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Constitutional governance

Constitutional period
synonym Constitutional period (The third stage of the process of nation building in the Outline of the People's Republic of China drafted by Sun Yat sen) Generally refers to the rule of the Constitution
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The rule of constitution is also called "constitutional period". In 1924, Sun Yat sen proposed the third period of the "establishment of the Republic of China" procedure. He divided the procedure of "establishing the Republic of China" into three periods: military administration, political training and constitution. The constitutional period was the time when the military government lifted its power and the state organs established in accordance with the Constitution took charge of state affairs separately. During the constitutional period, the National Assembly was convened, the Constitution was formulated, and constitutional government was implemented. The military government "returned government to the people". After the national election, a democratically elected government will be formed, so as to achieve the goal of establishing an independent bourgeois republic. [1]
Chinese name
Constitutional governance
Constitutional period
It includes views on the nature and role of the Constitution, requirements and attitudes towards the Constitution, evaluation and interpretation of the Constitution, and evaluation of constitutionality of various acts. Constitutional consciousness is restricted by many factors, such as economy, politics, culture, traditional customs, etc. A democratic political movement centered on striving for the constitution. It began during the British bourgeois revolution. China's constitutional movement began in 1898 Reform Movement of 1898 Period.