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Pingshan Township

Xiazhi Township, Long'an County, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
open 2 entries with the same name
Pingshan Township, subordinate to Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Nanning Long'an County , located in the southwest of Long'an County, adjacent to Qiaojian Town and Fusui County in the east Middle East Town , south of Chongzuo City Jiangzhou Nalong Town , connecting Daxin County to the west Fulong Township And Nanxu Town and Buquan Township to the north. [1] The administrative area of Pingshan Township is 248.14 square kilometers. By the end of 2018, the registered population of Pingshan Township was 18701. [2]
In the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), there was Pingwei Township, belonging to Wancheng County. Later, it belongs to Daxin County. In July 1959, it was transferred to Long'an County and Pingshan Commune was established. In September 1962, Pingshan Commune was changed into Pingshan District. In January 1969, Pingshan District was renamed Pingshan Commune. In September 1984, Pingshan Commune was changed into Pingshan Township. [1] As of June 2020, Pingshan Township has jurisdiction over 1 community and 9 administrative villages. [3] The township people's government is located in Pingshan Community. [1]
In 2018, there were 6 industrial enterprises and 5 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters in Pingshan Township. [2]
Chinese name
Pingshan Township
Administrative Region Category
Long'an County, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
geographical position
Southwest of Long'an County
248.14 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 community, 9 administrative villages
Government residence
Pingshan Community
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and fifteen
License plate code
Gui A
18701 persons (Registered population by the end of 2018)

Construction history

In the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), there was Pingwei Township, belonging to Wancheng County. Later, it belongs to Daxin County.
In July 1959, it was transferred to Long'an County and Pingshan Commune was established.
In September 1962, Pingshan Commune was changed into Pingshan District.
In January 1969, Pingshan District was renamed Pingshan Commune.
Pingshan Township
In September 1984, Pingshan Commune was changed into Pingshan Township. [1]

administrative division

At the end of 2011, Pingshan Township had jurisdiction over one village committee in Pingshan, and nine village committees in Yali, Qunli, Tuanjie, Culture, Shangmeng, Liujia, Wanling, Buya and Shangqin; There are 123 villagers' groups. 102 natural villages. [1]
As of June 2020, Pingshan Township has jurisdiction over 1 community and 9 administrative villages. [3] The township people's government is located in Pingshan Community. [1]
Details of Pingshan Township Division
Pingshan Community
Qunli Village
Yali Village
Liujia Village
Shangmeng Village
Tuanjie Village
Wanling Village
Cultural Village
Shangqin Village
Buyai Village

geographical environment


Location context

Pingshan Township is located in the southwest of Long'an County, bordering Qiaojian Town and Zhongdong Town of Fusui County in the east, Nalong Town, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City in the south, Fulong Township, Daxin County in the west, Nanxu Town and Buquan Township in the north. [1] The administrative area of Pingshan Township is 248.14 square kilometers. [2]
Pingshan Township

topographic features

The territory of Pingshan Township is of karst landform, which is basically mountainous and hilly. The terrain is slightly higher in the southwest and north and lower in the east, with an altitude of 300~700 meters. Xidaming Mountain, the highest mountain in the county, is 1071.2 meters above sea level. [1]


Pingshan Township has a subtropical monsoon climate. In spring, the temperature warms up early, the rainfall is small, and spring drought is easy to occur. The summer is long, hot and rainy, and the winter is short, warm and dry. The annual average temperature is 21.8 ℃, slightly longer in winter and summer, and slightly shorter in spring and autumn. The average annual rainfall is 1100 mm. The sunshine is sufficient, and the frost free period is 330 days. Summer is hot and dry, high temperature and little rain, and winter is mild and humid. The temperature is 5~19 ℃ in winter and 25~37 ℃ in summer. [1]


Lushui River in Pingshan Township enters from the west of Bai'antun, Liujia Village, flows from southwest to northeast to Natong Town and flows into Youjiang River. The river within the territory is 20 kilometers long. [1]

natural disaster

The main natural disasters in Pingshan Township include drought and flood, as well as geological disasters, cold disasters, strong winds, hail, lightning and other disasters. Geological disasters occurred from May to September, mainly reflected in landslides. It is prone to waterlogging due to flash floods. [1]

natural resources

Pingshan Township
The proven underground mineral resources in Pingshan Township are mainly calcite, limestone and silica, which are mainly distributed in Wanling, Buyai, Yali Village and other areas. [1]


At the end of 2011, Pingshan Township had a total population of 17498, including 759 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 4.3%. There are also 24 floating population. Of the total population, 9174 are men, accounting for 52.4%; 8324 women, accounting for 47.6%; 2379 people under 14 years old, accounting for 13.6%; 12722 people aged 15-64, accounting for 72.7%; 2397 people over 65 years old, accounting for 13.7%. The population is Zhuang. In 2011, the birth rate was 6.5 ‰, the mortality rate was 2.3 ‰, and the natural population growth rate was 4.2 ‰. [1]
By the end of 2018, the registered population of Pingshan Township was 18701. [2]




In 2011, the total financial revenue of Pingshan Township was 1.75 million yuan, an increase of 15.89% over the previous year. From the perspective of main taxes, the tax revenue was 900000 yuan, business tax was 540000 yuan, value-added tax was 30000 yuan, and corporate income tax was 160000 yuan. [1]
In 2018, there were 6 industrial enterprises and 5 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters in Pingshan Township. [2]


At the end of 2011, Pingshan Township had 38000 mu of arable land, 2.17 mu per capita. It mainly grows corn, rice, soybeans, cassava and other crops. In 2011, the total agricultural output value was 90.43 million yuan. Grain crops are mainly rice and corn. In 2011, 6123 tons of grain were produced. The soybean planting area is 3150 mu, with an annual output of 237 tons. main cash crop They are sugarcane and cassava. In 2011, the cassava planting area was 1500 mu, with an annual output of 2250 tons; The planting area of sugar cane is 2790 mu, and the raw sugarcane of the factory is more than 10000 tons. [1]
At the end of 2011, Pingshan Township mainly raised pigs, sheep and poultry. In 2011, 14879 live pigs, 986 cattle, 106000 listed poultry and self slaughtered poultry were sold. In 2011, 1201 tons of meat were produced. [1]


Party building workstation of Pingshan Township Cultural Village
At the end of 2011, Pingshan Township was mainly engaged in mineral powder processing. In 2011, the total industrial output value was RMB 1.96 million. By the end of 2011, Pingshan Mineral Powder Processing Plant was completed and put into operation; The total annual output value of Pingshan Brick Factory is 5 million yuan. [1]

social undertakings


Cultural undertakings

At the end of 2011, there were 1 cultural station and 10 village cultural activity centers in Pingshan Township; There are 10 libraries and 10000 books. [1]


”Sanyue Eight "Folk Song Festival
At the end of 2011, there were 4 kindergartens in Pingshan Township, with 500 children and 25 full-time teachers; There are 6 primary schools with 900 students and 70 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There is one junior high school with 220 students and 23 full-time teachers. The coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education is 100%. [1]

medical and health work

By the end of 2011, Pingshan Township had 11 medical and health institutions at all levels, including 1 township hospital and 10 village clinics; There are 20 beds, 12 beds for every 10000 people, and the total value of fixed assets is 6 million yuan. There are 32 professional health personnel, including 6 licensed doctors and 7 registered nurses. In 2011, medical institutions completed 15000 person times of diagnosis and treatment. The number of new rural cooperative medical care participants in the township is 17041, with a participation rate of 96.55%. [1]

social security

At the end of 2011, Pingshan Township had 15 urban minimum living security households and 15 people. There are 253 households with minimum living security in rural areas, with 673 people. A total of 250 relief supplies were distributed, and relief food was distributed to 1130 households, 3978 people, 35549 kg in total; 15 households received 45000 yuan in medical aid; A total of 23 poor disabled families were visited. There are 8 disabled students in the whole township who have received 500 yuan each for "supporting disabled students"; 117 disabled people have been helped to apply for the second generation disability certificate, to obtain paid support funds for the disabled, and to encourage the disabled to start their own businesses. The township should have 100 urban medical insurance, and 79 people have participated in medical insurance, with a participation rate of 79%. [1]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, there was one post office and two agency offices in Pingshan Township. One telecommunication service network, 1300 fixed telephone users and 200 Internet users. [1]


Pingshan Township
In Pingshan Township, there is a 316 provincial highway from Nantong to Jingxi. [1]

Historical culture

  • Name Origin
Pingshan Township got its name from the fact that there is a mountain peak in the township government residence that looks like a screen. [1]