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Customer resources

Among the customer resources, the customer resources of enterprise clusters can enhance the market competitive advantage
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Customer resources refer to Enterprise cluster It can be better locked and developed Target customers By establishing professional, segmented and smooth intra group trading channels customer demand And grasp the market changes. Obviously, the customer resources of enterprise clusters can better increase their market competitive advantages.
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The first way to make full use of customer resources is to try to be your own customer and make full use of customer resources. The second way is to try to be a competitor's customer and make full use of customer resources. The third way is to learn to communicate with old customers in the past and make full use of customer resources. The fourth way is to let customers help you find the crux of the problem, The fifth way to make full use of customer resources is to hire important personnel from customers.
Modern enterprise resources are no longer the internal resources of enterprises in the traditional sense, namely talents, funds, fixed assets and raw materials. Its connotation and extension have been extended unprecedentedly. It can be said that all tangible and intangible resources that can be used by the enterprise or that can promote the production and operation of the enterprise can be called enterprise resources, especially the intangible resources and other external resources of the enterprise, which were rarely valued and exploited by enterprises in the past, and enterprise customer resources are one of the important external resources. In the case of competitors' relentless exploitation of various resources, customers, as the "God" that affects the survival of enterprises, are clearly the eye of many people. As long as potential target markets are found, enterprises will rush like sharks in the sea smelling the smell of blood.
Customer resources are not limited to customers in the traditional sense. For enterprises, customer resources are often variable and relative. Sometimes competitors can also be customers of enterprises; Employees of enterprises can also be regarded as customers of enterprises; The previous link on the same production line must be responsible for the next link, otherwise problems may occur in production. Therefore, the next link is also the customer of the previous link. In fact, this is a kind of thinking about the survival and development of enterprises from the perspective of customers, which is of great benefit to enterprises. We might as well call it "customer thinking". So how to borrow the power of customers from a broader perspective to seek development for enterprises?
One way to make full use of customer resources: try to be your own customer. Many enterprises may complain that the results of customer satisfaction surveys have great deviation, and some even do not work. In fact, research can not completely and accurately reflect the problem. It can only be used as a reference rather than a prescription. The most direct and effective way for enterprises to investigate customer satisfaction is to try to be their own customers seriously, so that you can personally experience whether their products are good, their service attitude is good, and even experience the various torments that customers encounter in your company, which is far more true than what you ask customers to tell.
A huge supermarket must have many problems that afflict customers, but no matter how you ask customers, you may not tell you the true feelings, even if you go to the scene to observe it is useless. At this time, you might as well try to be a customer who buys vegetables in the supermarket. Remember: try to go at different times, because the questions shown at different times are often very different. For example, when you go to buy food at 6:00 p.m., it is the peak time of the day. When you choose the food and prepare it for weighing, you will find that there is only one scale, and there is a long queue at the weighing place. What's more, when you want to pay the bill, you will find that there are only dozens of paying tables, and the other table attendants are "empty". I believe you will immediately think: Why is there only one weighed vegetable in the peak purchase period? Dozens of checkout desks, only a dozen? Through personal experience, I believe you will know how to do it.
The second way to make full use of customer resources is to try to be a competitor's customer. In order to be invincible in the enterprise competition, it is obviously not enough to just know your friends, but also know your competitors, that is, how do your competitors do things? What do you do better than your enterprise? What makes customers dissatisfied? Think about the reasons and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of competitors. In fact, this is the enterprise's information war, which is an important means of modern enterprise competition, but its premise is based on certain market norms, laws and regulations and enterprise ethics. One of the best ways to collect information from competitors is to try to be a competitor's customer.
In fact, this path has been widely used. For example, two enterprises with similar strength optimize and improve themselves by constantly learning from each other's practices. Typical representatives in this regard are McDonald's and KFC, Gome and Suning, as well as Unicom and Mobile; Another situation is that a relatively weak enterprise improves its competitiveness by comparing with the leading enterprises in the industry. But the above two methods are not really to be competitors' customers. They are more to observe and imitate each other as practitioners, which is the performance of bystanders and imitators. The experience they get is far less than that of competitors' customers.
The third way to make full use of customer resources is to learn to communicate with old customers in the past. Customers are often rational, and they will not choose the products and services they need casually. Generally, when they choose products and services, they consider economic affordability, price, product function, quality, service level, personal preferences and other factors comprehensively. They will choose to buy as long as they feel "value for money". Then, when a customer suddenly abandons your products and services and empathizes with your competitors, there must be internal reasons. At this time, some people may feel regretful and helpless and just leave them behind. In fact, old customers are a kind of reusable resources. For enterprises, accurately understand why old customers leave? What are their opinions and suggestions on the products and services of the enterprise? What kind of products can meet the basic needs of regular customers? These are very important information resources. On the one hand, it helps to develop new customers and avoid the recurrence of the same mistakes; On the other hand, if a regular customer leaves you, it does not mean that he will leave forever, because the market is a free market, and customers have the right to make their own choices. As long as you can make regular customers feel more attractive, they will come back, which is called "repeat customers".
Therefore, enterprises, especially their marketing departments, should attach importance to communicating with old customers in the past to obtain valuable market information.
The fourth way to make full use of customer resources: let customers help you find the crux of the problem. The customer is the user and experiencer of your enterprise's products and services, and has the most say. When an enterprise encounters problems, it can often achieve the result of half the effort with the help of the customer. What kind of problems can customers help enterprises find? For example, do the product performance and functions meet the needs of customers with different consumption capacities? Is the price of the product reasonable, and what is the affordability of consumers? Are consumers satisfied with after-sales service? Also, what are their opinions on external packaging and staff's service attitude? The long-standing and difficult problems in these enterprises have long plagued many enterprises. Some enterprises have constantly asked professional companies to do research, planning and analysis in order to solve the problems. On the other hand, they have constantly done market customer satisfaction surveys, but the results are not ideal, and the costs are high and the time is long. Therefore, it is a good way for customers to help you find problems.
But practice shows that many customers do not buy the accounts of the enterprise. Even if they are willing to help you, they often do not know how to express the possible problems of products and services and the root causes of the problems. So, how to let customers give you their real thoughts? This requires a lot of effort from the enterprise. For example, some enterprises hold in-depth symposiums for consumers on such and such issues, and let consumers say their most true ideas through scientific guidance and interaction.
The fifth way to make full use of customer resources is to hire important personnel from customers. In the era of fierce talent competition, enterprises have been hunting for talents, especially high-end talents in the industry, to an all pervasive extent, and it is not uncommon for enterprises to poach competitors. Unfortunately, many people only know how to poach talents from competitors, but they don't know how to hire them from customers. In fact, some important positions in the enterprise need talents who really understand products and services, and talents in this field can often be obtained from downstream customers, which is an important way for enterprises to obtain key talents.
actually, World Top 500 Enterprises A lot of attempts and explorations have been made in this regard. For example, IBM hired Gerstner, a big customer in the past, to serve as the CEO of the company, which saved the enterprise. At that time, IBM was facing difficulties in its development, and many people believed that only splitting could survive. However, Gerstner did not understand computer knowledge and had no industry experience, but he was once a customer of IBM, so he quickly figured out what IBM needed to do, rather than simply solve problems through splitting. Later, the rapid development of IBM well confirmed Gerstner's idea. It can be imagined that if Gerstner is not a customer, it is difficult for him to solve problems from the perspective of customers, and even more difficult to achieve such good results.
There are also some enterprises in China that try to find suitable talents from customers to join. For example, Baidu CTO once intended to invite Lu Qi, Yahoo's executive vice president, and Wang Xiaochuan, Sohu's senior vice president in charge of technology, to take over, but they failed due to various reasons. But this does not mean that it is not feasible. On the contrary, this attempt will gradually become the choice of many enterprises. We can wait and see.

Customer resource usage

1。 Information consultation: grasp more information to attract more customers.
2。 Seeking cooperation: seeking investment partners to rapidly promote scientific research achievements or patented products.
3。 Economic and trade business: avoid the front desk and directly contact with senior leaders of the enterprise to discuss business.
4。 Purchase products: directly contact the supplier to avoid intermediate links and reduce purchase costs.
5。 Sales of products: seek distributors, develop sales agents and promote product sales.
6。 Cost reduction: the amount of information is large and accurate, and there is no need to read yellow pages.
7。 Marketing: Select target customers, easily conduct telemarketing or send a large number of business letters.