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Ethnic minority education

Education carried out by ethnic groups other than the Han nationality
stay Multi-ethnic country Internal education for ethnic minorities. It is called ethnic education for short. stay China , refers to the Han nationality Education carried out by other ethnic groups. [1]
Chinese name
Ethnic minority education
Education carried out by ethnic groups other than the Han nationality

brief introduction

Ethnic minority education
China is a unified multi-ethnic country, with 55 ethnic minority According to the 1982 China Population Census, there are 67.23 million ethnic minorities in China, accounting for only 6.7% of the national population, but the densely populated areas account for about 50-60% of the total area of the country. The People's Republic of China Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to various social and historical reasons, the social economy of minority areas was generally lagging behind that of Han areas, and the development was very uneven. Some areas even retained some Primitive commune The remnants of the system. Ethnic minority education is very backward, except the Korean nationality , Mongolian Uygur ethnic group Kazak Zhuang nationality the zang or tibetan people In addition to a certain educational foundation for several ethnic minorities, some ethnic minorities are even in the primitive state of carving wood and tying ropes to record events. The people of the vast majority of ethnic minorities are illiteracy Communist Party of China We have always attached great importance to ethnic education since Counter-Japanese War During this period, the Institute for Nationalities was established in Yan'an, the revolutionary base, and began to develop the education of ethnic minority cadres. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, minority education has developed rapidly and become an important part of the educational cause of the People's Republic of China.

concrete content

1951 Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government The first national working conference on ethnic education was held, and corresponding provisions were made on issues related to ethnic education. By 1956 eliminate illiteracy Movement (ethnic minorities with written language use their own written language for literacy). Primary education has developed rapidly, and secondary education has also developed to a certain extent. In some ethnic minority areas, secondary professional schools and colleges and universities have also been set up.
From 1957 to 1966, the education of ethnic minorities in China has made new development on the basis of the previous paragraph. On the basis of summing up work, rules and regulations that are suitable for the actual situation in ethnic areas have been formulated, and the quality of education has also been improved. the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”During this period, the education of ethnic minorities was severely damaged. 1978 Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee Since then, minority education has entered a new period of development. In February 1981, the Ministry of Education and State Ethnic Affairs Commission The Third National Conference on Ethnic Minority Education was held, and a series of specific guidelines and policies for strengthening ethnic education were formulated. In May 1984, the Second Session of the Sixth National People's Congress adopted《 Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy 》Among them, there are special provisions on ethnic education, which have made legal provisions on ethnic education. All ethnic autonomous regions and where there are ethnic minorities have actively resumed and developed ethnic education, and have formulated and adopted many measures conducive to the development of ethnic education in accordance with the needs of socialist modernization and their respective characteristics. Popularization in minority areas primary education At the same time, develop common Secondary School Education Secondary professional education and Higher Education Attention should be paid to the absorption of minority students; Strengthen the construction of ethnic classes attached to key ethnic primary and secondary schools, ethnic normal schools, ethnic colleges and universities; Boarding schools suitable for the characteristics of high and cold areas, pastoral areas and border areas; Strengthening national languages teaching material And the construction of national teachers; It has created a new situation in the work of cultivating various talents of ethnic minorities. In 1982, the number of ethnic minority students in schools at all levels in China reached 10.1649 million, 10 times more than 990745 in 1951. Among them, the number of primary school students increased by 9 times; Students in ordinary middle schools increased 44 times; The number of students in colleges and universities increased by more than 27 times. In many ethnic minority areas, there are not only primary schools, middle schools, secondary vocational schools, but also institutions of higher learning. In some ethnic autonomous regions, ethnic languages and ethnic language textbooks have been used for teaching from primary schools to colleges and universities or some departments and specialties in colleges and universities, and a complete ethnic education system has initially formed. In 1982, there were 465000 ethnic minority teachers in various schools at all levels. However, due to the different social, economic and cultural bases and conditions of the ethnic minorities, the development of education is not very balanced. The general education of some ethnic minorities has reached or approached the average level of the Han nationality, Normal education Secondary professional education and higher education have also developed to a certain extent, and have initially formed their own national education system, such as Korean, Zhuang, Uygur, Mongolian, etc. The primary and secondary education of some ethnic minorities has also developed to a certain extent and started to develop middle and higher professional education, but a complete education system has not yet been formed. Some ethnic minorities only run some primary schools, and the enrollment rate and consolidation rate of students are not high enough.


Ethnic minority education in China has the following characteristics:
① The foundation is weak, the development is fast, and the quality is not high enough. Most ethnic minority education was started after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and has developed rapidly. Compared with that before the founding of the People's Republic of China, most of them grew at a rate of several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times. However, due to the poor original foundation, the school construction, equipment, funds, teachers and other conditions can not keep up, and some education quality is not high enough.
② The residential area is special, and the school running forms are different. Most ethnic minorities live in high and cold mountain areas, pastoral areas, forest areas, border areas, and are sparsely populated; In addition to living together, they often live in other areas. Even in a certain ethnic minority inhabited area, there are often Han or other ethnic groups living there, forming a situation where ethnic minorities and Han people live together. According to these circumstances, if the school is too dispersed and the source of students is insufficient, the quality will not be easy to improve; If schools are too concentrated, students cannot go to school nearby, and the burden on students and parents increases, it is not conducive to popularization. Practice has proved that it is advisable to adopt the policy of appropriate centralization, supplemented by decentralization and other forms of school running in minority areas. Decentralization is conducive to popularization and centralization is conducive to improvement. Now there are more and more boarding schools, which is just the need to adapt to the residential characteristics of ethnic minorities. The high cost of minority education is also due to these special needs. In ethnic minority inhabited areas, there are mostly single ethnic schools; In the mixed communities, there are schools of all ethnic groups, ethnic minorities and Han people, different ethnic minorities and multi ethnic groups. There are classes divided according to ethnic groups in ethnic schools, and there are classes organized jointly by ethnic groups. Class division is mainly because of the need to learn the national language.
③ Teaching in the native language. When the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, among the 55 ethnic minorities in China, the Hui, Manchu the She ethnic group In addition to the commonly used Chinese and Chinese languages, 18 ethnic groups have their own languages, while the rest have no languages. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Party and the state helped the Zhuang people Buyi nationality Miao nationality Dong nationality Hani nationality Li nationality When 10 ethnic minorities have created latin alphabet Of Pinyin characters According to the situation and popularity of national languages, there are four types of learning and using national languages in various ethnic minority schools: a. learning and teaching in their own national languages; in addition, learning and teaching in Chinese, especially in middle and higher professional schools, teaching in Chinese is more common, such as Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur Korean nationality, etc. b. It mainly focuses on learning Chinese and teaching in Chinese. As a subject, Chinese is learned in primary schools or in the lower grades of primary schools, such as the Zhuang nationality Yi nationality Etc. c. Learn Chinese with the help of native language teaching Language. This form is generally adopted by ethnic minorities, such as Oroqen, who have no written language or have written language but are not in common use. d. Learn Chinese completely. Hui, Manchu and ethnic minorities scattered in Han inhabited areas generally only learn Chinese.
When carrying out education for ethnic minorities, we should take care of ethnic minorities student characteristic. Ethnic schools should proceed from the reality of minority students and conscientiously implement the unity of the Communist Party of China and the state policy for education At the same time, we should study the characteristics of ethnic students in learning, thoughts and feelings, willpower and personality, intellectual development, hobbies, physique and development, and conduct education according to their characteristics. For ethnic minority students, we should often carry out education on the CPC's national policy and national unity, improve their socialist awareness, strengthen solidarity and mutual assistance among ethnic groups, and cultivate the ideological and emotional feelings of working together to do a good job of socialist construction in ethnic areas and the prosperity of the whole country.