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Packaging method

Packaging method
Packaging is necessary and crucial for chips. Because the chip must be isolated from the outside to prevent the corrosion of the chip circuit caused by impurities in the air Electrical performance Down. On the other hand, packaged chips are also easier to install and transport. because Packaging technology It also directly affects the performance of the chip itself and the PCB connected to it( Printed circuit board )Design and manufacturing, so it is crucial. Adopted CPU package Most of them are packed with insulating plastic or ceramic materials, which can seal and improve the electric heating performance of the chip. Because the current processor chip Internal frequency Higher and higher, stronger and stronger functions, more and more pins, and the package shape is constantly changing.
Chinese name
Packaging method
Foreign name
CPU package
Insulating plastic or ceramic materials
Electrical performance decline


1. Early CPU package mode
CPU packaging can be traced back to the 8088 era. This generation of CPU uses DIP dual in-line packaging.
The 8028680386 CPU uses QFP Plastic square flatpacks and PFP Plastic flatpack packaging.
2、PGA(Pin Grid Array) Pin grid array encapsulation
PGA package Also called contact pin grid array Packaging technology (Ceramic Pin Grid Array Package) At present, the CPU is basically packaged in PGA, surrounded by multiple square array pins under the chip. Each square array pin is arranged around the chip at a certain distance. According to the number of pins, it can be enclosed in 2-5 circles. its Pin It looks like a needle, and is combined with the circuit board by plug-in.

important role

As computer The performance of CPU directly affects the overall performance of the computer. and CPU manufacturing process The last and most critical step of Packaging technology Packaging can also be said to refer to the housing for installing semiconductor integrated circuit chips. It not only plays the role of placing, fixing, sealing, protecting the chip and enhancing thermal conductivity, but also serves as a bridge between the internal world of the chip and the external circuit - the contacts on the chip are connected to the packaging housing with wires Pin These pins are connected with other devices through wires on the printed circuit board. Therefore, for many integrated circuit products, packaging technology is a key link. There is a big gap in the performance of CPUs with different packaging technologies. Only high-quality packaging technology can produce perfect CPU products.


Main factors to be considered when packaging:
1. The ratio of chip area to package area is close to 1:1 to improve package efficiency
2. The pins should be as short as possible to reduce delay, and the distance between pins should be as far as possible to ensure mutual interference and improve performance
3. Based on the requirements of heat dissipation, the thinner the package, the better