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Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park

Parks in Panchmahaas County, Gujarat, India
open 2 entries with the same name
Champong Bawagade Archaeological Park is Mughal Dynasty Previously complete Islam The city is located in Panchmahaas County, Gujarat, India. Archaeological park relics include prehistoric Bronze Age Site, the highland fortress of the ancient Indian capital, as well as the ancient military defense projects, palaces, religious buildings, etc. from the 8th century to the 14th century. [1]
Chinese name
Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park
Foreign name
Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park
geographical position
Indian AVAGADH Mountain
Famous scenic spot
Highland fortress KALIKAMATA Temple
Establishment time
8th century to 14th century

Heritage description

Heritage name: Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park
Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park
Selected time: 2004
Selection basis: cultural heritage (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
Geographic location: N22 28 60 E73 31 60
Heritage No.: 1011
Geographical Location of India World Heritage Site
Located in Panchmahaas County, Gujarat, India, the Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park is the relic of the Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park, which is close to the ancient city of Shangpang built by Mahmud Begada, the Sultan of Gujarat, and is guarded by the highland fortress on Mount Bawagade. The relics in the archaeological park include prehistoric sites of the Bronze Age, castles of early Indian capitals, ruins of the capital of Gujarat in the 16th century, and palaces, mosques, mausoleums, temples, stepwells and cisterns from the 8th to the 14th century. The Kalika Mata Temple (Pavagadh), built on the hill of Bawagade, has always been a holy place of Hinduism, attracting a large number of pilgrims all the year round. The site is the only complete and unchanged Islamic city before the Mughal Dynasty. The Champong Bawagade Archaeological Park records the evolution of Indian culture from Islamic Culture At the same time, the Islamic architecture before the Mughal Empire from the late 15th century to the early 16th century has been preserved.
In 2004, according to cultural heritage According to the selection criteria (iii) (iv) (v) (vi), the Champang Bawagade Archaeological Park was UNESCO World Heritage Committee Listed as a world cultural heritage《 World Heritage List 》。
Selection criteria (iii): The ancient buildings, temples, special water storage facilities, religious, military and agricultural buildings of the Champang Bawagade Archaeological Park can be traced back to the regional capital built by Mehmud Begda in the 16th century, representing the disappeared culture.
Selection criteria (iv): The structure of the Champong Bawagade Archaeological Park represents the perfect integration of Hindu and Muslim architecture, mainly in the Jama Masjid, which became the model of Indian mosque architecture later. This special style comes from the important period of the Sultan Dynasty in the region.
Selection criteria (v): The Champong Bawagade Archaeological Park makes full use of its environment, topography and natural features, and is an outstanding example of a capital city with a short residence time. It is very fragile due to abandonment, forest encroachment and modern life.
Evaluation of World Heritage Committee
Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park is an ancient land, where there are many unexplored cultural heritage with a long history and high archaeological value. Its scenery is extremely beautiful, including prehistoric (Bronze Age) ruins, highland fortresses of ancient Indian capital, ruins of the capital of Gujarat Kingdom in the 16th century, as well as ancient military defense projects, palaces, religious buildings, residential drainage systems, agricultural facilities and water supply devices from the 8th to the 14th century. Kalikamada Temple, built on the hill of Bawagade, has always been regarded as an important holy place, attracting a large number of pilgrims all the year round. The site is the only complete and unchanged Islamic city before the Mughal Dynasty. [2-3]

Heritage Introduction

Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park is an ancient land, where there are many unexplored cultural heritage with a long history and high archaeological value. Its scenery is extremely beautiful, including prehistoric (Bronze Age) ruins, highland fortresses of ancient Indian capital, ruins of the capital of Gujarat Kingdom in the 16th century, as well as ancient military defense projects, palaces, religious buildings, residential drainage systems, agricultural facilities and water supply devices from the 8th to the 14th century. Located in Gujarat, India, the Archaeological Park of Champong Bawagade is the only complete and unchanged Islamic city before the Mughal Dynasty. Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park is a place of worship and a permanent pilgrimage site for Hindus. [4]

historical origin

As the highland fortress of the ancient Indian capital and the site of the capital of the Gujarat Kingdom in the 16th century, the Shangpang Bawagade Archaeological Park is an ancient land with a long history and ancient value of college entrance examination. Some ancient traditional cultures can still be found from it. Gujarat, a state located in the westernmost part of India, has been famous for its developed commerce since ancient times. Gujarat has a long historical and cultural tradition, which can be traced back to Harappa In the ruins built during the civilization period (about 2500 BC). The site is in the oldest town of Gujarat—— Ahmedabad Lothar was found. Surkotda and Rajkot in Kachi County and Surinasagat in Rajkot County are the earliest sites of this civilization. These towns have a checkerboard layout, and the street layout is also very neat. The houses are built with burnt bricks and mortar. The drainage system, bathrooms and public baths over the years all show an advanced, developed, self-conscious cultural awareness and perfect management of the city. This fully shows that Gujarat was at an extremely advanced level in terms of urban planning layout and architecture at that time. Since the 13th century, the Muslim rulers have further enriched Gujarat's architectural heritage. Gujarat has the richest Islamic architecture in India, and is known as "the only complete Islamic city". [1]

Heritage building stage

In the first stage of Gujarat's Indo Islamic architecture, dome, semicircle arch, diagonal diagonal arch, honeycomb pattern decoration and square wall four corner dome supporting arch, Gujarat diamond pattern decoration and flower pattern, as well as sculpture and Koran scripture engraving were introduced.
The second stage of Gujarat Muslim architecture began to appear during the reign of Ahmed Shah I (1411 AD). The beginning of the second phase was marked by the establishment of a new mosque in Ahmedabad in the early years of his rule. The mosque in Ahmedabad shows that this kind of building has developed from a relatively simple style with blank facade to a type with carved columns and arcades, which reflects the integration of Hindu and Islamic architectural styles. Some of the most spectacular architectural remains left at this stage are stairwells. These wells are not only used for bathing, but also related to rituals, which can be traced back to the Rajput period. The magnificent staircase leads to the underground water surface, and the steep shaft wall is covered with various carvings.
In the third stage, the Muslim architecture in Gujarat reached the final stage under the rule of the Mughals, and its style was more luxurious. At this stage, the buildings became more ornate. [1]


The ruins of the Champong Bawagade Archaeological Park include prehistoric (Bronze Age) ruins, highland fortresses in ancient Indian capitals, as well as ancient military defense projects, palaces, religious buildings, drainage systems, agricultural facilities and water supply devices in residential areas from the 8th to the 14th century. Kalikamada Temple, built on the hill of Bawagade, has always been regarded as an important holy place, attracting a large number of pilgrims all the year round.
The Champong Bawagade Archaeological Park was the capital of the Gujarat Kingdom in the 16th century, but it is a prominent example of a capital with only a short life span. When the capital was established, it made full use of the local location and topography. However, it has become very vulnerable due to abandonment, forest invasion and the impact of modern life. [3]