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First family of stars

Metal rich star
synonym Metal rich star (Metal rich star) generally refers to the first star family
The first star family is Metal rich star It's young fixed star Amount of metal highest. earth Of sunlight Are examples of rich metals, which are usually found in Galaxy Of Spiral arm Inside.
Chinese name
First family of stars
Metal rich star
fixed star
Galaxy Of Spiral arm within
Generally speaking, the youngest star, the more extreme the star of the first star family, is found in the most peripheral position, and so on, the sun is considered to be in the middle of the star of the first star family. The first family stars have regular elliptical orbits around the silver center and low relative velocities. The high metal content of the first star family makes them more suitable for production than the other two star families Planetary system , and planets, especially terrestrial planet It is formed by metal rich accretion disks.
There is a middle astrolabe between the first and second astrolabes Astral family