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Feudal landlord class

Sociological terminology
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Generally refers to feudal society Landlord economy Next, relying on land ownership, farmers' land owners are mainly exploited in the form of land rent. In feudal society, all major landowners under the feudal economy, such as feudal lords, are also called landlords. The landlord economy is most typical of China's feudal society. The feudal landlords in China adopted various forms of management of their own land: some were managed by themselves, taking the form of exploiting servants or employees; The main thing is to distribute the land to others and exploit it with land rent Dependent farming Or tenant farmers. Dependent farmers have private disciples, tribes Tenant servant Equal type; Tenants have peasant , Makers Tian Ke , tenant, etc. After the Tang and Song Dynasties, Sublease The form of tenant farmers gradually excluded and replaced the form of dependent farmers, becoming a typical form of landlord system management.
Chinese name
Foreign name
feudal society
class contradictions
The big landlord class Petty bourgeoisie
economic system
natural economy

Concept introduction

The landlord class is Landlord economy Main items under exploiting class It was also the main ruling class in feudal society. It has Feudal hierarchy A divided class. In China, landlords mainly include the following types: the East is represented by China


① Yes, with high social position Aristocratic landlords enjoying political privileges Gentry landlord By virtue of hereditary or non hereditary status and privileges, they occupy or forcibly occupy or buy land. They conceal their property, pay less or pass it on Land tax ; And often legally or illegally shelter relatives and other Dingkou. They are the most conservative, corrupt and reactionary of the landlord class.
② Having lower social status and no political privileges Plebeian landlord They are mainly small and medium-sized landlords. They were bullied by the powerful landlords, and by virtue of their wealth, they colluded with the government and oppressed the villagers. Because land can be bought and sold, the composition of the landlord class often changes. With the society productivity With the development of, the minimum amount of land needed to obtain the identity of landlords has decreased, and the number of common landlords has increased. After the great development of commodity economy, Industrialists and businessmen When purchasing land, industrial and commercial landlords appear.

Western Europe

Detailed view: Lord economy
Feudal system in Western Europe It is a core content of medieval European history, known as fiefs The core content of the feudal system in Western Europe is Feudal hierarchy in Western Europe Throughout medieval times Roman Catholicism occupied one third of the land of Western Europe at that time economically, rivaled the secular monarchy politically, and formed a unitary monopoly in ideology and culture. The city is an important symbol of the formation of civilization. There are obvious differences between western civilization and eastern civilization in many aspects, and many of its root factors are caused by the city. Byzantine Empire It is a glorious ancient civilization. In terms of how to face new environmental challenges, the historical fate of the Byzantine Empire has great typical significance and enlightenment value.
The feudal hierarchy in Western Europe is mainly divided into Pope, King, Duke, Marquis, Earl and Viscount from top to bottom, baron , knights.
Its basis comes from three aspects: ① ancient Greek Roman heritage, ② Christian tradition, ③ germanic people Of Social model . In other words, Feudal system in Western Europe It was due to Roman feudalism, Germanic Factors, via Christian Church It is formed by the continuous combination of the two
1. Roman feudal factors
along with Imperium Romanum The suspension of external expansion caused a serious crisis in the economy of the empire in the third century AD: the population declined sharply and the cities declined. Some large landowners retreated to the countryside and established Li Nong As the main producer, the farmland system implemented decentralized tenancy management, forming a natural economy, while politically forming an independent kingdom. Thus, in the third century AD, the slavery commodity economy of the Roman Empire had transited to villeinage Natural economy. In addition, there has been a protective relationship in Rome for a long time. Some people sought the protection of wealthy patrons because of their decline, and became civilians or vassals under their protection. After the decline of the empire, this protective relationship expanded and became a future Feudal system in Western Europe One of the origins of
In line with the economic changes, people's ideology has also changed. The original Roman classical culture has begun to give way to the popular culture of the ordinary people, which is Christian culture. In the crisis era, more and more people worship The Olympian Gods Jupiter , Zeus, Apollo, converted to Christianity, which can extricate individuals from their sins and save individuals, because although the former is powerful and powerful, it cannot comfort people; People are great, but they can't always show their greatness. People still need comfort, especially in the crisis era. People need a mysterious philosophy system Imperium Romanum , this is Neo Platonism After many twists and turns, Rome finally became a Christian country after the fourth century. Church organizations were generally established. Under the influence of the Roman system, the laws, systems and organizational structure of the church were established. It was the Christian church that played a role in maintaining the stability of rank in the deepening chaos, and became the future education of the Germanic barbarians, The undertaker of the combination of Roman classical culture and Germanic culture
In addition, the monastery system established by the church also had a significant impact on the early medieval Western European society. At first, the monks were generally the best farmers in Western Europe. They reclaimed wasteland, drained marshes, improved soil, and promoted Three nursery system They also preserved some Roman architectural skills and developed wood carving, metal manufacturing, textile, glass, wine making and other technologies
Germanic factor
germanic people Having just stepped out of the primitive society, it has brought vigor and vitality to the desperate Western European society
Compared with Roman law, Germanic law is a customary law, which is rough, superstitious, and adopts divine judgment, but it still has a significant impact on the feudal politics of Western Europe in the future. Germanic law originated from the ancient customs of mankind, rather than the will of rulers, so law transcends royal power, and no king can be absolutely autocratic, This system of limited royal power was a feature of the political development in medieval Western Europe. So some people said that democracy originated in the Germanic jungle
germanic people The concept of contractual relationship between leaders and soldiers was established, which directly promoted Feudal system in Western Europe Formation of
The Germanic people also brought about the rural commune system (one of its characteristics is autonomy), which contributed to the formation of western European cities Guild system And even the parliamentary system had a significant impact
Germanic The influence of factors on Western European society is so great that the author of the global general history believes that it was the arrival of the Germanic people that destroyed the Classical civilization Thus clearing the way for the beginning of a new civilization in Western Europe. In China and India, the past civilization tradition has not been interrupted and has been preserved, but this is only the continuation of the old life. In the West Imperium Romanum After the demise, there was a new beginning. He also believed that this was the uniqueness of Western history
Western historiography Feudal system in Western Europe There are mainly two schools in terms of formation, Germanic School and Roman School, and later formed a comprehensive school
Feudal landlord class
Feudal hierarchy in Western Europe It is characterized by: the divine power is superior to everything, and the Pope is superior to the King. Typical example: Piping offered soil


Junker is a transliteration of the German word Junker, originally referring to the noble children without knighthood, and later generally referring to Prussian nobles and big landlords
Originated in the 16th century, the Second World War Later, Juncker basically disappeared. In German literature, Juncker was divided into different types, such as battle Juncker, court Juncker, parliament Juncker, and rural Juncker. Rural Juncker really played a big role in German history. Rural Juncker refers to the aristocratic manor owners of Prussia, mainly conquering Elbe River To the east and to colonize there Germany Descendants of Knight lords, they combined sovereignty and rural power. In the 16th century, Juncker, in order to expand grain production, seized a large amount of land from farmers to the east of the Elbe River, and operated a commodity producing manor economy with the labor of serfs. Rural Juncker was rough, violent, and narrow-minded
In 1653, Brandenburg Frederick William, the general election emperor, granted Juncker the right to "completely control" the farmers, and granted tax exemption and other economic benefits Stein and Hardenberg Reform Juncker was hit hard
Since the 19th century, Prussia capitalism The rapid development of the Prussian Dynasty completely disintegrated Juncker's economic foundation - the feudal manor. For this reason, the Prussian Dynasty granted Juncker important officer positions and government positions as compensation
1848 German Revolution Rear, Juncker manorial economy Gradually transformed into capitalist farms, most Junkers began to become bourgeois landlords who retained many remnants of feudalism. In Juncker Manor, the farm labourers were still semi serfs Feudal land ownership Under the condition of Prussian Road . Junker landlord class Extremely conservative in politics, advocating Absolute monarchy He advocated force and supported protectionism against agriculture, and his representative was O. von Bismarck
In 1871, Prussia united Germany "from top to bottom", marking the final formation of Juncker's bourgeois rule. The German Conservative Party in the Imperial Congress and the peasant alliance outside the Congress all represented Juncker's interests, and most officers in the army also came from Juncker, thus making the whole German Empire Branded by Juncker Weimar republic Juncker was hostile to the republican regime and supported Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler )In power
Feudal landlord class
The imperialist character of Germany is called“ Juncker bourgeois imperialism

Eastern Europe

Feudal serfdom prevails in Eastern Europe, represented by Russia
Serfdom, also known as feudal lord system. A small number of feudal lords or serf owners occupied most of the means of production and some of the serfs; The serfs performed various kinds of labor and handed over most of them Labor products The basic feature of serfdom is that serfs are bound to the land. The serf owners use this Personal attachment And forced super economic exploitation of serfs.
The typical serfdom was born in medieval Europe. It was founded on the ruins of Roman slavery, and until the 19th century, Russia and India still maintained serfdom. The serfs in these areas have close ties with the rural communes.
In the 14th century, with Moscow Principality With the increase of political and economic strength, foreign harassment has decreased, and Russia's feudal economy has developed rapidly. In 1649, the Czar Alexei Mikhailovich issued the Code, which stipulated that farmers, together with their families and all their property, must return to their rightful owners whenever they were found, no matter how long they fled. The Code established the Russian serfdom legally, marking the formation of Russian serfdom.
The serfdom fettered people's free labor force and hindered the development of the national economy, which was the reason why Russia fell behind.
After the disastrous defeat of the Crimean War, Tsar Nicholas I He died of depression. The new Alexander II, forced by the situation of internal and external difficulties, decided to carry out top-down reform. He successively set up special committees in the Central Committee and in some European continents to draft the reform of serfdom. The committee was composed of czar officials and aristocratic representatives. These people do not support the reform, and they have been arguing for a long time. The reform draft is difficult to produce. At this time, the tide of peasant uprisings was rising day by day, and the tsar felt urgent. At the State Council, he said anxiously: "Any delay in the future will harm the country." Alexander II's panic and urge made the drafting work speed up, and the draft was finally thrown out. On March 3, 1861, the tsar formally approved the decree of abolishing serfdom and signed a special declaration on abolishing serfdom.
The law stipulates that farmers have personal freedom, and local governments are not allowed to trade or exchange serfs; When the serf obtained personal freedom, he could get a share of land from the landlord under the condition of paying a large amount of ransom. However, this is a top-down reform, which is not thorough. It still protects the interests of the landlords, retains the remnants of serfdom, and ransom is a cruel plunder of serfs. So the peasant uprisings continued to follow one another. From 1861 to 1863, there were more than 2000 peasant uprisings. However, the abolition of serfdom provided necessary labor, markets and funds for the development of Russian capitalism feudal monarchy A big step forward in the process of transforming into a bourgeois monarchy.

Classification description


Big landlord class

As the name implies, it refers to a large amount of land Means of agricultural production And the rich landlord class

Petty bourgeoisie

A social group based on individual ownership of the means of production and individual labor. Mainly including middle peasants Small handicraftsman , small businessmen, freelancers, etc. The petty bourgeoisie occupies a small part of the means of production or a small amount of property and is generally neither exploited nor exploited by others. It mainly depends on its own labour for a living. However, a small part of them are slightly exploited.

Big bourgeoisie

The concept can be applied to the petty bourgeoisie. In short Private ownership of means of production And social groups based on large-scale employment of labor. It appeared in the late feudal period and was the founder of the landlord class.
They are very different from each other. The big landlord class is essentially a class that lags behind the bourgeoisie and is feudal Production relations The lower class cannot promote social progress. However, it has huge wealth, and can be transformed into the bourgeoisie or even the big bourgeoisie due to social changes and its own reasons. The petty bourgeoisie has its own unique dual nature: it demands to break the landlords Private ownership of land , but also afraid of the fierce market competition, which requires maintaining a moderate market closure. So they may become middle class or bankrupt civilians.

Junker landlord

Special forms represented by Prussia
Junker Noble is a transliteration of German Junker. Originally, it refers to the noble children without knighthood, and later refers to Prussian nobles and big landlords in general. Originated in the 16th century, the Second World War After that, it basically disappeared. In German literature, Juncker was divided into war Juncker, court Juncker, parliament Juncker and rural Juncker. Rural Juncker really played a big role in German history.
Rural Juncker refers to the aristocratic manor owners of Prussia, mainly the descendants of German knight lords who conquered and colonized the area east of the Elbe River. They are a combination of sovereignty and rural power. In the 16th century, Juncker, in order to expand grain production and export to England and Netherlands in large quantities, seized a large number of farmers' land east of the Elbe River and operated a commodity producing manor economy with the labor of serfs. Rural Juncker is rough, violent and narrow-minded. In 1653, Frederick William, the general election monarch of Brandenburg, granted Juncker the right to "completely control" farmers, and granted a large number of economic benefits such as tax exemption. In the Stein and Hardenberg reforms that began in 1807, Juncker's domination of land and farmers was hit to a certain extent. It can be said that this is the German version of the "serfdom reform". The rapid development of Prussian capitalism since the 19th century has disintegrated Juncker's economic foundation - the feudal manor. For this reason, the Prussian Dynasty gave Juncker important military and government positions as "compensation". In the German Revolution of 1848, the bourgeoisie stepped onto the political stage of Germany. Juncker's manor economy gradually transformed into a capitalist farm. Most Juncker began to be bourgeois, but still retained many feudal remnants. In Juncker Manor, the farm labourers were still semi serfs. This is reserved Feudal land ownership Under the conditions of the "Three Kingdoms", capitalist exploitation gradually replaced the way of serfdom exploitation, which was called“ Prussian Road ”。
Junker landlord class It belongs to extreme conservatism in politics, advocates autocracy, advocates force, and is in favor of protectionism against agriculture. Its representative is O. von Bismarck. In 1871, Prussia unified Germany "from the top", marking the final form of Juncker's bourgeois rule. In the Imperial Congress German Conservative Party Both Juncker and the Peasant Alliance outside the Congress represented Juncker's interests, and most of the officers in the army were born in Juncker, thus marking the entire German Empire with the brand of Juncker. Weimar Republic During the period, Juncker was hostile to the republican regime and supported Hitler be in office.

social position

The landlord class is Landlord economy The main exploiting class and ruling class under. The landlord class has a higher social
The class with political privileges was called powerful landlords in the Han and Wei Dynasties, and powerful landlords in the Sui and Tang Dynasties Lineage Landlord, known in the Song Dynasty Situation account In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he was called a gentry landlord. Their appearance is Feudal hierarchy The reflection of. They use their power to occupy or forcibly buy land and hide land , less Land tax Or transfer the land tax burden to small and medium-sized landlords and Owner farmer They use the privilege of free from corvee to shelter relatives and peasant In order to avoid heavy official blackmail, some farmers also attached themselves to them, resulting in the phenomenon of "hundreds of households, thousands of people have common citizenship". They are among the landlords conservative Corrupt and reactionary strata.
Among the landlord class social position These landlords are generally called plebeian landlords in the lower class without political privileges. Most of them are small and medium-sized landlords, but there are also large families. They were bullied by the powerful landlords, but with their wealth, they colluded with the government, cut corners of the country and oppressed the peasants. With the society productivity With the development of, the minimum amount of land needed to obtain the identity of landlords was reduced, and the number of common landlords was expanded, and there was a trend to measure the social status of landlords from economic forces, that is, the amount of land they occupied.


China is a country with a vast territory and a large population. For more than 2000 years Landlord economy , gradually extending to the southeast, then to the southwest, and finally to Northeast China , which has promoted the development of these areas and the socio-economic and cultural development here. China's landlord economy After long-term and full development, it has a strong economic foundation and Superstructure , with brilliant feudal culture. Its internal economic structure, such as the exploitation tradition of the trinity of landlords, merchants and usurers, and the natural economy of the close combination of small agriculture and cottage industry, is extremely solid. its Patriarchal clan system centralization Its bureaucracy and complete feudal ideology are also world-famous. This fully developed economic foundation and superstructure will contribute to the development of society productivity It has greater adaptability, and has greater leeway to adjust social contradictions, so it can be extended Landlord economy The longevity of the Chinese feudal society led to the long-term continuation.

Examples of modern resistance

Wang Shusheng, formerly Wang Hongxin, Han nationality, Hubei Macheng Ride horse gang people. Proletarian revolutionaries, Militarist , ordnance equipment construction and Military science Research-oriented founder And leaders.
Joined the Communist Party of China in 1926, participated in the establishment of the first peasant armed forces in Macheng County, and participated in leadership in 1927 Macheng Riot and Jute uprising Successive posts since 1928 Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Head and Deputy Division commander Concurrently head of the delegation, division Red Fourth Front Army Deputy Commander in Chief and the 31st Army Military commander , West Route Army Deputy Commander in Chief He is also the commander of the 9th Army. He is brave and good at fighting, and his military achievements are remarkable Hubei Henan Anhui Sichuan Shaanxi Revolutionary Base And the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army.
Awarded in 1955 Senior General military rank. yes The First National People's Congress Representatives, members of the First, Second and Third National Defense Committees, and the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Communist Party of China member of central committee
He died in Beijing on January 7, 1974 at the age of 69.
General Wang Shusheng was admitted to Wuhan Qihuang Middle School in 1923 Organize peasant associations to publicize the principles of the revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism. And mobilized his three brothers to participate in the work of the peasant movement They also decided to quickly organize armed peasants to prevent the feudal landlord class from making a counter attack. They persuaded their families to take out their own food and sell the public land of Wang's Ancestral Hall as funds for organizing farmers' armed forces and purchasing guns and ammunition, which strengthened and consolidated local farmers' armed forces. In October 1927, the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee appointed him as the Secretary of the East Hubei Special Committee, which was established in Huang'an (now Hong'an) County Jute riot The headquarters launches and organizes armed uprisings of peasants in the Jute area. On November 13, in Qiliping, Huang'an, the East Hubei Special Committee headed by him held a party activist organization Red Lance Society bandits armed with more than ten thousand people to carry out a riot and command the peasants to fight back resolutely. In the middle of June, command farmers in Macheng Farmer County Self Defense Forces He fought fiercely with the volunteer team in the Shazhaigang for three days and nights, defeated the attack of more than 10000 armed landlords, pursued and killed 20 kilometers, and captured more than 3000 enemies. Later, they successively commanded the battle of Laili Village and Yangsi Village, and smashed the armed attacks of the landlords. postwar The masses Change the name of Pozhaigang to Desheng Stronghold. On August 20, he participated in the organization and command of the Northern Boundary River battle, which smashed the attempt of Macheng exiled local tyrants and evil gentry to return to their hometown by armed force.