to strengthen industrial sectors such as energy, raw materials and machine manufacturing, and built a number of new industrial centers in the mainland. In addition to the independent and complete national industrial system, a large regional industrial system with certain strength, relatively complete departments and characteristics has also been formed in Northeast China, North China and East China. The industrial system in the southwest, central China and southern China is slightly rudimentary, Northwest China Is in the initial stage. In addition, a number of industrial systems at the level of industrial areas (industrial bases) with different characteristics have been formed. For example, in central and southern Liaoning, central Shandong and central Shanxi, energy and heavy industry are the main industries, Yangtze River delta Zhujiang delta Mainly engaged in light textile, chemical and other processing industries, Beijing Tianjin Tang Dynasty Light and heavy industries in Wuhan, Chongqing and Guanzhong are relatively balanced. Although the industrial system of the industrial center has a considerable degree of development, organizational ties and technical and economic ties are affected to some extent due to the division of department management.
(Li Wenyan)


1. The market mechanism is based on small-scale peasant economy Theory for Practice
In fact, any theory has its preconditions and scope of application. At the same time, the theory sometimes has its own special mission, and the "invisible hand" market mechanism is no exception. The "invisible hand" is basically characterized by the agricultural society and the typical private economy of manors Workshop handicraft Or in free competition In the early days of the industrial production society, it was an economic theory of practice. Its premise was that decentralized, independent, power balanced buyers and decentralized, independent, power balanced sellers, both buyers and sellers used market prices spontaneously and equally commodity exchange act. Therefore, Chinese economists do not really understand the reality industrial society And industrial economic operation rules, and dreams Market for technology ”And take the "invisible hand" as God market economy With clear property rights, we think that as long as the "sound" Market economy system ”Let all the assets belong to the individuals who can make a fortune. A powerful country is just around the corner, and wealth will roll in. But I don't know that there is no "invisible hand" in this world free market Progress has become an example of developed countries. The real global economy National economy . The theoretical premise of regional economy is far from that of "invisible hand". Looking at the economic reality industrial economy During the period of high development, the economy is always manipulated by large capital in a monopoly position. Under such circumstances, it is useless to study China's economic problems small-scale peasant economy Free market economy We should study China's problems from the perspective of modern industrial society.
In the era of agricultural economy, individuals are the main body of production and use simple production tools for repetitive labor. The modern industrial economy is characterized by the widespread use of advanced machinery, the coordination of the whole society, and the continuous development and change of mass production. stay industrial society In China, production is completed by an industrial system composed of people and machines. Machines have far more physical strength and energy than people, and can achieve production efficiency far less than human. Man only designs and operates machines in production. The whole modern industrial society is like a machine, which has a highly organized social structure and needs the coordination and cooperation of all departments to operate. The main body of modern industrial production is the heavy industrial system, whose productivity has almost no upper limit and is only limited by available resources and markets. Even agriculture is the result of modern industry. Without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery, seeds and other industrial products provided by modern industry, the per unit yield of agriculture will be greatly reduced, and it cannot feed so many people. Scattered personal enthusiasm is also insignificant in front of the steel monster of the big industrial system. As for other industries, the efficiency of the unified large industrial system is far more than that of scattered manpower. The early machines lacked flexibility and were only suitable for standardized mass production. However, with the development of computer control technology, the flexibility of machines gradually increased and they constantly replaced people in production. Due to the development of machine technology, labor has been replaced by a large number of machines in the entire industrial production chain, but in the final assembly link, due to the large variety and small single assembly batch, it is impossible to design an automatic production line for each assembly separately, and a large number of labor is required. industrial society People in China can either improve their knowledge and technology level, engage in intelligent fields that machines cannot enter, or improve their enthusiasm, engage in the assembly industry of simple institutions, compete with the efficiency of machines, and engage in iron and steel with flesh and blood.
2. The root cause of backwardness is the lack of a complete large industrial system
Agriculture, handicrafts or the tertiary industry cannot promote their own output or quality like heavy industry, unless Year on year We will increase the population. For example, traditional agriculture, no matter how well prepared you are for the next year's cultivation, how much sweat you shed on the land and how many seeds you planted, it is difficult to increase the yield of the next year by 10% from the historical maximum. The same is true for handicraft industry. The quality and output of handicraft products depend entirely on the technical level of handicraftsmen. It is better to find a good master and guide yourself to become a skilled worker. However, the technological progress of agriculture and handicraft industry is single and isolated. The technological progress that cannot promote each other with other technological achievements is not sustainable. Once new technologies are popularized, the progress will also stagnate. In contrast, modern industry can not only Indexation Expand, more importantly Machining accuracy And technologies can be accumulated in a generation of machines, and various technologies can support and improve each other. Hand tools It can be used to produce original machine tools, and the machine tool itself can produce more precise rulers and more precise machine tools, and produce power machinery for itself. At the same time, it can promote the progress of the whole science by providing standardized experimental equipment, and then get further development direction from scientific progress. Finally, we can get the whole modern industrial system. In almost two centuries, simple machine tools and steam engine It has evolved into today's solar power plant numerical control machine , meteorological satellites, and the improvement of energy resources collection and processing capacity has not yet reached its peak. This progress is beyond the imagination of the handicraft industry agricultural society.
In modern times, backward countries can sell their own resources and labor in exchange for developed country Our machines, equipment, key materials and components have also entered into mass production. The introduction of foreign mature equipment and technology can improve the production capacity in a short time, but because of the relative surplus of resources and labor, the price is low, and the number of resources and labor labour intensity There is an upper limit to the increase of, so it does not have the characteristics of heavy industrial technology index proliferation. Relying on the introduction of foreign heavy industrial technology to develop the economy basically shows the trend of catching up.
Whether there is a complete and comprehensive steel, chemical, mechanical and electronic backbone industry is the fundamental symbol to distinguish developed countries from backward countries. Having a complete and comprehensive basic industry is a developed country, which can design and manufacture almost all modern products. Countries with large industrial systems may also be temporarily poor, or the technical level of some basic industries may be low. But as long as they are comprehensive and complete, and choose appropriate development paths, they can achieve biological exponential proliferation and evolution, and become rich countries in a short time.
3. The West does not allow backward countries to establish large industrial systems
The long-term development strategy of the country is by no means to adopt the "invisible hand" strategy. Economists in China are still thinking in the way of agricultural time. Ordinary people have not realized how the wealth of the industrial era came from. They always think that China is vast and rich. Let nature take its course and there will be good results. This kind of society comes into being spontaneously economic law Naturally, it pays attention to stimulating individual enthusiasm and safeguarding private property rights, but individual enthusiasm is only effective in agricultural society. Farmers can go out early and return late to diversify several acres of land. But in industrial society The enthusiasm of individuals is insignificant in front of the national industrial system. In any case, they can not do the production of automatic machines - the national industrial system. The core problem of China today is actually the weakness of China's large industrial system. Although economists Comparative advantage theory Pointed out China's advantages, but did not fundamentally solve them national industry How to obtain the core competitiveness (technology), while enterprises are busy with assembly and processing, and the path of pursuing independent intellectual property rights is even more difficult. The real situation of Chinese enterprises is that they cannot make breakthroughs in the development of advanced technologies, and foreign investors do not transfer them; The lower part is facing a break - a large number of labor force cannot be rapidly transformed into an industrialized population, and most people can only engage in simple labour In addition, it will also face competition from other populous countries“ Comparative advantage ”Being delayed developing country Because the land and Labor cost Lower than China.
from industrial revolution The world economic history to date tells us: developed country Almost all developed on the basis of the establishment of a large industrial system. The early stage of development in Britain and the United States was relatively easy. Heavy chemical industry came from private capital, but the large industrial system in Britain and the United States was not a market economy. It also depended on the huge military expenditure and government procurement of the government to support. Behind them are a large number of national research and education institutions, as well as many private but not private foundations. Backward countries have also been in a dependent position and backward ranks for a long time because they have not established their own independent large industrial system. Many of them are "invisible hands" Free market economy However, private capital and free market economy will not build a large industrial system, but will also seriously damage the existing large industrial system. The reason is that the construction of a country's and nation's large industrial system is universal economic law Incompatible. The reason is simple - if the world commonwealth If so, the whole world only needs a set of large industrial systems, and more is waste. When relatively backward countries try to establish a large industrial system independent of the Western system Principle of free competition , our immature large industrial system will definitely developed country The world returns to the state where there is only one big industrial system.
The problem is that although theoretically the world only needs a big industrial system, the western big capital will not allow backward countries to share the benefits of modern science and technology in vain unless they exchange resources and manpower. Because the human resources in the world are relatively surplus to the large industrial system, the backward countries competing for price reduction can not get much foreign exchange, and naturally have no ability to buy advanced industrial products overproduction In turn, it has resisted the desire of developed countries to expand their large industrial systems. The world economy is divided into two worlds in this knot: countries with large industrial systems are independent developed countries, and countries without large industrial systems can only be dependent economies and backward countries. The transition from a dependent country to a modern country is not a process of gradual development, but a process of either being content with the status quo, taking risks privately, overcoming difficulties and surmounting barriers to industrialization The third road
4. Establishing a complete large industrial system is the only way for China to become strong
industrial system
World pattern It limits the scope of activities of backward countries, which participate in the global trading system that already exists but is dominated by western developed countries. It is the combination of the characteristics of the large industrial system and the "invisible hand" that has prevented these countries from establishing their own large industrial systems. If you try to obtain industrial resources and technology by trade and domestic enterprises alone, when the western industrial system has taken an absolute position, you will fall into the trap of low-level development. Because according to the comparative benefits, the establishment of its own production knowledge system and large industrial system requires a lot of talent training, long time and capital, and the industrial quality made at the beginning is inferior and expensive. If the state power can effectively block the interference of other large industrial systems, it is entirely possible to establish an independent economic system in a large enough country. Late developing countries should use the history of the rise of the West for reference, seize the key to economic progress - the industrial revolution, and improve their own technology and economic level faster. This is also in the existing western industrial system capitalism It is the helpless and inevitable choice of the backward countries to establish an independent large industrial system in the case of monopoly and restrictions, which can not be fully expanded to serve all human beings.
An ideal large industrial system should consist of a heavy industrial system that basically implements the planned economy and needs free trade The assembly industry and light industry, which emphasize the independence of enterprises and free trade, are jointly composed. The former is to invest in limited key technologies and resources and provide basic industrial materials and machinery. The latter basically maintains the system of the pre industrial era, using these materials and machinery to complete the manufacturing of final products (including non physical products). Developed countries have basically established this economic system through partial nationalization of core industries and mutual penetration between enterprises, but assembly industry and light industry have been transferred to the third world countries to a large extent. For the general backward countries, the latter is not lacking, and what is lacking is that they cannot pass market economy free trade Established heavy industry system.
The backward heavy industry system cannot compete with the advanced competitors in the free trade situation. Unless efforts are made to narrow the gap with the advanced competitors, the adverse situation can be changed. However, in the process of upgrading and catching up with the heavy industrial system of backward countries, the economic resistance is often growing. In fact, the West and Comprador The collective reasons for opening the market are often made and imposed by the industrialization efforts of backward countries.
5、 western economics It has become a very ingenious theoretical tool to prevent backward countries from becoming rich and powerful
In my opinion, the most fatal problem of the "invisible hand" is to ignore the relative scarcity of this heavy industrial system, or to think that this state is just a temporary imbalance. Long term world economic development will naturally make this balance disappear quickly, but it is because western economics has not been integrated with the real society after the industrial revolution. But why does such a theory that conflicts with reality occupy the mainstream position all the time.
Western economics was advocated before the industrial revolution free market The economic thought of private property rights and relying on competition to provide economic power is a theory that adapts to agricultural society, and only in agricultural society can such a theory appear, which is related to industrial revolution The social and historical facts in Europe before and after the Han Dynasty, especially in the Song Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, are consistent. At this stage, most agricultural societies have also established concepts similar to modern western economics, and are willing to trade with the whole world under low tariff conditions.
After the outbreak of the industrial revolution, the lucky western countries took the lead in establishing the heavy industry system, and were able to free trade And can be consolidated through free trade developed country As far as we are concerned, the "invisible hand" is certainly a very suitable theory. In fact, the "invisible hand" is just the greedy big capital and the decisive force of big capital in the interests of developed countries. However, the backward countries outside the West failed to establish an independent heavy industry system. Therefore, in these countries, the most powerful economic group organizes the export and import of domestic raw materials and simple labor Comprador Economic blocs. In the short term free trade More resources and labor are sold in the system, and more advanced products are imported, which indeed increases profits. according to Social operation The laws that determine ideology and culture, whether developed countries or backward countries in the West, have inherited the economic thought of pre industrial time due to their respective economic structures. Under the western centered economic pattern, the free trade theory that did not include the industrial revolution itself into the theory has maintained its mainstream position.
(This section is excerpted from the small article "Relying on market mechanism alone cannot make backward countries prosperous and strong")