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Songs sung by Park Wenzhe
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"Birds" is a song written by Park Wenzhe The original song is a single. This song was later released by Beijing Tianhuan Xinyu International Media Co., Ltd. on April 30, 2010 and included in Park Wenzhe's album.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Park Wenzhe
Song duration
Original Song
Park Wenzhe
Word filling
Park Wenzhe
Issue Date
April 30, 2010
Song language
Issuing company
Beijing Tianhuan Xinyu International Media Co., Ltd

Song Introduction


Song Title Introduction

Maybe when you first saw the name of the song, you felt almost like a composition in primary school. Once upon a time, Park Wenzhe played his guitar quietly at night, singing quietly over and over again. What appeared in his mind was another kind of bird's persistence and stubbornness. Later, I saw Tagore's《 Flying Birds Collection 》The first sentence is“ summer The birds fly to my window to sing and fly away. " He felt he saw a Indifferent In the clear sky, I overheard a sentence "Birds fly in the sky, without a trace mark ”He seems to understand the flight of birds. Flying is not a form, but a life The essence of.

Song lyrics

I am a bird flying into the sky
The sky is high and the air is fresh, natural, sea blue
Green flowers everywhere fragrance Gaudy
Spread your wings and fly over the mountain
Fall on the top of the mountain and look down
as boundless as the sea and sky Boundless and sparkling
Delighted, happy, free, romantic
I'm not a swan, not a goose. I'm just a bird trying to fly
Fly and fly just to realize the long cherished dream
Fly, fly, dream will come true
I'm not a swan, I'm not a goose
I'm just a bird trying to fly
Fly and fly just to realize the dream long-cherished wish
Fly, fly, dream will come true
Flying over the mountain
Fall on the top of the mountain and look down
The vast expanse of the sea and the boundless sky are sparkling, joyful, happy and free romantic
I am not swan Not a wild goose
I'm just a bird trying to fly
Fly and fly just to realize the long cherished dream
Fly, fly, dream will come true
I'm not a swan No Wild goose
I'm just a bird trying to fly
Fly and fly just to realize the long cherished dream
Fly, fly, dream will come true
Fly, fly, dream will come true
Fly, fly, dream will come true


The First Devil in the History Lost His Only Life: "Little Bird" Galincha One of his legs is 6 cm shorter than the other; He and number Ten The woman had a relationship and left 14 children; He has participated in the World Cup three times Won the championship twice He had a car accident mother-in-law He died of alcoholism. He is regarded as the most important person in the history of football dribble The most outstanding person, his name is Garrincha.

Animation name



Animation in Japan《 death 》Medium, the fourth of the ten imaginary blades Uruchiola After liberation, he had a pair of wings. In the incentive war with a family in 281 episode 3, he was seriously injured. His fans left messages under the video“ Xiao Wu ”But people mistook him for a bird. In fact, after liberation, he was also called a bird by people who didn't like him.


KEY The latest completed works Rewrite And Rewrite Harvest festa One of the six heroines in
Kobe bird
Shendo Bird (か ん べ こ と り)
Height: 156cm
Weight: 44kg
Sanwei: 83/54/83
Shitennoji Hu Tailang A close friend A petite girl full of energy, like a small animal.
He is very talented in gardening. I wonder if it is because she has been clinging to Tai Long long ago. She has few friends.
Born to be good at Straight and straight , often have a dialogue like crosstalk with Hu Tailang.

Other lyrics

One, two, three, four, five birds go to class
One, two, three, four, five, five birds
Five birds can't count. How do you do it
Mr. Bird is here. The birds chirp with fright
Mr. Bird said you should sit well and listen to me
One, two, three, four, five. You count it. He counts it
Five birds can count. He said it was good

Wang Feng Sings Songs

Wang Feng as the lead singer of No. 43 Baojia Street Band
Singer: Wang Feng
Ideals are always flying around
with no reality whatever
The reality is still real
Can't hide
Full of desire
The body has no strength
Don't want to feel sad
I have to pretend to be dissolute
Fly back and forth
I'm flying around
Full of hope
I'm like a bird
I don't feel tired
But nowhere to go
The emptiness left me in the street
Escape death like a patient
This place is suitable for wandering
Unable to close eyes
The buildings are so brilliant
The light is so bright
Fly around
I'm flying around
Reality is a cage
I'm like a bird
They gave me a pair of wings
They gave me a direction
They say that is happiness
So I was full of hope
I fly towards that sweet
Then I saw the truth
There is no happiness
Just a big wall
Fly back and forth
I flew back and forth full of hope
I'm like a bird
I don't want to be numb anymore
I don't want to be pushed around anymore
Never want to lie again
Let life be wasted
We used to roam the streets
Ren Hanfeng beats his chest
We used to hold our fists
Striving for a little freedom
Let's sing together
Sing a song of freedom
Let's fly together
Fly to the sky
Let's sing together
Sing a song of freedom
Let's take off
Like a bird
Like a bird
Because we
Born free.

Pushkin's Poems

Russia Pushkin
I have been abiding by it in the distance,
The ancient customs of my hometown:
In the beautiful spring festival,
I released a bird.
I feel infinite comfort in my heart;
Why nag God?
When I can give freedom as a gift,
Even if it's only for one creature.
American AH-6 "Bird" helicopter
American AH-6 helicopter is nicknamed "Bird", so it is also called AH-6 Bird helicopter