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Customer retention

Discipline concept
Customer Retention refers to enterprise The dynamic process of consolidating and further developing long-term and stable relationship with customers through efforts strategy [1]
Chinese name
Customer retention
Foreign name
Customer Retention



Customer retention requires that enterprises and customer Mutual understanding, mutual adaptation and mutual communicate , mutual satisfaction and mutual loyalty, which must be established Customer relationship On the basis of Customer satisfaction , finally realized Customer loyalty
Customer retention not only brings about customer retention, but also keeps these customers because customers are satisfied with and loyal to the enterprise. In fact, customers are willing to tell their feelings to people they know“ propaganda ”The effect is absolutely better than the strong attraction brought by enterprises spending huge amounts of money to shoot advertisements. For enterprises, customer retention can bring about lower costs than attracting new customers. According to statistics, the cost of attracting a new customer is 5-10 times that of maintaining an old customer.

influence factor

1、 Customers' purchase behavior is subject to Culture , social environment, personal characteristics and psychology. These factors are beyond the control of enterprises, but they are of great significance for understanding the individual characteristics of customers. Because they come from the same category social stratum Or have the same mentality personality Of customers tend to have similar Consumer behavior Through these factors, enterprises can classify customers and implement different marketing strategy On the other hand, enterprises can compare the sales results of different customers with customer characteristics to understand the relationship between them.
2、 There is a nonlinear positive correlation between customer satisfaction and customer retention. enterprise We can establish smooth communication channels and provide customers with timely and accurate service , improve product Of Core values And added value Customer satisfaction
3、 Customers must consider the transfer cost when considering whether to switch to other suppliers. Transfer costs The size of has a direct impact on customer maintenance. The size of transfer costs is subject to Market competition environment The cost impact of establishing new customer relationships with customers.
4、 Customer relationship has obvious life cycle characteristics. In different life cycles, customers have different tasks to maintain. Generally speaking, the transfer cost of customers during the review period is low, and customers are easy to lose. With the extension of transaction time, customers can get more and more convenience from the stable transaction relationship, saving the transfer cost, customers become more and more stable, and customers are easy to maintain the original transaction relationship. This makes enterprises need to continue to provide services or products that satisfy customers.


1. Focus quality
Long-term stable product quality It is fundamental to keep customers. High quality products are excellent salesmen and powerful coagulants to maintain customers. The quality here is not only the degree to which the product conforms to the standard, but also the enterprise should constantly develop products that meet the customer's preferences according to the customer's opinions and suggestions. Because with the development of society and market competition With the intensification of, customers' demands are developing towards personalization, and being different has become a fashion for some customers.
2. High quality service
In the fierce market competition, service and product quality Price , delivery date, etc Competitive advantages of enterprises Due to the development of science and technology, the gap between similar products in terms of quality and price is getting smaller and smaller, while the gap in terms of service is getting larger and larger, and customers' requirements for service are getting higher and higher. Although no matter how good the service is, inferior products cannot become superior products, but high-quality products will lose customers due to inferior service.
Most customers' dissatisfaction is not due to the product quality itself, but to service problems. The quality that customers can observe with their eyes is often better than that of products or service The quality of is much more important. They often mix several factors together: product Or the credibility and consistency of the service, the speed and timeliness of shipment, the accuracy of written materials, whether the other party is polite when consulting by phone staff These factors are very important, some of which are even very critical. It was suggested that the service factor has gradually replaced the focus of competition product quality And price, the world economy has entered service economy Times.
Facing the increasingly prosperous commodity market The demand level of customers has been greatly improved. They begin to prefer the choice of commodity brands, and their preference differences are enhanced. They are accustomed to buying by name. The establishment of customer brand loyalty depends on the image of the enterprise's products in the eyes of customers. Only when customers have a deep impression and strong goodwill on the enterprise can they become Corporate brand A loyal person.
4. Price concessions
Price preference is not only reflected in the low price, but more importantly, it can provide customers with the value they agree with, such as increasing customers' knowledge and improving quality . Add functions to provide flexible payment methods and capital The way of accommodation. If the customer is middleman , the manufacturing enterprise will undertake business risk To ensure that profit It is also an attractive way to retain customers.
5. Emotional investment
Once you have established business relations with customers, you should actively seek commodity To strengthen the commodity trading relationship with this relationship. For example, remember the birthday of individual customers wedding day On important days such as the anniversary of the factory of enterprise customers, take appropriate measures to congratulate them. For important customers, their principals should personally receive and visit them, and invite them to participate in important activities of the enterprise, so that they can feel that the achievements of the enterprise can not be separated from their full support. For ordinary customers, we can maintain and deepen the relationship between both parties by establishing fixed communication channels such as clubs and fraternities.
For the above customer retention methods, enterprises should not only realize that these five aspects are very important, but also should weigh the different priorities of these five aspects. The first level of customer maintenance is quality, the second level is brand image and quality service, and the third level is to build price concessions and emotional investment on this basis.


Although more and more enterprise managers are aware of the importance of maintaining enterprise customers, what should they do to implement this concept?
1. Establish, manage and make full use of customer database
Enterprises must attach importance to the establishment and management of customer databases, and pay attention to the use of databases to carry out customer relationship management , apply the database to analyze the situation of existing customers, find out the relationship between customer data and purchase mode, provide customers with customized products and corresponding services that meet their specific needs, and maintain natural close contact with customers through various modern communication means, so as to establish a lasting partnership.
2. Via Customer care Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
Customer care should be included in the whole process of customer experience before, during and after purchase. Customer care activities before purchase are mainly to provide information These activities can lay the foundation for the future relationship between enterprises and customers. Customer care during the purchase period is closely linked with the products or services provided by the enterprise, including the processing of orders and all relevant details should be consistent with customer expectations and meet customer needs. The customer care activities after purchase mainly focus on the efficient follow-up and successful completion of the relevant steps of product maintenance and repair. The purpose of after-sales follow-up and providing effective care is to encourage customers to repeat their purchase behavior, and to promote the products to the people around them, so as to form a reputation effect.
3. Analyze customer complaints or complaints Customer churn reason
In order to retain customers, we must analyze the reasons for customer loss, especially customer complaints and complaints. When a customer is dissatisfied with a certain product or service, they can say it or leave. If customers leave, enterprises have no chance to eliminate their dissatisfaction.
The complaining customers still give the enterprise a chance to make up, and they are very likely to come again. Therefore, enterprises should make full use of the valuable resource of customer complaints and grievances, not only to solve customer dissatisfaction in a timely manner, but also to encourage customers to put forward dissatisfaction to improve Enterprise products Quality and revised service plan.