Household god

[jiā shén]
Manifestations of Ancestor Worship in Traditional Chinese Cultural Beliefs
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To worship the family gods is Chinese traditional culture A form of ancestor worship in belief. It exists in the vast south of China and is generally settled in Hall In the middle, every festival sacrifice
Chinese name
Household god
Family Sacrifice
In the vast southern region
What is the god of family
It is similar to the door god, and the household god is also the same
In the vast south In this area, the family god is called the ancestor of his family. Generally, the memorial tablets and shrines of family gods are enshrined in the main hall of each family, and worship is carried out every wedding, funeral, celebration and festival. There are generally two writing formats in the south.
The first kind of writing tablet
The first format. The memorial tablet is written with the clan's hall title, which is often found in Taiwan Fujian Guangdong Jiangxi Hunan Zhejiang In the middle, the four characters are generally written in the form of "the clan's hall name+the position of the great great ancestor (ancestor) of all previous dynasties", and on both sides of it, the four characters are written in the form of "Zuozhao Youmu". Others will write couplets and banners on both sides of the middle page.
The second writing is the tablet
The second format. It is written with the plaque of "Heaven and Earth are in love with teachers", and the ancient writing of "Heaven and Earth are in love with teachers" reflects the comprehensive content of Chinese traditional culture of "respecting heaven, law, patriotism, filial piety, and respect for teachers". More common in Sichuan Hubei , northwestern Hunan Guizhou Yunnan Guangxi Northwest and other regions. No matter which way they are written, they usually write Confucius, Siming Kitchen King Zhenjun Arya Avalokiteshvara , The god of wealth worships together, which means that the gods are harmonious and the family is safe and auspicious.
Similar to the door god, the house god is also the guardian god of the family. The house god is generally beneficial to the family. However, it is not necessarily true. It is said that in ancient times, when there was a master who did things against moral standards or against social harmony, the god of family would also slightly punish the wrongdoer, make him suffer from illness, and remind him to repent. In a word, people with family gods will not suffer losses in their property. People who have family gods usually have red and white things to worship at festivals. If someone in the family is ill or has bad luck, they should also worship. As the saying goes, the god of family is not happy because he is left out, so we should respect him! If a family without a god of family goes to a family with a god of family to eat, they must carry something, and the thing they carry is more valuable than the thing they eat. In short, they must not let the family with a god of family suffer, or they will make you vomit as much as you eat.