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Realize value

Expense performance index
Realize value is Expense performance index Cost Performance Index (CPI) Administration The term in the field is a measure of project cost efficiency.
Chinese name
Realize value
Foreign name
Cost Performance Index
A measure of project cost efficiency


according to PMBOK Description, the Earned Value is the budget Value is now collectively referred to as earned value.

Analytical method

realization value analysis It is often used in project management Performance measurement Means is a method to evaluate project performance based on comprehensive measurement of project scope, progress and cost.
The realization of value analysis involves three key values of each work:
·Planned value (PV): the approved cost estimate that will be spent on the work within the specified time.
·Actual cost (AC): the actual cost (direct and Overhead Total amount of).
·Realized value (EV): budget Value, namely earned value.


realization value analysis It is based on the cost benchmark plan, that is, the plan value. The cost benchmark plan can be divided by month, quarter, year, etc. Assume that the enterprise has established a monthly expense benchmark plan, and then perform value realization analysis every quarter. Once found Expense deviation When the value is negative, take timely measures Corrective measures Then it is possible to avoid finding a loss at the end of the year. The core of realizing value analysis is to divide the work into small and easy to manage units, and then implement the responsibilities of the implementation unit and the supervision units at all levels. To accurately estimate the percentage of work completed, a standardized value realization management system should be established.


Planned value (PV), actual cost (AC) and realized value (EV) can be used comprehensively to provide evaluation job performance The yardstick of good and bad. The most commonly used scales are:
·Cost Deviation (CV)
·Progress deviation (SV)
CV and SV can be converted into efficiency indicators to reflect the cost and schedule performance of any work item:
·Cost Performance Index (CPI)
·Progress Performance Index (SPI)
CPI is widely used to predict project costs at completion. SPI is sometimes used together with CPI to predict project completion estimates.
·Estimate at Completion (EAC), that is, the cost of completing all the work.
The quality of expense performance is different from whether the expense is overspent. The former is the comparison between output and input, and the latter is the comparison between actual cost and planned value.

Calculation formula

realization value analysis Calculation formula:
·At completion budget (BAC)=Approved top-down budget (operating+capital depreciation)
·Planned value (PV)=(BAC of each activity x elapsed time of the activity/duration of the activity)
The "elapsed time" in the above formula refers to the time actually "consumed" from the "planned start date" of the activity to the statistics day. The activity duration is the time period between the planned start date and the planned finish date of the activity.
·Actual cost (AC)=Actual cost in bottom-up budget (operation+capital depreciation)
·Realized value (EV)=(completion rate of each activity x completion time of each activity budget )Cumulative total of
The "completion rate" in the above formula is calculated according to the "realized value calculation method" rule at the enterprise level or project level.
·Cost Variance (CV)=Realized Value – Actual Cost
·Schedule deviation (SV)=realized value – planned value
·Cost performance index (CPI)=realized value/actual cost
·Progress performance index (SPI)=realized value/planned value
·ETC=(approved top-down budget – realized value)/cost performance index
·Estimated upon completion (EAC)=actual cost+estimated to be completed
·Deviation at completion (VAC)=approved top-down budget – Estimate at completion
·Completion Required Performance Index (TCPI)=(completion budget – realized value)/(completion budget – actual cost)
·Completion rate (PC)=realized value/budget at completion
·Consumption rate (PS)=actual cost/completion budget