Objective reality

The Nature of Marxist Philosophy
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Matter (it is different from what we call "matter" in our life Marxist philosophy It means concrete Material form 。) Its only characteristic is objective reality. The objective reality is all things that can be perceived from the sense, including both the natural things that can be perceived from the sense, and the perceptual activities of people that can be perceived from the sense, that is, practical activities. It exists independently of our spirit and constitutes Principle of world material unity
Chinese name
Objective reality
The consciousness of the object independent of the subject
Marxist philosophy Substance
It is that things become object The object is not derived from the subject, it is external to the existence of the subject. This is true for potential objects, such as primitive nature Humanized nature Also, its objective reality has not been dispelled in practice. The subject cannot be pure at any time self-consciousness Create and generate objects in activities. Only when Material world Only under the absolute premise of existence can the subject set the object in his own activities. That is, the essential power of the subject is also determined by the objective Material power Transformed. Marx has repeatedly stressed that "people do not create material itself, even people create this or that kind of material throughput It can only be carried out under the pre-existing conditions of the substance itself. " Therefore, "people can only play a role in production like nature itself, that is, they can only change the form of matter. Not only that, but also they often rely on natural force Help for. "