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Customer analysis

Business behavior analysis, customer characteristics analysis, etc
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Customer analysis is to understand customer needs, analyze customer characteristics, and evaluate customers based on various information and data about customers Customer value So as to formulate corresponding marketing strategy And resource allocation plan.
Chinese name
Customer analysis
customer demand
Evaluation and research
service object
Analysis content
Business behavior analysis, customer characteristics analysis, etc

brief introduction

"Understand that consumers are formed Marketing strategy The foundation of. The response of consumers to the marketing strategy determines the success or failure of the enterprise. " effective Customer segmentation It's depth analysis customer demand An important means to respond to changes in customer needs. Through reasonable and systematic customer analysis, enterprises can know what needs different customers have, analyze the relationship between customer consumption characteristics and business benefits, and optimize the operation strategy; More importantly, it can be found that Prospects So as to further expand the business scale and make the enterprise develop rapidly.

Analytical aspects

Personalized needs
"Customer centric" Personalized service More and more attention has been paid. implementation CRM One of the important goals of the Enterprise benefits In order to make the right decision. These make customer analysis become enterprise implementation CRM It is an indispensable part of.
Customer behavior
Through customer analysis, enterprises can use the collected information to track and analyze the information of each customer, not only to know what kind of customers have what needs, but also to observe and analyze the impact of customer behavior on Enterprise income The influence of Enterprise profit Get optimization.
Valuable information
With the customer analysis system, enterprises no longer rely on experience to speculate, but use scientific means and methods to collect, analyze and use various Customer information To easily obtain valuable information. For example, which products are most popular, why and what Repeat customer Which customers are the most profitable, and what are the problems with after-sales service. Customer analysis will help enterprises make full use of their Customer relationship Resources, calmly and freely face customers in the new economic era.


At present, China's enterprises are still lacking in customer analysis, Analytical means It is relatively simple and the method is not systematic and perfect. And simple statistical method Although it can be concluded to some extent Analysis results , but because of the difference Enterprise development There are certain Unbalance , using simple Statistical mode The conclusions drawn are easy to have large errors and difficult to meet the special needs of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises need to have more perfect and reasonable customer analysis programs to further improve customer analysis rationality , consistency, and the ability to Prospects Provide more decision support in the cultivation and discovery of.

Analysis content

Specifically, customer relationship management CRM )The customer analysis in can include the following six aspects
Business Behavior Analysis
Business behavior analysis is based on the customer's capital distribution, flow History And other data to analyze the comprehensive utilization of customers. It mainly includes:
(1) Product distribution: analyze the number of different types of products purchased by customers in different regions and different periods of time to obtain the current Marketing system Status of, by region Market conditions , as well as the operation of customers.
(2) Consumer retention analysis: through the analysis of detailed transaction data, the company subdivides the customers it wants to keep, and publishes the list of these customers to each branch to ensure that these customers can enjoy the best services and concessions. Subdivision criteria can be units Time transaction Indicators such as times, transaction amount, and settlement cycle.
(3) Consumer Loss rate Analysis: judge whether the customer is ready to end the business relationship or is moving to another one by analyzing the detailed transaction data competitor The purpose is to evaluate the customers who have been identified to have closed the transaction and find out the reasons for their closing the transaction process.
(4) Upgrade/Cross Sales analysis : Customers who are about to end the trading cycle or have good loan credit, or have other needs, are classified to facilitate Enterprise identification Different target objects.
Customer characteristics analysis
(1) Customer Behavioral habits Analysis: Identify the value of customers according to their purchase records, which is mainly used to classify customers according to their value.
(2) Analysis of customers' opinions on products: determine customers' opinions on various products according to different customers' opinions on various products and different attitudes when various new products or services are launched new things Acceptance of.
Customer loyalty It is based on the trust, frequency, service effect, satisfaction and continued acceptance of the same Enterprise services Synthesis of possibilities Evaluation value , which can be quantified according to specific indicators. It is better to keep regular customers than to seek New customers More economical, maintain continuous communication with customers, long-term contact, maintain and enhance consumers' Emotional bond Is a new means of competition among enterprises. And consolidate this Customer loyalty The competition of is covert, and competitors can't see any strategic changes.
Customer attention analysis
(1) Customer opinion analysis: according to the type of opinion, product, date, time of occurrence and problem solving Sales Representative And regional indicators to identify and analyze customer opinions within a certain period of time, point out which problems can be successfully solved, and which problems cannot, and analyze the reasons.
(2) Customer consultation Analysis: analyze the customer consultation activities in a certain period according to the customer consultation products, services, departments accepting the consultation and the time of occurrence and resolution of the consultation, and track the implementation of these suggestions.
(3) Customer contact evaluation: evaluate the number of customers actively contacted by each department in a certain period according to the enterprise department, product and time period, and understand whether customers receive more than one Organizational unit For more information.
(4) Customer satisfaction Analysis and evaluation: identify 20% satisfied customers and 20% dissatisfied customers in a certain period according to products and regions, and describe the characteristics of these customers.
In order to understand the potential trends and sales data model With a clear understanding, it is necessary to have a comprehensive observation of the whole marketing process.
customer Yield analysis
By analyzing the costs and benefits of each customer, we can determine which customers bring profits to the enterprise.
In CRM, the production, marketing, service and market of enterprises are all around customers. Customer analysis will become the key to the successful implementation of CRM, helping enterprises to maximize Customer satisfaction At the same time, it also reduces the operating cost of the enterprise and improves the Operational efficiency next, This chapter Will work from with CRM strategy implementation Closely related Customer identification Customer interaction and Customer knowledge The customer related information is analyzed and discussed in three major aspects. Finally, from Customer relationship management capability Evaluate enterprise implementation from the perspective of CRM The effect of.