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Customer care

Kraterbacker put forward the idea
Customer care was proposed by Kratter Barker, who believed that customer care was Service quality A basic way of standardization, which covers all aspects of company operation, from product or service design to how it works packing , delivery and service.
Chinese name
Customer care
Kratter Barker
Improve customer loyalty and satisfaction
Maximize value-added through customer service while pursuing cost advantage
Foreign funded company Or joint venture
Product or service design to how it is packaged, delivered and served

Relevant background



In fact, when discussing logistics and marketing process, Christopher discussed that customer service is the main line connecting logistics and marketing process, because the final output of logistics system is customer service. The skill lies in managing the arms of marketing and logistics in a certain way to maximize the value added through customer service while pursuing cost advantages.


A single price war can easily lead the market into the red sea competition. Enterprises need to seek another more peaceful way of competition. Some large multinational companies have taken the lead in plundering customer resources. They have set up separate customer care departments. They use databases to store all customer and potential customer information, analyze customer preferences, and recommend appropriate products when appropriate, The purpose is to seize more new customers while retaining old customers. This obviously alleviates the vicious circle caused by price war.
With the continuous improvement of the customer management system, the threshold of customer care is gradually lowered. Today, with the development of the Internet, small companies and individual businesses have begun to spend less to manage their customers more carefully. A series of store management software and member management software have directly promoted the popularity of customer care, among which business experts are more representative, This is a comprehensive store management software that helps store owners keep accounts and analyze accounting data, find out members' consumption preferences, and combine member management with SMS marketing functions, so that store owners can send blessings at the first time on customers' birthdays.

Differences at home and abroad

The cost of developing a new customer is far greater than that of maintaining an old customer. The customer care mechanism of enterprises in economically developed countries is generally perfect, and some large companies spend a lot of manpower and material resources to provide meticulous care to customers, specifically to individuals.
The customer care mechanism is in the development stage in China, and most advanced ideas are derived from Foreign funded company Or joint ventures, local enterprises are still learning, but the development momentum is good, more like Business experts Such management software came into being to help individual merchants care for customers.



Increase customer loyalty

Customer care can effectively improve customer consumption experience, which is reflected in the following aspects:
(1) Highly satisfied customers will be more and more loyal to the enterprise;
(2) Take the initiative to try more new products of the enterprise and improve the purchase of products with higher value;
(3) Speak well of the enterprise and its products to form a good reputation;
(4) Ignore competitive brands and their advertising. And the response to price changes is flat;
(5) Lower service costs due to more familiarity with the procedural nature of transactions.

Extend customer life cycle

So called Customer life cycle It means that a customer has the same birth, growth, maturity, aging death Process. The three stages of growth, maturity, and aging are often accompanied by consumption, especially the mature period, which is the golden age of customer consumption. Effectively extending the customer life cycle will increase the customer price, thus increasing the total profit.

Improve product

Loyal customers are the best product designers. By using them, they will find out what is difficult to use and inconvenient. Customer care actually establishes a channel for enterprises to listen to suggestions, so that enterprises can find room for improvement and design products that are more in line with customer requirements and more marketable.

Word of mouth

It can also be called brand effect. When your products or services exceed customers' expectations, they will habitually share them with their friends around. Obviously, the product information transmitted by acquaintances is more reliable and the probability of transaction is higher.

System approach

Businesses should seize customer resources by relying on high-quality products on the one hand and good service on the other. The following takes the business expert store management software as an example to show a complete set of customer care system.

Record customer information

Business experts_member information management [1]
Customer care is based on database marketing. The data to be recorded include the customer's name, mobile phone number, birthday and other important anniversaries, consumption records, and the time since the last consumption.
The fastest way is to turn ordinary customers into members. Members are like coins in a piggy bank. It is a long-term accumulation process. The more they accumulate, the more wealth they have.

Birthday care

On such an important day as birthday, if you can receive a message from the merchant, it will undoubtedly deepen the customer's impression on the merchant. Special anniversaries are special for everyone. If businesses can seize the opportunity to send blessings, they will undoubtedly be classified as "relatives and friends", and customers will naturally be more loyal.

SMS marketing

SMS marketing
Compared with large enterprises, small businesses have limited human and financial resources, lack advertising support, and are difficult to carry out diversified marketing activities. What if you have hundreds of members? The situation will be very different.
Find a theme that is attractive enough to plan an activity, and notify all members by text message, which can be straightforward, or send electronic vouchers by text message, or even tell members to invite friends to come with them to enjoy discounts. In short, there must be a marketing method for you.
On the day of the event, we will make some arrangements in the store to attract more flowing individual customers, which will be better combined with SMS marketing.

electronic billing

Check Send Electronic Bill
At present, in China, electronic bills are often used for credit card consumption reminders, that is, the mobile phone will receive a prompt message after the card consumption, including the amount of this consumption, the balance in the card and other information.
When member management is combined with SMS marketing, even individual stores can send electronic bills to customers, provide consumption experience of UnionPay sector, and improve customer loyalty with better service.

Stored value consumption

Business experts_stored value consumption
On the one hand, stored value consumption can bring convenience to customers - they can also spend without paying or swiping their cards. On the other hand, it greatly improves the stickiness of customers. If they are willing to deposit their money with you first, it undoubtedly proves that they trust you. In some industries, such as beauty, whether customers store value directly determines their loyalty.

Integral management

Business experts_point exchange
Points are an important basis for merchants to evaluate customer value. Rewarding customers according to points or allowing customers with high points to enjoy more favorable prices can effectively improve customer stickiness and stimulate customers' enthusiasm for consumption.

Lost customers retention

Lost customers recovery
Some customers used to spend thousands of yuan in your store, but they haven't been here recently. If you analyze the customer's consumption records, you can quickly find out these customers who are losing, send them retention messages with a targeted view, carry out different activities for them, make follow-up calls, listen to their suggestions and make improvements. This will allow businesses to develop healthily.