Livable zone

A certain distance around a star
zero Useful+1
The "habitable zone" actually refers to a certain distance around a star Internal water It can exist in liquid form because Liquid water Scientists believe that it is an indispensable element for the survival of life. Therefore, if a planet happens to fall within this range, it is considered that it has a greater chance to have life or at least an environment where life can exist.
Chinese name
Livable zone
Foreign name
habitable zone
"Habitable zone"
liquid state
A certain distance around a star
General research
"The habitable zone of animals"

theoretical basis

Few planets are suitable for life
The "livable belt" is also called "livable belt". The discussion is divided into a variety of life objects, and the general research is the "livable zone of animals". For any animal, plant or even microorganism, there will be a zone most suitable for its survival. If we summarize all living things on the earth and the different conditions they need in different stages of evolution, we can expand these conditions to the conditions of the planet, the sun and even Stellar system The concept of "livable zone of the universe" came into being.
Most of the space in the universe is a dangerous place for life. Only a few places can become an oasis of life and provide suitable atmosphere, temperature Liquid water Empty space, hot fixed star It is difficult for gaseous planet surfaces to host life. It seems that it is difficult to clearly give what life needs environment condition After providing the most basic environment for life, the earth has provided a perfect habitat for life in all aspects, and the earth is the only planet with life residence discovered so far. The discussion of the "livable zone of the universe" needs to focus on space, time bio-diversity And other aspects.
For astronomers, "potentially livable" planets are those that can sustain life, but not necessarily allow human survival. Habitability depends on many factors, but liquid water and atmosphere are the two most important factors. The gravity of a planet will cause radial velocity Regular changes occur, and multiple planets will make their main Stellar motion Complex rocking activities occur. [1]

Livable elements



As an ideal place for all kinds of life, one of the most important characteristics of the earth is its location, that is, the distance from the sun. The most suitable distance from the sun is the basis for defining the "habitable zone", where planets similar to the Earth may exist. The planets in the habitable zone will not receive less heat from the stars Water freezes There is not much to make the water boil, just to maintain a liquid ocean.
The range of livable zone should be limited by the low temperature at the outer edge and the high temperature at the inner edge. solar system Two neighbors of—— Venus And Mars give a livable zone Outer boundary Example of. If it is close to the sun, there will be no liquid ocean on the surface of the planet, like Venus; If it is too far away, it will be frozen again. If the earth moves outward for some distance, or weakens solar radiation Will make the earth's surface temperature Lower until covered with ice and snow. Gradually, carbon dioxide is also frozen, forming dry ice Particle composition And finally they are frozen at the poles ice sheet The width of the habitable zone depends on the similarities and differences between the planet and the earth, as well as the size and age of the stars.
On the surface of a rocky planet with a certain carbon content, if there is a stable liquid ocean, it will have the conditions to generate and retain life. In relation to the Earth's orbit, Venus and sunlight The distance between Venus and Mars is 30% and 50% respectively. From the perspective of receiving sunlight, Venus needs to be reduced by half, while Mars needs to be doubled.


about terrestrial planet For example, the habitable zone of animals is such a range that the planet can maintain a liquid ocean on the surface and can maintain the global average temperature below 50 ℃. This temperature is basically animal life Living conditions The upper limit of.
If we consider modern humans( Smart life )A narrower "habitable zone" will be obtained if the living environment is less than 50%, that is, a planet that can grow enough crops for human consumption. On the contrary, a wider and easier to define livable zone is the "livable zone" for microbial survival: it almost covers the whole solar system , and the solar system has been formed until now. For other types of "livable zones", they are wider than higher organisms but narrower than microorganisms.


Take the solar system as an example. Because the sun is brightening, the habitable zone of the solar system is also moving outward. As the temperature increases, the Earth will gradually become Venus. However, this situation will occur after 2-3 billion years, and the Earth will be in the habitable zone for 6-8 billion years. Of course, with the increasing brightness of the sun, a frozen planet may become suitable for the generation and reproduction of life.

Main scope

In 1978, celestial bodies physical scientist Michael Hart made a simulation calculation, and the results were surprising. He took into account in his calculations Solar luminosity Change over time. Four billion years ago, the sun's luminosity was only 70% of what it is today. With the increase of solar luminosity, the livable zone moves outward. Hart called the narrow belt where the earth is located the "sustainable habitable belt", which moves outward with the evolution of the entire solar system.
His calculation shows that if the distance between the earth and the sun is 1% further away, there will be an irreversible Glaciation If the distance is 5% closer, it may also be in an irreversible greenhouse state. If the Earth's orbit were a bit more flat, the above distance limit would be more stringent.
Now, some people think that the habitable zone calculated by Hart is too narrow, because there are several effects He did not have. Considering that, one of the most important things is“ carbon dioxide silicate The function of "circulation" is like an air conditioner to adjust the temperature of the earth in a proper range. Carbon dioxide content Now only accounts for Earth's atmosphere 0.03%, but it is a greenhouse gases : its infrared The absorption property can prevent the heat radiated to the surface of the earth from re spreading into space.
carbon dioxide silicate Cyclic regulation starts from the surface Weathering , when the planet is warm, sufficient light and precipitation Scouring action Will accelerate the weathering speed, and at this time, the metal ion Precipitate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into carbonate , so as to reduce the atmospheric temperature; When the surface is too cold, weathering and carbon dioxide precipitation rate will decline, and the carbon dioxide released by volcanoes greenhouse effect And then increase the atmospheric temperature again.
This negative feedback effect widens the "sustainable livable zone" and makes the conditions for determining the livable zone more complex.
Accordingly, the United States Binzhou State university Celestial bodies of biologist James Castin and his colleagues define the "sustainable habitable zone" as: an earth like planet around a star has an atmosphere containing nitrogen, water and carbon dioxide, and the climate formed can sustain water based life. In 1993, they estimated that the width of the solar system's sustainable habitable zones ranged from 0.95 to 1.15 Astronomical unit This width is much wider than that calculated by Hart, but it is still very narrow in fact.

Stellar type

Livable zone
Astronomers classify stars into O, B, A, F, G, K and M according to their colors. Their color ranges from blue to red, temperature from high to low, and quality from high to low. Our sun belongs to G type star.
Stellar mass The larger it is, the faster it burns and the shorter its life. The age of the sun is 5 billion years, and the age of the earth is 4.6 billion years. However, simple life has only appeared about 1.2 billion years since the birth of the earth, and complex life has only appeared after 3 billion years. Therefore, the life of stars must be long enough to breed life. In addition, the temperature of the star should not be too high, otherwise ultraviolet rays You can go directly into deep water, which is impossible to evolve life. O. The three types of stars, B and A, have short lives and strong ultraviolet rays. They do not meet this condition. Only the four types of stars, F, G, K and M, meet this condition.
M star: deep sea life (very close to stars)
K-star: marine life and polar life (near stars)
G star: all life (habitable zone like Earth)
F star: all life (farther than the habitable zone of the earth)

Livable type

Habitable zone of single star system
The luminosity of a star determines the position of its habitable zone, while the luminosity is determined by the size, type and age of the star. For stars larger than the sun, the habitable zone moves outward faster and lasts shorter.
The sun will be quite stable within 10 billion years after its birth, but its mass is 1.5 times Solar mass Our star will enter the red giant stage 2 billion years after its birth. When a star becomes Red Giant Its luminosity will increase thousands of times, and the livable belt will recede far away. The habitable zone of a star with a mass of more than 1.5 times the mass of the sun will not last long enough to evolve advanced life. because Ultraviolet radiation As the number of stars increases, the larger habitable zone of stars will be farther away or even there will be no habitable zone.
People often say that the sun is a typical star, but this is not the case because 95% of stars are smaller than the sun. For these stars smaller than the sun, their habitable zones are closer to the stars. But if the distance is very close, there will be greater danger: when the planet is very close to the sun, the tidal effect of the star will easily Tidal locking , causing only one side of the planet to face the sun. This synchronous rotation will result in extremely low temperature on the dark side of the planet and extremely high temperature during the day.
binary star and Aggregate star The livable zone of the system
Two thirds of similar stars around the solar system are binary star Or a star gathering system. Two situations can be considered: one is one or more companion The distance between them is too close, and the planets revolve around all the stars; One is that the companion stars are far away, and the planets only revolve around one of them.
Some recent studies have shown that only when the distance between two stars is at least 50 astronomical units can planets be formed. Researcher Alan Hale believes that to form a stable planetary orbit, the distance between two stars is either less than 30 million kilometers or more than 1.5 billion kilometers. The problem is, that is Stellar system If a planet has been formed in, can it have a stable orbit?
The evolution and growth of life at least requires a long-term stable condition on the earth, which requires a stable orbit. One Eccentricity of track Very high planet Runtime , sometimes entering the livable zone, sometimes outside the livable zone, which may be viable for microorganisms, but it is fatal for advanced life. Moreover, even if a planet is formed, its orbit will be perturbed by the gravity of multiple celestial bodies, which will eventually cause the planet to fall into one of the stars or be ejected from the system.
Another problem in a comet system is the stars accepted by planets Radiant energy Even if the planet orbits in the same plane as the companion star, the energy it receives will also be changed by the eclipse between stars. S. H. Doyle estimated in his 1970 book Planets That Can Be Inhabited by Human Beings that 10% of the energy received by the planets would not affect Residential environment This is a controversial issue: the change of solar energy output is far less than this figure, but it has caused climate change and ultimately affected the change of life species.
Habitable zones of other interstellar systems
Other types of star systems, if any White dwarf neutron star , black holes and other celestial systems are not suitable for the production of life. For Open cluster perhaps Globular cluster There will be more radiation and particles in the nearby space, and too many gravitational changes will affect the orbits of planets. Globular cluster Another disadvantage is that they are composed of ancient stars, so they lack heavier elements. As we know, Heavy element It not only provides a living environment for life, but also an important part of life.

Out of band life

Antiphilia Extreme environmental microorganisms The discovery of the "livable belt" requires us to reconsider the concept of "livable belt" different from that of a few years ago. The habitable zone is often limited to the habitable zone of animals extreme environment Only a few microorganisms are needed chemical energy And water can be deep underground. Such environment can include planets, satellites and even planets outside the habitable zone asteroid Near Earth surface of.
Although according to James Castin's calculation, Mars is outside the habitable zone“ Phoenix Mars Probe ”The Mars probe shows that Martian soil There is ice below, so the surface of Mars is Siberia Permafrost Similar, in Ice granule The water film on the surface and the liquid water under the ice have the conditions for the existence of life, so Mars may soon be classified as a "livable zone". Another example is Europa It may have an ocean hundreds of kilometers deep, which greatly increases the chances of generating and breeding life. It can be seen that even the stars outside the habitable zone may still provide a condition for life.

Research findings

Livable zone
National Science Foundation On September 29, 2010, 30% of astronomers reported that they had found a planet "near" the Earth. This planet is about the same size as the Earth and may be habitable.
American researchers published a report on September 29, saying that they used Hawaii "Keck" of Astronomical telescope Found this one called Gliese 581g The planet of Stellar system The "livable zone" may be suitable for life. The habitable zone refers to the region where the planets are reasonably close to the stars. In this region, the heat transferred from the stars to the planets is moderate, and the planets are neither too hot nor too cold. This planet revolves around a Red dwarf (a type of star) running, which takes no more than 37 days per week. This red dwarf star is called Gliese 581 , about 20 light years (189.21 trillion kilometers) away from the Earth. This distance is not far by astronomical standards.
Researchers found that this planet is in the center of the "habitable zone" near Gliese 581. This area is suitable for the existence of liquid water and life. The researchers said that solar system In Mercury Similarly, this exoplanet is also "locked" by its star, that is, one side of the planet almost always faces the star, and the other side almost always faces the star, so its surface temperature difference is large.
However, according to the researchers, this planet's light dark junction is the most livable. The gravity of this planet is close to that of the earth, which is enough to prevent the atmosphere from "escaping" and enable humans to walk upright. Astronomers think there are millions more terrestrial planet Waiting for us to explore.