The Canonization of the Gods

[fēng shén yǎn yì]
It is said that Xu Zhonglin wrote novels in the Ming Dynasty
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The Romance of Gods (commonly known as the List of Gods, also known as the Complete Biographies of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the External History of King Wu's Attacking Zhou, the Biography of Gods, etc.) is the Ming dynasty Xu Zhonglin Creative novel [1] , which was written about in the years of Longqing and Wanli. [2]
One hundred chapters of The Romance of Gods King Wu attacked Zhou The story of. The first thirty chapters rewrite the tyranny of King Zhou. The last 70 chapters mainly wrote about the war between Shang and Zhou. King Zhou burned himself with ferocity, and King Wu seized the world and enfeoffed other countries. [3] The novel, with historical and political concepts as the ideological framework supporting the whole book, is mixed with a lot of grand imagination, which shows the author's support and praise for benevolent monarchs and virtuous masters, as well as his dissatisfaction and resistance to the immoral and stupid monarch. [4]
After the Ming Dynasty, the book was widely spread and had a great impact on folk beliefs, folk operas and folklore. [20] In this work, Nezha makes trouble in the East China Sea Jiang Taigong Meets King Wen Daji's design is more harmful than others Divine tea Yu Lei Hum ha Second General Hunyuan Jindou And other stories that people like to talk about. The repertoire of many local operas, the libretto of Quyi, and the Pinghua of storytelling are also based on the Fengshen Romance. [21]
The Canonization of the Gods
Alias of works
Goddess List Biographies of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties External History of King Wu's Attacking Zhou The Legend of Gods
Xu Zhonglin (controversial)
Creation era
the Ming dynasty
literary genre
Number of words
seven hundred thousand [5]

content validity

The beginning of the novel King Zhou Go to Nuwa Palace, see you Nuwa The holy image is beautiful, the poem is profane, Nuwa angers Zhou rudely, and sends Xuanyuan Tomb For thousands of years, the fox spirit and other three demons entered the palace to confuse the king's heart and destroy the world.
King Zhou Suoji Prefecture Marquis Su Hu female Sudaji Be a concubine. Su escorted the women to Enzhou Posthouse. The fox spirit killed Daji, took shape, and entered the palace to be favored. King Zhou indulged in wine and sex, and his government was abolished day by day. He was encouraged by Daji to set up Cannon cautery Torture Dobby , arbitrarily kill ministers and maim palace people. Empress Jiang Niangniang was deposed and her eyes were gouged out. Prince Yin Jiao and his younger brother Yin Hong escape Morning Song the prime minister Business appearance Forced remonstrance on the death festival; Dongbo Hou and Nanbo Hou were killed innocently. Xibo Marquis Jichang Be imprisoned Youli Seven years, his son A Study of Bo Yi Damaged by Daji. Daji slandered Wang Shuyaxiang again Bican , causing him to be gouged out of his heart and die.
After Ji Chang fled back to Xiqi, he visited Defeng in Panxi Lord of Heaven and symbol of the creative power of the Dao He ordered Zhou to go down the mountain to help Zhou destroy the Shang Dynasty and live in seclusion Ginger Teeth , worship as Prime Minister. After Jifa's stepfather became the leader of the Western Zhou Dynasty, his wife and sister were killed by King Zhou Huang Feihu For attachment, its potential is growing.
King Zhou ordered Grand Master Wen Zhong to attack Zhou. Wen Zhong sent the general first Chaotian Zhang Guifang Lu Xiong Four General of the Demon Family He was the leader of the elucidation sect when he went on the expedition and had help from all sects Lord of Heaven and symbol of the creative power of the Dao Lead the disciples to unite Lord Lao Zi Wait to break. Generals and Wen Zhong Were killed. King Zhou Youpai Deng Jiugong , Zhang Shan, Hong Jin and others went on an expedition and were defeated. Jiugong, Tuxingsun, Zheng Lun and Hong Jin all surrendered to the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Ma Yuan and Yu Yi Xian, the one spirit immortals, were captured; Yin Hong and Yan Jiao, who were behind Zhou, were killed.
King Wu worshipped Ziya to be the commander, and sent troops to attack merchants. Capture Jinjiling, close Kongxuan, break the Sishui Pass, Jiameng Pass, Qinglong Pass, Jiepai Pass, Chuanyun Pass, Tongguan Pass, Lintong Pass and other passes, and break the "Immortal Killing Array" and "Immortal Array" put forward by the Sect Leader of Interceptor and Tongtian, Lv Yue“ Wenhuang Array ”Etc. Fight Mianchi again, kill Zhang Kui and his wife, fight Mengjin, and kill the Seven Monsters of Meishan. Joining eight hundred princes to march to the imperial court, King Zhou burned himself in Zhaixing Tower, and Daji and other three demons were captured. King Wu is the Son of Heaven. Jiang Ziya led the imperial edict of the Yuan Dynasty, and granted the title of God at the Fengshen Platform. King Wu granted 72 princes. [6]

Catalogue of works

First pilgrimage to Nuwa Palace, King of Zhou
The Second Return to Jizhou Hou Su Protects Against Commerce
The third round of Jichang's rescue into Daji
The fourth return to Enzhou Post where the fox died Daji
Fifth round Cloud neutron Enter the sword to kill demons
In the sixth chapter, King Zhou made cannons without any way
The seventh time Fei Zhong plans to waste Empress Jiang
The eighth cycle: Fang Bifang's opposite imperial anthem
The Ninth Chapter of Shangrong Nine Room Hall Death Festival
The 10th Jibo Yanshan Thunder Shock
The 11th Youli City Prisoner Xibo Marquis
The twelfth chapter: Nezha was born at Chentang Pass
The 13th Taiyi Immortal's Harvest Shiji
The 14th time, Nezha appeared as a lotus incarnate
The 15th Kunlun Mountain Ziya Down the Mountain
Sixteenth Turn Ziya Burns Pipa Essence
The 17th time, Su Daji built a dobby basin
The 18th time, Zi Ya admonishes Lord Yin Panxi
The 19th round A Study of Bo Yi Pay tribute to atone for one's sins
The 20th round Loose and fit for life Private fee, especially
The 21st time, King Wen Kua Guan escaped five passes
The 22nd time, King Wen, the Marquis of Xibo, vomited his son
The 23rd Hui Wen Wang's Night Dream: Flying Bear Zhao
The 24th Weishui Wenwang Hires His Son
The 25th time Sudaji invited demons to dinner
The 26th Daji Design Disaster Ratio
Chen Shice, the 27th Grand Shifu
The 28th Xibo Army Attacks Chonghou Tiger
Twenty ninth Turn: Kill Hou Huwen King Tuo Gu
The thirtieth cycle: Zhou Ji provoked and fought back and became king
The 31st time I heard that the Grand Master was chasing the soldiers
The 32nd Return to Huang Tianhua Tongguan Huifu
The 33rd Return: Huang Feihu Surabaya Battle
The 34th Return of Flying Tiger to Zhou Jianziya
The 35th Return Chao Tianbing Explores Xiqi
The 36th round Zhang Guifang Fengzhao's Western Expedition
Chapter 37 Jiang Ziya's First Trip to Kunlun
The Thirty eighth Session: Sisheng Xiqi Hui Ziya
Chapter 39 Jiang Ziya Frozen Qishan Mountain
The Fortieth Turn The Fourth Day The King Meets Bingling Duke
The 41st time I heard that the Grand Shifu soldiers attacked Xiqi
The 42nd return to Huanghua Mountain to collect Deng Xin and Zhang Tao
The 43rd time I heard of the Great Master Xiqi Battle
The 44th time, Ziya soul travels in Kunlun Mountain
The 45th time, burn the lamp to break the Ten Unique Array
Chapter 46 Guangchengzi Breaks the Golden Light Array
The 47th time Gongming assisted Grand Master Wen
The 48th Return to the Land, press ahead with a plan to shoot the public
The 49th time King Wu fell into the Red Sand Array
The 50th time Three Counsellors set the Yellow River Array
The 51st time Ziya robbed Wen Zhong
52. Reject the Dragon Ridge's News of Zhong's Return to Heaven
The 53rd round Deng Jiugong Fengchixi Expedition
The 54th Hui Tuxing Sun made outstanding contributions
The 55th return of Tuxing Sun to Fu Xiqi
The 56th sub tooth design is collected for nine times
The 57th Hui Hou Su of Jizhou protected Xiqi
The 58th son Yaxi meets Lv Yue
The 59th Return Yin Hong went down the mountain to collect the four generals
The 60th round Ma Yuan goes down the mountain to help Yin Hong
The 61st Tai Chi Diagram Yin Hong Dies
The 62nd Session Zhang Shan Li Jin attacked Xiqi
The 63rd time Shen Gongbao said anti Yin Jiao
The sixty fourth return to Luo declared fire and burned Xiqi City
Sixty fifth cycle Qishan in the suburbs of Yin was plowed and hoed
The 66th Return Hongjinxi Qicheng Battle
The 67th time Jiang Ziya paid homage to the general in Jintai
The 68th Look Back Yangshan Yi Qi's Resistance
The 69th return of Kong Xuanbing Jinjiling
The Seventieth Session of the Prospective Taoist Collection
The 71st round Jiang Ziya divided his troops in three ways
The 72nd round of Guangchengzi's Three Visits to Biyou
The 73rd Return: Flying Tigers Break Soldiers at Qinglong Pass
The 74th round Hum ha Second General Show supernatural power
The 75th return, Tuxing, Sun Robbers and Horses were trapped
The 76th time, Zheng Lun captured the general to get information and water
The 78th time, the Three Cults will break the Immortal Array
The 79th time, the four generals of Cloud Pass were captured
Eighty turn Yang Ren breaks through the battle array of Wenhuang
The eighty first time, Ziya Tongguan met the god of acne
The Eighty Second Session of the Three Cults Meeting Ten Thousand Immortals Array
The Eighty third Turn The Three Great Men Gather the Lion and Elephant
The eighty fourth time, Ziya soldiers took Lintong Pass
Eighty fifth return Deng Rui, the second marquis, returns to Zhou Zhu
The 86th Return to Mianchi County
The 87th Hui Tuxing Sun and his wife died in battle
Eighty eighth time, the white fish of King Wu jumped into the dragon boat
The 89th Hui Dynasty King Zhou knocked bones and cut pregnant women
The 90th time, Zi Ya catches the Shencha Yulei
The 91st Panlong Mountain Burning Wu Culture
The 92nd round Yang Jian Nezha Receives Seven Monsters
The 93rd Golden Zha Triumph Youhun Pass
Ninety fourth Hui Wen Huan Rage Chop Yin dilapidated
Ten crimes of Ziya against King Zhou in the 95th cycle
The 96th time, Ziya sent Kandaji
The 97th Turn: King Zhou burned himself
The ninety-eight back to Lutai, King Wu of Zhou Dynasty
Ninety ninth chapter Jiang Ziya returned to the country and became a god
The hundredth time, the emperor of Zhou enfeolded the nations [7]

Creation background


Story Source

The story of Jiang Ziya's beheading the general to seal the gods has long been heard in the mouth of the lyricists《 King Wu attacked Zhouping dialect 》, the story of felling Zhou and beheading generals has taken shape. There is an intermediate link from King Wu's Attacking Zhou Pinghua to Fengshen Romance, that is, the Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty Yu Shaoyu Cataloged《 Biographies of various countries 》A large number of folk legends were adopted to further deduce and expand the story. "King Wu Attacks Zhou Pinghua" and "Biographies of Various Countries" provide the general framework of the plot, some characters and plot units for "Fengshen Romance". Xu Zhonglin and others wrote the Romance of Gods on the basis of previous creation and folklore. [8]

Author dispute

There has always been a great controversy about the identity of the author of Fengshen Romance. The most common saying is Xu Zhonglin, because Xu Zhonglin's signature appeared in a version of the Ming Dynasty's Romance of Gods. Xu Zhonglin's life story is unknown, except that he lived in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, was a person from Ying Tianfu (now Nanjing, Jiangsu), and called "Zhongshan Yilao". In addition to Xu Zhonglin, there are other opinions about his author, such as Lu Changgeng, Lu Xixing, Wang Shizhen, but no final conclusion has been reached. [9]



Western Zhou camp

Character name
King Wen of Zhou
Jichang, one of the four marquises, governed Xiqi as a Xibo marquis. He was imprisoned in Youli for worshipping Hou Hu and slandering King Zhou, and was later released. Benefiting in benevolent governance, the princes of the world follow. After King Ziwu won the world, he was revered as King Wen.
King Wu of Zhou
Jifa, Jichang's second son. Later, with the help of Jiang Ziya, he overthrew the rule of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty and started the eight hundred year history of the Zhou family. The founding monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty.
Ginger Teeth
Jiang Shang, with the word Ziya and the name of Flying Bear, is known as Jiang Taigong. His wife, Ma Ma, a broom star, had been practicing for 40 years under the first Tianzun Sect in the Yuxu Palace. Later, she went down the mountain to become the god of heaven, and assisted King Wu of Zhou to punish the people and overthrow the Shang Dynasty. Later, he was granted Yingqiu as Marquis of Qi. Disciples Wu Ji, Dragon bearded Tiger and Five Way God. Finally, he died of old age and fell into samsara. He had no divine position.
Loose and fit for life
The founding hero of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Xibo was imprisoned by Zhou. He talked about King Zhou through Fei Zhong, a powerful official, and redeemed King Wen; Later, he helped King Wu destroy the merchants.
Jichang's eldest son went to court to save his father. Daji saw that he was beautiful and had excellent zither skills. He tried to seduce him but was framed. He was chopped to make meat cakes and gave them to his father Jichang to eat. Later, the god was named "Ziwei Emperor of the Middle Heaven and the North Pole".
The senior general of Xiqi has outstanding military courage. His weapon is machete. He San Yisheng is also known as the civil and military general of Xiqi. He has bravely won the three armies and made great contributions to King Wu's conquering of Zhou.
The third son of Li Jing, a disciple of Taiyi Immortal, was reincarnated as a treasure bead of Yuxu Qi, and was a pioneer officer in conquering Zhou. With a height of ten feet and six feet, he has a wide range of magical powers. He has seven kinds of eight divine tools and magic weapons. He wears a heaven and earth ring on his wrist, and his arms are wrapped around the sky silk. He holds a fire pointed gun and steps on the wind and fire wheel. After turning into a three armed body, he also holds gold bricks, a nine dragon fire shield, and yin and yang twin swords. The human form is formed by the lotus incarnation. It has no soul and soul. It is immune to the attack of soul absorption and plague. Stories such as "bone cutting and father returning" and "Nezha making trouble in the sea" are widely spread. It is one of the important heroes of King Wu who conquered Zhou. After the body becomes holy.
Jade Ding Immortal He is a disciple who knows eight or nine mysterious skills, holds a three pointed and two edged knife, has an indestructible Vajra that can not damage the body, and has unparalleled defense power. He is the best among the elucidating disciples, has amazing magic skills, and has divine animals under his seat Xiaotian Dog , Golden Boy; Zhou Ying has been saved from crisis for many times. After King Wu ascended the throne, seven people, including Li Jing, Nezha, Jinzha, Muzha, Wei Hu and Lei Zhenzi, were not in love with the world of mortals and took the initiative to resign. The last seven were all consecrated in flesh. Yang Jian is the real king of Qingyuan's wonderful way.
Jichang adopted son, the 100th son of King Wen, is a disciple of Yunzhongzi. The ribs bear two wings, and the power is infinite. Use a gold staff to make outstanding achievements for King Wu in conquering Zhou. After deification, the body becomes holy.
Jinting Mountain Jade House Cave Taoist Temple disciple, and Han Dulong Xue Ehu are martial brothers; The weapon is a pestle. I was ordered by my teacher to go down the mountain to help Jiang Ziya. Later, I followed Jiang Ziya to five passes to catch three demons. Later, he did not want to be an official, so he became Wei Tuo after becoming a holy man.
He used to be a senior official of Zhou Dynasty in Shang Dynasty. When he spoke to Lutai, he was stabbed to death. Later, he was saved by the Moral Emperor, who took him as an apprentice. He used a gold pill to put his eyes on him, making his eyes grow and his hands grow. He was given a flying electric gun, a fire fan, and his mount was a cloud beast. I was ordered by my teacher to go down the mountain to assist Jiang Ziya, who has made many achievements in the war. Yuan Hong killed him in the battle with the Seven Monsters of Meishan. Later, the god was named "Jiazi Taisui".
Chanjiao was the eldest disciple who was afraid to stay with Sun. His wife was Deng Chanyu, the daughter of Deng Jiugong, the former general Tang. He is short in stature, and he is good at hiding from the earth. He can travel thousands of miles every day and tie fairy ropes to defeat heroes all over the world. He used to be a pioneer general of Shang Tang, but later he threw himself into Xiqi and died at the Beast Cliff at the hands of Zhang Kui. Later, he and his wife Deng Chanyu were granted the titles of "Tufu Xingjun" and "Liuhe Xingjun" respectively.
He used to be the general of Chentang Pass in the Shang Dynasty, the father of Jinzha, Muzha and Nezha. Taoist Randeng gave him a magic pagoda with exquisite magic weapons. He became a holy man in his flesh and became the "king of tower supporting heaven".
The eldest son of Li Jing, a disciple of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, has a magic weapon called Dunlong Stake. He was ordered by his teacher to go down the mountain to assist Jiang Ziya. After his success, he retired and became a saint.
Li Jing, the second son of Li Jing, learned all kinds of skills from the universal sages and the magic weapon Wu Goujian. He was ordered by his teacher to go down the mountain to help Jiang Ziya. After his success, he retired and became a saint.
It was King Zhou Wu of Shang Dynasty who became king. Later, King Zhou molested and forced his wife to die, so he turned out to court and joined King Wu. Later, he was killed by Shang Dynasty general Zhang Kui in Mianchi. With Chong Heihu, Wen Pin, Cui Ying, Jiang Xiong and other five people, they were named "Five Mountains". Huang Feihu is the leader of the five mountains, the Great Benevolence and Sage Emperor of Taishan Mountain in the East, who is in charge of the eighteen underworld, and is in charge of the good and bad luck of the world.
Huang Feihu, the eldest son, is the disciple of the pure and moral king in Ziyang Cave, Qingfeng Mountain. Riding a jade unicorn, he holds the "Moye Treasure Sword", the treasure of virtue and virtue, and two hammers. He is one of the main generals of Zhou Ying. He once killed four members of the Devil's family with the Zanxin nail taught by his master. Gao Jineng was killed in the Jinjiling Battle. The god was named Binglinggong, the god of three mountains. [10]

Shang Zhou camp

Character name
Yan Shou, the son of Emperor B and the last emperor of Shang Dynasty, reversed his ways during his reign, causing anger and resentment, and then had no choice but to set himself on fire in the Zhaixing Tower. Later, the god was named "Tianxi Star".
Queen Jiang
King Zhou was originally the empress and the daughter of Jiang Huanchu, the Eastern Marquis. Daji and Fei Zhong united to make him bear the crime of regicide by treachery. Later King Zhou gouged out one of his eyes and seared his hands, and finally died because he could not endure punishment. The god was named "Taiyin Star".
The eldest son of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty was born by Empress Jiang. He and his brother were persecuted by Daji and fled. Guangchengzi saved them, so he worshipped him as his teacher. After Yicheng's graduation, he was guided by Guangchengzi Fantian Seal Luo Hunzhong and other treasures went down the mountain to assist Jiang Ziya. They met Shen Gongbao on the way and joined the Shang Army to attack Xiqi. Later, he swore to die by plowing in Qishan. The god was named "Zhinian Taisui".
The second son of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, a disciple of red sperm, was given a magic weapon, Yin Yang Mirror and Water Fire Front. He was ordered by his teacher to help Shen Gongbao rebel in the way down the mountain and fight against Zhou. Later, he swore and turned into ash in the Tai Chi diagram. The god was named "Five Grain God".
The eunuch of the Sitianjian in the Shang Dynasty was sentenced to the head of the ring because he persuaded King Zhou not to spoil Daji and corrupt the court. The god was named "Doctor Star".
She was originally the daughter of Hou Suhu in Jizhou. Later, she was killed and occupied by a thousand year old fox spirit. She was as beautiful as a peach blossom, charming and beautiful, and was sent by Nuwa Empress to confuse King Zhou. Later, he was captured and killed by General Zhou together with pheasant essence and pipa essence.
The Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty, the son of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, was loyal to the Shang Dynasty. In the war against Xiqi, he was killed by the fire pillar of the Tongtian God, which is a neutron in the cloud of the Juelong Ridge. Later, the god was named "Nine Heavens should be the universal God of Thunder", and the governor led the Lei Department's twenty-four upright gods to promote clouds and rain, and all things were entrusted to grow up, and evil and good were the cause of misfortune and happiness.
The prime minister of the Shang Dynasty, dissatisfied with the tyranny of King Zhou, resigned his office and returned to his hometown. Later, he went back to the court to remonstrate with the emperor and hit his head against the Nine Room Hall and died. Later, the god was named "Jade Hall Star".
The senior official of the Shang Dynasty advised that King Zhou was burned to death, which was the first person to die. The god was named "Tiande Star".
In the Shang Dynasty, Yaxiang, the uncle of King Zhou, was killed by Da Ji with a plot, and was later named "Wenqu Star".
Uncle of King Zhou, Daji used a stratagem to make him shave his hair and throw him into prison.
Neutrino activation
The brother of King Zhou's different mother returned to seclusion after his advice was invalid.
Neutrino diffraction
The brother of King Zhou's different mother returned to seclusion after his advice was invalid.
The leader of the 800 town princes in the Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty, he was granted the title of Dongbo Marquis. He was the head of the 200 road princes in Donglu. King Zhou was the father of Queen Jiang. Later, he was accused of treason, and died after being killed. The god was named "Emperor Car Star".
Nanbo Marquis is the marquis of 200 routes in the south. In order to save Jiang Huanchu, King Zhou was so angry that he ordered Jiang Huanchu to be beheaded. The god was named "Tianma Star".
Chonghou Tiger
Beibo Marquis is the chief marquis in the north of the town. The emperor was bewitched and oppressed the people. He supervised the building of Zhaixing Tower for King Zhou. Later, he and his son Chong Yingbiao were beheaded by Jiang Ziya. The god is called "big consumption star".
The high-ranking general under King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty was ordered to capture the two highnesses and capture them. He was also ordered to chase Ji Chang, who was scared back by Lei Zhenzi. Later, it was killed by Jiang Wenhuan, the Eastern Bolou. Jiang Ziya, the god of Qishan, called it "Little Lost Star".
Fei Zhong
The favorite minister of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty was crafty and schemed to abolish Empress Jiang in order to obtain high official and high salary for himself. Later, he was captured together with another favorite minister You Hun (the god was named "Rolling Tongue Star") by the frozen Qishan Mountain and was sacrificed to the God Platform. The god is named "Hanging Star".
Kong Xuan
The commander of the Three Mountain Pass of the Shang Dynasty, the commander of the 36th expedition, the first peacock in the heaven and earth, was finally conquered by Zhunti.
Zhang Feng
The general guarding Lintong Pass was good at beating hundred refined ropes. When Huang Feihu passed five passes, he was killed by his subordinate Xiao Yin. It was sealed as "Zuogu Star".
He is the head of the seven monsters in Meishan. He has seventy-two changes and is not bad. His magic power is very strong. He once killed Yang Ren, a fierce general of Zhou camp. Finally, Yang Jian captured him by relying on Nuwa's plan to reach the treasure mountain, river, and country. He killed him with the Land Press Immortal Throwing Dagger. Later, it was named "Four Waste Stars".
Chang Hao (Long snake)
It can melt the smoke and go away, and vomit poisonous fog at the mouth. Later, the god was named "Knife Anvil Star".
It can show a giant pig behind you and swallow the enemy directly. Later, the god was named "Fuduan Star". [10]

Goddess List

full name
Bai Jian
Three world leaders, eight ministries, 365 upright gods of Qingfu
Huang Tianhua
Guan Ling's Three Mountain Zhengshen Binglinggong
Prince Dongyue
Huang Feihu
Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng Emperor
The head of the Five Mountains, in charge of the 18 Hell Hell
Worship Black Tiger
Holy Emperor Sitianzhao of Hengshan, Nanyue
Zhongyue Songshan Zhongtian Chongsheng Emperor
Cui Ying
The Great Emperor of Antian Xuansheng in Hengshan Mountain
Jiang Xiong
Golden Heaven Wishing Holy Emperor of Huashan Mountain, Xiyue
Wen Zhong
Jiutianyingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun
The head of Lei Bu, led by 24 members of Lei Bu, urged clouds to help rain and protected the law
Deng Zhong
Deng Tianjunzhong
The 24 Heavenly Kings of Thunder Department who urge clouds and help rain
Xin Tianjun Ring
Zhang Tianjun Day
Tao Rong
Tao Tianjun Rong
Pang Hong
Pang Tianjun Hong
Liu Fu
Liu Tianjunfu
Gou Zhang
Gou Tianjun Seal
Bi Tianjun Ring
Qin Wan
Qin Tianjun finished
Zhao Jiang
Zhao Tianjun River
Dong Quan
Dong Tianjun Quan
Yuan Jiao
Yuan Tianjun Corner
Sun Liang
Sun Tianjunliang
Bai Li (Bai Li)
Jun Li in the daytime (Bai Tianjun Li)
Wang Bian (Wang Yi)
Wang Tianjun Becomes (Wang Tianjun Yi)
Li De
Li Tianjunde
Ji Tianjun Li
good fortune inherited from virtuous parents
Yu Tianjunqing
Yao Bin
Yao Tianjunbin
Zhang Shao
Zhang Tianjun Shao
Huang Tianjun Geng/Jin Tianjun Su
Golden Lady
God of lightning
Han Zhixian
Helping Fengshen
Caiyun Fairy
Xingyun God
Flame Immortal Luo Xuan
South Three Fire Virtues
The head god of the Ministry of Fire, leading the five upright gods of the Ministry of Fire
Zhu Zhao
Tail fire tiger
Five Immortals of the Ministry of Fire
High earthquake
Room fire pig
Fang Gui
Mouth fire monkey
Wang Jiao
Winged firesnake
Liu Huan
Catch the fire Tianjun
Lv Yue
Emperor Wenxuan Haotian
The head god of the plague department leads the six upright gods of the plague department
Zhou Xin
Oriental Plague Emissary
Six Immortals of the Ministry of Plague
Southern Plague Emissary
Zhu Tianlin
Western Plague Emissary
Yang Wenhui
Northern Plague Emissary
Chen Geng
Master of Persuasion
Li Ping
Hewen Taoist
Holy Mother of Golden Spirit
Kan Palace Matchmaker
Doubu head god
Su Hu
East Douxing Officer
Jin Kui
Ji Shuming
Zhao Bing
Huang Tianlu
Western Douxing Officer
Dragon Ring
Sun Ziyu
Hu Sheng
Hu Yunpeng
Lu Renjie
Zhongdou Star Officer
Chao Lei
Ji Shusheng
A Study of Bo Yi
Zhongtian North Pole Ziwei Emperor
Zhou Ji
Southern Star Officer
Yu Cheng
Sun Bao
Lei Lei
Huang Tianxiang
Tiangang Star
Big Dipper Officer
legendary deity of imperial examinations and literary affairs
Dou Rong
Wu Quxing
Han Sheng
Left auxiliary star
Han Bian
Youbi Star
Su Quanzhong
Breaking Army Star
Guo Chen
Giant Gate Star
Dong Zhong
Deng Jiugong
Qinglong Star
Yin Chengxiu
White Tiger Star
Xu Kun
Lei Peng
Gou Chenxing
Zhang Shan
Teng Snake
Xu Gai
Sun Star
Ginger queen
Business appearance
Jade Hall Star
Ji Shuqian
Tiangui Star
Hong Jin
Long Dexing
Princess Longji
Red Phoenix Star
King Zhou
Tianxi Star
Tiande Star
Summer recruit
Yuede Star
Zhao Qi
Heaven Forgive Star
Jia Family (Huang Feihu's wife)
Maung Duan Star
Xiao Zhen
Jinfu Star
Deng Hua
Mufu Star
Surplus yuan
Shuifu Star
Holy Mother of Fire
Huofu Star
Tuxing Sun
Tufu Star
Deng Chanyu
Du Yuanxian
Doctor Star
Wu Culture
Lux star
Gelatinous tripod
A book player
Huang Feibiao
He Kuixing
Madame Chedi
Moon Kuixing
Jiang Huanchu
Emperor Che Star
Huang Feibao
Tiansi Star
Ding Ce
Dilie Star
E Chongyu
Tianma Star
Li Jin
Huang Enxing
Qian Bao
Tianyi Star
Huang Family (Princess Huang)
Ji Shude
Curtilage dragon star
Huang Ming
Fulong Star
Lei Kai
Posthouse Horse Star
Wei Ben
Yellow Flag Star
Wu Qian
Leopard tail star
Zhang Guifang
woman who brings ill luck to her husband's family
Windy forest
Hanger Star
Fei Zhong
Hanging Star
You Hun
Cirrhotic star
Peng Zun
Luo Yuxing
Wang Bao
Jidu Star
Ji Shukun
Feilian Star
Chonghou Tiger
Consumptive star
Yin dilapidated
Small wasting star
Hillock lead
Gangsuo star
Long Anji
Railing star
Deng Xiu
Five Ghost Stars
Zhao Sheng
Sheep blade star
Sun Yanhong
Blood light star
Fang Yizhen
Official rune star
Lone Chenxing
Ji Kang
Tiangou Star
Wang Zuo
Disease rune star
Zhang Feng
Bone drilling star
Bian Jinlong
Death Rune Star
Bai Xianzhong
Zheng Chun
Floating and sinking stars
Bian Ji
Tiansha Star
Chen Geng
Kill a star at the age of
Xu Fang
Old Xing Xing
Year old star
Ji Shuyi
Unique Mars
Ma Zhong
Blood light star
Ouyang Chun
Wang Hu
The moon breaks the star
Shiji Empress
Chen Jizhen
Dead gas star
Xu Zhong
Xianchi Star
Yao Zhong
Moon detests stars
Chen Wu
Moon Xing Xing
Gao Juneng
Black Killer
Zhang Kui
Seven Killers
Yin Hong
Five Grain Star
Yu Zhong
Kill a star
Ouyang Tianlu [Gui Tianlu]
Tianxing Star
Chen Tong
Tianluo Star
Ji Shuji
Terrestrial reticulum
Mei Wu
Sky star
Ao Bing
Zhou Xin
Ten Evil Stars
Huang Yuanji
Silkworm Animal Star
Gao Lanying
Peach blossom star
Ma Zhaodi
Broom star
Li Gen
Disaster star
Han Rong
Wolfish star
Lin Shan
Pima star
Dragon whisker tiger
Nine Ugly Stars
Three Corpse Star
Three Corpse Star
Sa Yong
Three Corpse Star
Yincuo star
Ma Chenglong
A positive star
Gongsun Duo
Blade killing stars
Yuan Hong
Four waste stars
Sun He
Five poor stars
Earth sky star
Yang Family (Princess Yang)
Red flamboyant star
Wu Rong
Zhu Sheng
Oligopersistent star
Jin Dasheng
Tianwen Star
Dai Li
Barren star
Ji Shuli
Fetus Star
Zhu Zizhen
Fuduan Star
Yang Xian
Anti Whispering Star
Yao Shuliang
Voyin star
Chang Hao
Knife anvil star
Fang Jingyuan
Extinction star
Peng Zushou
Aged aversion to stars
Wu Long
Broken star
With the 28 constellations of Doubu, all immortals died in battle
Yang Xin
Doumu Xie
Li Xiong
Kuemu Wolf
Shen Geng
Well log
Li Hong
Taurus taurus
Zhao Baigao
Ghost Golden Sheep
Zhang Xiong
Lou Jingou
Li Daotong
Kang Jinlong
Zheng Yuan
Female earth bat
Song Geng
Stomach pheasant
Wu Kun
Liu Tu
High propylene
Japanese raccoon dog
Lv Neng
Star Sun Horse
Pleiades chicken
Zhou Bao
Asthenic sun mouse
Yao Gongbo
Fangri rabbit
Bi Yuewu
Hou Taiyi
Endangered Moon Swallow
Su Yuan
Heart Moon Fox
Xue Bao
Zhang Yuelu
Gao Yan
Tiankui Star
Thirty six Tiangang Stars of the Fighting Department died in battle
Huang Zhen
Tiangang Star
Tianji Star
Ji Bing
Celestial Leisure Star
Yao Gongxiao
Tianyong Star
Tianxiong Star
Sun Yi
Tianmeng Star
Li Bao
Tianwei Star
Zhu Yi
Tianying Star
Chen Kan
Tiangui Star
Li Xian
Tianfu Star
Fang Bao
Sky full of stars
Zhan Xiu
Sky Lone Star
Li Hongren
Tianshang Star
Wang Longmao
Tianxuan Star
Deng Yu
Li Xin
Sky dark star
Xu Zhengdao
Tianyou Star
Sky star
Wu Xu
Celestial Velocids
Lv Zicheng
Different stars in the sky
Hire by appointment
Gong Qing
Celestial micro star
Single Hundred Moves
Tianjiu Star
Gao Ke
Qi Cheng
Celestial Longevity Star
Wang Hu
Tianjian Star
Yao Gong
Sin Star
Tang Tianzheng
Sky waning star
Wen Jie
Tiangao Star
Zhang Zhixiong
Celestial comet
Skystorm star
Liu Da
Celestial Crying Star
Cheng Sanyi
Tianqiao Star
Chen Jizhen
Seventy two evil stars of the Dou Department died in battle
Huang Jingyuan
Jia Cheng
Di Yongxing
Hu Baiyan
Dijie Star
Must become
Diwei Star
Sun Xiang
Diying star
Wang Ping
Diqi star
Cypress has trouble
Earth Mengxing
Leather height
Examining Li
Geocentric star
Li Sui
Earth sparking star
Liu Heng
Earth close star
Xia Xiang
Geointense star
Residual benefit
Dark star
Bao Long
Geofugal star
Earth meeting star
Huang Bingqing
Zhang Qi
Diyou Star
Guo Si
Earth Spirit Star
Jinnan Road
Earth Beast
Chen Yuan
Terrestrial microsatellite
Che Kun
Earth comet
Sangcheng Road
Earth storm star
Zhou Geng
Dimo star
Qi Gong
Earthly rampant stars
Huo Zhiyuan
Earth Crazy Star
Gu Zong
Earthwalking star
Li Chang
Diqiao Star
Xu Ji
Earth moving into stars
Fan Huan
Earth retrogression
Zhuo Gong
Earthly full star
Kong Cheng
Earth Suixing
Yao Jinxiu
Circumterrestrial star
Ning Sanyi
Geostationary star
Remaining knowledge
Geostationary star
Yuan Dingxiang
Di Junxing
Wang Xiang
Geng Yan
Dijie Star
Xing Sanluan
Geostationary star
Jiang Zhong
Kong Tianzhao
Diji Star
Li Yue
Earth Magic Star
Gong Qian
Earth demon star
Duan Qing
Earthly stars
Doorway Front
Remote star
Xiao Dian
Earth sky star
Wu Siyu
Earth Lone Star
Kuang Yu
Cai Gong
Earth short star
Blue Tiger
Song Lu
Earth Prisoner Star
Guan Bin
Geozang star
Long Cheng
Horizon star
Radix Aconiti
Earth loss star
Kong Daoling
Dinu Star
Zhang Huan
Geostationary star
Li Xin
Earth Evil Star
Earth Soul Star
Ge Fang
Earth number star
Earth Yin Star
Qin Xiang
Wu Yangong
Dizhuang Star
Fan Bin
Geostationary star
Ye Jingchang
Yao Ye
Earth wasting star
Sun Ji
Sepia star
Chen Menggeng
Earth Dog Star
Chong Ying Biao
With the Jiuyao Star Officer of the Dou Department, all immortals died in battle
Gao Tieping
Han Peng
Li Ji
Wang Feng
Liu Jin
crown prince
Peng Jiuyuan
Li Sanyi
Lu Xiong
Beidou Five Qi Water Virtue Star
The head god of the Ministry of Water, leading the four main gods of the Ministry of Water
Yang Huzhen
Jishui Leopard
Four Immortals of the Ministry of Water
Fang Jiqing
Wall water
Sun Xiang
Shenshui Ape
Hu Daoyuan
Yin Jiao
To hold on to one's seniority
Taisui radical god
Yang Ren
Jiazi Taisui
Taisui Bu Zhengshen
Day wandering god
Taisui's subordinate Sun Zhizhong Stars
Qiao Kun
Night wandering god
Korean poison dragon
Blessing God
Xue Ehu
God of Damage and Happiness
Fang Bi
Shining God
Square phase
divinity that leads the way
Li Bing
Valuing God
Huang Chengyi
Valuing the Moon God
Zhou Deng
God of Duty
Liu Hong
Valuing the spirit of time
King Devil
The Grand Marshal guarding Lingxiao Hall
Gao Youqian
Li Xingba
Jinlong Ruyi Zhengyi Longhu Xuantan Zhenjun
The leader of Xuantan Temple, led the four leading gods, welcomed the auspicious and blessed people, and chased them to death
Xiao Sheng
Treasure God
Four Immortals under Xuantan Temple
Cao Bao
Nuzhen Heaven
Chen Jiugong
Wealth Emissary
Yao Shaosi
Li Shi Xian Guan
Devil Liqing
Growth King
Four Heavenly Kings
Devil Ritual Birthday
Guangmu King
Magic red
Hear more about the King of Heaven
The sea of magic
Holding the King of Heaven
Zheng Lun
Hum ha Second General
Chen Qi
Yu Hualong
Bixia Yuanjun
The acne department is in charge of the five aspects of acne
Jin Family (Yu Hualong's wife)
The Virgin of Weifang
Yu Da
The East is the master of acne
Bixia's Subordinate Five Fang Pox God
The West is the master of acne
The south is the main focus
Yu Xian
The north is the main focus
The central government is in charge of acne rectification
Yunxiao Empress
Sensation of the Immortal Goddess · Kengsan Girl
Qiong Xiao Empress
Bixiao Empress
The god of ice disintegration
Evil come
Fenshui General
Take charge of the East China Sea, watch the sunrise in the morning, turn the Milky Way in the evening, summer disappears and winter freezes, and go round and round [11]

Appreciation of works



Political and ethical thoughts
From the perspective of historical romance, the novel truly reflects the historical features of the struggle between Shang and Zhou in ancient times, especially the failure of King Zhou and the prosperity of Shang in Zhou Dynasty. From《 Shangshu 》《 The Book of Songs 》To《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》There are many records of this historical fact, such as《 Historical Records, Yin Benji 》The words of King Zhou in the book, "He is fond of wine and pleasure, loves women, and loves Daji." Daji's words are based on "people's complaints", "heavy punishment, and the method of cannibalization", "killing nine marquises", "preserving Hubei marquises", "jailing Xibo Youli", "dissecting and comparing their hearts", "many princes rebel against Zhou and go back to Xibo", "King Wu of Zhou's eastward expedition to Mengjin, and eight hundred princes rebel against Yin and Zhou", and King Zhou "goes to fire and dies", The killing of Daji by King Wu of Zhou has been vividly described in the novel. What deserves special attention is the progressive political and ethical thoughts expressed by the author. In order to fully affirm the justice, necessity and rationality of King Wu's war against Zhou, the first part of the novel (2-34 chapters) intensively exposes the wanton and brutal crime of King Zhou, explaining that "if you lose your way, you can't be the parents of the people, and the remnant thieves are called the only men. Today's rebellion is the self denial of King Zhou". "God bless the people, act as a king, and act as a teacher". Therefore, the attitude towards the people is the fundamental condition for whether the monarch conforms to the will of God, that is, whether he can be in power. Therefore, although Zhou Wu attacked the merchants as ministers and monarchs, he was a righteous teacher who killed the only man and fought against tyranny. On the other hand, "the world is not the world of one person, but the world of all people". What runs through the whole novel is the people based thought in the cloak of destiny, which is the ancient democratic thought inherited by progressive thinkers of all dynasties since the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, when Cheng Zhu's philosophy, which turned the feudal code into "heavenly principles", dominated, the idea advocated in the Romance of Gods clearly had a rebellious significance against feudal despotism. The novel also vividly describes the story of Nezha cutting bones and returning flesh, seeking revenge for his father, Yin Jiao Yin Hong being fleeing, taking Zhou as his revenge, and expressing understanding and affirmation of these rebellious behaviors that have lost their "son's way". Yin Jiao Yin Hong later betrayed his teachers and helped Shang to attack Zhou, but eventually ended up turning into a plow and hoe. These, like King Wu's capture of Zhou, showed that the author tried to reform the feudal loyalty and filial piety ethics of unconditional absolute obedience with a conditional and relative relationship between the monarch and his subjects. This is the valuable thought light in the Romance of Gods. [12]
In history, Shang and Zhou are two different tribes. The Romance of Gods portrayed them as the relationship between the emperor and his subjects, and emphasized that the cause of King Wu's subjugation of Zhou was "to subjugate the emperor with his subjects", "to subjugate the emperor from below", and "to exterminate the only man". This is the reflection of the progressive view in feudal society. It repeatedly publicized that "the world is not the world of one person, but the world of all people." Such a thought was actually one of the theoretical bases of the peasant uprising in feudal society.
Romance of the Gods also reflects ideas that run counter to feudal ethics. This is prominently shown in the story of Nezha's bone cutting and meat returning. Nezha killed the ferocious third prince of the Dragon King. In order not to implicate his timid father Li Jing, he committed suicide. Later, Li Jing repeatedly forced his soul unreasonably. He had "returned his parents' flesh and blood" and could no longer bear it. After getting the lotus incarnation, he took the action of "going down the mountain to revenge". He regarded his father as "the enemy", called him by his name when he met, and shot him. Li Jing was defeated and fled, and he was still chasing him. In feudal society, Nezha's behavior was regarded as "disobeying incest". The value of Nezha's story lies in its criticism of the feudal moral principle that "the father wants his son to die, and it is unfilial for the son not to die". However, the thought expressed by the author is not thorough enough, and does not completely break through the shackles of feudal ethics. Therefore, Nezha's resistance did not win the final victory, and finally succumbed to the Linglong Tower of Taoist Lantern and confessed to Li Jing. [13]
The author of Feng Shen Yan Yi expressed the fatalism in many places. As the saying goes, "When the number of people in the soup is exhausted, the fate of the Zhou Dynasty will prevail", which has almost become an important key to the development of all stories. As a result, everyone who took part in the battle between the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty just came to "finish the fate of heaven and earth, and move into fortune". After the death of the war, "one soul went into the Fengshentai". This undoubtedly distorts the nature of the struggle, thus affecting the positive significance of the theme. The author sometimes holds an incorrect view of women. Daji was described as a "disaster": King Zhou's subjugation was mainly due to her fascination, and all King Zhou's perverse and inhuman acts seemed to be ordered by Daji. There are also a few places in the book, especially in the description of rhymes, showing an attitude of objectivism that does not know right from wrong. [13]

artistic characteristics

The important feature of the concept of "Fengshen Romance" is its strong storytelling. Yan's army attacked Xiqi, Zhou's soldiers attacked Chaoge, and the soldiers came to block it. One suspense caused another, and one climax foreshadowed the next climax. Every senior general has a magic weapon, a unique skill and a kind of tactics, and every story brings a new scene. Hundred chapter novels often have relatively independent biographies of characters. Some people call it "quasi epic", which is a long narrative way of imagination in the historical framework of Fengshen Romance. The Romance of Gods has a certain epic style, but it mainly wins with unique and magnificent imagination. Immortals, demons, strange people, strange looks, strange jobs, kick the sky, change. Lei Zhenzi's raw meat wings can fly; Tu Xingsun disappeared in the blink of an eye; Kong Xuan under King Zhou "once saw the creation of heaven and earth, as well as the sun, moon and stars". There are five lights behind him. If he shakes them, all the clever weapons will fall into it, even Jiang Ziya's magic whip will not be spared; Lv Yue scattered the pestilence in Xiqi Well to let Xiqi soldiers and civilians catch the pestilence, Jiang Ziya froze Qishan Mountain, and created a bad living environment for the other party with meteorological warfare. [8]
Character image
The author uses his rich imagination to create some characters. Many immortals and monsters have strange looks - such as Yang Jian's eyes, Lei Zhenzi's flesh and wings, Nezha's three heads and eight arms, [14] It can often arouse readers' strong interest. As for the magic of gods and monsters, for example, Tu Xingsun can walk under the ground. He is clever and alert. "His eyes can see thousands of miles, and his ears can hear thousands of miles." Yang Jian has 72 changes, all of which are fascinating and can inspire people's wisdom.
In terms of characterization, for example, Huang Tianhua's fiery temper, Jiang Ziya's loyalty and cowardice, Chonghou Tiger's greed and brutality, and Daji's cunning and cruelty can leave a deep impression. The author sometimes writes about the complex character of the character. There are many advantages in writing about Tuxingsun, but it also emphasizes that he has serious shortcomings such as irritability, pride, arrogance, lechery, and greed for wealth. Wen Zhong is described as a minister who is loyal to King Zhou. Although he is nearly stupid and loyal, his upright character still makes people feel a little cute. However, the author did not over beautify Wen Zhong, but arranged an inevitable fate for him, making him a martyr of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. In addition, like the ungrateful, mischievous and perverse villain Shen Gongbao, the fickle, venal and venal traitors You Hun and Fei Zhong, the author has a few words, but has a distinctive personality, which can be firmly remembered by readers.
In terms of art, the disadvantage of the novel is that the author neglected to reveal the inner world of the characters, so most of the characters' personalities are not prominent enough; In some places, they are stereotyped and formulaic, like a section of the "Ten Unique Formation". Due to the rough writing, there are still some loopholes in the development of the plot. [13]

Later influence


Literary influence

The influence of Fengshen Romance on Chinese ancient novels is mainly reflected in two aspects. On the one hand, it has led to the birth of a number of supernatural historical novels, such as the series of novels of Western Records of Sanbao Eunuch and Biography of Pingyao in the Ming Dynasty, the Unofficial History of Female Immortals and The Wizard of Oz in the Qing Dynasty, which have formed a school in the history of supernatural novels that matches historical novels; On the one hand, its "three wonders" artistic characteristics have been inherited and promoted, such as "The Complete Biography of Fan Lihua", "Mu Guiying Breaking the Heavenly Gate Array" and so on. [25]
"Fengshen Romance" is a collection of historical facts and hearsay, which finalized the tyrant image of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. It has a great impact on future generations. [15]

international repercussions

As early as the Qing Dynasty, the Romance of Gods was translated into Manchu, Mongolian and Dai languages. In the 20th century, the Romance of Gods was widely spread overseas. Overseas, some sinologists mainly spread the Fengshen stories in the form of translations and treatises. At the same time, some domestic troupes also spread the classic plots by performing overseas. The East is dominated by South Korea and Japan. Some intellectuals with Chinese culture read the original book, were attracted by the story, and then translated it, so that the "Fengshen Romance" spread among more intellectuals. However, due to the language barrier, it is still difficult for ordinary people to understand the Romance of Gods, so the scope of dissemination is narrow. In the West, the German translation of the "Fengshen Romance" segment is earlier, and there are many research works on "Fengshen Romance" in other English speaking countries. [23]
At the beginning of the 20th century, there were foreign language versions of Fengshen Romance, all of which were selected. For example, German sinologist Gruber published an anthology of German in 1912 at Lyden E. J. Brill Press in the Netherlands, English anthology of British sinologist Werner published in 1922 at G. Harrup Press in London, and Japanese anthology of Japanese sinologist Muchi Qingdao published in 1927 at the modest light agency in Tokyo. [16]

Derivative works

There are more than 30 kinds of operas adapted from Fengshen Romance. There are many Peking Opera, Henan Opera, Qin Opera and Sichuan Opera, as well as Gaoqiang Opera, Pihuang Opera, Bangzi Opera, Anhui Opera, Hunan Opera, Dian Opera, Cantonese Opera, Han Opera, Jin Opera, Yong Opera, Gan Opera, Hebei Bangzi Opera, Fujian Opera, Daxianzi Opera, Hengqi Opera, Kunqiang Opera, Chenhe Opera, Hunan Qi Opera, Luo Opera, Yihuang Opera, Gui Opera, Yuediao Opera, Wan Bang Opera, Dingxian Yangge, drama, etc, Many operas have transcripts or are still performing. [22]
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan have adapted several versions of film and television dramas based on the original novel.
As early as 1927 in the mainland of China, the film "The Goddess List, Yang Jian, Mei Shan's Seven Strangers" directed by Xia Chifeng and written by Wu Hanyi had been released; In 1990, 36 episodes of TV series directed by Guo Xinling, starring Fu Yiwei, Dutch, Lan Tianye, etc《 Goddess List 》Broadcasting; From 2006 to 2009, the mainland of China filmed a new version of the "Goddess List", which is divided into two parts, the upper part is《 Fengming Qishan in the Goddess List 》, the lower part is《 King Wu of the Gods List Attacks Zhou 》; In 2013, the 70 episode TV series "Heroes of God" directed by Wang Weiting, produced by Zhejiang Huace Film&Television Co., Ltd., was broadcast.
In Hong Kong, China, there are mainly two versions: in 1981, Hong Kong TVB produced 13 episodes《 Goddess List 》, starring Yu Ziming, Lin Jianming, Tan Bingwen, Chen Xinjian, etc; In 2001, by Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd Production Liu Shiyu Directed 40 episodes of costume myth drama《 Goddess List 》Broadcast.
In Taiwan, there are 34 episodes of the TV series "Goddess List" produced by China Television Company in 1986 and directed by Liang Jiashu. [2]

Work evaluation

Modern litterateur Lu Xun A Brief History of Chinese Fiction: During this period, there were Buddhist names. Sometimes, there were famous religions, mixed with three religions, just like Journey to the West. However, the root of it was just the opinion of scholars.
Modern litterateur Zheng Zhenduo Illustrated History of Chinese Literature: Therefore, the narration in Feng Shen Zhuan is quite bold. Ruozha's forced father and Yang Jian's anti Yan were unacceptable in the old ethics, but Xu's words were full of enthusiasm. [17]

Version information

The earliest known copy of "The Romance of Gods" is the Japanese cabinet library, which was criticized by Zhong Bojing. It consists of 20 volumes and 100 chapters, and is an engraving of Shu Zaiyang in the Ming Dynasty. [18]
In the 20th century, "Fengshen Romance" printed and published a wide range of books, including photocopies, proofread books, condensed books, complete books, painting books, etc. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were eight volumes, ten volumes, twelve volumes, and nineteen volumes of the Romance of Gods published, but most of them were 100 volumes. Only in 1923, the Shanghai World Book Company's Shiyin Leather Painting Romance of Gods was eight volumes and sixty-eight volumes in total. In general, the content of various "Fengshen Romance" in the communication is not so different, and the relatively fixed content of the text is beneficial to the communication of the work. However, the Republic of China thread binding (big character full version of serial pictures) "The Complete Biography of the Gods" (Volume 3, 4, 5, 18144 chapters), with one picture each time, has a high reference value for the publication of each version. In addition, Taipei Tianyi Publishing House published the Ten Volume and One Hundred Chapter Story of the Gods in 1985, which showed readers the version closest to the author's original work, with a total of 100 pictures. The first part of the volume is in order, and the last part is signed with "Li Yunxiang of Hanjiang is Lin Fu". The contents and the end of the volume are titled with "New Carving of Mr. Zhong Bojing's Criticism of Godhood", the second part is titled with "Edited by Xu Zhonglin, an old man in Zhongshan", and "Jinchang Shuzai Yang Wen Yuan Zi Xing". There is a total batch after the reply, and there is a mixed batch in the text. This book is photocopied according to Jinlu Shuzaiyang, a magazine stored in the Cabinet Library of Japan. The second chapter is the last one. Half of the Romance of Gods published in the first three decades of the 20th century were embroidered. [24]

About the author

Xu Zhonglin (The year of birth and death is unknown), born in Yingtianfu (today's Nanjing), is a novelist of the Ming Dynasty. Around the end of Jiajing period, he was alive, and his deeds are unknown. The popular novel of Shanwei has one hundred chapters of Romance of Gods. [19]