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Xiaotun Village

Xiaotun Village, Dong'e Town, Pingyin County, Shandong Province
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Dong'e Town Xiaotun Village [1] Located 15 kilometers southwest of the county seat, it is the north gate of Dong'e Town, bordering 220 National Highway in the east and the Yellow River in the west, with convenient transportation. The South to North Water Transfer Jiping Trunk Canal Project passes through the village. The whole village has 147 hectares of arable land, with a population of 2050.
Chinese name
Xiaotun Village
15 kilometers southwest of Pingyin County, Shandong Province
Cultivated land
147 hectares
population size
2050 persons
Provincial key cultural relics protection unit
Ancient Stone Gate of Xiaotun Village
The village has a long history. The site of the old city of Siyi in the west of the village was originally a provincial key cultural relics protection unit. Due to man-made damage, it was renamed a county-level cultural relics protection unit in the 1973 cultural relics census. According to Pingyin County Annals and Historic Sites written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, "In the 18th year of Xianggong in the Spring and Autumn Period, the army below Luanying overcame Si". Du Note: "There is a Shishan Mountain in the west of Pingyin. Following the archaeological record, it is now called Tingshan Mountain, thirty miles southwest of the city.". The Kangxi Dictionary explains the word "Si": "The name of the mountain is Wei Jiang Luanying, and the army below can suppress Si. There are Si in the west in Pingyin". The site is located at the top of Dongsi Mountain, which was seriously damaged by human beings, and no trace of the city site can be seen. In the northwest, most of the cultural strata were destroyed due to the excavation of mountains and rocks. The other three sides were also turned into terraces, and most of the cultural strata were destroyed. The site is 130 meters long from east to west and 100 meters wide from south to north. The cliff is exposed with ash pits, cooking pits, braised earth blocks, red ash pottery fragments, animal bones, clam shells, etc. Grinding stone tools can be seen occasionally. The collected specimens include stone axes, plain pointed red pottery tripod feet, grey pottery bean dishes with straight mouth edges and shallow abdomen decorated with convex string patterns, red grey pottery pieces decorated with rope patterns and additional heap patterns, flat chisel shaped red tripod legs, etc. According to the textual research, the upper limit of the age of the site is Yueshi Culture, and the lower limit is in the Warring States Period. There is a tomb of the Ming Dynasty Chief Executive Qiao Xueshi in the sun of the Shishan Mountain. It was stolen during the Republic of China, and now there are stone tigers, stone horses, stone sheep, stone men and other parts. On the Shimen Mountain in the north of Xiaotun Village, there is one of the eight ancient scenes of Pingyin, "Shimen Evening Photo". The existing stone gate is a cave 3 meters high, 5 meters wide and 19.5 meters long. According to the identification of the archaeological department, the Shimen is a man-made cave built in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which is the earliest ancient building in the territory. In ancient times, it was the throat of Pingyin to Dong'e. On the stone surface at the bottom of the tunnel, there are still ruts left by long-term traffic of vehicles and horses. According to Pingyin County Annals written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, "Qi and Zheng allied at Shimen in the three years of seclusion in the Spring and Autumn Period". Continued archaeological record of Shandong 》It says: "There is an old stone gate 60 miles southwest of Lu County, Jibei". During the reign of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, Li Ke, the manager of Yanzhou, inscribed the inscription "Small Cloud Gate" on the stone wall in the middle north of the huge hole. After more than 2500 years of wind and rain erosion, Shimen still shows the style of that year. Shimen is not only an ancient tunnel through the mountain, but also an attractive landscape. Zhang Shuming, one of the "six escapades of Zhuxi" in the Tang Dynasty, once lived in seclusion here. Du Fu, the poet of the Tang Dynasty, and Yu Shenxing, the minister of the ritual department of the Ming Dynasty, both left poems praising Shi's family and Taoism. According to the old annals, "At dusk, the sun shines back, and the red glow shines like a rainbow through the cave." This is called "Shimen Evening Light". Now, due to the road diversion, vehicles and pedestrians no longer pass here, but the style and features of ancient buildings still exist.
Xiaotun Village