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Customer expectations

Customer's expectation on the ability of a product or service provider to solve problems or provide solutions
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Customer expectation refers to the customer's expectation of a certain product or Service Provider It is expected to be able to solve problems for oneself or provide solutions and methods to solve problems.
Chinese name
Customer expectations
Foreign name
Customer expectations
Basic schematic
Expectations for a product or service provider.

Basic explanation

Customer expectation refers to the expectation that a product or service provider can solve problems for itself or provide solutions to solve problems. This expectation is an ideology that has been formed before customers participate in the service experience, and it is highly instructive. Although customer expectation is an ideology, its essence cannot be separated from the core of the product or service itself. Therefore, if we can carefully observe and investigate the customer's behavior, opinions and special needs around the core of the product or service, customer expectations can be measured.

English translation

Customer expectations

Customer expectation evaluation

1. Customer complaints, especially reasonable complaints, are the most representative and concentrated reflection of customer expectations. Therefore, the analysis, processing, induction and sorting of customer complaint information and the evaluation of customer expectations are particularly important. Through the information screening and filtering of the customer's reasonable complaints, the customer's expectation information is refined to form the basic information of customer expectations.
2. Carry out customer research in a planned way and take the initiative to collect customer expectation information. Regularly or irregularly carry out outbound call research, group customers according to certain rules, randomly select some customers from different groups for outbound call research, and collect customer expectation information.
3. By paying close attention to the service content and service innovation provided by other call centers (including those in the same industry or different industries), and participating in specific experiences, we monitor their key indicators, especially the service characteristics of "what you have and what you don't have" and the relatively leading indicators (connection rate, waiting time, and ease of operation) Focus on and collect relevant information of to form specific basic information of customer expectations.
Through the above information feedback mechanism and monitoring system, we can collect the basic information of customer expectations, and organize relevant departments and personnel to periodically evaluate the basic information, and manage customer expectations in a hierarchical and classified manner. What expectations can be achieved without investing a lot of resources, and what expectations can be achieved in the medium and long term, What expectations cannot be achieved and need to be correctly guided, set different scores according to different levels of customer expectations, and finally output the customer expectation evaluation result table.
Customers' expectations are mainly generated from their cognition of the functions of products or services, but also from their experience of participating in other similar services. Therefore, it is also of great significance to establish an industry indicator monitoring system and evaluate customers' expectations.

Management of customer expectations

From the perspective of the "Triangle Law of Customer Satisfaction", although customer expectations are counterproductive to customer satisfaction, the lower the better. If customer expectations are very low, it means that customers have nothing to expect from services or products, and can have nothing, let alone satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, in order to reasonably regulate customers' expectations, on the one hand, we should actively face customers' expectations and constantly improve our own services, on the other hand, we should reasonably guide customers' expectations, starting from the source, and try to avoid the appearance of customers' "unreasonable expectations".
(1) Implement layered and hierarchical services and strictly control the propaganda and guidance links
Hierarchical and hierarchical services have been effectively popularized and promoted in call centers in all walks of life, such as VIP customers, ordinary customers and other service levels. For these levels, different service contents and service resources have been set up, and there are obvious differences. There is no doubt that this provides VIP customers with superior service experience perception. On the other hand, if the promotion and guidance methods or channels are improper, these special service information may be known by ordinary customers. Ordinary customers will form corresponding expectations without their knowledge, but they cannot provide them with actual customer experience, resulting in customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, while implementing layered and graded services, supporting publicity and guidance are particularly important. To find the best balance between the display of dignity of VIP customers and the expectation management of ordinary customers, it is suggested that in layered and graded publicity, we should choose to spread the characteristics of services within VIP customers and make a sharp contrast with the service content of ordinary customers to highlight the value of VIP, The mass media should be used cautiously.
(2) Start with details and do a good job of commitment management to customers
Commitment to customers is also an important factor affecting customer expectations. As one of the most extensive channels to contact with customers, call center's customer commitment has a more obvious impact on customer expectations. The call center can learn from the evaluation results of customers' expectations. On the one hand, it can optimize the process and make up for the indicator gap with peers as much as possible. On the other hand, it can focus on the details of contact with customers, closely check the details of each commitment to customers, leave more room when making commitments to customers, and resolutely eliminate the phenomenon of "empty checks" to cater to customers' wishes.
(3) Innovative services to avoid setting customers' minds
The customer's thought set is the natural enemy of customer expectation control. Once the thought set is formed, the customer's perception of service experience will become a habit, which is taken for granted, and the subsequent customer expectations will also rise. Therefore, in order to avoid the fixed thinking of customers, we must constantly push through the old and bring forth the new in order to change the strain. Innovative service measures, such as the setting of call center expert seats, IVR guiding words and the change of corresponding processes, the optimization of customer greetings, call center multimedia service methods, constantly provide customers with new experience perception, effectively avoid the formation of customer thinking patterns, and achieve the purpose of reasonable control of customer expectations.