slight cold

[xiǎo hán]
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Xiao Han, yes twenty-four solar terms The 23rd solar term in the Chinese calendar, the 5th solar term in winter, the end of the Ganzhi calendar and the beginning of the ugly month. Douzhigui; The sun yellow longitude is 285 °; The festival is due on January 5-7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. The cold air has been cold for a long time. Little cold means that the weather is cold but not extreme. Like great cold, light heat, great heat and heat treatment, it is the solar term that indicates the change of temperature. The characteristic of the Xiaohan solar term is that it is cold, but it is not cold to the extreme. [9-10] [22]
In the mild cold season, Subsolar point In the southern hemisphere, the heat in the northern hemisphere is still lost, and the heat absorbed in the day is still less than the heat released at night, so the temperature in the northern hemisphere continues to decline. After the winter solstice, the cold air frequently moves southward, and the temperature continues to decrease. The temperature drops to the lowest during the mild and severe cold of the year. A folk saying goes, "When it's cold, it's at twenty-nine or thirty-nine, and the weather is so cold that it shakes." This shows the cold degree of the Xiaohan solar term. [10] [23]
According to China's long-term meteorological records, the mild cold solar term is colder than the severe cold solar term in northern China; However, for some areas in the south, the annual minimum temperature will still occur in the severe cold solar term. In northern China, the mild cold is colder than the severe cold, because there is relatively little "waste heat" on the ground surface, which has been completely released in the mild cold, so that the temperature is minimized. However, the surface of the southern region is relatively hot, and its "waste heat" has not been fully released until the mild cold solar term, while the "waste heat" of the surface is dissipated until the severe cold, and the temperature drops to the lowest. [9] [17]
Chinese name
slight cold
Foreign name
Lesser Cold
Representational Implication
Start to enter the coldest day of the year
Gregorian calendar time
The festival is due from January 5 to January 7 of the Gregorian calendar
Ecliptic position
Solar arrival Yellow meridian 285°
Climatic characteristics
Strong wind cooling, rain and snow, lowest temperature
Phenological phenomenon
Yanbei Township, where magpies start their nests and pheasants start their nests
Farming activities
Cold and frost prevention, composting, and water conservancy
traditional custom
eat food , eat Glutinous rice
Living regimen
Eat more warm food

historical origin

Xiaohan, a symbol Monsoon At the official start of the season, the cold air has been cold for a long time. A little cold means that the weather is cold, but not extreme. For the name of Xiaohan solar term《 Monthly Order 72 Waiting Solution 》"On December Day, the cold is still small at the beginning of the month, so it is cloudy, and it is big at the half of the month." Little cold is the cold air that lasts for a long time. It means that the weather is cold but not extreme. It is the same as big cold, small heat, great heat and heat treatment, and it is the solar term that indicates the change of temperature. After the winter solstice, the cold air frequently moves southward, and the temperature continues to decrease. The temperature drops to the lowest during the mild and severe cold of the year. "Xiaohan is at twenty-nine, and the weather is freezing cold to shiver" is enough to explain the cold degree of Xiaohan. [9] [12] [18-19]

Meteorological change

The weather characteristic of Xiaohan is that it is getting cold, but not very cold. In the light cold season, the direct solar radiation point is still in the southern hemisphere, and the heat in the northern hemisphere is still lost. The heat absorbed in the day is still less than the heat released at night, so the temperature in the northern hemisphere continues to decline. According to China's long-term meteorological records, the light cold solar term is colder than the severe cold solar term in the northern region; However, for most of the southern regions, the big cold solar term is colder than the small cold solar term. [11] [13]
In the light cold solar term, the East Asia trough is the most powerful and stable, the Mongolian cold high and Aleutian low are also the most powerful and stable, and the scale of the westerly trough ridge is the largest, with the strongest westerly intensity. The cooling process of cold air during the Little Cold Solar Term is frequent, but few reach the cold wave standard. [16]
In northern China, there is a saying that "a little cold beats a big cold, which is not rare". It means that the little cold solar term is colder than the big cold solar term, which is not unusual. The mild cold usually occurs during the period from "February 9th" to "March 9th". It is the coldest period of the year in northern China. After the mild cold, the temperature of the severe cold rises slightly. The coldest weather in southern China is in 49 days. It is colder in 49 days than in 39 days. It is in the period of severe cold. The severe cold in southern China is colder than the mild cold. [11]
A folk saying goes, "When it's cold, it's at twenty-nine or thirty-nine, and the weather is so cold that it shakes." This shows the cold degree of the Xiaohan solar term. In the mild cold season, most parts of China have entered a severe cold period. The soil is frozen and the rivers are frozen. In addition, the cold air in the north keeps moving southward. The weather is cold. People call it“ Counting Nine Cold Days ”。 Although the south of China is not as cold as the north, the temperature also drops significantly. The coldest time in the south is the period of mild and severe cold, and the period between rain and wakening of insects. It is dry and cold in mild cold, but wet and cold after rain. [13]
slight cold

Phenological phenomenon

In ancient China, "Xiaohan" was divided into three stages: "one stage" Wild goose Beixiang, Erhou Magpie First Nest, Third Stage Pheasant beginning birds of myna family 。” The ancients believed that the wild geese in the migratory birds migrated along the Yin and Yang. At this time, the Yang Qi had moved, so the wild geese began to migrate northward; At this time, magpies can be seen everywhere in the north, and they begin to build nests when they feel the yang qi; The "robin" in "pheasant robin" means to sing, and the pheasant will feel the growth of yang qi and sing when approaching 49. [1]
Mild cold

North South differences

There are great differences in climate between the north and south of China, which has been proved by long-term meteorological records: in the north, the small cold solar term is colder than the big cold solar term; However, for most of the southern regions, the big cold solar term is colder than the small cold solar term. [18-19]
According to climate data statistics, the coldest time of the year in most of northern China is in the middle of January (10-20) of the Gregorian calendar; The annual Little Cold Solar Term starts from January 5-7. One solar term lasts about 15 days. The middle of the year falls within the Little Cold Solar Term; Therefore, for most of the northern regions, the mild cold is indeed colder than the severe cold. But for most of the southern regions, it is the coldest during the cold solar term; The severe cold solar term generally begins on January 20 (late January), which is the coldest time of the year in the south. [11] [13]
In northern China, the mild cold is colder than the severe cold, because there is relatively less "waste heat" on the surface, which has been released completely in the mild cold. At this time, the days are still short and the nights are long, and the cold air is strong, which makes the temperature drop to the lowest; In the extreme cold, the sun's light and heat increased slightly, so the temperature also increased slightly. However, the surface of the southern region is relatively hot, and its "waste heat" has not yet been released to the cold solar term, so the temperature has not been reduced to the minimum; In severe cold, the "waste heat" on the earth's surface will be dissipated, and the weather will be cold and freezing. At this time, the sun light and heat slightly more than that in mild cold will not play a much role, and the temperature in the south will also drop to the lowest. [17]

Farming activities

Due to the large span between the north and south of China, different regions will have different agricultural production in the same cold season. In the north, there is not much farm work in most areas, and they have to rest in winter. The main task is to keep the vegetable cellar and livestock house warm, and make fertilizer at home. [1]
In the southern region, winter fertilizer should be applied to wheat, rape and other crops, while in Hainan and most of southern China, cold and freezing prevention, composting and water conservancy should be done well. Minor cold and severe cold are the periods with the least rainfall in a year. [1]

traditional custom

  • Laba Festival
The Laba Festival, which falls on December 8 of the lunar calendar every year, is also known as the "Magic Treasure Festival", "Buddha Cheng Dao Festival", "Cheng Dao Hui", etc. It was originally a Buddhist festival to commemorate the Sakyamuni Buddha's path, and later became a folk festival. Laba Festival is mainly popular in northern China, and the festival custom is to drink Laba porridge. [14-15]
Laba Festival
  • Eat glutinous rice
Glutinous rice
In Guangzhou, Xiaohan eats glutinous rice in the morning. The glutinous rice is not just a simple way to cook the glutinous rice. It will be served with fried "cured meat" (commonly known as "cured meat" in Cantonese), coriander, scallions and other materials, and tastes particularly delicious. "Cured meat" is necessary for cooking glutinous rice. On the one hand, it is high in fat and cold resistant; On the other hand, glutinous rice itself is sticky and has a strong smell. It needs some oil to taste delicious. [1]
  • Counting 99 for the winter
Counting nine, also known as winter nine nine, is an ancient folk method to calculate cold weather. The method of counting nine cold days has been passed down by word of mouth among Chinese people. There is history but no record. As for the origin, there is no exact information. Counting Nine Songs: "In 1929, I didn't start. I walked on the ice in 39499, watched the willows along the river in 59699, opened the river in 799, came the swallows in 899, added one hundred and nine, and plowed cattle everywhere."



Agricultural proverbs

Little cold and big cold, frozen into a ball.
Little cold and big cold, prepare for the Spring Festival.
A light cold without rain, a light summer without rain.
Little cold and big cold make ice.
Little cold is not cold, Qingming mire.
Little cold and great cold make water ice.
A mild cold is not a severe cold.
It's hot in mild cold weather, but not in severe cold.
A little cold and warm, spring snow.
A little cold, a little warm.
It is cold and drizzly, and the rain still freezes the seedlings.
Little cold rain, rain awakened the insects and froze the seedlings.
Cold in March, hot in the middle.
It's freezing when you go out.
In the seventh and eighth year of the lunar calendar, the dry ducks died of cold.
Waqi Waba, frozen feet.
Three nine, four nine, freeze broken mortar.
There is heavy snow every year.
There is no snow on March 9 and April 9, and the drought on May 9 and June 9 is still coming.
It will be white on the third day of December, and wheat will be harvested in the coming year.
Every family has wheat during the three white days of the lunar month. [4] [20]
proverb [20]


"Poem on Twenty four Qi, Xiao Han's December Festival" Tang Dynasty· zhen
Small coldness connects big Lv, and Huan Que builds a new nest.
Pick up food to find the meander of the river, and carry purple around the tree tops.
The frost eagle is near the north head, and the pheasant is hidden in the grass.
Don't blame Yan Ningqi for paying in the first month of spring and winter. [21]
Light Rain Song Dynasty· Lu You
The air is turbid behind, and the moon is still bright at dusk.
When the light rain blows, it feels cold.
The birds have just settled down in the trees, and the grass root insects have already chirped.
Call the boy to take half his arm, and I want to walk along the steps. [7]
Five quatrains before and after Douyuan's drunkenness "Song Dynasty, Chen Yuyi
The east wind blows the rain, the light cold rises, the willows fly and the flowers are disorderly, and the night is sunny.
From now on, there will be no hateful guests. There are warblers in Dou's home. [5]
Drink alone in a small garden 》Song Dynasty, Lu You
Henglin is shaking down and slightly making pills, and the courtyard is depressed and cold.
The autumn atmosphere has been very high and gratifying. Old Huai feels that he has no joy.
At the beginning, the deer is still shallow away from the mother spot. At first, the orange tastes sour after frost.
How can one drink a cup of wine and enjoy oneself? [7]
At the end of the morning, Xiao Han broke his clothes and talked across the saddle.
Walk through thin and light fog, and see the heavy and overlapping mountains.
The green ears blow smoke when the trees are straight, and the green streams take advantage of the bend of the bridge.
The birds are singing like greeting guests. They are in love without thinking. [6]
"After the Double Ninth Festival, the wind and rain never stopped, so I wrote three little colds" Song Dynasty, Lu You
The new autumn comes when the sick body is still happy, and the residual heat can resist death without reason.
Although the wind and rain swept away quickly, the withering years have already been worried about falling. [8]
Wood hibiscus in front of the window 》Song Dynasty, Fan Chengda
The lonely flower breaks the cold through hard work, and the flower heart should be as sad as a guest's heart.
Even more, because the young woman lingered, she did not look sad. [6]
Xiaohan Wu Outing
All the flowers were not in time for glory, and the cold and beautiful guests from Zhangzhou came here.
Xiaohan has only plum dumpling, and no spring shoots.

Living regimen



As the saying goes, "winter exercises three nine", and the little cold solar term is in the "three nine" days. The "three nine" days refer to the beginning of the winter solstice solar term counting nine days. Nine days are a cycle, of which the 10th to 18th days are called "two nine", the 19th to 27th days are called "three nine", and so on. The Xiaohan solar term is in the period of "29" and "39", which can be said to be the coldest period of the year. It is also a good time for people to strengthen physical exercise and improve their physical quality. [2]

Diet Regimen

Chinese medicine believes that cold is the main qi in winter, and light cold is the coldest season of the year. Cold is yin evil, which is easy to hurt the yang qi of human body. Cold is the main factor that induces stagnation. Therefore, although there are many contents in Xiaohan Regimen, the basic principles are still《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》The maxim of "Yang in spring and summer, Yin in autumn and winter." In winter, all things are collected, and health preservation should conform to the collection trend of nature, collecting yin essence, so that essence and qi can be gathered together to moisten the five internal organs. In winter, the strong function of the kidney can adjust the body to adapt to the changes in severe winter. Therefore, one of the most important points of winter health is to "nourish the kidney to prevent cold".
Although this is the best time for "tonics", it is not enough to eat a lot of tonics. You must have a target. According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory, nourishing can be divided into four categories, namely, tonifying qi, blood, yin and yang.
Qi tonifying is mainly aimed at the constitution of qi deficiency
In case of sweating, mental fatigue and uterine prolapse, red ginseng, red dates, atractylodes macrocephala, Beiqi, Huaishan and Schisandra chinensis should be used.
Blood tonifying is mainly aimed at the constitution of blood deficiency
For example, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, sallow complexion, pale lips, women with less menstruation and light color, etc., Angelica sinensis, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Ejiao and Polygonum Multiflori should be used.
Tonifying yin aims at yin deficiency constitution
For example, nighttime night sweats, afternoon low heat, cheeks flushing, hand and foot heart heat, women's leukorrhea and other signs, it is appropriate to use cordyceps sinensis, white ginseng, sea cucumber, asparagus, turtle shell, tortoise shell, white fungus and so on.
Tonifying yang aims at yang deficiency constitution
If the hands and feet are cold, afraid of cold, waist acid, low sexual function and other signs, deer antler, Eucommia ulmoides Oliv, Cistanche deserticola, Morinda officinalis, etc. can be selected. For the constitution of yin deficiency and yang exuberance, it is better to use cordyceps sinensis, dendrobium, ginseng, polygonatum odoratum, Euryale ferox, etc., together with meat and poultry stewing and stewing soup for tonic. The folk proverb also said, "If you move in winter, you will get sick less; if you are lazy in winter, you will drink more medicine." This shows the importance of winter exercise. [3]