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Baby Recipe

Dishes made from potatoes, tomatoes, onions, etc
The baby's diet is based on scientific analysis system , in the form of tables or other neat forms, edited for mothers' reference, books on infants' daily diet or manual
It is flexible and diverse science Validity, historical value and Nutrition Value characteristics.
Chinese name
Vegetable Soup
Baby Recipe
Fragrant and soft glutinous
Main ingredients
Potatoes, tomatoes, onions, green beans, tofu, carrots

Recipe characteristics

One Year Old's Recipe
1. Flexibility and diversity: recipes are not fixed food collocation
2. Scientific effectiveness: it can help mothers know the food their babies need at this stage.
3. Historical value: The ancient recipes have considerable collection value and are precious historical wealth.
4. Nutritional value: scientific nutrition recipes can help babies absorb nutrition effectively.

Seasonal Recipe



Breakfast: 25g bean paste milk lamb, 25g egg porridge
Lunch: 50g pig liver spread eggs, 50g soft rice
Lunch: 50g glutinous rice porridge with pear juice
Dinner: pork, spinach Wonton 50g, shredded radish soup


Breakfast: 25g milk raisin cake, 100g soy milk
Chinese food: Tomatoes Fish ball soup, soft rice 50g
Noon: 100g rice and mung bean porridge
Dinner: 50g egg and cucumber noodle soup
In summer, more water should be added and more soup should be eaten. Protein Vegetable protein Quality oriented, can eat more bean curd, soymilk and other soybean products.


Breakfast: jujube paste Milk cake 25g
Chinese food: Assorted rice 50g Cabbage Soup
Dinner: 50g winter melon liver paste roll, egg pudding soup


Chinese food: Pork ribs soup Braise Kelp silk 50g soft rice
Noon: Steamed sweet potato 50-100g
Dinner: 50g noodles soup with minced pork and cabbage

Recipe of each month


1-3 months

Recipe for 1.1 month old infants
Breast milk is the most ideal food for infants. Its various nutrients are most suitable for infants to digest and absorb, and have the highest bioavailability. stay Insufficient breast milk Artificial feeding can be adopted in the case of.
Age: 6-12 hours
Staple food and dosage: You can not feed milk temporarily, but a small amount of light sugar water or warm boiled water
Meals: once every 2 hours
Age: 1-3 days
Staple food and dosage: breast milk: 10~15 minutes each time
Meals: once every 4 hours
Age: 4-15 days
Staple food and dosage: breast milk: 30~90g each time
Meals: once every 4 hours
Age: 15-30 days
Staple food and dosage: breast milk: 30~100g each time. During the day, feed 25-30 grams of boiled water or light sugar water between two times of feeding.
Meals: once every 3 hours. Morning: 6:00, 9:00, 12:00; Afternoon: 3:00, 6:00, 9:00; Night: 12:00, 3:00
2.2 Months Infant Diet
The baby of 2 months should continue to breastfeed. At this time, you can start to give the baby some juice Vegetable water
Staple food: breast milk
Meals and dosage:
Once every three hours, and once less at night.
Morning: 6:00, 9:00, 12:00; Afternoon: 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00.
Feed 60~150g each time.
Auxiliary food:
Warm boiled water, light sugared water or orange juice, 35-60g each time, added between two feedings in the daytime.
3.3 Months Infant Diet
The feeding method of the baby should be determined according to the amount of breast milk. At this time, you can add juice, vegetable water, and a small amount of Fruit puree So as to supplement nutrition and vitamins.
Staple food: breast milk
Meals and dosage:
Feed once every 3.5 hours, six times a day, 75-160g each time
Auxiliary food:
1. Warm water, light sugar water or orange juice
2、 Tomato Juice : 50-75g each time, choose one to add between two feedings
3. Concentrated cod liver oil: 1 drop/once/day

4-6 months

1、 Rice noodles
Ingredients: 1 spoon of rice flour, warm water
How to do it: add 3-4 spoons of warm water to 1 spoonful of rice noodles. After standing still, use chopsticks to turn it into a paste clockwise- Spoon warm water, after standing still, use chopsticks to turn it into paste clockwise.
2、 Rice soup
Raw material: rice
Method: Boil the water in the pot, put 200g of washed rice into the pot, boil it, and then slowly cook it into rotten porridge. Take the upper layer of rice soup and eat it. The soup is ready to eat. Efficacy: The rice soup is sweet, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate and calcium. Efficacy: The rice soup is sweet, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B, etc.
3、 Rice noodles with fish paste and carrot paste
Ingredients: river fish or sea fish, carrots
Method: choose river fish or sea fish, steam them, take out the meat, carefully remove all the fish bones, and press them into mud. Mix a small amount of fish paste with carrot paste in rice noodles. A small amount of fish paste, together with carrot paste, mixed in rice noodles.
4、 Egg yolk puree
Egg yolk puree
Ingredients: 1 egg
How to do it: Boil the eggs, grind them into mud with a sieve bowl or spoon, add some boiled water or formula milk, and mix well. Start with 1/8 yolks, gradually add to 1/4, 1/3 according to the baby's acceptance, and then add to the whole yolk; Or you can directly brew the baby's complementary food "instant pure egg yolk powder", which is packaged in even small bags for easy consumption.
5、 Mashed potato
Raw material: potato
Method: Peel a potato and cut it into small pieces. After steaming, mash it with a spoon and add a small amount of water to mix well.
6、 Vegetable puree
Raw material: green vegetables
Method: Wash a proper amount of vegetable leaves, add them to boiling water and boil for about 1-2 minutes, then take out the vegetable leaves and crush them with a grinder, or after copper - minutes, take out the vegetable leaves and crush them with a grinder, grind them on the screen, and filter out the vegetable mud. Grind on the screen and filter out the vegetable paste.
7、 Milk sweet potato paste
Raw materials: 1 piece of sweet potato, 1 scoop of milk powder
Method: Wash, peel and steam the sweet potato (potato), and grind it into mud with a sieve bowl or spoon. After the milk powder is mixed, pour it into the sweet potato (mashed potato). After the milk powder is mixed, pour it into the sweet potato mashed potato.
8、 Pumpkin puree in chicken soup
Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, Pumpkin 1 small piece
Method: Soak the chicken breast in light salt water for half an hour, then chop the chicken breast into mud, add a large bowl of water and boil it. Peel the pumpkin, steam it in another pot, and grind it into mud with a spoon. When the chicken soup is boiled into a small bowl, filter the chicken particles with sterilized gauze, pour the chicken soup into the pumpkin mud, and then boil it for a while.
Efficacy: Chicken is rich in protein, pumpkin is rich in calcium carbohydrate And multi vitamins, efficacy: chicken is rich in protein, pumpkin is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, carbohydrates and multi vitamins, among which Carotene It is rich in content. It is rich in content.
9、 Vegetable juice
Raw material: green vegetables
Method: Boil a bowl of water in a pot. Soak the cleaned and complete green vegetables in water for 20-30 minutes, then take out and cut up about a bowl. Add boiling water and boil for 1-2 minutes. Remove the pan from the fire, squeeze the vegetable leaves with a spoon, and let the vegetable juice flow into the water. Pour out the clear liquid on the top, which is the vegetable juice. The partial clear liquid is the vegetable juice.
Pumpkin juice
10、 Pumpkin juice
Raw material: pumpkin 100g
How to do it: Peel the pumpkin, cut it into dice and steam it, then mash the steamed pumpkin with a spoon. Add proper amount of boiled water to the pumpkin puree to dilute and mix well, then put it on a clean fine colander to filter and take the juice for eating. Pumpkin must be steamed and rotten. You can also add rice noodles to feed your baby. Feed the baby.
11、 Banana porridge
Ingredients: 1 small section of banana, 2 spoons of milk powder
Method: Chop the bananas into mud and put them into a pot, add clear water to boil, stir while cooking, and make banana porridge. Prepare the milk powder, pour in the banana porridge after it cools slightly, and mix well. Pour in the banana porridge after cooling slightly, and mix well.
Efficacy: Banana is rich in potassium and magnesium, and other vitamins, sugar, protein and minerals are also high. This porridge is not only a good food for strengthening body and brain, but also the best food for constipation babies.
12、 Milk and egg yolk rice soup porridge
Ingredients: half a small bowl of rice soup, 2 spoons of milk powder, 1/3 egg yolks
Method: When cooking rice porridge, take out half a bowl of rice soup; Boil the eggs, take 1/3 yolks and grind them into powder. Mix the milk powder, add egg yolk and rice soup, and mix well. Mix well, add egg yolk and rice soup, and mix well.
Efficacy: Rich in protein and calcium, egg yolk also contains rich lecithin, which is good for children's growth and brain development.
13、 Fresh corn paste
Raw material: half of fresh corn
Method: Use a knife to cut down the corn kernels and stir them into pulp. Filter out the corn juice with gauze, and boil it into a sticky shape.
Efficacy: Corn is rich in more than 30 kinds of nutritional active substances such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, vitamins (E, A), lecithin and 18 kinds of amino acids, which can improve human immunity, enhance brain cell activity, and promote health and intelligence.
14、 Add pear jam
Raw material: 1 pear, moderate rock sugar
How to do it: peel and core the pears, cut them into pieces, and boil them with rock sugar. When the pears are crisp and rotten, roll them with a spoon while boiling to form a paste. Just make it into a paste.
Efficacy: It can not only supplement vitamins and minerals, but also help treat coughing babies.

7-9 months

Added Complementary food , liver paste, meat paste, tofu, noodles Vegetable porridge Etc; Liver paste Fish puree , shrimp paste Minced vegetable Rotten porridge, rotten noodles, dried bread Little cookie To increase calories, animal protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins A and B.
Baby's Daily Food Schedule Plan:
Staple food and dosage
At 6:00 in the morning, breast feed for 20-25 minutes (or 200 ml of formula)
8:00 AM Fruit juice: 150 ml fresh orange juice or tomato juice
10:00 am Nutritional Rice Noodles: 1 bag of instant egg yolk powder for infants, appropriate amount of rice flour and white sugar;
Pediatric cod liver oil drops (refer to instructions or medical advice)
12:00 noon Pork liver porridge with minced meat: 10g rice, 8g chopped lean pork or pork liver
At 2:00 p.m., breast feed for 20-25 minutes (or 200 ml of formula milk); Bread or biscuit: 10g flour
6:00 p.m. Breastfeeding for 20-25 minutes (or 200 ml of formula)
20g fresh fruit or vegetable puree at 8:00 p.m
At 10:00 pm, breast feed for 20-25 minutes (or 200 ml of formula)

10-12 months

Add earlier Complementary food Can be added porridge Pork floss rice , egg soup, small steamed buns made of meat, vegetables, bean paste, etc agnolotti , small wonton dragon whiskers noodles , rotten rice Wonton And gradually turn complementary food into staple food.
Raw materials: 30g millet, 30g white rice, and some white sugar.
1. Wash the white rice, soak it in water for 1 hour, and then put it into the pot.
2. After washing millet, pour it into a pot and mix it with white rice. Add some water, boil it over a low heat to a rotten paste, and then add some sugar to cool it before eating. In order to increase nutrition, it can also be mixed in two meter porridge Vegetable puree Fish puree or Egg yolk puree Feed the baby.
2、 Peanut (sesame) porridge
Raw materials: peanuts, porridge, sesame
Stir fry the peanuts or sesame seeds, grind them into fine grains with a rolling pin, add them to the cooked porridge, stir them, and then add a small amount of refined salt to form nutritious and delicious peanut (sesame) porridge.
Raw material: 50g glutinous rice, Mung bean 50g, 20g peas, 20g sugar.
1. Put the mung beans into the pot, add proper amount of water, and boil them for about 1.5 hours over low heat.
2. Add enough water to the glutinous rice and peas, boil them for another 40 minutes on low heat, and stop fire after they are completely boiled.
3. Add proper amount of sugar, cool slightly and serve.
4、 Jujube and Peanut Congee
Raw materials: 20 peanuts, 5 red dates, 30g rice, some white sugar.
1. Wash peanuts, peel them and put them into a pot, add water and boil them until they are six ripe, then add red dates and continue to boil until they are rotten. Peel and stone the boiled red dates and mash them with peanuts for standby.
2. Wash the rice and put it into a pot, add some water and cook it into porridge.
3. After the porridge is cooked, mix in the red dates and peanut puree, add some white sugar, and stir well to get out of the pot.
5、 Three color porridge with pig liver
Ingredients: 30g japonica rice, 30g pig liver, half carrot, 3 spinach, a little chopped onion and ginger, refined salt, sesame oil, and 1 tablespoon chicken soup (or broth).
1. Clean the rice and put it into the pot. Add clear water and boil it into porridge.
2. Wash the pig liver and chop it, cut the carrot into pieces, Tomatoes Peel and chop, blanch spinach with boiling water and chop.
3. Set Pig liver puree , put carrots into the pot, add chicken soup and cook them, then put them into the porridge with tomatoes and spinach. [1]
4. Add refined salt to taste and cook for a while. Finally, drop a little sesame oil. When it is warm, it can be eaten.

One Year Old Recipe

The goal of one month old baby's diet is to gradually establish a diet pattern of three meals and three points throughout the day. Drink milk in the morning and evening, and eat high-quality food for lunch and dinner Vegetable porridge Or rotten noodles, once at 9:00 am and once at 3:00 pm respectively, a total of six times a day. When the baby is 8 months old, most babies can also eat "finger food" (food that can be eaten by the baby alone). When the baby is one year old, most babies can eat the same type of food as other family members. Avoid food that may cause suffocation.
Millet and yam porridge
Raw materials: fresh yam, millet, sugar.
Wash and mash the yam, cook it with millet as porridge, then add some white sugar, and eat it on an empty stomach.
Efficacy: It can cure deficiency of spleen and stomach, indigestion , loose stool.
Raw materials: corn residue, carrots
Congee with carrot and corn residue
First, boil the corn residue thoroughly, then cut the carrots into pieces and put them in. Cook them well and eat them on an empty stomach.
Efficacy: It can eliminate food stagnation, strengthen the spleen and stop dysentery.
Raw materials: glutinous rice, red dates, red beans, longans, lotus seeds, peanuts and walnuts
Wash the raw materials and boil them into porridge in the rice cooker. Add rock sugar.
Efficacy: Fully supplement nutrients, strengthen body and brain.
Raw material: rice, dried fish floss , spinach
Wash the rice, soak it in boiling water for 1 hour, add water to the pot, boil it in high heat, and then boil it in low heat until it is thick.
Rinse spinach, scald it with boiling water, cut it into pieces, put it into porridge, add fish floss and refined salt, adjust the taste, and boil it for a few minutes during baby care.
Efficacy: Supplement protein and calcium.
Raw materials: Tomatoes , spinach, tofu Pork ribs soup Spaghetti , onion.
Blanch the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into pieces.
Rinse spinach leaves, boil water to remove the tannin, and then chop them; Chop tofu.
Put less oil, choke the pan with chopped scallions, pour in the spareribs soup, and boil it. Pour the tomato and spinach leaves into the pot and cook for a while. Add very thin noodles, and the noodles will be soft and ready for cooking.
Soft noodles with shrimp, liver and vegetables
Soft noodles with shrimp, liver and vegetables
Ingredients: noodles, cooked Chicken liver powder Fresh shrimp meat, spinach powder, egg, vegetable oil, some stock, boiled vegetable oil.
Squeeze the shrimps dry and cut them into pieces. Add a small amount of egg white, Euryale powder Reserve after mixing.
Remove the oil from the pan, add scallions and ginger slices and fry until fragrant, then remove them, add shrimp meat and stir fry until cooked, and then add boiled spinach and stir fry for a while. Chop the cooked chicken liver into pieces with a knife.
Put the noodles into the boiling water pot. After the noodles are soft and ripe, put them into another small pot. Add stock, shrimp meat, spinach, chicken liver, and boil them at high heat at the end of the pot. Then simmer at low heat for a while. Throw a quarter of the beaten egg liquid into the chicken soup. After cooking, add some salt.
Tomato and egg Noodles in Vegetable Soup
Raw materials: boiled and chopped noodles, chopped onions, peeled and chopped Tomatoes Eggs, cabbage, some stock, boiled vegetable oil.
Noodles with Tomato, Egg and Vegetable Soup
First onion Stir fry until fragrant and soft, then add boiled vegetable heart to stir fry for a moment, add broth, noodles, tomato pieces in the pot, boil together, simmer with low heat for 5-10 minutes, until the noodles overflow.
Beat the eggs well, pour them on the noodles, burn them until they are congealed, add refined salt, and put them into a bowl.
Ingredients: flour, eggs, fresh shrimp, spinach, a little sesame oil, some stock, boiled vegetable oil.
Only take the egg white and flour and form a slightly hard dough, roll it into strips and cut it into thin pieces.
Dice fresh shrimps; Rinse spinach, blanch with boiling water, remove and mince.
Put the stock into the pot, put the shrimp dice into the pot, wait for the soup to boil, put it into the knife section, boil it until rotten, pour in the egg yolk, add the spinach powder, put a little sesame oil, and then put it into a small bowl.
Efficacy: Rich in protein and carbohydrate.
Chicken and Cabbage Dumplings
Ingredients: dumpling skin, chicken, cabbage, celery, egg liquid, proper amount of stock, boiled vegetable oil.
Put the chicken into a bowl, add a little soy sauce and mix well.
Rinse cabbage and celery and cut them into small pieces. Stir fry the eggs until cooked, and stir them into fine powder.
Mix all the ingredients into fillings, wrap them into dumplings, and cook them well.
Put stock in the pot, sprinkle with celery powder, boil for a while, then put the boiled dumplings, add a little sesame oil and soy sauce.
Efficacy: Rich in nutrition. Suitable for people who don't like eating Steamed Rice And porridge.
Small wonton with shrimp paste
Raw materials: Prawns , small wonton skin, shallots, laver, a little salt, sesame oil
Beat the shrimp with a knife, pick out the shrimp intestines, chop them, pour a little sesame oil, sprinkle a little salt, and stir them into mash.
Use chopsticks to pick up shrimp paste about the size of finger cap and put it into the wonton skin, put it into the pot and boil it until done, sprinkle with chopped green onion and laver.
Ingredients: fresh fish, scallions, ginger, ham, mushrooms, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, lotus root starch, sunflower seed oil
Clean the fresh fish and shred the onions, ginger, ham and mushrooms.
Cut out the oblique knife on the back of the fish and put it into the boiling water pot to burn it to remove fishy smell. Put it on the plate after taking it out, put the onion, ginger, ham, mushroom silk into the flower knife and fish belly, pour some soy sauce, cooking wine, salt and sunflower seed oil, and steam it in the pot.
Efficacy: This dish is the only one in the diet of one year old babies. It can contain various nutrients and DHA that babies need, and promote their brain development.
Steamed fresh fish
[Materials] 1 small handful of asparagus noodles, 50g Flammulina velutipes, 20g shrimps, 2 green vegetables, some salt and sesame oil.
1. Rinse Flammulina velutipes, cut into small pieces about 1cm long, chop vegetables, mince onions, and cut shrimps into small particles for standby.
2. Heat the oil pan, add Flammulina velutipes, scallions, and add a small amount of salt to stir fry until tasty.
3. Add proper amount of water (meat soup is better) into the pot, and add shrimp and chopped vegetables. After the water boils, add asparagus noodles.
4. After the dough is cooked, add a few drops of sesame oil to the pot.
[Health Tips] Scientific name of Flammulina velutipes Phyllostachys pubescens It is also called "ENIKI MUSHROOM" and its scientific name is Flammulina velutiper (Fr.) Sing. It is called Flammulina velutipes because its stipe is long and thin, similar to the Flammulina velutipes. It belongs to Flammulina velutipes of white mushroom family of Agaricales, and is a kind of fungus algae lichen. [2]

Iron Supplementing Recipe

Raw materials: beef tenderloin 150g shredded meat, 100g celery and 1 egg (take egg white).
Seasoning: vegetable oil, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, starch, scallion.
1. Stir the shredded beef tenderloin with cooking wine, salt, sesame oil, egg white, and starch until smooth; Clean celery, cut into sections, blanch in boiling water, and remove.
2. Heat the oil pan, stir fry the scallions, and add Shredded beef , celery section, pour in cooking wine, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, stir fry evenly.

Calcium Supplement Recipe

Colored shrimps
Colored shrimps
Ingredients: shrimps, carrots, mushrooms, peas, millet grains.
1. Clean the shrimps, preferably the shelled shrimps, and drain the water after washing;
2. Marinate with salt, egg white and starch for a while;
3. Put the shrimps in warm oil and stir slightly, then pick them up;
4. Boil carrots in boiling water and cut them into small dice;
5. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small dices, then put them into a boiling water pot with some peas and millet grains, boil for a while and take them out;
6. Put a little oil in the frying pan, add some soup, a little salt, rice wine, and then half of shrimps, carrots, mushrooms, peas, millet, boil, thicken with starch and water.
Important points: The shrimp pickling time should be well controlled to ensure that the shrimp tastes delicious.
Comment: Shrimp is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, potassium, selenium and other trace elements vitamin A This dish is bright in color and rich in nutrition. Babies will like it when they see it.
Egg Soup with Shrimp Skin
Recipe ingredients: 15g shrimp skin, 2 eggs
Production method:
1. First beat the eggs in the bowl;
2. Add a small amount of warm water and salt, and mix well with the shrimp skin;
3. Steam in a pot and serve.
Comment: This food can strengthen muscles and bones, increase calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, and prevent Infantile rickets

Zinc Supplement Recipe

color pepper Shrimp
Fresh shrimp with colored pepper
Raw materials: 1 red pepper and 1 yellow pepper, 100g peeled shrimp, a large amount of alkali in the shrimp is not good for preservation, and seafood contains a large amount of zinc, which can improve children's attention.
Production method:
1. Cut the top half of the colored pepper into small pieces, and stir fry the shrimp, onion and ginger;
2. Add colored pepper and salt for seasoning. Use the lower part of the colored pepper as a small bowl to serve vegetables.
The color of colored pepper is beautiful and nutritious, which can increase the baby's appetite. Cut the top half of the colored pepper, and use the colored pepper as a small bowl, which is filled with fried dishes or rice. The color is beautiful and the nutrition is more abundant.


Your baby's health cannot be separated from a healthy diet. It is also necessary to use vegetables to supplement nutrition. Experts remind you that your baby needs to pay attention to the following issues when eating vegetables:
1. Don't eat before meals Tomatoes
If you use tomatoes before meals, your baby may suffer from abdominal pain and stomach discomfort. This is because eating tomatoes before meals will increase the concentration of stomach acid and cause stomach dilatation. Therefore, tomatoes are suitable for eating after meals, which can mix stomach acid with food, thus greatly reducing the acidity.
2、 Bean sprouts Must be cooked
Bean sprouts are nutritious and a good choice for baby nutrition, but bean sprouts must be cooked, or baby may have diarrhea after eating. Vomiting and other adverse reactions.
3. Eating carotene should not be too much.
Although carotene is very nutritious, if you eat too much, your baby may be unwilling to eat, lose his temper and other symptoms. In serious cases, he may not sleep well, or even appear to talk in his sleep, night terrors and other phenomena.
4. The cooking time of vegetables with green leaves should not be too long.
The green leaves of vegetables contain nitrate. If the cooking time is too long, the nitrate will become nitrite , easy to produce food poisoning Phenomenon. For example, chives should be cooked and eaten now rather than kept for a long time. In addition, children with poor digestion had better not eat leeks.
5. Babies should not eat too much vegetables containing oxalic acid.
Because oxalic acid will react with calcium and zinc in the human body to generate calcium oxalate and zinc oxalate, which are not easy to exclude, and will affect the absorption of calcium and zinc by the baby.
6. On the other hand, you should not give your baby too much food because his digestive function is not very strong. If you eat too much at one time, it will easily cause indigestion, abdominal distension and abdominal pain.
For example, spinach. In the cartoon, Popeye gets energy by eating spinach, but eating more spinach is not good for the growth of the baby. The baby eats too much spinach, which leads to poor development of teeth and bones. In serious cases, it may also affect intelligence.
Balsam pear It is also one of the vegetables containing a lot of oxalic acid. Therefore, if you want to give your baby balsam pear, you'd better blanch it with boiling water before eating it.

Misunderstanding of food tonic

Do not supplement iron blindly
Parents should not buy blood enriching iron preparations for children to eat without authorization. If there is anemia, you should ask a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. You should strictly follow the doctor's advice to use drugs reasonably. It is best to recover anemia by adjusting diet reasonably.
Indonesian scholars have studied and found that when children's food already contains enough iron, iron supplementation will hinder children's growth. They asked 47 children from middle class families to take cherry juice for 4 months, of which 24 children drank juice without iron, and these 47 urban children did not lack iron in their diet. The results showed that the weight growth rate of children without iron supplementation was 50% faster than that of children with iron supplementation. It can be seen that the idea that iron supplementation for children is absolutely harmless may not be correct.
Iron is in red blood cells hemoglobin The main component of, children are vulnerable to iron deficiency iron-deficiency anemia It can make children pale, tired, and indifferent, and seriously affect intelligence and nerve development. There are more patients with iron deficiency anemia in urban and rural areas in China, so iron fortified food in children's food also came into being, and the types are increasing.
Experts believe that healthy children do not need additional iron supplements. The United States has found an example of infant death caused by excessive use of blood enriching iron tablets. Generally speaking, iron fortified foods on the market mainly include two categories: one is fortified according to the national standard for infant food, with iron content of 6~10 mg per 100g; The other is a special iron fortified food, which contains up to 40 mg iron per 100 grams. The latter should not be taken as a staple food for infants and young children for a long time to prevent excessive iron content in children's bodies, which may lead to the imbalance of iron, zinc, copper and other trace elements metabolism in the body, resulting in anorexia, anorexia, growth retardation, low blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol in infants and young children, thus increasing the risk of inducing heart disease. Iron supplementation is not necessary for infants from 1 week to 3 months after birth. Due to the growth and development of the baby, the hemoglobin is temporarily lower than the normal level, resulting in physiological anemia, which does not require special iron supplementation. In addition, children should not eat two different iron fortified foods at the same time to prevent excessive intake of iron. [3]

Add Notes

How does the baby add complementary food?
Mother Baby Love Mall Share with you how your baby can add complementary food: 1. From less to more, let the baby have a process of adaptation. If you add egg yolk, start from 1/4, the child has no other discomfort, and his stool is normal. After 2-3 days, it will increase to 1/3-1/2, and then gradually increase to eat a whole egg yolk.
2. From thin to thick: For example, from rice soup to porridge, and then to soft rice.
3. From thin to thick: such as green leafy vegetables, from vegetable juice to vegetable puree, try to eat chopped vegetables after the baby teeth sprout.
4. From one kind to many kinds: add another food after the child adapts to one kind of food, and cannot add several kinds of food at the same time.
5. It should be added when the child is healthy and has normal digestive function. If the child is sick, it should stop adding complementary food.
What is the order of complementary food addition?
How does the baby add complementary food Baby Food In order, according to the needs of growth and development and the maturity of digestion and absorption function, various baby complementary foods are added according to the order of month age.
1. Infants 1-3 months old: The main food is milk, and the digestive system is not ready to accept complementary food.
2. Infants 4-6 months old: Generally, infants should be fed with egg yolk from 4 months old. Because in 4 months, the iron brought from the parent body gradually ran out. Egg yolk is rich in iron. Add egg yolk to supplement iron to prevent iron deficiency anemia. 5. For a 6-month old baby, the salivary glands have matured, there are amylases in saliva and gastrointestinal tract to digest starch, the stomach capacity has also increased, and the digestive capacity of gastrointestinal tract has increased, all of which are conducive to digestion and absorption Starch food Therefore, milk cakes, rotten porridge, noodles, biscuits, etc. should be added at this stage. Add tomato juice and watermelon water between two milks. Fruit paste and vegetable paste can also be increased by 6 months. At 6 months, fish paste, liver paste, meat paste and whole eggs can also be added.
3. 7-9 month old infants: children at this stage can add fresh apple puree, meat floss, egg porridge, liver sauce, fish, tofu, biscuits and cakes. Children at this stage can give some snacks. For example, soda biscuits, cakes and the like can be eaten at the same time with milk, drink a mouthful of milk, and eat a snack. Don't give snacks or snacks before meals, so as not to affect appetite, children can be trained to eat biscuits by themselves
4. Infants aged 10-12 months: children at this stage have more mature digestive function and have grown two lower incisors. Some of the two upper incisors have grown out, and some have not. Although they can chew some food with their teeth, they still cannot chew. They still need adults to help them break up food before eating. Children at this stage can eat shredded vegetables, fruit cut into small pieces, soft rice, porridge, noodles, food with stuffing, as well as shredded meat and fish.
How does the baby add Complementary food Mother Baby Love Mall It is specially pointed out that when feeding the baby with complementary food, the baby should learn to swallow one mouthful at a time. It is not allowed to play while eating. It is not allowed to feed complementary food when Baobao is crying and laughing to avoid choking. Jelly is not recommended for babies. Jelly has no nutrition and is prone to suffocation. In addition, peanuts, longans and other foods that are prone to choking should not be eaten too early. Peanuts are also prone to allergy. Fresh milk is best eaten after one year old. When the baby is sick, it is not suitable to add auxiliary food to avoid indigestion. When adding auxiliary food, it is also necessary to pay attention to the stool condition of the baby.