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Wide and narrow

[kuān zhǎi]
Chinese words
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Wide and narrow, pinyin ku ǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎ; Is the width; It means fat and thin, wide and narrow, more and less.
Chinese name
Wide and narrow
Foreign name
kuān zhǎi
Phonetic transcription
ㄎㄨㄢ ㄓㄞˇ


one the measure of area , range size.
Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi The poem titled "Calling New Residence for Yuan 8": "Only when the terraces are wide and narrow can the feet be accommodated, and the walls are as thick as shoulders."
Tube birch On the Wellhead: "I Son I dug a river in the south and sent a certificate of award. It's so big! ' Then he gestured the width of the certificate with his hands. "
2. Deflection width
Journey to the West 》The 73rd time: "The box is eight inches high, one foot long and four inches wide."
3. Fat and thin; Broad and narrow. It also means more and less.
Tang Dynasty Meng Jiao Yiyou's old servant brother helped his servants return to Xingyi Village and stayed alone to wait for others 》Poetry: "Eating is refined and rough, and clothes are narrow."
Song Dynasty Chloe Part II of Luohu Wild Record introduces Zen Master Yuan《 Fisherman's words 》: "I was a fisherman in Xiaoxiang, from east to west and from north to south. I only used the boat as a house. There was no width. It was unpredictable."
Qing Dynasty Li Yu "Casual Love · Taking Care of Yourself · Having Fun": "No matter how wide the drink is, the most important thing is to be good; no matter how many drinking partners are, the most important thing is to be good at talking." [1]

example sentence

This cloth is just the right width for curtains.