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glitch of pulsar

Velocity phenomenon
synonym Radio pulsar (Radio pulsar) generally refers to the sudden rotation of pulsars
Glitch of pulsar, full name Radio pulsar Pulsars usually have very accurate pulse periods. Sometimes the period of individual pulsars suddenly shortens in a short period of time, or the rotating speed of rotating magnetic neutron stars suddenly increases. This phenomenon is called pulsar rotation burst, also called pulsar frequency burst.
Chinese name
glitch of pulsar
Foreign name
glitch of pulsar
Full name
Radio pulsar
Velocity phenomenon

Historical phenomenon observation

Since 1968, there have been two fastest rotating pulsars Crab Nebula This sudden shortening of the period was observed in pulsar PSR0531+21 and Vela pulse PSR0833-45. For example, the period is 0.089 2093 seconds Vela pulsar From February 24 to March 3, 1969, the cycle suddenly shortened by 0.000000134 seconds. It suddenly shortened another 0.000000179 seconds from August 21 to September 4, 1971.
The third shortening occurred in October 1975. A similar situation occurred in the Crab Nebula pulsar in September 1969 and February 1975. The relative change order of their rotational speed is ΔΩ/Ω, the former is about 2 × 10, and the latter is about 5 × 10 (Ω is the rotational angular speed).

theoretical explanation

There are three theories to explain the rapid rotation of pulsars.


Phenomena involving the exterior of neutron stars, such as the ejection of magnetospheric plasma from neutron stars or the collision of external matter with neutron stars.


There are superfluid neutrons in the neutron star. They rotate faster near the star core than outside, so there is a negative angular momentum gradient. Under this condition, fluid instability can cause fluid exchange between different parts, so that superfluid neutrons with larger angular momentum enter the external region, which will cause angular momentum transfer and sudden rotation.


It belongs to the sudden change of neutron star itself, such as the occurrence of star shock. According to the starquake theory, the burst of pulsar rotation is caused by the sudden release of elastic stress in the neutron star shell. In the process of slowing down the rotation speed of the neutron star, this elastic stress gradually accumulates in the solid star shell composed of the atomic nucleus lattice. The sudden release of stress leads to the local rupture of the star shell, resulting in a star shock and a sudden decrease in the rotational inertia of the star. In order to maintain the conservation of angular momentum of the star, the rotation speed of the neutron star suddenly increases. At present, there is no definite tendentious opinion about the theory of pulsar rapid rotation. Relatively speaking, the star quake theory has a slight advantage.