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Domestic slave

Slaves in patriarchal families at the end of primitive society
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Due to the low level of productivity at that time, parents and their family members could not live a luxurious and ostentatious life, so there were not many domestic slaves in patriarchal families.
Chinese name
Domestic slave
Domestic slave
Due to the low level of productivity at that time
And family members
Few slaves
1、 It refers to the patriarchal family in the late primitive society slave This kind of slave suffered Patriarchy The domination and exploitation of family parents are family members and production assistants of parents, which have not been reduced to the status of mere talking tools. Both slaves engaged in production and slaves engaged in household chores (when the production staff is insufficient, all slaves will be put into production) belong to domestic slaves. The main sources of domestic slaves were prisoners of war and clan members who sold themselves to pay off debts.
2、 A slave in a slave society who is engaged in domestic work in the slave owner's family. The so-called domestic slaves are also different from the production slaves. Like production slaves, domestic slaves have no independent personality and are the private property of slave owners. They can be used as slaves, bought, sold, killed or even sacrificed. The difference is that the production of slaves creates products, and the domestic slaves serve the slave owners and their family life.