
Nibiru planet
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Nibiru (English name Nibiru, Chinese transliteration Nibinu, Nibiru) Sumerian Mythology God in Sumerian language Li means "ferry", which means a non-existent The imaginary planet of.
In 2012, it was reported that NASA The planet was discovered, but then NASA sent a message to the outside world to clarify that the previous discovery was just a wrong discovery and a network hoax. [6]
scholar Zechariah Zechen On《 Earth Chronicle 》The hypothesis put forward in this set of works is that the origin of human beings is related to the twelfth celestial body, Nibiru, and the revolution of the twelfth celestial body is 3600 years. [7]
Chinese name
Foreign name
God appearing in Sumerian mythology
Ferry Boat

Astral history

In the 1970s, archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin kyaye( Zechariah Zechen ·Gay) excavated sumerian civilization Relics, and found a piece of star map There are twelve celestial bodies on it. In addition to the sun, the moon, water, gold, fire, wood, earth and the earth itself that can be observed by ancient humans, there are also things that ancient humans cannot discover Uranus Neptune The remaining one is a planet that even modern humans can't find, so he proposed that "there is a large undiscovered planet in the solar system planet ”This one hypothesis
In this hypothesis, Nibiru is a planet whose major axis of an elliptical orbit is much longer than its minor axis, and at the far end of the major axis Pluto It is far from the sun, and can reach near the earth when the short axis is closest to the sun, with a revolution period of 3600 years. ( Mayan Prophecy In Solar period Its cycle is 5000-30000 years, which is close to the revolution of Nibiru). Although it violates the interstellar Law of gravity This hypothesis is not recognized by the general scientific system, but many people make inferences based on his hypothesis that Nebiru will visit the earth in the 21st century (the most famous one is 2003, 2012, 2085). SF also used Nibiru as a "disaster star" in his works, fabricating the hypothesis that "Nibiru is the end of the world when it approaches the earth", so Nibiru became an imaginary planet as famous as Vulcan.
The Nibiru collision is a hypothetical Eschatology Disasters are caused by the collision or friction between the Earth and a large hypothetical planet, Nibiru. Some organizations believe that disasters will occur at the beginning of the 21st century two thousand and twelve year Mayan Prophecy solar storm The combination of rumors such as the reversal of the earth's magnetic pole and the prediction of the network robot project has become the theory of the demise of mankind in 2012. [1-2]
Nibiru is a god in Sumerian mythology, and both he and Diamatt are regarded as planets in science fiction and online rumors.
Zechariah Sitchin published a book about Mesopotamian civilization 's works《 The twelfth celestial body 》。 The protagonist of the novel excavated the ruins of the Soviet American civilization 6000 years ago, and found a star map carved on a stone slab, marked with 12 celestial bodies. In addition to the sun, moon, water, gold, fire, wood, earth and the earth itself that can be observed by ancient humans, he also found the existence of Uranus and Neptune early, and the remaining one is the planet Nibiru that even modern humans can not find. [3] The novel claims that the Sumerians discovered that Nibiru had collided with Diamat And split the latter into two parts. The larger one after splitting and the main satellite of Diamat ran between Venus and Mars after impact, forming the Earth; The other one is split into countless pieces, which become the space between Mars and Jupiter Asteroid belt And Anunnaki, an alien on the planet of Nibiru, came to the earth to seek gold, and was Sumerian Be worshipped as a god. [4]
Zechariah Sechin claimed that the people in the forum were from Nebirus
Later, Nancy Lieder, a person who claimed to be able to communicate with aliens, said on her website: "Residents of a planet in the ZetaReticuli galaxy warned her that the Earth is in the Planet X The danger of attack. " It means that Nibiru will return. The initial prediction time of this disaster was May 2003, but nothing happened at that time. Then the disaster time was changed to December 2012, which is related to the theory of human extinction in 2012. [5]
Internet rumors claimed that NASA launched in 1983 Infrared astronomical satellite , on Orion The direction is to find this Nibiru, which was estimated to be as big as Jupiter at that time, but NASA blocked the information. [3]
Rumors also refer to July 15, 2008, UK Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire suddenly appeared a large one with the orbits of the nine planets in the solar system Crop circle A week later, on July 23, 2008, the solar system orbit map of this crop circle was suddenly revised overnight, and a new Big comet Crop circle pattern. This planet is alien It implies that Nibiru will come and affect the operation of the earth. [4]
Rumors also say that people can see Nibiru since 2008, and can see it with the naked eye everywhere since May 2011. But no one saw it, and the rumor broke down. [5]
Internet rumors say that Nibiru will cause the earth's magnetic pole to turn, and the crust will rotate 180 degrees around the core in a few days or hours. However, it is impossible for the earth to rotate in the opposite direction, which has not happened in the past and will not happen in the future. Many websites reporting disaster content fooled people by correlating the rotation of the earth and the magnetic field. Magnetic field steering events occur on average once every 400000 years. What we know is that the magnetic field turning will not harm life on the earth. In any case, the event of magnetic field turning is unlikely to happen in the next few thousand years. These phenomena have nothing to do with the movement of the solar system to the center of the Milky Way. The argument that disasters will occur when the sun, the center of the Milky Way and the earth are in a straight line is nonsense. [5]

Existence conditions

According to foreign media reports, researchers from the United States said that although the center of the Milky Way seems to have a very bad environment, planets can still form in this extreme environment. Some astronomy enthusiasts said that this might be Mayan Prophecy The birth of the middle Nibiru planet created conditions, but the existence of this planet was not found.
Astronomers say the Milky Way can form Nibiru [1]
Astronomers at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in the United States said that at first glance, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy is a very unsuitable place for planet formation. Here, the density of stars is very high, and frequent supernova explosions produce huge shock waves, while Supermassive black hole The strong gravitational force of, then causes the sharp distortion of the surrounding space-time. However, in this extreme environment, planets can still form.
The above astronomers found that there is a cloud composed of hydrogen and helium in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, which extends from the silver center. They think that this cloud is actually a dust disk that is forming a planet and is rotating around a covered star. Ruth Murray Clay, chief scientist of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said: "This unfortunate star is being dragged to fly to the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Now its life is in danger, and even if this star escapes, its planetary disk may not be so lucky."
The research team also identified the possible source of this stray star - a star ring orbiting the center of the Milky Way about 1/10 light year away. Astronomers have detected dozens of young O type stars in this ring structure, which suggests that there may be hundreds of Sun like star The interaction between these stars may throw one of them together with its planetary disk towards the center of the Milky Way. Although the original planetary disk of the ejected star will be destroyed, other stars in the star ring can keep their planetary disks.
Therefore, despite their harsh environment, they may still form planets. As the star continues to fall towards the silver center in the following years, more and more material on the outer side of its planetary disk will be peeled off, leaving only a dense core. The denuded gas will meander and continue to fall, and finally be swallowed by the black hole. [1]

Clarification of rumors

I found that Saturn The "abnormal" orbit of Saturn seems to be pulled by some force, so it is predicted that there are other planets besides Saturn. stay Neptune And Uranus After being discovered one after another, astronomers found similar situations on the two planets and thought that the hypothetical planetX had not been found. last Pluto It has been found that this remote and strange looking small planet is considered by some people to be planetX, a mysterious planet that has certain gravity on other nearby planets. But this Pluto is too small to have the power to affect other planets. Since then, planetX has been an unsolved mystery in the astronomical world. Until 1982, a mysterious celestial body was discovered. To determine its properties, NASA Launched IRAS satellite in 1983 and found this object that was estimated to be as big as Jupiter in the direction of Orion. At that time, NASA released relevant findings to the outside world, but not long later, NASA sent a message to the outside world to clarify that the previous discovery was just a wrong discovery.