
[shān zhā]
Hawthorn of Rosaceae
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Hawthorn (scientific name: Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge), It is also called Shanlihong, Hongguo, Lvli, etc. It is a deciduous tree of the genus Crataegus in the rose family [1-2] Its bark is rough, dark gray or grayish brown; Branchlets cylindrical, current year branches purple brown; Leaves broadly ovate or triangular ovate, stipules herbaceous, falcate, margin serrate; Corymb with many flowers, bracts membranous, linear lanceolate; Calyx tube campanulate; Sepals triangular ovate to lanceolate; Petals obovate or suborbicular; Petals obovate or suborbicular; The fruit is nearly spherical or pear shaped, dark red, with light spots. Flowering from May to June, fruiting from September to October [1]
Hawthorn is produced in northeast, north and northwest China [3 ] , mainly distributed in the eastern part of Eurasia, Mongolia, South Korea, North Korea, Russia and other places [6] , distributed in most regions of China [2] [12] It is a positive tree species. It likes light and shade, and likes cool and humid environment. Cold resistant, drought resistant, not waterlogging resistant, not strict with soil requirements, cold and dry climate and well drained soil, with strong adaptability [7 ] [8] , often growing in hillside forest or bushes [1]
Hawthorn has beautiful tree shape, elegant flowers and bright fruits. It is often used in green spaces of streets, parks and scenic spots [3 ] It is rich in various nutrients and has certain nutritional value [16] The mature fruit and flower of hawthorn can be used as medicine. Its mature fruit has the effect of eliminating food accumulation and stasis, mainly treating food stagnation, abdominal distention and pain; Its flower has the effect of lowering blood pressure and is mainly used to treat hypertension [17 ] Hawthorn core can be used to make activated carbon, wood board, smoke preparation, etc [15] Hawthorn is also an ideal raw material for the food industry, which can be further processed to produce products such as hawthorn ice sugar gourd, hawthorn cake, gold cake, etc [16] In China, many ancient poets had poems about hawthorn [1] [18 ]
Chinese name
Latin name
Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge [1]
Shanlihong, Hongguo, Lvli, etc [1]
Plantae [2]
Tracheophyta [2]
Magnoliopsida [2]
Rosales [2]
Rosaceae [2]
Crataegus Crataegus [2]
Hawthorn Crataegus pinnatifida [2]
Distribution area
Hawthorn is produced in northeast, north and northwest China [3 ] , mainly distributed in the eastern part of Eurasia, Mongolia, South Korea, North Korea, Russia and other places [6] , distributed in most regions of China [2] [12]

Textual research on materia medica


Tang and Song Dynasties

In China, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, the "Herbal Atlas" said: "In March, white flowers bloom, and they are casually strong. Their taste is sour and astringent, and they are picked without time... There are also other places, and they are not used as medicine.". White flowers bloom in March. The ancient calendar is the summer calendar (i.e. the lunar calendar). March is around the modern April, which is close to the flowering period of hawthorn plants, and the flower color is also consistent. Sorrel is sour with vinegar. According to "there are also hawthorns in other places, but they are not used as medicine", it can be seen that there should be at least two kinds of hawthorns at that time, with different origins. Those born in Chuzhou were used as medicine, and the other one was not used as medicine. According to the attached figure, the base of the leaf is wedge-shaped and cracked, so it can be inferred that it may be modern wild hawthorn( Crataegus cuneata )Hawthorn( Crataegus pinnatifida )Or mountain rose( Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. var. major [4-5]

Ming and Qing Dynasties

Li Shizhen, a medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, said that there were two kinds of hawthorn: "One kind of hawthorn is small, and the mountain people call it Tangyuzi, Maohaw, and Houhaw, which can be used as medicine. The tree is several feet tall, with five pointed leaves and thorns between the branches. In March, five small white flowers appear. There are red and yellow colors, and the fat one is like a small forest mallow, and the small one is like a finger. In September, it is ripe, and children pick it and sell it." This kind of hawthorn has tree shape, leaves, flowers The fruit characteristics are similar to modern hawthorn plants; However, there is still "a kind of big tree, which is called by the mountain people as a sheep's broom. The tree is more than ten feet tall, and the flowers and leaves are the same, but the real tree is a little big and yellow green, and the skin is astringent and the flesh is empty. It is very sour at the beginning, but it can be eaten after frost. The work should be the same, but the medicine collector will not accept it". The tree shape, flowers and leaves of the two kinds of hawthorn are the same, but the fruit size is different. The big one can be eaten without medicine, and the small one can be eaten with medicine. According to Li Shizhen, it is speculated that the small ones are modern wild hawthorn, the large ones are other plants of the same genus, or modern hawthorn or hawthorn [4-5]

the Republic of China era

According to the "Herbs of Northern China", the traditional Chinese medicine hawthorn is made by round cutting and drying the fruit of hawthorn. There is no description of plant morphology. The Latin name is hawthorn( Crataegus pinnatifida )。 The Complete Dictionary of Chinese Materia Medica records the Compendium of Materia Medica. It also records that there are two kinds of hawthorn, the big one can be eaten without medicine, and the small one can be eaten with medicine. The attached figure is like wild hawthorn. Therefore, the original plants of hawthorn in the herbal medicine of the Republic of China include hawthorn, wild hawthorn and other plants of the same genus [4-5]


According to the Records of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are two kinds of hawthorn on the market: northern hawthorn and southern hawthorn. The original plant of the former is mainly hawthorn, and the latter is mainly wild hawthorn. According to the National Collection of Chinese Herbal Medicines, the original plants of the Chinese herbal medicine hawthorn are Hawthorn, Crataegus and Crataegus. The attached figure and Flora of China are consistent in morphological characteristics, and the hawthorn radical included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (1988-1985) is also consistent with here. After the publication of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia in 1990, wild hawthorn was deleted from the original of hawthorn, and only the red hawthorn and hawthorn were retained, which has been used all the time. The Chinese Materia Medica and the Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine were not added [4-5]

morphological character

Hawthorn is a deciduous tree, up to 6m high [1]
Hawthorn plant


Rough bark, dark gray or grayish brown; The thorn is about 1-2 cm long, sometimes without thorn; Branchlets cylindrical, current year branches purplish brown, glabrous or nearly glabrous, sparsely lenticels, old branches grayish brown; Winter buds are triangular and ovoid, the apex is round and blunt, glabrous, purple [1]
Crataegus stem


The leaf blade is wide ovate or triangular ovate, thin rhomboid ovate, 5-10cm long, 4-7.5cm wide, short and acuminate at the apex, truncated to wide cuneate at the base, usually with 3-5 pinnate deep lobes on both sides, ovate lanceolate or zonal lobes, short and acuminate at the apex, with sharp, sparse, irregular, double serrated edges, dark green and shiny above, sparsely pubescent hairs along the veins below or beards in the vein axils below, Lateral veins 6-10 pairs, some reaching the apex of lobes, and some reaching the splitting point of lobes; Petiole 2-6 cm long, glabrous; Stipules herbaceous, falcate, serrated [1]
Hawthorn leaves


The corymb has many flowers, 4-6 cm in diameter, the total pedicel and pedicel are pilose, fall off after flowering, reduce, and the pedicel is 4-7 mm long; Bracts membranous, linear lanceolate, 6-8 mm long, apex acuminate, margin glandular toothed, caducous; The flower diameter is about 1.5 cm; Calyx tube campanulate, 4-5 mm long, densely gray white pilose outside; Sepals triangular ovate to lanceolate, apex acuminate, entire, about the same length as the calyx tube, glabrous on both inside and outside, or bearded on the top of the inner surface; Petals obovate or suborbicular, 7-8 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, white; Stamens 20, shorter than petals, anthers pink; Styles 3-5, pilose at the base, stigma capitate [1]
Hawthorn flower


The fruit is nearly spherical or pear shaped, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, dark red, with light spots; 3-5 small nuclei, slightly prismatic outside, smooth inside on both sides; Sepals fall off very late, leaving a round deep depression at the apex [1]
Hawthorn fruit

Distribution range

Hawthorn is produced in northeast, north and northwest China [3 ] , mainly distributed in the eastern part of Eurasia, Mongolia, South Korea, North Korea, Russia and other places [6] In China, it is distributed in Shandong, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Hebei and other places [12]
Distribution Map of Hawthorn in China [2]

Growth environment

Hawthorn mainly grows in hillside forest or bushes at an altitude of 100-1500 meters [1]

Growth habit

Hawthorn is a positive tree species, which likes light and shade, and likes cool and humid environment. Cold resistant, drought resistant, not waterlogged, not strict with soil requirements, cold and dry climate and well drained soil, with strong adaptability, suitable for areas with temperature of about 10 ℃ and rainfall of 450-650mm [7 ] [8] Flowering from May to June, fruiting from September to October [1]

Reproductive mode


Natural reproduction

Hawthorn can cross flower, self flower and parthenocarpy, and is an irritant fruit bearing tree species. If the pollen is stimulated, parthenocarpy may occur, but fertilization may not be completed. Therefore, the flowering and fruiting stages of hawthorn are very serious, and most fruit seeds after fruiting have very low kernel content, or even no kernel [8]

Artificial reproduction

Seeding propagation
Hawthorn seeds are dormant. The harvested seeds must be treated before sowing. The seeds are cultured in an artificial climate box and covered with humus for germination. The nursery land with flat terrain, thick soil layer, loose and fertile soil and irrigation conditions shall be selected, and the land shall be prepared for border, and the north and south border shall be preferred. Sufficient farmyard manure shall be applied in the border, turned into the soil, raked with a rake, irrigated thoroughly, and seeded when the land is slightly dry. The sowing time is generally from the middle of March to the first ten days of April. The seeds can be sown when they are just exposed. The germination should not be too long. The sowing mainly adopts two methods: drilling and spot sowing [12-13]
cuttage propagation
Cut fully mature annual branches from hawthorn trees, cut them into segments of certain length, and cut them in a well leveled nursery. The ditch is about 15cm deep, and the soil cover is 10cm thick. Water them immediately, and water them again every 3-5 days. After the second water infiltration, the cutting ditch will be buried flat to help conserve moisture. After germination, leave one strong strip for cultivation, and remove the rest to cultivate dry type and reduce nutrient consumption [12-13]

cultivation techniques


Land selection and preparation

It is necessary to select suitable afforestation land according to the biological characteristics of hawthorn trees. It should be selected in the plains, mountains and hills with sufficient sunlight, deep soil, leeward and sunny, and good drainage. It is better to use neutral sandy loam soil. After the plot is selected, a hawthorn garden will be built on hills and slopes to prevent water and soil loss and ensure the growth and development of hawthorn. Terraces or fish scale pits can be built, with gentle slopes and larger fish scale pits; The slope is steep, and the fish scale pit can be smaller. The lower edge of the fish scale pit shall be built with stones to facilitate water and soil conservation and promote the growth of hawthorn [12]

Water and fertilizer management

In the process of deep ploughing of soil, the base fertilizer shall be applied well. 100kg of decomposed organic fertilizer shall be applied to each adult tree, which shall be spread in the centralized root distribution area and compacted after covering the soil. After deep ploughing, water shall be irrigated in time to fill all deep ploughed soil layers to facilitate the growth of hawthorn, and sufficient base fertilizer shall be applied before and after harvest [12-13]

Shaping trimming

The shaping and pruning of hawthorn can make its structure reasonable. The hawthorn can be reshaped and pruned according to the growth characteristics of different age stages. At the young tree stage, pruning mainly focuses on shaping, cultivating bone trunks, adjusting the growth direction and angle of bone trunks, and laying the foundation for flowering and fruiting; In the first fruit stage, we should set the dry type, expand the crown, and prepare for the transition to high-yield; In the full fruit stage, the pruning direction is similar to that of the initial fruit bearing trees, mainly focusing on shaping the tree structure and cultivating the fruit bearing parent branches [12]

Disease and insect control

The common diseases of hawthorn include powdery mildew, flower rot, leaf spot, etc. Powdery mildew mainly damages leaves, new shoots and fruits, which can be controlled by spraying sulfur agent or triadimefon; Flower rot mainly damages leaves, new shoots and young fruits, causing erosion of the affected parts. It can be controlled by spraying methylthiobuzin wettable powder and Fenxining wettable powder [12] Common pests include spider, aphid, etc. Red spider, namely hawthorn spider mite, is most harmful on the leaves, and can also occur on the buds, flower organs and young fruits. It can be controlled by spraying trichloro acaricide emulsifiable concentrates, pyrethroids, Kemite emulsifiable concentrates and Nissolan emulsifiable concentrates [12]

Subordinate classification

There are two varieties of hawthorn, namely, hawthorn( Crataegus pinnatifida var. major )And hairless hawthorn( Crataegus pinnatifida var. psilosa [1] [9-10] , as follows:

Crataegus pinnatifida

Hawthorn, also known as sour hawthorn, big hawthorn, Tangdi, red fruit, etc., this variety has a large fruit shape, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, dark bright red; The leaves are large and split shallowly; The plant grows luxuriantly. It is an important fruit tree in the mountainous area of Hebei Province in China. The fruit is used for fresh eating, processing or sugar gourd. Generally, hawthorn is used as rootstock for grafting and propagation [9]
Crataegus pinnatifida

Hairless hawthorn

Hairless hawthorn, also known as Changmao hawthorn, leaves, pedicels and total pedicels of this variety are all hairless. It is produced in northeastern provinces of China and also distributed in North Korea. It is mainly used as rootstock and small fruit can be used for processing [10] [11 ]
Hairless hawthorn

Key values


Ornamental value

Hawthorn has beautiful tree shape, elegant flowers and bright fruits. It can be planted alone, in clusters, in groups and in rows, and is often used in street, park, square, residential area, courtyard and scenic area [3 ]

Edible value

Hawthorn is rich in amino acids, proteins, sugars, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, with certain nutritional value. Hawthorn has a rich taste, which can be made into preserved fruits, drinks and other foods, and is widely used [16]

Medicinal value

The mature fruits and flowers of hawthorn can be used as medicine. Its mature fruit is the source of Chinese herbal medicine hawthorn. It tastes sour, sweet, and mild in nature. It returns to the spleen, stomach, and liver meridians. It has the effect of eliminating food accumulation and removing stasis. It mainly treats food stagnation, abdominal distention and pain, diarrhea, dysentery, blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, lochia, hernia or testicular swelling and pain, hyperlipidemia. The flower of hawthorn is the source of traditional Chinese medicine hawthorn flower. It tastes bitter, has flat nature, belongs to the liver meridian, has the effect of lowering blood pressure, and is mainly used to treat hypertension [17 ]

economic value

The wood of hawthorn is heavy, hard, tough and tightly textured. It can be used to make tool handles, mallets and other small items [14] Hawthorn core can be used to make activated carbon, wood board, smoke preparation, hawthorn core distillate oil, etc [15] Hawthorn is an ideal raw material for the food industry, which can be further processed to produce products such as hawthorn ice sugar gourd, hawthorn cake, golden cake, red peel, hawthorn jam, hawthorn slice, hawthorn candied fruit, hawthorn juice, etc [16]
Hawthorn candied haws
Hawthorn Peony Peel

Plant culture


Related legends

In China, it is said that there is a camel mountain in Shandong. At the foot of the mountain, there is a girl named Pomegranate. She was beautiful and affectionate, and fell in love with a young man named Bai Jing. They lived at the foot of a mountain and drank a stream of water together. Unfortunately, the beauty of pomegranate alerted the emperor. People from the government stole her and forced her to become a concubine. Pomegranate would rather die than obey and cheat the emperor to be filial to his mother for a hundred days. Shi Di had no choice but to find a quiet courtyard and let him live alone. After the pomegranates were taken away, Baijing chased them to Nanshan Mountain and stood on the top of the mountain day and night, turning into a small tree. Pomegranate leaves the imperial palace to find the incarnation of Baijing. It is extremely sad. I burst into tears. The sad pomegranate also turns into a tree and bears bright red fruit, which is called "pomegranate". When the emperor heard about it, he ordered people to cut down trees, and ordered not to call it "pomegranate", but "mountain slag" - the dregs in the mountains. But people like the strong pomegranate, that is, they call it "hawthorn" [18 ]

Poetry culture

Many ancient Chinese poets once wrote poems about hawthorn, and Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem in "The Vertical Arrival" that "hawthorn and pear are decorated with green, plum and apricot are half yellow, and the boy comes to the garden in secluded places, and the fragrance of ripe naire is light"; Monk Zhiyi also wrote "Singing Hawthorn": "The branches are crooked and ferocious, the mouth is tilted, the head is held high in the wind, the face is simple and unadorned, the years are calm and smiling, and the life is indifferent to sour fruit flowers." [1] [18 ]