
The god of longevity in mythology
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Shouxing, also known as the Antarctic Elderly Star, Star name , the god of longevity in ancient mythology. It is also an immortal in Taoism, originally named as a star, and one of the three stars of Fu, Lu, and Shou, First Emperor of Qin After unifying the world, near Chang'an Du County Build Longevity Star Temple. Later, the birthday star became the name of a fairy. Ming Dynasty novels《 Journey to the West 》Write "Ganoderma Lucidum in Hand", with long head, big ears and short body. Convincing Arguments Warning the World 》There is a mythical story of "Three Stars of Happiness, Wealth and Longevity". In the portrait, the longevity star is an old man with white whiskers, holding a staff and protruding forehead. The ancients symbolized longevity. It is often set off by deer, cranes, peaches, etc., symbolizing longevity.
People believe that worshipping this immortal god can make people Health and longevity This immortal god is actually a belief of Taoism in pursuing longevity.
Chinese name

Origin legend

The elderly Shouxing, one of the three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity, is dressed as a civilian, kind and amiable. But in ancient times, he used to be a man of high status and dignity Star official It is not the legendary Antarctic Immortal Emperor.
 God of Longevity God of Longevity God of Longevity God of Longevity God of Longevity God of Longevity God of Longevity God of Longevity God of Longevity Zhu Xuanxian's Chinese painting Longevity Star (1991) Shouxing
God of Longevity
The longevity star is the old man star, and the name in western astronomy is Ship base Alpha star, located in the southern hemisphere South Latitude About 50 degrees, in China Northern region In fact, it's hard to see. Sima Qian Redords of the Grand History of China ·It is recorded in the Tianguan Book that when the Qin Dynasty unified the country, it began to build a Shouxing Temple in Xianyang, the capital, to worship the Antarctic Old Man Star. But the reason for worshipping him is quite different from that in 2017. The main idea is that when you see the birthday star, the world is at peace; If you don't see it, it indicates that there will be war. early stage Astrology In the book, it is also mentioned that if the color of the old star is dimmer, or even completely disappeared, it indicates that there will be war.
Zhu Xuanxian's Chinese painting Longevity Star (1991)
The peaceful and prosperous times in ancient China were indeed short and rare. Decades of chaos and governance. After a long period of separation, we must unite, and after a long period of cooperation, we must divide. And this old man star is just a good symbol of this turbulent situation. But it is far from enough to be just a symbol. The ancients had a strong practical and utilitarian purpose in observing the celestial phenomena and astrology. So what is the practical value of the Antarctic Elderly Star? Maybe it is his status as an old man and his ability to carry an important ethics sense of worth Read - that is respect for the old and filial piety.
east Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty During his reign, he presided over a ceremony to worship the birthday star. He personally dedicated Supplies , read out in homage Eulogy At the same time, a special banquet was arranged, and the participants were all ancient and rare people. All over the world, as long as they are over 70 years old, both nobles and civilians are eligible to become Han Emperor Ming Our guests. After the feast, the emperor also presented wine, meat, rice and a beautifully crafted cane.
This event was recorded in the Book of Han - Etiquette Annals, and it was a great creation of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty to honor the longevity stars in the sky and the long-lived old people in the world.
Redords of the Grand History of China ·"Longevity Star Temple"《 expound sth. obscure 》, "Longevity Star, cover the Antarctic Old Man Star, see Zetian Next to Li'an, the ancestral hall is used to pray for longevity: "Song Dynasty Building key The poem of "Rose Collection" IV "Portrait of Ye Chushi": "More pines and bamboos are added to make longevity stars, and I am willing to dry up the manuscript." Later, it is used to refer to people who live long. element Fang Hui Tongjiang sequel 》The poem of the 20th "Wuxu Birthday": "Every birthday in the guest house, Next door delivery Shouxing. "
Respecting the old is the embodiment of good nature. and Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty Taking this opportunity to show his virtue of respecting the elderly is undoubtedly a political show that hopes to win the hearts of the people. Not only was it advocated, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty also granted privileges to the elderly. The royal staff presented at the banquet is proof.
The kingpin, also known as the dove stick, because the top of the stick is a statue of a turtle dove. The emperor presented a turtle dove stick to the elderly. It is said that because the turtle dove is a non choking bird, it may mean to wish the elderly a healthy diet, health and longevity. What kind of privilege does this stick represent?
1981 Gansu Wu Wei A batch of bamboo slips of the Han Dynasty were found, which recorded several criminal cases, several of which involved privileged old people with royal staff. The first one said that a man surnamed Wang, a civilian in Runan, beat the old man with a stick, and was later sentenced to behead and abandon his body in the downtown. The second one is about a junior official of the Han Dynasty who detained an old man without authorization because he was suspected of violating the law. Although there was no beating, he was sentenced to capital punishment and beheaded in public. Judging from the judgment results of these two cases, they both show a deliberate preference for the old man with a stick. In other bamboo slips recorded in the commercial laws of the Han Dynasty, we also found that in business, the old people with sticks also had incomparable advantages: 32 BC Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty The imperial edict issued stipulates that the elderly couples who have no children to support can be allowed to operate liquor business, and all are tax-free. Businessmen who volunteer to take care of the elderly can also get duty-free treatment and open duty-free stores to sell alcohol. Looking at the documents of the Han Dynasty, there are records of similar imperial edicts from time to time. Why can we have privileges just because we are old, and why did the Han government enforce respect for the elderly and filial piety through strict legislation?
This is because respecting the old is not only a virtue, but also the filial piety ethics derived from it Feudal dynasty It is the foundation of governing the country. The core of filial piety is obedience Patriarchy stay confucian Advocated Master Tiandi Five virtues In China, the relationship between monarch and minister is equal to that between father and son. So advocating filial piety is actually praising the character of loyal officials.
Since the Antarctic Elder Star undertakes such an important educational task, it is not surprising that ancient astrologers said that he is a longevity star related to the rise and fall of national fortunes. But the strong political color made him deviate from the original meaning of praying for longevity. Ordinary people are more concerned about how they can live forever. So Taoism provides a solution by creating a Long life and justice Successful practitioners.
Longevity Star Peng Zu The legend of
Sichuan Meishan city Pengshan Town《 Huayang National Records 》The record is Peng Zu My hometown. For Pengshan people, the longevity star in the sky is Peng Zu in the world, because he holds the highest longevity record - 767 years old. This statement comes from Eastern Jin Dynasty Ge Hong's Taoist Works《 The Legend of Immortals 》。
Of course, the 767 year old is not credible, but it seems that Peng Zu was indeed a person in history. Redords of the Grand History of China ·The Chu Aristocratic Family records his distinguished origin. He is one of the Five Emperors Zhuan Xu Grandchildren. From Xia Dynasty By the Shang Dynasty, they had lived nearly 800 years. The stories about his longevity have been circulated as early as the Qin and Han Dynasties. Qu Yuan 's long poem《 Heaven asks 》He was mentioned in, Confucius and Daoist philosopher He is also regarded as a model of longevity in his own works.
Although Peng Zu is not in the sky Star official However, people believe that he has mastered a set of health preserving methods Real life You can achieve immortality through cultivation Winners This is also the reason why people combine him with the birthday star.
You can live to 767 years old. What kind of regimen is it? Zhuangzi ·It is recorded in Deliberate that: vomit the old and accept the new, go through the bear and stretch the bird, guide the way, Peng Zushou The examiners are good. Exhale the old and bring the new, that is to say, regulate the breathing with the mind. What is the matter with the guidance and guidance?
The so-called Bear Sutra refers to imitating the climbing action of bears, and the so-called bird stretching refers to imitating birds In particular, the crane spreads its wings and draws its neck. It can be seen that Peng Zu's Guidance In fact, it is a kind of fitness gymnastics that imitates animal body movements.
Pre Qin Taoism He believes that heaven and earth are immortal and eternal. world Metaplasia Everything breeds life, which is the greatest virtue of heaven and earth. People believe that heaven is kind, and it has taught people the art of longevity while giving life. But later, people could not extricate themselves from the superficial happiness brought by various material desires and utilitarianism, and gradually lost the instinct of longevity. But there is still a remedy, that is, Tao follows nature and learns from animals in nature.
The reason for imitating bears is that they can not eat for several months during their hibernation. Health practitioners believe that this is because they are familiar with the art of eating qi to restore the valley. The reason for imitating cranes seems to be that they like his elegance, and that he is free and carefree when he lifts up; Maybe people should also imagine the moment when they become immortal Red-crowned crane It's so leisurely.
Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Taoist theory of health preservation has gradually become a system. There are dozens of works under the pseudonym of Peng Zu, including Peng Zu's Sexual Cultivation Classic《 Peng Zu's Theory of Health Maintenance 》And Peng Zu's Prescription for Nourishing Nature and Preparing for Emergencies, etc. In addition to guiding Qigong, alchemy, TCM and other health care theories, it also involves cooking, eating, and Intraatrial operation
Taoist classics The two kinds of people have been talked about since the middle ages Physiological needs "Food, color, sex", that is, people's innate desire. Contrary to the Confucian attitude of regarding it as a scourge, Peng Zu's regimen did not avoid talking about food and sex, and regarded it as an important training content.
The so-called food refers to the cooking of food. In the past, the chef industry regarded Peng Zu as the founder. On the day of Peng Zu's birthday in the lunar calendar, the national cooking masters gathered Xuzhou Outside the east gate of the city Pengzu Temple , pay a visit to the founder, Peng Zu. Because Peng Zu is the first gourmet and highly skilled chef ever recorded. As early as Qu Yuan Of《 Heaven asks 》Mentioned Peng Zu modulation Pheasant soup dedicate Yao The famous allusion of Emperor.
Peng Zu's cooking skill is so superb that he can be cured anorexia Persistent disease, then the idea of eating healthy and long life will be easily accepted by people.
The culinary art of diet was then incorporated into the theory of health preservation, and it complements the guided fitness. Imitating the body movements of long-lived animals can live forever, while another more direct method is to eat them. So the so-called long-lived animals are tortoise Deer and turtle have become the tonic for longevity. It can be said that it is a two pronged approach to achieve the goal of fitness and longevity by guiding gymnastics and cooking delicious food.
that Intraatrial operation Why is it also regarded as an important part of health preservation theory? This is because the ancients attached men and women to the heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth hand over to produce all things, and men and women join to pass on the generations. Therefore, the combination of men and women is a way to imitate the harmony of yin and yang of heaven and earth. According to the Taoist theory of health preservation, the art of sexual intercourse is also a method of cultivating immortality.
Legend of the image of the birthday star
Due to the integration of Taoist concept of health preservation, the image of Shouxing has also changed accordingly. The most outstanding one is his great forehead This is the mural of Yongle Palace in Shanxi, which may be the oldest living image of longevity. Among the thousands of immortals in Yongle Palace, we can recognize him at a glance because of his super brain.
There are many guesses about the origin of the cerebrum gate. Some people think that the cerebrum gate comes from the phenomenon of rejuvenation. There are many old people and children Physical features Similar on. For example, the hair of newborn babies is scarce, so is the old. And hair is less natural forehead It seems very big.
The brain gate of the longevity star is also closely related to the image of longevity created by the ancient regimen. For example, the head of the red crowned crane rises high. Another example is the longevity peach, which is a special longevity fairy fruit offered by the Queen Mother at the peach party. It is said that it blooms and bears fruit every three thousand years. After eating it, it will become immortal and live forever. Perhaps it is because of the fusion and superposition of these longevity images that the Longevity Star's cerebrum door is finally created.
The change of Shouxing's walking stick shows the weakening of his political enlightenment function. The original king's staff carved with turtledove as a symbol of privilege was replaced with a peach wood walking stick. It is said that peach wood can cure diseases, strengthen the body and prolong life.
According to folklore, in the northeast of the earth is the place where evil spirits live. There is a gate, called the Gate of Ten Thousand Ghosts, which keeps evil spirits away. It is said that this gate is used by the Emperor of Heaven peach It's made of wood. To be on the safe side, two peach trees were planted in front of the gate to ward off ghosts and evil spirits. Interestingly, modern scientific research It is found that the juice of peach tree does contain some special ingredients that inhibit the growth of bacteria. In the past, peach branches were also used in traditional Chinese medicine A medicine , and people believe that it is toward the northeast, that is, toward the Ghost Gate Peach twig ——The medicine is the best. In the past, the royal staff, a symbol of privilege, has become the mascot of longevity in the hands of longevity stars to cure diseases and strengthen the body.
Local legend of Shouxing
Changsha, Hunan, Shouxing Street, named after a large Shouxing Temple. As recorded in local chronicles, the Longevity Star Temple was built here as early as the Tang Dynasty and lasted until Republic of China It is said that incense was very popular in those days. Many people came here to burn incense and pray for longevity.
More than a hundred miles south, you can reach the real land of longevity -- Nanyue Hengshan Mountain That is, the birthday ratio often mentioned in couplets Nanshan Nanshan. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, there were no less than ten longevity temples of different sizes built on the mountain. The existing longevity pavilion is a relic of the Song Dynasty.
But the ancient Nanyue Mountain Hengshan Main God It's not the birthday, it's The Antarctic Immortal Emperor This building was built in the Tang Dynasty The Nanyue Temple It was built for him. Southeast Northwest Middle China's five great mountains The gods of nature are evolved from the worship of natural mountain gods. The so-called longevity of the Antarctic may also come from the ancients' imagination of the southern climate. And the position of the birthday star in the sky also happens to be in the south direction, so it is easy to hear the birthday star burning incense and making vows and expressing piety.
In the folklores of later generations, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the Antarctic Elderly Star are often confused, perhaps because their names all contain Antarctica, which is close to the concept of longevity. stay Taoist Immortals In the pedigree, these two gods are far higher than Peng Zu. Although Peng Zu Long life and justice But after all, he is a historical figure, not as noble as the Antarctic Emperor and the Antarctic Old Man Star.
So when it comes to longevity, we still use the Antarctic Elderly Star or Antarctic Fairy The most famous identity.
Nanyue Hengshan Mountain
Since the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, the Taoist immortal team has been growing, and longevity has become a must for the immortals. Such as the Antarctic Emperor, Nandou Beidou, Chinese Zodiac He is the real king who protects his life. He has 36 days and 60 lives Jia Zi God and so on have the function of blessing longevity. Uncontrolled creation of gods results in Decentralization of power , greatly weakening the divinity of the longevity star. The government of the Ming Dynasty ordered the cancellation of the national system of sacrificing longevity stars that had been followed since the Qin and Han dynasties. Shouxing has completely removed the political color, and since then, he has made a great leap into the folk, becoming the most secular immortal in ancient China.
old times Pengshan County When people celebrate the birthday of the elderly, they will hang a portrait of the birthday star. Although asking God to come down to earth is often a mere formality birthday party It is true that it can make the old man happy. Family members gather in the hall, where children and grandchildren can enjoy delicious food and wine, and enjoy the happiness of family. This scene is a family ceremony to express filial piety and kinship, and the portrait of the birthday star is an indispensable auspicious symbol.
The custom of celebrating birthdays was not popular at first, which may be derived from a simple idea: because people think that their birthday is actually the mother's crucifixion day. Remembering the kindness of their parents is not compatible with the festive atmosphere of celebrating their own birthday. After the Ming and Qing dynasties, the custom of celebrating birthday for the elderly gradually rose. Kangxi Qianlong heyday Several unprecedented grand meetings made the folk birthday celebration custom flourish. The most luxurious birthday party in history is Qianlong Held by the emperor A feast for thousands of old people In that year, Qianlong was 74 years old, and he was pleased to be the fifth great grandson. He claimed to be the emperor of ancient times and the perfect old man. He issued an edict inviting more than 6000 representatives of the elderly over 60 years old to come the Forbidden City Go to dinner to celebrate your birthday.
This one is called《 Longevity Ceremony 》The pictures of the time depicted the grand occasion. The elderly were invited to the banquet with the help of their families, which covered the streets and alleys of the capital.
It has become a common practice to celebrate the birthday of the elderly since the Qing Dynasty. It has gradually formed a complicated ceremonial display, and some old rules have been followed until 2017.
For example, the principle of celebrating a birthday is to celebrate a whole life, that is, forty, fifty, and sixty. However, after the seventies, many more statements were added. 77 is also called Xishou, because the abbreviation of "Xi" is 77, 88 is also called "Xi" Mishou , which is also the saying of word splitting.
This is because the year is over 70 years ago In other words, there will be an opportunity for the elderly to enjoy family reunion. After the age of one hundred, we should do it every year, and we should do it in a big way. This is an expression of filial piety, hoping to bring more to the elderly Happiness It is always an important part of Chinese traditional morality to attach importance to family, kinship and respect for the elderly. The birthday ceremony is the externalization of this virtue.
Although Shouxing no longer has a dignified divinity, it is passed down from generation to generation because of the needs of folk ethical life.

Brain door

Longevity Star Brain Gate
Due to the integration of Taoist health concept, the image of Shouxing has also changed correspondingly, most notably his huge forehead. Shanxi Yongle Palace The longevity star in the mural may be the oldest living image of the longevity star. Among the thousands of immortals in Yongle Palace, we can recognize him at a glance because of his super brain.
The brain of the longevity star is also closely related to the image of longevity created by the ancient regimen. such as Red-crowned crane The head of Peach-Shaped Mantou yes The Queen Mother of the West festival held on 3rd day of the lunar month in honor of the Grand Old Lady of the West Heaven Special longevity fairy fruit. It is said that once it blooms and bears fruit in 3000 years, it will become immortal after eating. Perhaps it is because of the fusion and superposition of these longevity images that the Longevity Star's brain door is finally created.

Walking stick

As we all know, Shouxing has a walking stick in his hand. The History of the Han Dynasty ·Etiquette Annals records that, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty During his tenure, he presided over a birthday ceremony and arranged a special banquet. The participants were all ancient and rare people. As long as they were over 70 years old, both nobles and civilians were eligible to be guests of Emperor Han and Ming. After the feast, the emperor also presented Wine and meat Grain and a beautifully crafted cane.
Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty also granted privileges to the elderly, as evidenced by the royal staff presented at the banquet. Also known as the sceptre a staff with a pigeon-like handle , because the top of the cane is turtledove The statue of a bird gets its name. In 1958, two such dove sticks were unearthed from the Han Tomb. The wooden body at the lower part of the dove stick had been charred away, while the statue of the turtle dove on the head was still as bright as new after more than 1800 years because of the protection of the paint film.
1981 Gansu Wu Wei A batch of bamboo slips of the Han Dynasty were found, which recorded several criminal cases. The first one said Runan A man surnamed Wang, a civilian, beat the old man with a staff and was later sentenced to beheading Abandon the market The second one is about a junior official in the Han Dynasty. Because an old man with a stick was suspected of violating the law, he detained the old man without authorization. Although he did not beat, he was also sentenced to capital punishment and beheaded in public. In 32 BC, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty The imperial edict issued stipulates that elderly couples who have no children can be allowed to operate liquor Business, and all tax-free.
But after the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the walking stick of Shouxing changed, and the king's stick of the turtledove was replaced by Mahogany Walking stick, its politics Didactic function Gradually weakened. It is said that peach wood can cure diseases and strengthen the body and prolong life. In the past, the king's staff, which used to symbolize privilege, has become the mascot of longevity in the hands of longevity stars. The government of the Ming Dynasty ordered the cancellation of Qin and Han Dynasties Hereditary National Sacrifice Shouxing system. Shouxing was completely removed from political color, and from then on, he entered the folk society with great strides, becoming the most secular immortal in ancient China.


It is used for birthday occasions and is called the birthday star by the birthday party.

Prototype Xu Santing

Xu Santing, who is the prototype of the longevity star among the three stars of Fu, Lu and Shou, is said to be from Henan Puyang County Xu Zhenren. Xu Santing's head, body and legs are the same length. Because Xu Santing is kind and helpful to his neighbors, people call him Xu Third Master Third Uncle Xu helps his neighbor look after the children. One sister-in-law is in the field Be in the same village But another woman far away said that the third master was so kind. Just now, she went to watch the baby for my family. Another woman said, "No!"! The third master was at my house just now. As soon as the news spread, people thought that Third Uncle Xu was an immortal who could split his body. Xu Santing lived 108 years without eating anything. He has white hair and childlike appearance. His silver beard is over his knees. He usually grows a peach garden and only eats peaches instead of meals. Later, he returned to the fairyland and was granted the birthday star. In memory of him, later generations changed Yancheng It is for Xu Zhen and is scheduled to be held on his birthday on February 9 Xianghui Public sacrifice .


The attached person. One is historical Laozi Laozi was born in Qurenli, Ku County, Chu State, and his surname was Li, Dan, and his name was Boyang. He was a philosopher in ancient China and later deified as the ancestor of Taoism. The Legend of Immortals 》Said he was Zhou Dynasty Over 300 years old, born with white hair, protruding head, wide forehead and ears, long eyebrows and wide nose, square mouth Pachyderma The forehead is carved with three or five textures, and the ear has three leaky doors. He is indifferent and advocates governing by doing nothing. Later generations regard his longevity as their idol. prostrate oneself in worship. I wish people a long life, often called "birthday star". One said it was the immortal Peng Zu. The Legend of Immortals 》Or《 Legend of Immortals 》Both are described in. It is said that Peng Zu, the great grandson of Zhuanxiang in ancient times, had lived for seven hundred and sixty-seven years at the end of the Yin Dynasty, and still did not see aging. It is said that he lived to more than 800 years old, and his sons had died 54 times. He also said that his life was short. Therefore, later generations also took Peng Zu as the nickname of the long-lived, called God of Longevity Traditional auspicious patterns usually use the image of Laozi as the birthday star, also known as "Old Longevity Star".

Lv Zijian

Lv Zijian Born in Hubei in 1893 (the 19th year of Guangxu's reign) Yichang , Original Eight Trigrams Palm Leader. He claimed to have studied martial arts with his mother since childhood, and later learned from Jiang Ying. He studied at Hubei National Medical School when he was a little older.
When he was 18 years old (1911), he went to Beijing to pay homage to Li Changye, a gossip palmer, and Xingyi Boxing Ding Shirong served as a teacher, and finally followed in Chongqing Li Guocao Xi Long Fist (Taijiquan).
Nanjing, 1920 Yuhuatai The martial arts arena was held, and Lv Zijian, who was 28 years old at that time, won the champion of the martial arts arena.
In 1929, to protest against the Kuomintang“ Abolish the case of traditional Chinese medicine ”, he was elected as the leader of the TCM medical team
During the Anti Japanese War, he was in Chongqing and served as the president of the Kuomintang Military Commission Attendant room Major General, national art instructor.
During the "Cultural Revolution", he was beaten into“ Counter revolutionaries ”He has been in Xinjiang for more than ten years.
He returned to Chongqing in 1979 and was elected as a member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee.
Later, "Yudan Purple Sword Martial Arts School" and“ Lv Zijian Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic ". He has published such works as "Chinese Wudang Internal Fist" and "Eight Trigrams Health Preserving Method". Created the "Eight Trigrams Hunyuan" Health preserving exercise ”。
On January 24, 2007, he became the oldest man in the world and the oldest man in Chinese history.
On January 2, 2009, he became the oldest person in the world.
He died at home at 00:35 on February 20, 2012 at the age of 119.
The Southern Antarctic Immortal Emperor
Shenyang, Liaoning Kang Ping personage

Taoist gods

south The Antarctic Immortal Emperor , also known as Jade Halal King He was the ninth son of the original King of Heaven. It is said that this immortal god is often worshipped, which can make people healthy and long-lived. This immortal god is Antarctic Fairy , also known as the true king of Antarctica The Immortal Emperor He is also called "Longevity Star" or "Old Man Star" because he believes in longevity. Taoism is a religion that pursues longevity, so there is a deity in its theology that controls people's life span.

Other related Samsung worship

Gerontor antarctica
Fulushou Samsung , originated from ancient stars Nature worship According to their own wishes, the ancients endowed them with extraordinary divinity and unique personality charm. Because of their influence in the civil society, the feudal government used to implement kingly moralization, and Taoism also highly praised them to attract believers and expand their momentum. Although they lost their high prestige later, they also gained freedom, entered ordinary alleys, and became the true portrayal of the ancient folk secular life ideal.
Happiness, wealth and longevity Samsung Gaozhao, commonly used by people“ Blessed as the East China Sea, Longevity Compares with Nanshan "I wish the elders happiness and longevity. Taoism has created the image of three stars of happiness, wealth and longevity, which caters to this wish of people." Three stars shine high "has become a lucky phrase.
Samsung is also the subject of many folk paintings Fuxing Take a word "Fu" in your hand, Star God of Rank and Affluence carry Gold ingot , Shouxing holds peach and crutches. In addition, there is also a symbolic painting method, in which bats Sika deer , Longevity Peach, use their homonym to express the meaning of Fu, Lu and Shou.

Birthday girl

When people celebrate the birthday of male elders, they offer sacrifices to the longevity stars who are on crutches and white beards and look like "old people with fleshy heads"; If it is a female birthday star, it will be offered as a sacrifice“ Song Daoist nun venerated as a protector of elderly women Therefore, there is a folk legend that Magu is the birthday star. The Legend of Immortals 》Magu Zhong said that she and another immortal Wang Fangping "We have not seen each other for more than 500 years", which shows the length of her birthday. In addition, she said, "I have seen three mulberry fields in the East China Sea, and the water is a little shallower than it used to be." She has seen the change of Canghai into mulberry fields for at least ten thousand years, which shows that she can almost live with heaven and earth.
Magu is not the immortal in heaven, but she cultivates herself into an immortal. It is said that the place where she practices is called "Danxia of Macheng Mountain" Wanling Dongtian "is the twenty eighth of the thirty-six Taoist Dongtian, 72 Blessed Land The tenth blessed place in China. Famous calligrapher in Tang Dynasty learned scholar Ren Jiangxi Fuzhou When he was a governor, he wrote the famous stele of Magu Immortal Altar. stay Ghost town Near Fengdu, there are also“ Xiangu Rock ”Magu Cave and other places where Magu once practiced or lived.
The reason why Magu is famous is that it is said that she once offered Longevity Wine to the Queen Mother. The Legend of Immortals 》It is also recorded that Magu threw rice Cinnabar , "Wen Qilu" said that "when he was born, he had Taoism and could perform on water.".

Film and television image
