
[dìng lǜ]
Theoretical law
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The law is objective law They are the keys to unlock the mysteries of the universe. Laws are the cornerstone of understanding the universe. It is the unchanging law of the universe from ancient times to modern times.
A law is a conclusion that is proved by practice and facts and reflects the objective law of the development and change of things under certain conditions. The characteristic of the law is that it can be proved and has been proved continuously. A law is a theoretical model, which is used to describe the real world under a specific situation and a specific scale. It may fail or inaccurate
Chinese name
dìng lǜ
Theoretical law
Provide data and practical proof for relevant theories

General name of theoretical laws

Newton's Three Laws
Under any circumstances, all objects remain relatively static or Uniform linear motion Status.
All objects are always kept Uniform linear motion Status or Quiescent state Until an external force forces it to change this state. This is it. Newton's first law
Newton's first law can also be reduced to: moving is always moving, static is always static.
  • Newton's second law:
Corporeal acceleration Following the object Resultant external force Proportional to Mass of object In inverse proportion, the direction of acceleration is the same as that of external force. mathematics expression Is ∑ F=ma or F=ma.
Between two objects Force and Reaction force On the same line, the size is equal and the direction is opposite. (See Newton's Third Law of Motion for details)
The mathematical expression is F=-F'。
Energy can neither be generated nor destroyed out of thin air. It can only be transformed from one form to another, or transferred from one object to another. In the process of transformation or transfer, the total amount of energy remains unchanged. conservation of energy Now it is widely recognized by people.
1. Different in nature Energy form Different from Sports form Correspondence: object motion has mechanical energy Molecular motion Movement with internal energy and electric charge has electric energy Nucleus The internal motion has atomic energy wait.
2. Different forms of energy can be transformed into each other: "Friction generates heat by overcoming friction Work Convert mechanical energy into internal energy; When the water in the kettle boils steam Do work on the lid and lift it up, indicating that internal energy is converted into mechanical energy; The electric energy can be converted into internal energy by the electric current doing work through the heating wire. These examples show that different forms of energy can be transformed into each other, and the transformation process is completed by doing work.
3. Some form of energy can be reduced, while others can be increased Increase It must be equal. When the energy of one object decreases, there must be an increase in the energy of other objects, and the amount of decrease and increase must be equal.
The law of conservation of momentum, the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of angular momentum together become the three basic conservation laws in modern physics. At first, they were inferences of Newton's law, but later it was found that their scope of application was far wider than Newton's law. They were more basic physical laws than Newton's law, and reflected the nature of space-time. Among them, the law of conservation of momentum is derived from the invariance of space translation, the law of conservation of energy is derived from the invariance of time translation, and the law of conservation of angular momentum is derived from the rotational symmetry of space.
The law of conservation of angular momentum is one of the universal laws of physics, which reflects the universal law that particles and particle systems move around a point or an axis; It reflects the general law of the motion of a particle and its system around a point (or axis) that is not affected by external forces or the resultant moment of external forces on a fixed point (or axis) is always equal to zero.
Ohm's law means that in the same circuit, the current passing through a section of conductor is proportional to the voltage at both ends of the conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. This law was proposed by the German physicist George Simon Ohm in his paper "Determination of the Law of Electrical Conductivity of Metals" published in April 1826.
Moore's Law refers to the number of transistors that can be accommodated on the IC, which will double every 18 months or so, and the performance will also double. Moore's law is derived from Intel (Intel) Honorary Chairman Gordon Moore (Gordon Moore) It was discovered through long-term observation.
  • The first law of computer
Moore's Law In 1965, Gordon Moore( Gordon Moore )Prepare an About Computer storage Development trend Report of. He compiled an observation. When he began to plot the data, he found a surprising trend. Each new chip contains roughly twice the capacity of its predecessor, and each chip is produced within 18-24 months after the previous chip was produced. If this trend continues, Computing power be relative to cycle time It will rise exponentially. Moore's observation data, the so-called Moore's Law, describes a trend that will continue in 2020 and is still unusually accurate. It is also found that this is not only applicable to the description of memory chips, but also accurately illustrates that processor Capability and disc drive storage capacity Development of. This law has become the basis for performance prediction in many industries. In 26 years, the number of transistors on the chip has increased more than 3200 times, from 2300 of the first 4004 launched in 1971 to 7.5 million of Pentium II processors.
  • pareto principle
The 28/20 law, also known as Baredo's law, was at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century Italy Invented by the economist Baledo. He believes that in any group of things, the most important ones only account for a small part, about 20%, and the remaining 80%, although the majority, are secondary, so it is also called the 28 rule.
There is a famous 80/20 law in the field of management, which says that 80% of an enterprise's profits usually come from 20% of its projects; This 80/20 law has been repeatedly extended. Economists say that 20% of people hold 80% of their wealth. There are two kinds of people. The first one accounts for 80% and owns 20% of the wealth; The second one only accounts for 20%, but it holds 80% of the wealth. Why? It turns out that the first kind of people only stare at the boss's pocket every day, hoping that the boss can give them more money, and rent their life to the second kind of 20% people; The second kind of people is different. In addition to doing the work at hand, they also pay attention to the changing world with another eye. They know when to do what, so 80% of the first kind of people are working for them.
Psychologists say that 20% of people concentrate 80% of human wisdom, and they stand out from the crowd at birth.
There is no absolute fairness in this world.
About 80% of society's wealth is concentrated in 20% of people, while 80% of people only own 20% of public wealth This kind of statistical Unbalance It is ubiquitous in society, economy and life, which is the 28 rule.
20% of people enjoy 80% of the world's love, and even 80% of the world's knot Divorce procedure These 20% of people are always in love and being loved, while the remaining 80% do not know how to enjoy the bitter and sweet of love.
The two eight principle tells us not to analyze, handle and view problems evenly, enterprise operation And management should grasp the key minority; Find out the key customers who can bring 80% of the profits to the enterprise but only account for 20% of the total amount, strengthen the service, and achieve twice the result with half the effort; Enterprise leaders should carefully classify and analyze their work, and focus on solving major problems and focusing on major projects.
What is? Murphy's Law The simplest expression is "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
Edward A. Murphy is an engineer who participated in US Air Force MX981 experiment in 1949. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the endurance limit of human beings to acceleration. One of the experimental projects is to put 16 rockets Accelerometer Suspended device Subjects Above, there were two ways to fix the accelerometers on the support, but it was amazing that someone methodically installed all 16 accelerometers in the wrong position. So Murphy made this famous conclusion, and the subject Press conference Upper reference.
This sentence spread quickly. Over the years, this "law" has gradually entered the category of idioms. Its connotation has been endowed with endless creativity, and many variants have emerged Possible , no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen and cause Maximum possible "If anything can go wrong, it will."
Murphy's Law If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it
"Murphy's Law" was born in the middle of the 20th century, which is an era of rapid economic development, continuous scientific and technological progress, and mankind has truly become the world's leader. In this era, everywhere optimism Human beings have won the victory over nature, diseases and other restrictions, and will continue to expand their advantages; We not only flew into the sky, but also into space... We can do whatever we want Transform the world All this seems to indicate that all problems can be solved. No matter what difficulties and challenges, we can always find a way or mode to win the battle.
Distortion of Golden Parallel Law
The newly distorted Fujiang gold making reaches the parallel law, which is consistent with the number of oblique spiral pairs Parallel line and diagonal After the superposition, the newly distorted Fu axis gold making is parallel, because the parallel line and diagonal line coincide with the original flat cover Symmetrical point , the shaft making machine complies with the requirements of Torricelli in Equiangular Diagonal line and oblique screw can be Far point Or the parallel line and diagonal line coincide with each other for an infinite number of times, that is, the superposition rotation formula constitutes a new distortion of the Fukushima golden parallel law.

Chinese words

Words: laws [1]
1. Legislation
The History of the Later Han Dynasty, The Biography of Lu Gong:“ Emperor Xiaozhang It is only the way of the ancients that helps the smallest of the three rectifications, obeys the law, inherits the heart of heaven, obeys things and lives, and finally becomes Yong. "
Jinshu · Criminal Law Annals 》: "The Han Dynasty inherited the system of the Qin Dynasty, and Xiao He's law, in addition to the crime of sitting together with foreigners, added Insights The rule of knowledge. "
2. Laws; regulations
Lu Xun Tomb· Random writing under the lamp 》"According to the law of the Yuan Dynasty, if you kill someone's slave, you will lose an ox."
3. Rules, rules.
Song Dynasty Su Shi The King of Ciyun Dingguo Xiangliu Drinks at Night: "There is no fixed law in poetry The I can wait when I get drunk. "
4. Scientific generalization of certain objective laws.
Mao Zedong《 Direction of youth movement 》"China must develop into socialism in the future, and no one can overturn this law."