Xue Baochai

Characters in Cao Xueqin's novel A Dream of Red Mansions
zero Useful+1
synonym Baochai (Baochai) generally refers to Xue Baochai
Xue Baochai, yes Cao Xueqin Long chapter Hui style novel《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》Characters in, and Lin Daiyu Juxtaposed as Twelve Hairpins in Jinling First, Jia Baoyu A stepsister of( Aunt ), Wife.
She is handsome, elegant and knowledgeable, so she was unanimously praised by the Jia family.
Father (Uncle Xue) died early and had a mother( Aunt Xue )And brother( Xue Pan )。 After entering Beijing, Baochai stayed in Jia's residence temporarily with her mother, Aunt Xue, and her brother, Xue Pan Pear Fragrance Yard , and later moved to a quiet house in the northeast. Since the Dream of the Red Chamber was lost eighty times later, it is speculated that after Lin Daiyu died of illness, Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai got married, but they did not grow old together. Jia Baoyu soon saw through the world of mortals and became a monk.
Chinese name
Xue Baochai
Heng Wujun viky Baowenzi Miss Bao
The 21st day of the first month( Underpass
Aunt Xue
Uncle Xue
Mrs. Wang
Jia Zheng
From mother and sister
Jia Yuanchun
first cousins with different family names
Jia Zhu, Jia Baoyu
Xue Pan
From father and sister
Xue Baoqin
first cousins of the same family name
Xue Ta
The first of the twelve hairpins in Jinling
Representative works
Heng Wuyuan Nametag peony Ci, crab chant, etc

Character's Life


family origin

Xue Baochai Aunt )Born in Jinling City, one of the four families of "Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue", the Xue family is Crape Myrtle Sheren After Xue Gong. There are eight rooms in total. On“ Official protector ”On the other hand, the Xue family has a saying that "pearls are like earth, gold and iron", which describes that they have millions of family assets and are extremely rich.
Xue Baochai was born with smooth muscles and graceful manners. She also had a two-year-old brother named Xue Pan (Baoyu's an older male cousin on one's mother's side )。 Her father was there that day. He loved her so much that she could read and read. She was even ten times higher than her brother. Although the Xue Family was originally a scholarly successor, since the death of Xue's father, Aunt Xue Lian Xuepan is an orphan, so he indulges in it and is unable to succeed. Xue Pan, depending on the old love of his grandfather, was a merchant in the Ministry of Household, leading the internal funds, food and miscellaneous materials. All other economic affairs are still handled by housekeepers and servants. Baochai saw that her elder brother could not be attached to her mother's feelings, so she did not take calligraphy as a matter of concern, but only paid attention to sewing, family planning and other matters, so as to share her mother's worries and relieve her pains.
Xue Baochai went to Beijing with her mother and brother mainly for the following reasons: First, because of the recent worship of poetry and propriety, talent acquisition, and unparalleled grace, in addition to hiring concubines and concubines, all the daughters of officials and famous families were personally named Dabu, and they were chosen as the school attendants of princesses and princesses Talented person Praise kindness Position; Second, visit relatives and friends; Third, after Uncle Xue's death, all the buying and selling contractors, managers, and clerks in the provinces saw that Xue Pan was young and ignorant of the world, so they took the opportunity to kidnap him. Several businesses in Kyoto were gradually consumed. Xue Pan had to go into the ministry himself to write off the old accounts and calculate new expenses.
Xue Baochai's uncle, Wang Ziteng As an envoy to Beijing, he recently promoted the rule of nine provinces. Baochai's uncle, Jia Zheng In Kyoto Wai Lang, member of the Ministry of Industry [1]

Hot Poison Cold Fragrance

Xue Baochai
Baochai's disease is "a heat poison brought by the womb", that is, as an immortal, she is always thinking of the world—— Fat batch He said that "everyone's heart is burning with evil", and he sympathized with and paid attention to human suffering.
Leng Xiang Wan In the formula, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter together are "hot and cool". Honey and white sugar taste sweet, and phellodendron chinense is bitter in nature. Together, they are "sweet and bitter". "White" means pure color. The "core" is the essence of the flower. peony Lotus lotus Plum blossom In the traditional Chinese culture, it also symbolizes four qualities: noble, elegant, charming and faithful. Therefore, the whole set of "Cold Fragrance Pills" symbolizes Baochai's unyielding spirit of "knowing the joys and sorrows, experiencing the scorching cold, and being able to feel at ease even after leaving". Zhi Pei said that the drug guide of Lengxiang Pill was made by all immortals in the fairyland, and not enjoyed by those who eat human fireworks.

Baochai enters the capital

Xue Baochai went to Beijing with her mother and brother to prepare talents and praise the position of kindness. Xue Pan To avoid Zhen Yinglian And took Baochai and her mother Jinling The Xue family originally had a house in Beijing, but Jia Mu Mrs. Wang So Xue Baochai and her mother and brother stayed as aunts Rongguo Mansion Of Pear Fragrance Yard , and Twelve Hairpins in Jinling Other girls live together Imperial Concubine Yuan's Mothering , check in according to the will Grand View Garden One of them is called Heng Wuyuan Residence of. Every day or after dinner or in the evening, Aunt Xue comes over to chat with Mrs. Jia or talk with Mrs. Wang. Baochai Day and Daiyu winter jasmine Sisters wait for a place, or read books and play chess, or do needlework , but also very secure. [2]
Baochai, the daughter of a famous family and an official, has studied and learned since childhood all classes of authors , Buddhist classics, all have extensive and profound knowledge. [3]

First meeting of Baodai hairpin

Lin Daiyu After entering Rong Mansion, Jia's mother showed great compassion, sleeping, eating and living like Jia Baoyu The two people are close and friendly. They sit together every day and rest together at night. It's really amicable. Unexpectedly, a Xue Baochai suddenly came, which was more attractive than Lin Daiyu. Therefore, Lin Daiyu felt a sense of sadness. [4]
Xue Baochai was recuperating at home. Jia Baoyu sent Jia's mother home and went to Xue Baochai's boudoir to visit her. The two discussed what they were wearing on each other. The servant girl beside Xue Baochai Yinger Laughing, he said that the words on Bao Yu, the second master of Bao, were exactly the same as those on the girl: Bao Chai had a gold lock engraved with "Never leave, never leave", which was just the same as the words "Never forget, immortal longevity and eternal prosperity" engraved on Jia Baoyu's jade, implying a golden marriage. [5]

Baochai catching butterflies

On April 26, Xue Baochai was Dicuiting The scene of enjoying the spring and catching butterflies nearby shows Baochai's lively character. Unexpectedly, when she came to the Dicui Pavilion, she overheard Xiaohong pendant So Bao Chai asked“ do a quick change ”How to get out of here skillfully. [6]

Xiaohui Overall

Baochai's feeling of caring for the weak. Her excellent management method“ govern by doing nothing that goes against nature ”Manage the Grand View Garden in good order; She paid for it Shi Xiangyun A crab dinner was held in the east, which solved the difficulties of Xiangyun's poverty and single potential guests; She takes care of the tough fate Xiangling To prevent Xiangling from being bullied; She secretly helped Xiuyan, whose family was poor, and thought about her needle by needle; Even Lin Daiyu, who was suspicious of her, taught her with all her heart, which made Daiyu could not help but take her in secret. [7]


All the hairpins drew flower sticks at the dinner party. Bao hairpin drew a stick on the stick peony , with the words "Brilliant Crown and Fragrance". There are also small engraved words below, a Tang poem, saying: Whatever is heartless and moving. Daiyu draws lotus On the flower tag, there are four words: "The wind and dew are clear of sorrow". There is an old poem on the other side that says, "Don't blame the east wind for your sorrow.". Note: "Drink a cup by yourself, and the peony will drink a cup with you." It shows that hairpin and Dai share the same sad fate (cup). At the same time, this time Li Wan The saying that Daiyu was "not allowed to be beaten by her husband" implied her future fate. [8] "No son-in-law should be beaten instead" seems to imply that after 80 times, Daiyu did not marry Baoyu and was beaten because she refused to marry the royal family or point out marriage Lu Zhefeng Send out a sigh of "Is Daiyu's fate really bleak? I can't bear it.". [9]

Cheng Gaoben's ending

Baochai Leaves Her Boudoir
The big sedan chair came in through the gate, and the family was greeted by Xile. Twelve pairs of palace lanterns came in, which was fresh and elegant. The best man invited the new man out of the sedan chair. When Bao Yu saw that the bride was dressed in red, he held the new man and covered his head. The best man saluted the heaven and the earth. After four visits to Jia's mother, Jia Zheng and his wife were invited to go to the hall, salute and send them to the bridal chamber.
When the new man has settled down, he will be exposed. Sister Feng had been on guard for a long time and asked Lady Jia Mu Wang to take care of her. Baoyu was really a little foolish at this time, so he went to the new man and said, "Sister, how are you? Haven't seen him for days. What are you doing under this cover?" If she wanted to uncover it, she worried Jia Mu out in a cold sweat. Baoyu thought again and said, "Sister Lin is angry and can't do anything wrong." After another rest, he still couldn't help but step forward and remove the cover. Xiniang picks it up, Xueyan walks away, and Ying'er comes to wait on it. When Baoyu opened his eyes, he seemed to be a Baochai. I don't believe it. I hold the lamp and wipe my eyes with one hand. Isn't it Baochai! She was dressed in gorgeous clothes with rich shoulders and soft body. Her servant girl had low sideburns, and her eyes were faint. In terms of elegance, she looked like lotus powder, and looked very shy. [10] Cheng Gaoben Continued)
Keep the empty boudoir alone
Because Baochai was virtuous and bright, she won the favor of Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, and finally formed a "golden marriage" with Baoyu. However, Jia Baoyu became a young widow shortly after her marriage. [3] (Cheng Gao continued)

Lipogenic outcome

The story of Xue Baochai 80 times later has also been revealed by Zhiping, for example, hairpin and jade "became their couple after literature"; The preview has a look back of "Xue Baochai's borrowed words contain satirical remonstrance" and so on. [36 ]
In the fifth chapter of the Twelve Hairpin Brochure, Hairpin and Dai shared a verdict, "deplorable virtue of stopping the machine", and "buried in the snow of the golden hairpin", which implied the character and outcome of Baochai. In the song "A Dream of Red Mansions", there is a piece of [Lifetime Mistake], which is composed of precious jade and daiyu“ Wooden Stone Front Alliance ”The "golden jade marriage" between Baoyu and Baochai is a tragedy after all. [36 ]

Character appearance

87 Edition Xue Baochai, Dream of the Red Chamber
"On his head is a black and shiny bird, with a honey colored cotton padded jacket, a rose purple two color gold and silver mouse shoulder jacket, and a scallion yellow silk cotton skirt. It is half new but not old. It looks luxurious. The lips are red without dots, the eyebrows are green without painting, the face is like a silver basin, and the eyes are like almonds. People who are reticent are called hiding fools. When they are calm, they are always cautious."
He has good character, beautiful appearance, intelligent nature, and extensive knowledge. [11]

Character ending

Lipid Evaluation : Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai got married, but Jia's family did not fall behind. Jia Baoyu was immersed in the memory of the good life in the past and mourning for Sister Lin, and could not bear the life of "all beggars slander at once". He was very desperate and painful. Baochai loved Baoyu very much, but she still could not know and love Baoyu. Even if she raised eyebrows, it was difficult to balance her meaning. [11]

interpersonal relationship

full name
Xue Family
Uncle Xue (descendant of Duke Xue)
Aunt Xue (Xue Wang)
Xue Pan (same father and mother)
Brother and sister-in-law
Xia Jingui (wife of Xue Pan)
From my father/uncle
Xue Ta (son of uncle)
From father and sister-in-law
Xing Xiuyan (Xue Ta's wife, niece of Mrs. Xing in Jia Jiarong's residence), also known as Sister. Relationship. My uncle's sister-in-law's mother's niece.
From father and sister/uncle and sister
Xue Baoqin (Daughter of uncle)
From mother brother/aunt brother and husband
Jia Baoyu
Servant girl
Yinger (Huang Jinying), Wenxing
Jia Family
Jia Wang's Family (Jia Jiarong's Mansion, Aunt Xue's sister)
Jia Zheng
From mother and sister/ Aunt
Jia Yuanchun
From mother and brother/ Aunt and younger brother
Jia Baoyu
Cong's mother, brother and wife
Uncle and cousin
Uncle, cousin and brother-in-law
Uncle Nephew female
Sister Jia Qiaojie
Uncle A cousin
Nominal aunt
Nominal aunt and younger brother
In laws, aunts and cousins
Lin Daiyu (Uncle's Niece That is, aunt in law, aunt and cousin. symmetric. Baochai. My aunt's niece. That is, uncles, aunts and cousins.)
Aunt in law
Aunt Lin
Uncle in law
Lin Ruhai

Character evaluation


Book evaluation

Original Judgment (Chai Dai in One)
There are two dead trees with a jade belt hanging on them, and a pile of snow with a golden hairpin under it. There are also four words, saying:
It is amazing to stop the machine, and to be able to pity and chant the talent.
Jade belt hanging in the forest, gold hairpin buried in the snow. [4]
This song is about Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai.
1. Awful shutdown virtue [Hairpin] - Baochai has an order Cao Xueqin Admired noble character. "Shutdown Germany", out of《 Later Han Dynasty ·Biography of Lienv · Yue Yang's Son's Wife. The story says: Le Yangzi went far to seek a teacher to study. Because he was homesick, he returned home after only one year. His wife took a knife to cut off the silk on the loom, so as to compare the interruption of his studies and persuade him not to give up halfway. Baochai often advised Baoyu to study hard, gain fame and strive for progress. [11]
2. Be able to pity Xu Cai [Dai] - such a talented woman, her fate is worthy of sympathy. "Chanting Xu Cai", using Jin Dynasty Xie Daoyun The story of: Xie Daoyun's uncle once, when it was snowing heavily Xie An Chant to the snow and say, "What does snow look like?" Daoyun's brother Xie Lang The answer: "The air difference can be simulated when salt is sprinkled." Xie Daoyun then said: "The catkins have not been blown up by the wind." Xie An was very appreciative. See《 A New Account of the Tales of the World 》。 [11]
3. Hanging [Dai] in the Jade Belt Forest - the first three characters are read backwards to match their names. From the picture "two dead trees" (double "trees" are "forests") in the book, and a "jade belt" hanging around the trees, it is said that Lin Daiyu was hanged to death from the literal meaning. [11] There are also other explorations, sinking the lake and dying.
4. [Hairpin] buried in the snow of the golden hairpin -- "Snow of the golden hairpin" highlights its name. Xue, Xie Xue, secretly wrote Baochai's thorough understanding that "the vast white land is really clean", and Baochai's realm "fragrance can be cold, and everything in the world can be cold". The golden hairpin means that Baochai will end up with two hairpins and one hairpin, which means that Baochai will die alone. [11]
A peony is painted on the sign, with the words "Beautiful Crown and Fragrance" inscribed on it. There are also small engraved words below, a Tang poem, saying: Whatever is heartless and moving. [12]
"Ninghui Zhongrui"
The Mystery of Madam Zhu (answer: Madam Zhu)
The fragrant garden is built to the west of the imperial city, and the auspicious clouds of the Chinese sun are shrouded in wonder.
Having eyes but no eyes,
Gao Liu likes to move the birds out of the valley, and waits for the phoenix to come when repairing the bamboo.
Lotus landscape happy to meet.
The style of writing has already changed. Filial piety should be promoted to save time.
The leaves of plane trees fall and leave,
Ruizao Immortal is rich in colorful pens. How dare he speak again?
Though love is not strong enough for winter.
"Singing of White Begonia"
Memories of Chrysanthemum
Cherish the beauty and hide the door in the daytime, and hand in hand with the urn to irrigate the moss basin.
When I look at the west wind and hold my thoughts, I will lose my heart when the Polygonum hydropiper grows red and the reed grows white.
The rouge washes out the shadow of autumn steps, and the ice and snow attract the soul.
Empty fence old garden autumn no trace, thin moon clear frost dream know.
The flowers are more beautiful when they are very pale. How can you get jade without trace when you are worried.
Mindfulness follows the returning geese far away, and few people sit and listen to the late anvil maniac.
In order to compensate the White Emperor for his cleanness, he would not say a word, but would faint again every day.
Who feels pity for my yellow flower disease? I will say that Chongyang will come soon.
Painting Chrysanthemum
Ode to Crabs
I don't know how crazy I am when I write more than poems.
Gui Ai Tong Yin sits and raises the wine cup, and Chang'an salivates for the Double Ninth Festival.
Gather leaves and sprinkle thousands of ink. Gather flowers and dye several traces of frost.
The road in front of us has no longitude and latitude, and the sky is black and yellow in spring and autumn.
The Dannong God meets the shadow in front of the wind, and dances off the fragrance of the autumn wrist.
The wine has not washed off the fishy smell, but also uses chrysanthemum. It can prevent the accumulation of cold in nature and fix the ginger.
Don't pick up the east fence and stick the screen to chat to comfort Chongyang.
What's the benefit of dropping the cauldron today? The moon is fragrant with rice and millet.
"Immortal by the River"
Spring dances in front of the White Jade Hall, and the east wind blows evenly.
Bees and butterflies are in chaos. How can we appoint fragrant dust when we have passed away.
A thousand threads will not change. Let him gather and divide as he likes.
Shaohua Xiuxiao has no roots. Good wind can help me to go to Qingyun!
The Mystery of Wooden Carving and Cataloguing (Answer: A Dream of Red Mansions)
How can layers of carved sandalwood be built by good workers?
Although it has been a long time, how can I ever hear the bell!

He commented

Xue Baochai
Jia Mu : (Comment Heng Wuyuan )Although she is convenient, if she comes to a relative, it doesn't look like it; Second, young girls, whose rooms are so clean, also taboo. We old ladies, it's more and more time to live in the horse pen. You heard about the ladies' embroidery rooms in books and plays. They are very exquisite. Although their sisters dare not compare with those young ladies, they should not be far away from each other. There are ready-made things, why not put them?
Jia Zheng : (Comment on Bao Chai's The Enigma of Geng Xiang) This item is still limited. It's just that the little people who write this sentence feel even more ominous, and they are not the generation of eternal happiness and longevity.
Wang Xifeng : (Bao Chai satirizes her for flattering the Empress Jia, right Ping'er She said that although she was a good girl, she made up her mind, "Don't talk unless you do your own thing, and shake your head when you ask.".
Li Wan : (Comment on Baochai's poem) It is implicit and honest. It is Heng Wujun in the end.
Shi Xiangyun : (To Lin Daiyu) Nobody can pick out Sister Bao's weakness.
(Praise Jia Baoyu secretly) Sister Bao is magnanimous and cultivated.
(To Bao Chai) How can he be so confused that he doesn't even know what to do, but is still a person? If I didn't treat my sister as my own sister, I wouldn't tell you about the family talk last time.
Lin Daiyu : (Jin Lanqi once sighed to Bao Chai) You have always treated people very well, but I am the most caring person. I should only think that you have hidden traitors in your heart. The day before yesterday, you said that it was bad to read miscellaneous books and advised me to use those kind words. I really appreciate you. I was wrong in the past, but now I am wrong. After careful calculation, my mother died early, and I have no sisters or brothers. I am fifteen years older now, but no one has taught me what you said the day before yesterday. I can't blame the girl Yun for saying hello. I've seen her praise you in the past, but I didn't get it. Yesterday I passed by myself and found out. For example, if you said that, I will not let you off lightly; You don't mind telling me that. I was wrong. If I hadn't seen it the day before, I wouldn't say it to you today.
(Aunt Ci frowns and smiles) He is the most sophisticated person when he is so old. He acts like a spoiled brat when he sees his aunt.
Jia Baoyu : (The instruction of changing "green jade" into "green wax") It's really a "one word teacher".
(The second day of yelling in the dream) No! Why did I fall asleep yesterday? What a blasphemy!
(To Yinger) Tomorrow I don't know which one is lucky to accept your master and slave.
Aunt Zhao (Praising Mrs. Wang) Although Bao Chai is young, she is considerate. She is really a girl from a rich family. She is both handsome and generous. She is admirable.
Ladies: (As for Baochai's management of the Grand View Garden) You are right. From then on, the girl and grandma just rest assured. The girl and grandma care for us like this. If we don't love each other, the world will not allow us.
Yinger : (To Baoyu) Miss Bao has several advantages that people in the world don't have. Her appearance is second. [11]

Comments by reviewers

Cao Xueqin : The new cooking of the ancient tripod is fragrant with chicken marrow, and the Kancui vessels store nectar? Mo Yan has no charm. Let's see how Jinwa treats Yulang! [11]
Zhiyanzhai The play of Baochai reached the play of Daiyu in the general department of Baochai. It was sincere, sincere, peaceful, elegant, not chiseled, and not far fetched. Daiyu expressed her true feelings because she knew Baochai, and Baochai agreed to play after she knew Daiyu. This is a big chapter, which cannot be seen carefully. I thought about how beautiful they were at this time. They were really whispering in children's small windows.
Jin Gu Yulang wrote it this way. After Xi Ren got married, there was another person beside Bao Yu and Bao Chai( moon ), although not as good as Assault Thoughtfulness can also avoid the slight suspicion of minor disadvantages, so that Baochai can live up to her. You should know that since ancient times and today, the more beautiful, the more suspicious. If you just want to be rich and have a lot of self-restraint, how can you be pitied? Then I learned that Baochai, Xiren and other behaviors were not just stupid and stereotyped, but also considered themselves as a female teacher. When she was in front of the embroidered screen lamp and under the green window, she was also said to be envious, flirtatious and gorgeous. However, for fun, she bought laughter for a while, instead of being envious all the time, she envied the talents, which was a hundred times higher than others. Otherwise, why would Baoyu be willing to suffer from the Second Daughter Master? After reading the text, you will know.
Wonderful! When Fan Baoyu and Bao Chai met at leisure, they didn't come from Dai Yu, that is, from Xiang Yun, for fear of revealing the essence of the article. If not, Baoyu will forget his love for a long time, and will be abandoned by Baoqing. It's no fun to talk about old love when Wen Cheng and his wife become married!
Qiwen! The two figures, hairpin and jade, are closer to each other. What? The heart of treasure and jade is so intimate that all women, regardless of their status, are far away from Baochai? When covering Baochai, we should be respectful and strict, and should not commit minor offenses. Baoyu wants to get close to her, but he is afraid of being profane for a while, so he dare not commit crimes. Baochai is still peaceful and close when she is foolish. Why should she be far away from her brothers? The shape and scenery of Gaibaoyu are already muddy in the boudoir. It is not bad to be close to it, but far away from it. Therefore, the distance between two people is really close. The frown on a treasure seems to be as close as it is near, but as far as it is far away. Otherwise, how can we compare with Sheng Jiao in the following article? And how can we argue that the precious jade smashes the jade, the tears of the frown wither, all kinds of evils, all kinds of worries and resentments are all caused by feelings? This time, Baoyu, Xiren, hairpin, frown, cloud, etc. are roughly described, and the Chinese characters in the Grand View Garden have also been started. This is a detailed review, and it will not be forgotten for a long time. Hairpin and jade are far and near, and frown and jade are near and near. They are two important things. Don't look at them carelessly!
Listen to Bao Qing's comments, which are also conclusive through the ages. The author is painstakingly saying and preaching on behalf of Buddha, and those who read books should not ignore it.
Wonderful! Baochai has her own ideas, and really does not frame her. True poetry and human language.
Baochai's poems are all self written, satirizing current events. Only the quality of behavior first, technology last. The delicate and fluent words, the colorful and colorful words, can be washed away, but can't be, and can't be. I hate that the tone of one hundred beautiful poems in the recent novel is only one beautiful manuscript. Look at her cleanliness. Finally refused to make a frivolous remark.
Yes! Baochai is erudite, not like Daiyu《 The Peony Pavilion 》The mind and body can't help themselves. It's really learned. Baochai is.
Great! How many people can love the giant eyes! Is "more secluded birdsong mountain" also.
He is really a bosom friend.
The last two poems are to be made. I said that the second work of Baolin is not good, what is it? There is something surprising in the following article. In Baoqing, there is a disdain for this, but in Daiqing, there is not enough.
Playing butterflies by the pool is an occasional pleasure; Out of the pavilion, quick wits come out of their shells. In the Ming Dynasty, Baochai was not confined to a female teacher.
Yes! Baochai is erudite, not like Daiyu's only Peony Pavilion. It's really learned. Baochai is.
From Baochai's point of view, it is the key point.
thump the table and praise the excellence of a thing! This is Dawu Che's quotation. You can't talk about it without Baoqing.
The words "also a" are ingenious. His magnanimity and respect are not in words. One sentence scolded the fat demon and powder monster in the world's heavy makeup and wealth.
Knowing life and body, understanding reason and nature, erudite and not miscellaneous, common people can be called beauties. A crooked poem in a funny novel, with a few obscene sentences, promises to be beautiful. Isn't it ugly? [11]
Zhang Ruzhi Reading should be thoroughly understood. If you fool around and see it, you will lose the purpose of making a statement. Many people think that the author of such a book will be met by fate, so they use precious jade to discard things to vent their anger at being ruined for life. However, if you play with your purpose carefully, you will never be able to do it. It is a metaphor of Baochai, and the author of The Golden Vase Meng Yu Lou Self metaphor means the same thing. What? Look at the place where he writes about treasure and jade. He is always in the women's team. She is gentle and flattering. She has no husband's appearance at all. Does this mean that she demeans herself? From his writing about Baochai, everyone who manages a family treats others with kindness and peace, is quiet and quiet. When he comes to the front and back, he admonishes Bao and Dai, all of them are clear and clear. It can be said that he is excellent in both talent and morality. In this book, he is a master. But such a lady is attributed to the infatuated Baoyu, or the author's other affectionate. Is it just like Cai Yong's entrusting Dong Zhuo and Fan Zengzhi's entrusting Xiang Yu? It's unknowable that I took this idea to vent my anger. Blind and blind, dare to be superior in quality.
This time, they were Jin and Yu. They tested each other's spirit and thought that they would cooperate with each other in the future. However, if you write about it, you will feel no interest in life. So I came up with a Daiyu to add some impurities to set it off. It becomes a very vivid text.
The richness of Baoyu and the softness of Baochai are described one by one.
Not only has a good temperament, but also is worldly wise and can be called a pure person.
The thickness is commendable.
Elegant and generous.
What a sincere person! The language is written from the truth!
Baochai is also lovely because of her virtue.
Every time Daiyu is written in the book, he is so perverse and suspicious. But this time, I wrote about Tanchun, who was angry because of copying, and about Baochai, who had not yet copied, but still went home. If Daiyu is also being copied, and she is willing to hurt her face without saying a word, what if she suffers?
The above two chapters are about the identity of the detective and hairpin. However, Tanchun is a commoner in the Jia family, and she is an outsider. Although the hairpin was a relative of the Jia family, it was later the main house, so it was called the host of the guests. In this way, Baochai is used to accompany Tanchun. Later, it was to accompany Baochai with spring exploration. Seeing that there is no place for him to write Baochai, instead of the true justice of saints, we can see the author's profound meaning.
Dongguange: It says that Baochai is a lady and lovely.
Baochai can be said to be considerate.
Wang Xilian Dai Yu said that Baochai was careful about what people brought with her, and she intended to be sharp; The Baochai dress was not heard, nor was it unintentional, but it was not revealed.
Baochai visited Huang Mingzheng of the medicine delivery hall. Daiyu saw that no one in the room saw him and went out from the backyard. Her love was deeper than Baochai's, and her whereabouts were very mysterious, which could be divided into two parts: Jing and Wei.
Daiyu told Baochai what was on her mind. She not only wrote that Daiyu was always thoughtful, but also saw that Baochai was virtuous, and secretly wrote that outstanding people talked behind her back.
Xiren pays attention to the fan sash, which is quite different from Qingwen; Baochai only said that chastity is the main thing, which is also different from Daiyu: a good wife and a good concubine.
The section on changing Baochai into a reference shows that Baochai is more refined than the boudoir of a wealthy family.
The writing of Jin Gui's sprinkling shows more self-restraint of Baochai.
Li Songxuan: Write a story about Baochai Xiuyan. It's really sad for heroes to lose their way, and it's really fun for friends to meet. At midnight, there were many lights and shadows. After studying here, I could see the stars and the moon looming, the cold wind rising slightly, and standing silently for a long time.
Hydrophyte : He Zhenxia, a woman of the Xue Family, doesn't need to praise because of her wealth. What an excellent speech and action. If the world can calm down, it can solve the problem of cloud hairpin.
Baochai, who recognized the truth, used it properly, and was responsible for it, was a kind person, so she gave it as a gift for literacy. If you are quick and knowledgeable, there is nothing wrong. [11]
Huan Shan Qiao: Recently《 Dream of Red Mansions 》A book is getting more and more popular, not only those who know it laugh, but also those who have seen it should cry bitterly In his first letter, he said that Baochai and Xiren were both "hypocritical and insidious" people, and it would be absurd to open his mouth. If you push the original heart, it must be the comment of "imitating the saint"《 Water Margin 》Song Jiang is said to be insidious and hypocritical. And steal a lesson《 The Dream of the Red Chamber 》The comment is impressive, but it goes further and reaches Baochai. Fang Qie boasted that he was unique. If there was a story about Concubine Jia Zhongfei later, it was because he secretly learned The Dream of the Later Red Mansions. The first time in Zhongyun, Fang Guan and Liu Wu'er met Miaoyu after the autopsy and left a brocade bag to visit the tomb of Daiyu in Yangzhou. A white mouse scraped away the grave soil, opened the museum, and Daiyu came back to life. The tears left in the coffin formed pearls, as big as chicken eggs and as small as longans. Eighteen thousand of them were eight Dou in total, which made them rich. It is the author who regards himself as a talented person. Please consult two old uncles. Is it ridiculous to have a taste of the land?
Rich investigation and clear meaning : Weiyi Didi is like a mountain and river. It also takes away the romance. It is not like a small family's constraint. It laughs less and is silent more.
Master of Mengjue: The heaven and earth are full of the spirit of women. There are many people who sing Xu pills, bear, work and beauty, among them, Zhenshu Xue Shu is the best.
Tu Ying Or ask: "What will happen to Baochai where she is born?" Say: "Wife." [18]
Zhang Qingshan "Xue Baochai is the most complicated of all the characters in the Dream of Red Mansions." [19]
Xue Baochai
Luo Yuming : Baochai is the most difficult character in A Dream of Red Mansions. She is beautiful. "Her lips are red without dots, her eyebrows are green without painting, her face is like a silver basin, and her eyes are like almonds." She is smart, intelligent and cultured, and the most important thing is that she is especially considerate of others. [20]
Dong Kang : In the volume, it is written that Xue's beauty is like a fairy, which makes people cannot bear to look at her. It is written in a purely empty pen that her love is not separated from her boudoir attitude. Setting two people here, I know that more people will fall in love with treasure than frown.

Literary history evaluation

The formation and development of Xue Baochai's character is inseparable from her family background. Xue Baochai was born in Emperor merchant Family, "family has millions of wealth". "Good snow (Xue) in a good harvest year, pearls like earth and gold like iron"“ Jinling The "One Overlord" Xue Jiayuan was a "emperor merchant" who "now leads the internal funds and buys miscellaneous materials". In fact, he is a big bureaucrat capitalist who supports the state treasury to do business. They are different from the pure aristocratic bureaucrat family like Jia Jia, so the subtle influence makes Xue Baochai different from others: the world is transparent. Her insight into the world and her mastery of human relations are reflected in her understanding of Xiangyun Persuasion of "being cheap, not offending others, and then being interesting to everyone", etc.
In addition, the Xue family is a family of scholarly heirs. As a lady of noble bureaucratic family, plus her father's favor, she received good cultural influence when she was young. Baochai also received formal education. Because she has read extensively since childhood, Baochai's talent and knowledge are among the best. [21]

Other evaluations

critic : Hairpin and Daidai are in one.
Red lead : Being able to empathize and willing to pay has been great, but I still hope to have a great kindness, without emotion, without value trade-offs, and more rational considerations. I call it ruthless kindness. This seems to be a high requirement, but in the Dream of Red Mansions, someone did it. This person was the Baochai girl who was evaluated as "ruthless and moving". [22]
Mu Xinxin: He never loved these flowers. " It can be seen that Baochai is a girl without affectation. In modern times, Baochai is also a monitor talent, who has the ability to command the overall situation, the affinity to unite people around, and can do ideological work.
Daiyu's drinking order was unintentional for a while, and she told the forbidden book《 The Peony Pavilion 》Baochai caught Baochai in "How beautiful the scenery is on a good day". After finding Daiyu, Baochai first laughed and said that she wanted Daiyu to kneel down to stand trial. Then she added a few words of beating, and Daiyu had to admit her unintentional loss. This just shows Baochai's maturity and magnanimity. First, she didn't let Daiyu down in public; Second, Baochai is not the owner who has to ignore others. [23]
Liu Xinwu "The golden and jade marriage was not Jia Mu's original intention." [24]
Ma Ruifang: "Xue Baochai is most suitable for politics. If she was born in this year, she could at least be a deputy minister!" [25]
2. Knowledgeable person: someone who takes Baochai steadily.
Shen Qian: Baochai is a lady.
Ping Buqing: A Dream of Red Mansions is very popular.
Wang Haiyang: Have the dignity and intelligence of a lady.
Beard: Perfection is the only "deficiency" of Baochai.
Li Jingguang: The so-called treachery and malice of Baochai is caused by the continuation of the book. [26]

Role analysis


Charm of personality

Xue Baochai's family was superior. Her family was one of the four big families at that time. "It's snowy in a good harvest year, and pearls are as golden as iron" is Cao Xueqin It is a poem used to describe the Xue family, which makes people see the wealth of the Xue family at a glance. Normally, Xue Baochai should be an aristocratic lady with a comfortable life and no worries. However, Xue Baochai is a woman who wears simple clothes and does not pay attention to wealth and leisure makeup. She does not like extravagance and waste, and never smokes incense on her clothes. She was born into a rich family, but did not indulge in wealth, which made her exude a different personality charm. [11]

Brilliant Crown and Fragrance

peony Known as "National Beauty and Natural Fragrance", it is also called "Flower King" because it is graceful and vigorous when it is in full bloom. Comparing Baochai to peony is a high praise for Baochai. Cao Xueqin's view of the gorgeous crown Grand View Garden Baochai, the middle daughter, has the highest evaluation. She is better than other daughters in the Grand View Garden in appearance, character and ideology. [11] Appearance: natural beauty without powder. [11] Baochai's "face is like a silver basin, eyes are like almonds, lips are not dotted but contain pills, eyebrows are not painted but horizontal and green", that is, her face is full and white, her eyes are big, and her lips are red and eyebrows are green without makeup. In the Grand View Garden, almost only Baochai has a plain face every day. He said that "I am most afraid of incense, good clothes, and smoke." He commented that "Baochai never loves these flowers and powders." For Baochai's simplicity, Zhiyanzhai Can't help praising "Zhenzhen scolds the dead powder monster". Baoyu commented on Baochai's appearance and said that "Sister Bao is a unique person", which shows that Baochai's appearance is high.

full of wit

Xue Baochai's talent is obvious to all. Her father taught her to read and write when she was still alive. Her knowledge is much higher than that of ordinary men, and she has dabbled in literature, medicine, Buddhism, etc. When Xichun painted the Grand View Garden, when everyone was at a loss due to the complex terrain layout, she was able to point out the key point of the problem, which was all due to her erudite knowledge. In addition, she also has a good ability to manage the family. Because of her father's early death, she began to help Aunt Xue Manage household chores. When Wang Xifeng When she couldn't manage her family because of miscarriage, she still suffered Mrs. Wang It was entrusted by Cao Xueqin to manage the Grand View Garden properly. With the trust of his elders in Baochai, Cao Xueqin showed Baochai's expertise in civilian affairs from the side. and spring outing Baochai was supportive when she proposed to subcontract the Grand View Garden to the old mothers to solve the financial problems of the Jia family, but she was also keenly aware of the obstacles and obstacles in the implementation of this measure, and proposed solutions. It can be said that she is a thoughtful girl who has calculated meticulously and considered carefully. [11]


Xue Baochai can Rongguo Mansion It is not unreasonable for such a place with complex relationships to be loved by many peers and servants. Xue Baochai is tolerant, gentle, quiet, generous and decent. She can deal with people. Everyone except her elders likes her very much. I hate everyone in my bones Aunt Zhao They say she is "generous and decent". Shi Xiangyun He once said, "If only Sister Bao were my own sister", and even said that Xue Baochai was "perfect" [31]
When she gets along with her sisters, she always silently cares for others. She always treats servants with consideration for their difficulties and always gives them help when needed. Assault She is worshipped as a god and is in charge of food Sister-in-law Liu In private, she also praised Baochai as a "girl who understands her body". Shi Xiangyun even said, "None of these sisters is better than Sister Bao. It's a pity that we are not the same mother - if I have such a sister, I will not be hindered even if I have no parents." It can be seen that Xue Baochai's kindness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. [11]

Educational significance

What is the significance of correctly understanding the image of Baochai in Cao Xueqin's works for us future readers? Zhou Xishan In his book The Wisdom of Life in a Dream of Red Mansions, he summarized the social significance of the image of Baochai as follows:
Xue Baochai is a lovely character deeply loved by Cao Xueqin. He describes Xue Baochai as a lovely girl with perfect personality and intelligence. Her words, deeds and attitudes towards people, including emotional intelligence and wisdom, are examples for young readers to learn after removing the limitations given to her by the times. When you are angry, read a description of Baochai; When encountering difficulties and hardships, read a description of Baochai; When encountering bad luck, even when parting with relatives in life and death, read the description of Bao Chai carefully. Whether you are male or female, you will feel that this intelligent sister is comforting you and guiding your words and actions. (See Zhou Xishan's The Wisdom of Life in the Dream of Red Mansions, Xue Baochai, the Perfect Woman with Both Virtue and Wisdom) [11]
Although the above comments are well summarized, they are only for young readers who are not familiar with the world, and the contents are mainly limited to Bao Chai's way of life. As we all know, A Dream of Red Mansions is a good book for young and old people. Its readers are not only young teenagers and young people, but also middle-aged and old people who have experienced hardships. Xue Baochai in A Dream of Red Mansions is not only good at dealing with people, but also knowledgeable. Her strong nature, even her cynical spirit and ideal of being born in the world are also commendable. So, for those readers who are young or no longer young, green and ignorant, or read countless people, talented or plain, does Cao Xueqin's Baochai image have a common reference value? The answer, of course, is yes. The author believes that we can at least explore the aesthetic value of the image of Baochai from the following aspects:
First, if you are a person in the officialdom or workplace who is not on the edge of the whirlpool, when you are troubled by the complexity of the surrounding interpersonal relationships, Baochai's treatment of people can enlighten you. Let you know etiquette and propriety, and how to coexist peacefully with all kinds of people. But if one day, you have handled the relationship between the top and bottom with ease, please do not lose the justice in your heart, let alone sell it, and use it as the capital for promotion. Otherwise, you will become the target of Baochai's attack!
Second, if you are a scholar who has traveled through the mountains of books and brushwork, or a seeker who has traveled on the road of cultural pilgrimage, when you are faced with the vastness of learning and are filled with admiration, Baochai's erudition and knowledge can also help you. Carefully appreciate Baochai's poetics and painting theory, and carefully observe Baochai's extensive accomplishments in religious philosophy, color aesthetics, plant appreciation, etc. The fun is enough to arouse your enthusiasm for learning cultural knowledge. Just remember that knowledge is a means to acquire wisdom, but not wisdom itself. Therefore, even those who are knowledgeable should apply what they have learned, like Bao Chai. They should read books in a lively way. "They are not stupid and stereotyped. We must not learn by rote and adhere to dogma to become "a pedantic female (male) teacher".
Third, if you are a loser on the road of life, when you hesitate, shrink, or even lose the courage to live in the face of the difficulties and hardships like mountains, Baochai's strong calm can inspire you. As the saying goes, "Time goes by and we must cherish it, and we can change it when it rains or shines", and as the saying goes, "Let him get together and divide as he likes". Only when we ignore the gain and loss of fame and wealth, can we have the courage to meet the "half day storms" again and again. But when you get out of the haze of your heart and the predicament of life, don't be complacent, and don't take luxury and extravagance as compensation for poverty in the past. Because "only when the flowers are light, they will be more beautiful", and only by maintaining simple integrity, can they be truly elegant!
Fourthly, if you are a reformer who is determined to do something, when you are overwhelmed and unable to start when facing dozens or hundreds of employees and even their complex network of relationships, Baochai's "inaction" can also enlighten you. Let you know how to use economic benefits lever To adjust the enthusiasm of subordinates for self-improvement and self-management. At the same time, Baochai's "small benefits in general" can also remind you that before implementing any reform, you should take into account the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, and balance interests to avoid the imbalance between pleasure and pain, which will only increase resistance and internal friction. Just remember that the purpose of reform is to make everyone happy, not just pursue economic data Growth. This not only requires a little shrewdness of worldly wisdom, but also the great wisdom of science and culture. Just as Bao Chai said, "Learning is the right thing. Now, if you use knowledge to mention small things, they will become more and more serious. If you don't mention knowledge, they will all go into the market."
Fifthly, if you are a high-ranking official and dignitary who holds the power to seize the lives of millions of people, when you point out the country, brandish the square, fully enjoy the pleasure of power, but there is a cold feeling in your heart that "the high place is too cold", "I forget to back down after death, there is no way to turn back", Baochai's words of abuse can also warn you, Let you wake up to the obligations and responsibilities of those in high positions, take advantage of the power in hand, conform to the historical trend, do more good for the people, and contribute more to social progress.
Finally, if you are a thinker with an independent personality, when you step into the society with passion, but are suffocated by the ubiquitous gloom and gloom, Baochai's indifferent birth can guide you, so that you can understand that human life is just a moment in the long history, and the present fight between the chicken and the goose is nothing but Zhuangzi The "Battle of Touching Man" on the snail horn. Only the open-minded and broad-minded spirit of "being able to be at peace even after leaving", "being able to be cold when fragrant, everything in the world can be cold", and the love spirit of "having compassion for all living beings" and daring to "sneer at the powerful with crabs" are noble characters that transcend time and space! But the "cold" and "empty" Bao Chai thoroughly understood were not the stubborn emptiness of passive avoidance, but the wisdom and courage to actively face life after knowing everything. Just as the so-called "going into the world" with the mind of "going out of the world", there is a very powerful heart behind it!
In a word, readers of different ages and positions can easily find spiritual comfort or ideological nourishment from the image of Baochai as long as they are willing. If we, the later readers, after having a spiritual meeting with the ancient woman more than 200 years ago, can be less greedy, more vigilant, less stubborn, and more compassionate, then the author's painstaking efforts will not be in vain, and his Heng Wujun will naturally show his meaningful charm. Just like in A Dream of Red Mansions Holy Treasure Jade As predicted by the "Eight Character Auspicious Prophecy" on the gold lock of Baochai, Xue Baochai, the "crown of beauty" in Cao Xueqin's "crown of beauty", although she could not be permanent in the world of mortals with material desires, but with the "lofty eyes" of readers from generation to generation, she would surely be able to survive in the magnificent world of art and "live forever" [11]

Character prototype


Male archetype theory

Suo Yin sent many irrelevant pieces of history to attach Xue Baochai in A Dream of Red Mansions. Widely spread are: Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu are both male; [27]

Empress archetype theory

From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, many people became monks because of Jia Baoyu Emperor Shunzhi Similarly, Jia Baoyu was compared to the Shunzhi Emperor. In Dream of Red Mansions, Lin Daiyu first entered the Jia's residence through the side gate, while Xue Baochai entered the Jia's residence through the main gate, Soyin Sect It was linked to the regulations that the Empress of the Qing Dynasty walked through the main gate of the Forbidden City and the Concubine walked through the side gate, and Lin Daiyu was compared as Dong Xiaowan or Concubine Dong E , will Queen Shunzhi Xue Baochai was once envious of being associated with the abuse of Concubine Dong E or Dong Xiaowan. Xue Baochai was compared to the Queen of Shunzhi, and some people believed that Xue Baochai's prototype was Qianlong Empress Fucha Their main viewpoints and arguments are scattered everywhere and are mainly collected from Lv Qixiang In the book "Rare Materials on the Study of the Dream of Red Mansions" edited by the chief editor. [28]

Qian Fenglun's prototype theory

Soil silent fever The Dream of Red Mansions is reinterpreted under the historical background of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and the cultural background of the Jiangnan aristocratic families. The main point is that the author of A Dream of Red Mansions wrote《 Hall of Longevity 》Hangzhou people Hongsheng The prototype of the Grand View Garden is Hangzhou XiXi Wetland Tumerger said that the answer is yes. The creation prototype of the twelve Jinling hairpins in the book is the "Twelve Xiling hairpins" in Hangzhou, that is, the twelve female poets in Xixi on that day—— Gu Zhiqiong Xu Can Lin Yining Qian Fenglun Chai Jingyi Qian Jingwan, Gu Qiji, Feng Youling, Mao Anfang, Zhang Chayun, Li Duanfang and Zhu Rouze The prototype of Xue Baochai is the place where Xue Baochai lived in Qian Fenglun's Dream of Red Mansions Heng Wuyuan The original meaning of "Heng Wu" refers to vanilla, while "Yuan" refers to the garden where flowers are planted. Hangzhou used to be in the Jiangcun area of Xixi. The flower beds of two wealthy families were doing a lot of business. Feng Mengzhen It is recorded in the diary that "Qian Waner's bamboo industry has a lot of spending and interest". Tumeren believed that the archetype of Xue Baochai was Qian Fenglun. Xue Pan's marriage with the "osmanthus summer family" in the book refers to the other ten thousand families engaged in flower bed business. [29]

Liu Rushi's Archetype Theory

It is said that Xue Baochai Liu Rushi The capital is called "Wujun", so is Liu Rushi Eight beauties of Qinhuai River one of. Liu Rushi, known as the "Emperor of Meiwu", had a relationship with Chen Zilong Living together, they called the south building of Songjiang South Garden "Red Mansion". Xue Baochai was called "Heng Wu Jun" because she lived in "Heng Wu Yuan". Yan Zhong said, Meiwu and a kind of incense They are perennial herbs, and they are fragrant. When writing about the Hengwu Garden where Xue Baochai lived in in A Dream of Red Mansions, it said that there are many exotic flowers and herbs in the garden Du Ruo Heng Wu, what else Red pepper , Meiwu ". Later, Xue Baochai lived in Hengwu Garden, so she was called "Hengwu Jun", which is very similar to Liu Rushi's "Mi Wu Jun". Another association is that《 A Brief Study of Hundred Family Names 》According to the records in“ Hedong County ”So Liu Rushi called himself "Hedong Jun". According to the Research on Hundred Family Surnames, the surname Xue also belongs to Hedong County, so Xue Baochai can also call herself "Hedong Jun". Another point is that Liu Rushi was later taken as a concubine and lived in“ Jiangyun Tower ”Medium. In A Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu titled "Yihong Courtyard" as“ Crimson Cloud Pavilion ”。 Later, Xue Baochai became the "Second Daughter Bao", which naturally became her residence. [30]

Character archetype

According to the textual research of Mr. Lai Xiaowei, Xue Baochai insinuated in A Dream of Red Mansions Emperor Huixian and Imperial Concubine Gao Jia [38]

Film and television image

particular year
TV play/movie
Xue Baochai as the actor
The film A Dream of Red Mansions
Wang Yiyi
The film A Dream of Red Mansions
Hong Kong film Dream of Red Mansions
Shaoxing Opera Film Dream of Red Mansions
Hong Kong TVB Dream of Red Mansions
Hong Kong TV version of Dream of Red Mansions
Hong Kong film A Dream of Red Mansions
Rice snow
Hong Kong film "Spring in the Red Chamber"
Shen Xingni
Hong Kong Film《 New Dream of Red Mansions
Li Jing
Taiwan Huashi TV drama A Dream of Red Mansions
Fan Danfeng
Taiwan Huashi's Dream of Red Mansions
Chen Qi
CCTV version TV play Dream of Red Mansions
Mainland Beijing Film Dream of Red Mansions
Ma Ke Directs Huangmei Opera A Dream of Red Mansions
Taiwan TV drama Dream of the Red Chamber
Shaoxing Opera TV play A Dream of Red Mansions
Zhao Haiying
Shaoxing Opera Film Dream of Red Mansions
All star stage play A Dream of Red Mansions
Heng Entertainment TV Drama《 Biography of Daiyu
New version of TV series《 The Dream of Red Mansion
White ice/ Li Qin
TV play Little Drama Bone Dream of Red Mansions
The online movie Innocent Dream of Red Mansions: Peach Blossom Poetry Club
Zhong Yi Fan