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Asteroid 5535

Asteroid discovered by Carl Rainmuse in 1942
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Asteroid 5535 It is an Augustan asteroid located inside the main asteroid belt. It was discovered by German astronomer Carl Rainmuss in 1942, but it was never named until 1995, when it was named after Anne Frank, the famous author of Annie's diary, a Jew who died in the Nazi German concentration camp.
Implemented on November 2, 2002 Comet Wilt II The Stardust probe of the exploration mission once visited the asteroid by the way, with the nearest distance of 3079 kilometers. The pictures taken by Stardust show that the asteroid 5535 is 6.6 × 5.0 × 3.4 kilometers in size, twice the previous estimate, shaped like a prism, with several obvious craters on its surface. The albedo calculated from the photos is between 0.18 and 0.24. The preliminary analysis of asteroid 5535 shows that it may be a connected binary star. This structure makes it form a triangular prism shape, but this explanation is not unique. There are other possible explanations for its shape.
Chinese name
Asteroid 5535
Date of discovery
Later, we observed the optical curve of asteroid 5535, trying to calculate its rotation period. The final result is that the rotation period of asteroid 5535 may be 0.5, 0.63 or 0.95 days, of which 0.63 days is the best fit to the observation data. The optical curve also shows that the asteroid 5535 is not a Lambertian diffuse reflector, which means that its surface features, such as the shadow of a crater or boulder, contribute to its brightness, not just its size.
2002 stardust Photo of asteroid 5535
Carl Rainmuse
Heidelberg Throne Mountain Observatory
Date of discovery
March 23, 1942
Naming basis
Other names
1942 EM
minor planet category
Main belt Augusta
Physical characteristics
6.6 x 5.0 x 3.4 km
Average diameter: 4.8 km
Spectrum type
Absolute magnitude (H)
fourteen point two