practice upright conduct

[jū zhèng]
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Chinese modern democratic revolutionaries, politicians and jurists
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Juzheng (November 8, 1876 - November 23, 1951), formerly known as Juzhijun, was also known as Juesheng, Yuesong, and was also known as Meichuan Jushi. Guangji, Hubei (now Hubei Martial acupoint )People. Chinese modern democratic revolutionaries, politicians and jurists [4]
In 1905, he went to Japan to study and entered Japan University of Justice The Preparatory Department and the Undergraduate Legal Department will soon be Song Jiaoren Introduction to joining the United League of China He has successively participated in organizing Wuchang Uprising , served as the commander of the Northeast Army in the struggle against Yuan Sun Yat-sen participate in Dharmapala Movement The rich experience of revolutionary struggle established his position as the elder in the Kuomintang. Later, he successively served as a member of the National Government, Minister of Justice and Administration Judicial Yuan President and a series of prominent judicial positions. [2] He went to Taiwan in 1949 and died in Taipei in 1951 [6] He has written Personal Records of 1911, Diaries of Meichuan, etc. There are three volumes of Complete Works of Mr. Juzheng [4]
Juzheng used to serve in the Republic of China Judicial Yuan President (1932-1948) served for 16 years, during which he tried to bring the Republic of China into the orbit of the rule of law. The orthodox idea of ruling the country by law has strong modernity. There is also an obvious inheritance of Chinese traditional legal culture. Exploring its thoughts is helpful to understand the social situation in the Republic of China from the legal perspective; His distinctive views also enlighten contemporary Chinese lawyers. [1]
Source of pictures in the overview [3]
Chinese name
practice upright conduct
The best steed
date of birth
November 8, 1876 [7] (September 23, Guangxu 2002)
Date of death
November 23, 1951
University one is graduated from
Japan University of Justice

Character's Life

A scholar at the end of the Qing Dynasty, he is chivalrous
Its original name was Yangjun, and its name was Zhijun. It was named Yue Song and Juesheng. He was born in 1876, the second year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. Juwen Shengyuan people. In the 25th year of Guangxu's reign, he was admitted as a scholar, but he failed in Wuchang twice. Meet Chen Zhaoyi Shi Ying Tiantong wait forsomeone. When he was young, he was chivalrous.
Studying in Japan, Following Sun Wen
In September of the 31st year of Guangxu's reign, he traveled to Japan and changed his name to Zheng. He was funded by Chen Wenzhe, a fellow villager, and enrolled in the crash course of Tokyo University of Law and Politics. After graduation, he joined the League, followed Sun Yat sen, and worked with Japanese celebrities A dog breeds perseverance , Xuanye Changzhi, etc.
In the 32nd year of Guangxu, the constitutionalists Tang Hualong In the University of Law and Political Science, we enlisted some Hubei students studying in Japan, organized local self-government associations, advocated the constitutionality and the protection of the emperor, and visited Hubei compatriots all over the country, exposing their royalist face, so that their conspiracy failed. In the summer of the next year, we launched the "Progressive Association" with Sun Wu and Zhang Baixiang and drafted the articles of association for them. In December, Juzheng dropped out of school and returned home, ready to attend Hekou Uprising in Yunnan
Create newspapers and advocate revolution
When he came to Hong Kong, knowing that the uprising had failed, he went to Singapore to visit Sun Yat sen and was ordered to Hu Hanminrevolutionary leader and close associate of Sun Yat-sen intimate of Sun Yat-sen , Tian Tong《 ZTE Daily 》, with the royalist party under the pseudonym of "Medicine Stone" Xu Qin Xu Qin was defeated and left after the debate on the General Hui Bao. Ju Xuan was invited to go Yangon , founded《 Guanghua Daily 》, under the pseudonym of "Gong Sheng", advocated revolution among overseas Chinese and organized the branch of the League. At the request of the Qing court, the British and Burmese colonial authorities ordered the newspaper to stop publication and escorted Juzheng back to Guangzhou for punishment. After passing Xingzhou, the local federation organized to hire a lawyer to bail the court with 3000 yuan. Allow Yide to sail to Tokyo.
Raising military funds, Wuchang Uprising
Dai Dunbang's portrait of Juzheng [5]
In July 1910, the second year of Xuantong Song Jiaoren Tan Renfeng The 11th League Branch President Meeting held by, etc. established the "Central League Association" and was promoted as the head of Hubei League Association. After the meeting, they returned to Shanghai, communicated to the Shanghai Alliance, and went to various places for activities. At the end of the year, he returned to China to publicize the revolution, develop organizations, and absorb more than 10 alliance members, such as Hu Caixiang and Juniang Xiang. Shortly afterwards, the news began to emerge, and detectives came out everywhere, so they went to Han. receive Huang Xing A personal letter from said that Guangzhou was about to launch and asked Wuhan to respond. With the 800 yuan fund paid by Tan Renfeng, a general office was set up in Wuchang to carry out liaison and deployment, and cooperate with the Communist Party and the Literary Society to plan the uprising. Suffering from insufficient funds Jiao Dafeng He went back to his hometown three times to steal the golden Bodhisattva of Qichunda City Temple. It will not help if you get the chance to use the real gold. On September 24, entrusted by the revolutionaries, he went to Shanghai to purchase ordnance.
When he returned to the Han Dynasty, Wuchang had already revolted, Hubei Military Government Established as consultant and secretary. Tang Hualong, the former chairman of the Hubei Advisory Bureau, drafted the Provisional Regulations of the Military Government of the Republic of China. He asked for leave and said that Sun Yat sen had drafted it overseas. As a result, the party members passed smoothly, leaving the military and political power in the background twice president of the republican government at Peking , Tang Hualong's hand. At the end of October, when the revolutionary army stopped the Qing army at Dazhimen, he went to the front to command the battle and suffered head injuries. He was carried to Jianghan Pass and recovered after treatment. And Huang Xingzhi, Juzheng was ordered to go east to Shanghai to contact all parties.
Anti Yuan Protects the Country, Fighting against Shanghai and Shandong
After the recovery of Nanjing, Juzheng participated in the provincial representative meetings held by Sun Yat sen as a representative of Hubei. And served as the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Interim Government. Sun Yat sen abdicates high Qing official Later, he left his post. In August 1912, when Sun Yat sen visited Beijing, Juzheng was one of his attendants. At that time, the League was reorganized into the Kuomintang and was appointed as the liaison minister of the Kuomintang in Shanghai. In February 1913, Juzheng was elected to the Senate in Hubei. When the situation against Yuan became increasingly high, he was ordered by Sun Yat sen to return to Shanghai to plan and discuss Yuan's affairs.
Second Revolution ”After the outbreak, he served as a member of the Shanghai General Headquarters for Yuan Debate. When in danger, he was ordered to inspect Wusong Fortress. The commander of the fortress temporarily defected and succeeded the commander of the fortress. He called in the scattered artillery to return to Taiwan, and collected more than 1800 troops from the Yunnan Army, the Fujun Army, and the Song Army. He defeated Liu Fubiao, the leader of the death squads, who tried to surrender to the enemy, and fought with the Beiyang Navy for more than 20 days. When they came to Shanghai, Nanjing and other places to fight against Yuan Jun, they failed one after another, and then Chen Qimei Wait for the eastward voyage to Japan.
In July 1914, the Chinese Revolutionary Party was founded in Tokyo. He served as the Minister of Party Affairs and the manager of the magazine of the Republic of China. In the autumn of 1915, he was appointed Commander in Chief of the Northeast Army of the Chinese Revolutionary Army. In January of the next year, he went to Qingdao Mi to raise two divisions and one brigade, which grew to more than 30000 people. In May, the fifth elite division of Yuan army was defeated, and more than 7000 Beiyang officers and soldiers were captured. More than 10 cities, including Weixian County and Gaomi, were even conquered in northwest Shandong. On May 25, Sun Yat sen's Special Representative Liao Zhongkai Special condolences.
Elected member of parliament, opposed to cooperation
After the death of Yuan Shikai, the Congress reopened. In July, Juzheng entered Beijing and continued to serve as a senator. In August 1917, at the call of Sun Yat sen, he went to Guangzhou to attend the extraordinary session of the National Assembly and organize the military government. In May 1918, Sun Yat sen resigned from the post of Grand Marshal to Shanghai and stayed in Shanghai to handle the handover. In October 1919, the Chinese Revolutionary Party was reorganized into the Chinese Kuomintang, and served as the director of the General Affairs Department and a member of the Central Committee of the Military Commission. In April 1921, Juzheng proposed jointly at the extraordinary session of the Guangzhou Congress to elect Sun Yat sen as the President of the Republic of China. Resident Counsellor of the Presidential Palace; In the following year, he served as the Chief of Internal Affairs, and also took charge of the affairs of the Party headquarters. He used foreign capital to set up the Guangdong Stock Exchange and the National Savings Bank, making a profit of more than 1 million yuan, providing financial backing for Guangxi.
In January 1924, the "First Congress" of the Chinese Kuomintang was held in Guangzhou, and Juzheng was elected as the executive member and standing member of the Central Committee. After the meeting, Sun Yat sen was severely criticized for opposing Kuomintang Communist cooperation, so he returned to Baoshan Private House in Shanghai and closed the door to thank guests. The Central Executive Committee held its second plenary session in Guangzhou. He did not attend without reason.
Xishan Meeting was excluded
In March 1925, Sun Yat sen died in Beijing and went to Beijing to pay homage to his remains. On November 23, participated in native places of Mencius and Confucius respectively , Xie Chi Linsen The "Fourth Plenary Session of the First Kuomintang Central Committee", which was planned to be held illegally in Biyun Temple, Xishan, Beijing, was called“ Xishan Conference School ”。 After the meeting, another "Kuomintang Central Party Headquarters" was set up in Shanghai with Lin Sen, Zou Lu, etc., which was opposite to the Kuomintang Central Committee in Guangzhou.
In January 1926, the second Kuomintang Congress was held in Guangzhou. Ju was warned in writing and was soon expelled from the Party. On March 29 of the same year, the "Xishan Conference Faction" illegally convened the "Second National Congress of the Kuomintang" in Shanghai, and Ju was elected as the Central Executive Committee and Organization Minister. After the meeting, he served as a standing committee member and hosted the Jiangnan Evening News. On the first day of June 1927, Chiang Kai shek established the Central Party Headquarters of the Nanjing Kuomintang, abolished the punishment of the "Xishan Conference Group", and restored the party membership of Juzheng and others. In September, Nanjing and Han joined forces and became special members of Nanjing Kuomintang and National Government. When the Central Executive Committee was formally established in December, it was excluded from the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang and the National Government. It lived in Shanghai, collected historical data, and compiled and printed the Records of the Qing Dynasty.
Re enabled, judicial achievements
In December 1929, for participating in anti Chiang activities, he was appointed by the Shanghai Police Commander Xiong Shihui Arrest, moved in May of the next year Longhua Prison It is too painful. In December, Nanjing was released from house arrest Tangshan And was released after the September 18th Incident in 1931. In December, as the first executive member and standing member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, he was the fourth ex officio executive member and standing member of the Central Committee, and also served as the vice president of the judiciary. In January of the next year, he was the acting president and president of the Supreme Court. In March, he served as the President of the Judiciary, the President of the Supreme Court and the Chairman of the Civil Service Disciplinary Committee. In 1934, he was also the Minister of Justice and Administration. During his tenure as the president of the judiciary, he learned from the laws and regulations of capitalist countries and established a series of judicial systems through legislative procedures, such as independent trial, separation of trial and execution, three levels of trial, civil and criminal procedure law, administrative procedure law and civil servant punishment law.
An old man with a false name accompanies the presidential election
After Juzheng reconciled with the Nanjing regime, he was honored as an elder of the Kuomintang, but actually he had no real name. However, he had contacts with many political groups in the past, so he sometimes asked him to mediate the conflicts between the conflicting military and political factions. At the Fifth and Sixth National Congresses of the Kuomintang, both of them were elected as Executive Members and Standing Members of the Central Committee. During the Anti Japanese War, Juzheng moved to Chongqing with the Kuomintang government. In the following three years, he published articles to demonstrate the necessity of China's recovery of foreign consular jurisdiction, aroused public opinion, and actively promoted the abolition of extraterritorial jurisdiction in China by Britain and the United States in 1943. In March 1948, he ran for president with Chiang Kai shek as an elder of the Kuomintang. He claimed to be a "candidate". At the time of the election, 109 of the deputies were still nominated as presidential candidates, and 269 votes were obtained.
In his later years, he wrote books
In July 1948, Ju Zheng resigned from the post of head of the court and was soon elected as a supervisory committee. In May of the next year, one of Chiang Kaishek's most trusted military officers Cabinet Resigns, Acting President Li Zongren The nomination for the formation of a cabinet was not approved by the Legislative Yuan by one vote. In November, he flew to Taiwan, took the false title of the assessor and supervisor, and engaged in writing historical materials of the Republic of China. On the night of November 23, 1951《 Zhang Zhenwu He died suddenly at 11:00 at the age of 76.
Although Juzheng is in a high position, he believes in frugality, often wears dark blue cloth gown, cloth socks and shoes, believes in Buddhism, calls himself "Muichuan Jushi", and is superstitious about geomancy. In 1932 Martial acupoint Lianhuafan, a stone rolling bridge nearby, bought a cemetery and moved his parents' and brother's burial halls here. Juzheng cared about local public welfare undertakings, and in 1928, he advocated the construction of Guangwu Highway. He also donated money to "Yangzheng Primary School" and "Meichuan Library". His posthumous works include "Xinhai Reading Notes", "Why Rebuild the Chinese Legal System", "Meichuan Phrase", "Zen Meditation Collection", "Seventy Autobiographies", etc. Taipei published the Complete Works of Mr. Ju Juesheng. Hubei Publishing House has published Selected Works of Mr. Juzheng.

Character works

He has written Personal Records of 1911, Mei Chuan's Diary, Why to Rebuild the Chinese Legal System, The Rites of 1911, The Complete Works of Mr. Jujue, The Death of Zhang Zhenwu, Mei Chuan's Poems, The True Records of the Qing Party, etc. His posthumous works have been compiled as The Complete Works of Mr. Jujuesheng. [1]