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The monster appearing in the Japanese special drama Max Altman
Eugene, Japanese special drama《 Max Altman 》The monster appearing in.
Mythical creatures that can travel through time and space fly between the past and the future. They appear in real time and space for a few seconds every 12 years on Christmas Eve. They met Dr. Gulee when he was a teenager. It is said that the ash tree can be caught by setting traps through its branches and crystals. Because Eugene itself is composed of distorted space-time, when it stays at a certain moment, the things around it will gradually disappear into space-time.
Chinese name
Foreign name
ユニジン (Japanese)
Unizin (English)
Mythical beast
Nishimura (Leather actor)
Debut works
Max Altman
47 m
36000 tons
Monster - Eudemon
one's native heath
Time space
Date of appearance
December 24, 2005 (Release date)
Debut episode
Max's 26th remark

Character settings

Alias: Mythical beast
Height: 47m
Weight: 36000 tons
one's native heath: Time space
Name design: Eugene's name is derived from the English " Unicorn [1 ]

Role capability

Introduction to Eugene's ability
Physical ability
Eugene mind Known as "time travel mind", it can freely shuttle and manipulate the time flow [2 ]
Eugene has blue Luminescent organ , which can create a temporal and spatial boundary around Eugene's body and surround the whole body.
Eugene grew " Bionucleus "Organs generate life energy through the collision of light particles.
Eugene's body has many magical Cell body : energy state of light particles Chimeric cell "Gather together to play the role of body muscles; In addition, as long as Eugene is still in the space of time Immortal cell body "Can play a role and let Eugene live forever [2 ]
Eugene grew a huge both wings At the same time, it is also Eugene's hands, called the "Flying Wing Arm", which is proud of its powerful strange power and spreads its wings to fly across time and space. At the same time, because the wings will emit a large number of light particles, it is also called "light particle radiating wings" [2 ]
Physical ability
Space time overflight capability
When Eugene opened his wings, he could fly through time and space.
However, since the wings will emit a large number of light particles during flight, and the matter touched by the light particles will be taken to the space and disappear, so it cannot stay at the "now" time point for a long time [1 ] [3]
Space time overflight capability

Role experience

Time: December 24, 2005
event: Eugene, a mythical eudemon, flies through space and time, taking 12 years as a cycle, and following a path around the sun Elliptical orbit , travel across the past and the future. In addition, once every 12 years, on the night of December 24 Now? point of time A few seconds.
As a mythical beast, it is gentle and won't fight with other beings. In ancient legend, as long as Eugene was established in the east, west, south and north of the place where he appeared Ash trees You can set up an enchantment to trap Eugene, and then you can use it crystal Catch it. However, because Eugene's own existence is made up of space-time distortion, the surrounding existence will be dragged into the gap of space-time, so he cannot stay at a certain time point for a long time Now?
Dr. Gulee once witnessed the arrival of Eugene when he was 12 years old, so he devoted himself to studying Eugene for decades. He made a time-space prediction disk to track Eugene's whereabouts Ireland I almost met Eugene again in the forest. On December 24, 2005, Dr. Gulee once again measured the location of Eugene's appearance through the time-space prediction disk, which was just near his old house. That night, Eugene was on the spot with Dr DASH The team members appeared in front of them, but then they were trapped by the boundary set by the ash tree and could not leave. At this time, Dr. Gulee began to hesitate whether to catch Eugene with crystal or not.
Because Eugene stayed too long in the "now", he released Light particle Start to disappear the things around in time and space. Dongma Quick Fight Become Max Altman On the stage, open the "Max barrier" to prevent the diffusion of light particles; But the power of light particles is too strong, and the barrier is gradually penetrated. Fortunately, Dr. Gulee finally gave up capturing Eugene and lifted the boundary of ash tree. Eugene flew back to time space after liberation. When Eugene left, he left a Paulownia As a gift to Dr. Gurley [4]
Drama: The 26th sentence of Max Altman: Ellie at Christmas