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urinary-tract infection

Medical terminology
Urethral infection is caused by Bacteria Viruses , fungi or more parasite Caused by urinary tract infection More female patients, clinically available gentamicin norfloxacin etc. antibiotic Or traditional Chinese medicine preparation Sanjin Tablets treatment.
TCM disease name
urinary-tract infection
Multiple population
female sex
Common causes
Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or multiple parasites
common symptom
Frequent urination, urgency, pain in urination, or mucous secretion

Basic overview

Urethral infection is generally divided into upper Urinary tract infection And lower urinary tract infection. Press Bacteria The ways of invasion can be divided into bloody infection, ascending infection and descending infection. Most women are infected upwardly. This is because the female urethra is straight and short, and bacteria are easy to go up to the bladder to cause infection. In addition, the external opening of the female urethra is close to the vaginal opening and anus, and is easy to be contaminated by feces and bacteria excreted in the vagina. In addition, the complete emptying ability of the bladder of elderly women is reduced, and bacteria are very easy to remain urine Medium reproduction. The common clinical symptom is lower urinary tract infection cystitis It is a common and frequently occurring disease in elderly women, and its incidence rate is 8-10 times higher than that of men, so prevention is very important.
Healthy people, bladder The urine inside is sterile, that is, none Bacteria Or other infectious microorganisms. take bladder There is no infection in the urethra, the tube through which urine is discharged from the body STD The pathogen or only a few pathogens will not cause infection. However, any part of the urinary tract can be infected. These infections are usually divided into lower urinary tract or upper urinary tract urinary tract infection lower urinary tract infection refer to bladder Or urinary tract infection; Upper urinary tract infection refer to kidney Or ureteral infection. [1]


pathogen It usually invades the urinary tract through one of two ways. So far, the most common route is through the lower end of urinary tract -- male Penis End opening or female vulva The result is an upward spread infection through the urethra; Another possible route is direct infection through blood source kidney Bacteria Viruses , fungi or many parasite Can cause urinary tract infection

Route of infection

It is generally believed that the route of urinary tract infection includes ascending infection, bloodstream infection lymph There are four ways of infection: road infection and direct infection.
(1) Ascending infection: Most urine sensation is caused by ascending infection. Normally, there are Bacteria Parasitic, but generally does not cause infection. When the resistance of the body decreases or the urethral mucosa is slightly damaged, or Bacteria It is highly toxic, has strong ability to adhere to urethral mucosa and ascend, and is easy to invade bladder and kidney , causing infection. Because the female urethral orifice is close to the anus, and the female urethral orifice is much shorter and wider than the male urethral orifice, the female urethral orifice is often faeces Pollution, so it is more likely to cause disease.
(2) Blood line infection: Bacteria From the infection focus in the body (such as amygdalitis nasosinusitis , dental caries or skin infection) invade the blood stream kidney , first caused multiple small abscesses in the renal cortex, then Renal tubule It diffuses downward to the renal papilla, calyces and pelvis mucosa, but inflammation can also start from the papillary collecting duct with slight damage at the renal papilla (such as crystal damage in urine), and then spread upward and downward. Blood route of infection is rare, less than 10%. Blood line infection is more common in newborns, or Staphylococcus aureus septicemia The patient's hematogenous renal infection.
(3) Lymphatic infection: there are many communicating branches between the lymphatic vessels of the lower abdomen and pelvic organs and the lymphatic vessels around the kidney, and between the ascending colon and the right kidney. When pelvic organ inflammation, appendicitis and colitis When, Bacteria It can also be infected from the lymphatic system kidney This route of infection is more rare, and even whether this route of infection exists is still controversial.
(4) Direct infection: trauma or adjacent kidney When the organs of, Bacteria It can directly invade the kidney to cause infection, but this situation is very rare clinically.


1. Costal lumbar point tenderness Percussion pain in renal area
2. Routine urine examination, urine white blood cell Increase Pyuria
3. Urine sediment smear staining, found Bacteria
4. Urine Bacterial culture Find bacteria
5. Urine colony count>10 to the 5th power/ml, and for those with symptoms such as urinary frequency,>10 to the 2nd power/ml is also meaningful; The 3rd power of coccus 10 - the 4th power of coccus 10/ml also has diagnostic significance;
6. One hour urine sediment count: 200000 white blood cells
7. The blood routine test showed that the white blood cells increased, Neutrophil nuclei shift to the left
8. Increased ESR


1. Symptomatic support treatment;
2. For pathogen Treatment (cefazolin sodium, norfloxacin
3. Maintain water electrolyte balance
4. All patients are encouraged to drink more water, and patients who drink less water should be given infusion to ensure that the daily urine volume is more than 2000ml.
5. Some patients can take Chinese medicine together. Sanjin Tablets , Yinhua Biyanling Tablets, etc

Expert tips

urinary tract infection , mostly seen in women of childbearing age, attention vulva It is very important to keep clean. urinary tract infection There are many incentives, so we should carefully check whether the patient has Urolithiasis Whether the kidney or ureter is deformed. In addition to drug treatment, drink more water to keep the daily urine volume above 2000ml, which plays a role in flushing the urinary tract urinary tract infection Treatment is also important. In addition, at present, gonococcal urethritis It is also very common, if any, you should press gonorrhea treatment. Application of traditional Chinese medicine urinary tract infection Has accumulated a lot of clinical experience It can be used for clearing away heat and toxic substances such as isatis root, rehmannia root, patrinia villosa, plantain, etc. In addition, attention should be paid to strengthening nutrition and strengthening physique.

Pathogenesis of infection

1. prostate hypertrophy: Hypertrophy of prostate It can block the urethra and lead to incomplete urination of the bladder in the elderly Prostatic fluid Has weak antibacterial ability, and, prostatitis Of Bacteria Extremely easy to invade the bladder, causing urinary tract infection , if accompanied Prostatic calculus , also increases the chance of infection, and infection is difficult to eliminate.
2. Other urinary tract abnormalities: causing urinary tract abnormalities Acquired factor More, such as Neurogenic bladder Weak contraction, foreign body, tumor, stenosis and changes caused by trauma, surgery or radiation lead to decreased bladder emptying function and increased residual urine volume. If the pressure in the lumen of the urinary tract rises, or a section of the urinary tract is excessively dilated, or there is a urinary tract intubation, Bacteria If it enters the bladder, it is easy to cause reproduction urinary tract infection Occurrence of.

Lower urinary tract infection

Vesical and urethral Bacteria Sexual inflammation, collectively referred to as Lower urinary tract infection , the common pathogenic bacteria are Escherichia coli Staphylococcus and Staphylococcus, most of which are secondary, are more common in women. Common causes include urethral obstruction, inflammation of adjacent organs, bladder or urethral instrument examination, trauma Masturbation Etc.

clinical manifestation

lower urinary tract infection The main performance points of, Urinalgia , or mucinous secretion. inspect urine There are pus cells and a few red blood cells.


It includes: ① enhancing the body resistance, treating the primary focus and eliminating the clothing and hair factors; ② Drink more water, hot water comes to the bottom or 1:50000 potassium permanganate Solution sitz bath; ③ Anti infection: 1g Synergetic Sulfonate can be selected, twice a day, gentamicin 80000 units, three times a day, norfloxacin 0.2g, 3 times a day, severe cases can Intravenous drip Ampicillin 2-4g or Amikacin 0.4-0.6g; ④ For those with obvious symptoms of urethral irritation, appropriate antispasmodic and analgesic drugs, such as anisodamine 5-10mg, can be taken orally 3 times a day, or atropine Tablets 0.3-0.6 mg, 3 times a day.


1. Keep vulva Clean.
(1) The baby girl should change the diaper in time after defecation, wash the perineum and buttocks, and the diaper used must be clean. Children after the age of 1, both men and women, should wear hidden pants and not sit on the spot to avoid vulva And urinary tract infection.
(2) Adults should wash daily vulva Once, change frequently underpants After defecation, wipe the anus from front to back to avoid bringing anal dirt to the urethral orifice.
(3) No sitz bath If you bathe in a bathtub, the sewage is easy to soak into the urethra, causing infection. Because the female urethra is short and wide, and the urethral orifice is close to the vagina and anus, special attention should be paid.
2. Pay attention to sexual hygiene. Urinary infection The cause of the disease, poor sexual hygiene habits are more common, both men and women vulva Or vagina, urethra germs It is very easy to pass on to the other party, and also easy to infect itself. Therefore, the external genitalia should be cleaned before sex. If contraceptives are used, they should be washed or disinfected. Sexual intercourse Before and after, urinate once. In addition, quit masturbation, especially with utensils, to prevent urinary tract infection and injury.
3. Prevention urine Full stay.
(1) When you feel like urinating, urinate in time Suffocation Empty your arms before going to bed every night.
(2) For women who are pregnant for more than 5 months, it is better to lie on the left and right side when sleeping, so as to prevent the uterus from pressing the ureter and causing poor urine flow.
(3) Caused by active treatment Urinary obstruction Diseases, such as Urolithiasis , tumor Hyperplasia of prostate Phimosis Nephroptosis Scar stenosis, congenital malformation of urinary system, etc.
4. Remove invasive bacteria.
(1) Actively treat infectious diseases, such as tonsillitis, skin swelling or traumatic infection cholecystitis pelvic infection appendicitis Prostatitis, caries infection, sinusitis, etc., should be treated with sufficient drugs and thoroughly cleaned to prevent bacteria from entering the urinary system through the blood and lymphatic channels, and to kill bacteria that have invaded the urinary tract.
(2) Drink more boiled water, increase urine output urine Constantly flush the urinary tract and discharge it as soon as possible Bacteria and toxin Keep the urinary tract clean.
5. Radical cure and change prevention.
(1) Thorough treatment: it has been found Urinary infection Of the patients, we should take adequate medication within a sufficient period of treatment, and we should not take it lightly. Intermittent treatment or premature drug withdrawal may lead to chronic disease. Generally, after the symptoms disappear completely, Urine examination After returning to normal, continue to use the drug for 3-5 days. After stopping the drug, recheck the urine once a week. If no abnormality is found for more than 3 consecutive times, it can be considered as basically cured.
(2) Slow search STD Cause: For chronic patients, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the delay and see if there is any Urinary obstruction Or other infectious diseases, especially those at the urethral orifice; Whether it causes the engine body Resistance Reduced Chronic consumptive disease Such as diabetes hepatopathy , tumor tuberculosis Others kidney trouble Etc; Are you still taking it recently Immunosuppression Drugs such as prednisone Kunming Crabapple Penicillin and anti-tumor drugs; Whether the medicine is used irregularly against the doctor's advice. Then targeted prevention and treatment, and strive for early recovery.
(3) Long term follow-up observation: chronic Urinary infection A complete cure is a long-term thing and should be followed up. If the symptoms reappear within 6-9 weeks after drug withdrawal, it should be regarded as re infection or recurrence of the original disease, and the drug should be recruited continuously for about half a year. Monthly reexamination is still required for half a year after drug withdrawal urine If there are signs of recurrence, treat it immediately to prevent the disease from evolving to the end uremia Etc.
6. Suitable dynamic and static conditions. Strengthening physical exercise and strengthening physique is to prevent occurrence Urinary infection Important aspects of. Once infected, in the acute period of fever and abnormal urine test, you should stay in bed and rest. During the recovery period, we should participate in moderate physical activity Avoid physical weakness and delay. The way of activity may vary from person to person, but fatigue is not allowed.
7. Drug prevention.
(1) Car front grass, dandelion, honeysuckle, wormwood White thatch root Wait for light frying or soaking, and drink it as a substitute for tea.
(2) 9 grams of luffa seeds, baked and ground, served with yellow rice wine, once a day or twice a day.
(3) Mung bean Clothes or mung beans, boiled in sauce
(4) 60 grams of honeysuckle and 120 grams of sugar are fried together, and taken frequently. Or 120g honeysuckle vine, fried in water.
(5) 15 grams of thistle grass, Malangen 15g, fried in water.