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One of the most important components of marketing
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Pricing is Marketing It is one of the most important components, mainly studying the pricing and change strategies of goods and services to obtain Marketing effect And the best returns.
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yes Marketing The most important component
Price signal Penetration pricing , regional pricing, etc
Competitive pricing method Cost plus pricing , skimming pricing method, etc


Six common types pricing strategy Yes: price signal Penetration pricing , regional pricing Image pricing Portfolio pricing Complementary pricing.
US Classification: Competitive pricing method Cost plus pricing skimming pricing , Restrictions Pricing method , loss leader pricing method Market oriented pricing method Penetration pricing Law, price discrimination pricing law, etc.

pricing methods

Restrictive pricing
Cost oriented pricing method Is based on the product Unit cost As the basic basis, plus Expected profit To determine the price pricing methods
Price elasticity of demand refers to the response of demand for goods to price changes. If the price changes slightly, requirement Almost immobile, which is called inelastic demand for this commodity; If a small change in price causes Change in demand Large or very large, called demand elasticity.
By studying the Production conditions , service condition price level And other factors, according to their own competitive strength, and referring to the cost and supply and demand conditions commodity price Pricing method of.
according to market demand The method to determine the price based on the difference between the situation and the consumer's feeling of the product. It is also called market oriented pricing method and customer oriented pricing method.
The new product is initially launched at a high price. It will earn a large profit in the short term and recover the investment as soon as possible. It's like skimming milk cream Similarly, take its essence and call it "skimming pricing".
Penetration pricing
When a new product is first launched, the price is set at a lower price to obtain the highest sales volume and the largest Market share It is called "penetration pricing".
Price discounts and allowances
In order to encourage customers to pay off the payment as soon as possible, and purchase in large quantities or off-season, the enterprise adjusts its Basic price This price adjustment is called price discount and Price allowance
The buyer places an advertisement or sends a letter in a newspaper stating the requirements for the variety, quantity, specification, etc. of the goods to be purchased, and invites the seller to bid within the specified time limit. The buyer shall open the bid within the specified time, select the seller with the lowest quotation and the most favorable price to conclude the transaction and sign Purchase contract Pricing method of.
The pricing method is mainly based on the consumer's understanding of the value of the product.

Pricing Skills

Non integer method
In fact, there are many skills in pricing, such as using the "non integer method", which combines the wholesale price Sales experts call it "non integer price", which is determined as a non integer with a odd end. This is a great way to stimulate consumers Desire to buy Price of. The starting point of this strategy is that consumers always feel that the odd price is lower than the integer price psychologically. That is, the planned price of the product is 6 yuan, and you can set 5.9 yuan. The price is a dime lower, but the customer will respond well. For high-end goods, durable goods, etc Integer Pricing Policy To give customers a feeling of "paying for goods", so as to establish the image of goods.
Market Pricing Flow Chart
Although "8" has nothing to do with "hair", it is better to believe what it is than what it is not. It is always right to meet the psychological needs of consumers. According to the foreign market survey, in the shopping malls supermarket The numbers used for pricing goods in, sorted by the frequency of use, are 5, 8, 0, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 7, and 1. This phenomenon does not happen by accident, but is rooted in the role of consumer psychology. The numbers with arc lines, such as 5, 8, 0, 3, 6, seem to be non stimulating and easy to be accepted by customers; Numbers without arc lines, such as l, 7, 4, are not very popular. So, in shopping malls and supermarkets Sales price 8 and 5 are the most common, while 1, 4 and 7 are much less common. In the digital application of prices, China's national conditions should be taken into consideration. Many people like the number "8" and think it will bring them good fortune; The word "4" is taboo because it is homonymous with "death"; "7" means that people generally feel uncomfortable; "6", "9", because Chinese people have“ Everything goes smoothly The statement of "long-term development" is very popular.
Enterprises in market competition China should forecast the change of supply and demand at any time. The Austin Retail Company in Wadmond, Germany, has been successful in selling all kinds of goods. For example, Osden just launched 10000 sets Underwear wear The price of the fashion is 4.5-6.2 times higher than the price of ordinary underwear, but the sales are still booming. This is because this kind of fashion has different wearing characteristics inside and outside the past. Customers feel fresh and attractive. However, in May 1988, when Germany's major cities successively launched a large number of such underwear outerwear fashions, Osden suddenly reduced the price to just a little higher than the price of ordinary underwear, which also sold out. In this way, 8 months later, when the underwear is not so attractive, Osden“ Cost price ”For sale, the price of each set of fashion is less than 60% of ordinary underwear. This kind of outdated clothes is still very popular in Austin.
Customer pricing method
Since ancient times, the seller has always offered and the buyer has always countered. Could you reverse it and let the buyer make the offer first? For example, the price of food in a restaurant is always determined by the owner. Customers can only order according to the menu and pay according to the price. But in the United States Pittsburgh There is a "Milio" in the city Family restaurant ”On the menu of the restaurant, there is only the name of the dish and no price. Customers pay according to their satisfaction with the food. No matter how much, the restaurant has no objection. If customers are not satisfied, they can pay nothing. But in fact, most customers can pay reasonably, or even more. Of course, there are also those who pay less, and even leave without paying a penny after gorging. But that is only a few after all. Letting customers set their own prices is not considered in China new things Such restaurants have appeared in some cities, but they are not successful after operation. It seems that attention should be paid to this method Sales conditions And the sales target, after all. The quality of some people is still not high.
Extra high price method
Only unique products can be sold at a unique price. The ultra-high price method is New merchandise At the beginning of the launch, the price is set much higher than the cost, so that the enterprise can make a lot of profits in the short term Market situation To adjust the price. There is a store in a certain place that has bought a small number of medium and high-end female coats, Purchase price 580 yuan each. The operator of the shop saw that the materials and workmanship of the coat were very good, and the color and style were also very novel Local market It hasn't appeared yet, so we set a high price of 1280 yuan, which was sold out quickly. If your product is very popular and you are the only one in the market, you can sell it at a higher price. However, this situation generally does not last long. The best selling things can also be imitated by others. Therefore, in order to maintain a high price, we must constantly launch unique products.
Nothing is more sensitive to price than the customer, because the price represents the money in his pocket. Let the customer feel that you only take a small part from his pocket, rather than a large amount. Price segmentation is a psychological strategy. When the seller sets the price, it can make the buyer feel the price is cheap. Price segmentation includes the following two forms: 1. Quote in smaller units. For example, 10 yuan per kg of tea is 0.5 yuan per 50g, 1000 yuan per ton of rice is 1 yuan per kg, and so on. Metro Paris Our advertisement is: "Only 30 franc 2 million passengers can see your advertisement. " 2. Compare the prices of smaller units of goods. For example, "If you smoke one less cigarette every day, you can order a newspaper every day."
Clear code Price method
Bargaining is very annoying. As a result, many enterprises and stores use Buy It Now, never bargain, simply simple. Although this pricing method is simple, it is easy to lose customers.
High standard low running method
Some enterprises have set a unified sales price, wholesale price , and then through the way of rebate, give dealers rebate, through this way, stabilize and encourage dealers. In the store, the high price is adopted, and then the bargain with consumers is conducted, and the final transaction is made at any price above the low price.

Decision Factors

influence Pricing decisions Factors include Marketing objectives , cost, customer competitor And other external factors.
Many factors must be considered in order to understand and set prices. The first thing to be clear is what the company's goal is to increase market share , improve Enterprise income , maximize profits, or other goals. If Marketing Department Have a clear grasp of the company's goals, then determine the price Marketing mix Is a relatively easy thing. On the contrary, if the pricing deviates from the company's goal, it may take a lot of effort, and the result is not what the company wants. Therefore, the success of pricing depends largely on the pricing decisions and the Fit
So how can we understand what the company's goals are? Generally, there are two ways: first, enterprise executives (president of Asia Pacific region, general manager of China region, etc.) introduce the company's vision and annual plan; second, from company website Read the report provided by the CEO of the company to investors.
After clearly understanding the marketing objectives, it is necessary for us to understand the requirements of customers, because they decide whether the product pricing is correct or not. Although their requirements are not static, we must understand what they need now. This seems to be a very simple question. Some people will think that I do this Marketing work It has been more than ten years. Don't you know who my client is? However, sometimes we do not know, or we only know some of our customers, or we only know yesterday Target customers , but these people are no longer our target customers today. We often get feedback from sales, saying that the price is not good and the quality is not good,. But after careful analysis, we may find that we put Target customer base Wrong, probably spent a lot of time with Customer communication However, these people are not our target customers, and may also be our customers, but they are not this part of the product. Therefore, after a period of time, it can be half a year or a year. We should ask ourselves who our customers are and what kind of customers we are looking for. It's very likely that what we're looking for is High end customers But our products are low-end, so they don't match. This problem seems simple, even silly, but if we do not analyze it carefully, we may still mistake the customer.
Of course, you should also know how they buy.
influence Enterprise pricing Another important factor in decision-making is competitors, because in most cases, we are not the only company in the market. There may be companies of the same level, or more high-end companies, or companies of a lower level than us. We must know who our competitors are, what their strategies are and what their advantages are, as well as their costs, prices and possible responses to enterprise pricing.
Taking the camera as an example, a consumer who is considering buying a camera is making Purchase Decision Previously, various brands in the market were compared, such as Canon OLYMPUS Samsung and Sony Make a decision on all aspects of price, quality and appearance, combined with the budget in hand. If Sony adopts the strategy of high price and high profit, other competitors will also enter this market Segments The strategy of low price and low profit may effectively prevent competitors from entering the market or eliminate them. Therefore, before setting the price, we should product price , quality and various aspects of performance have a comprehensive understanding, and based on this to position their own products, can make the product price more targeted and competitive.
Cost is what enterprises can set for products floor price If an enterprise cannot cover the costs of production, distribution and management when setting the price of its products, it may lose money and cannot bring corresponding returns to investors. The cost of an enterprise can be divided into two types: fixed cost and Variable costs Fixed cost refers to the cost that does not change with the output. For example, no matter whether the enterprise starts or not, it must pay the monthly rent and equipment for the factory buildings maintenance cost Heating and other expenses. And it can become cost directly with output The level changes. Produce one Lenovo computer , will involve CPU , motherboard, display and assembly costs. Generally speaking, these costs are roughly the same total cost It is often proportional to the quantity. At the same time, there is a cost that is crucial in decision-making and should cause the enterprise to be important. That is Administrative expenses A factory will have general manager, deputy general manager, director, etc management layer In particular, when an enterprise has many departments and many product lines, how much of the management's salary is allocated to a product line or to a department will directly affect the decision of the product pricing enterprise.
If we have such a product, its sales price is 100 yuan, and its cost is 110 yuan., Is this product for sale or not? If the factory's Equipment utilization More than 98%, the answer is very simple, no sales. If the personnel and equipment of this enterprise Utilization Only about 53%, or less, we need further analysis. First, analyze the specific cost. If the fixed cost is 30 yuan, Variable cost 50 yuan, 30 yuan for administrative expenses. In fact, the cost directly related to the product is only 80 yuan, and the price exceeds the direct cost Product cost , the more output, apportion to Unit product The lower the overhead, so you should choose to produce this product. If the price of the product remains unchanged and the cost changes to 120 yuan, including 30 yuan for fixed costs, 75 yuan for variable costs, and 15 yuan for administrative expenses, then the decision is also very simple, and sales cannot be made. The costs of fixed costs and variable costs have exceeded the price. The more you do, the more you will lose.
Other factors
In the process of enterprise pricing, in addition to customers and competitors, other external factors must also be considered. Economic conditions of a country or region, such as economic cycle , inflation and interest rate have a significant impact on the pricing strategy of enterprises. If the economy is in recession, consumers' purchasing power Weakening, enterprises may continue to maintain high prices, which may reduce sales. The government is also an important factor influencing pricing decisions, Marketing personnel We need to understand the laws that affect prices. This is particularly obvious in terms of exports Export enterprises Because they did not understand the local environment, they were subject to anti-dumping investigation.
Therefore, the market needs information from all aspects, first of all, the company's goal, the company's big strategy, and what the company wants in the next few months; Second, we should know who our customers are Procurement process , and on decision-making process What do they care most about; Third, we must understand who our competitors are, what their strategies are and what their advantages are; Fourth, we must have an accurate grasp of the true cost, especially from Activity based cost To analyze the cost of products. At the same time, external economic conditions and government and other external factors should also be considered.


Pricing has many goals. Different enterprises have different goals in different periods Business Department There will be different goals. The clearer a company or department is about its goals, the easier it is to set prices. Generally speaking, there are the following goals: the highest Current profit and profit margin . Highest current income, highest Sales growth , the highest market skimming product quality Lead and survive.
Maximum current profit
Profit target is enterprise pricing objective It is an important part of the enterprise's survival and development to obtain profits necessary condition , Yes enterprise operation The direct motive force and ultimate goal of. Therefore, the profit target is adopted by most enterprises. In practice, when we increase the product price by 5%, the sales may fall by 5%, but some companies will still adopt this strategy because operating profit It will exceed the level before the price increase. For companies and investors, they will consider many indicators, one of which is Sales profit margin If Company A has a sales volume of 1 million yuan and a profit of 100000 yuan, then Sales profit The rate is only 10%, which will be unpopular with investors. If the sales volume of Company B is 500000 yuan and the profit is 80000 yuan,. On the contrary, it will be recognized by investors, because the sales profit rate will rise to 16%, although the company's Total revenue It is declining. Investors prefer Company B because its sales profit margin is 16%. Therefore, investors value the profit margin of sales more than the total profit of sales. Of course, the premise is that this benefit is Sustainability If you sell some departments or assets of the company, you can make a lot of money in the current period, but this is unsustainable and does not meet the requirements of investors.
Maximum sales
Many Chinese enterprises pursue the scale of enterprises and hope to become Fortune 500 enterprises. In fact, what they pursue is not the top 500, but the top 500. At the beginning of 2008, there were a large number of enterprises in Fortune magazine Net profit It is negative, but it is still among the top 500, because Fortune magazine considers sales. Business Week's selection criteria are different. It will consider many indicators and get a final result. There will be cultural factors in enterprises' pursuit of scale, and most of the time, it is to become bigger before becoming stronger. For example, many enterprises have passed the M&A In order to expand the sales scale first, or to seek listing, it is just necessary to increase sales,. Therefore, different enterprises have different purposes in different periods.
Highest market share
Some companies want to maximize their market share. They believe that the higher the current market share, the greater the future profit opportunities. This fixed price target is used more when the company enters a new market segment. with TaoBao For example, Jack Ma In order to deal with EBay Possible challenges, entering C2C The market, through years of continuous investment, often guarantees Taobao to provide a free trading platform. More high-profile announcement that in the next few years Reinvestment 5 billion yuan on Taobao. He is thinking about market share. Although he does not make money at this stage, he will make money in the long run. Of course, there is another kind of company that is not even considering market share, as long as there is Hits You can change money, so different companies consider different things at different times.
Highest market skimming
Many companies set high prices to "skim" the market through their own innovation and product differentiation. Sony is Market-skimming pricing At the beginning, it first New product price Set it high and then slowly descend. When Sony first launched its high-definition color TV in 1990, the price of this product was as high as $43000. In this way, Sony got the maximum skimming profit. As competitors entered this market segment, by 1993, the company had reduced the price to $6000. At the end of 2004, the 42 inch high-definition color TV set in Japan dropped to $1200. By setting high prices, enterprises can obtain high skimming profits, which is what most enterprises hope to achieve. Of course, there are conditions to achieve this price target. For example, the high price of the product must win customers Value identification The number of customers is enough to constitute the current high demand.
Leading product quality
Create high Perceived quality The products with good taste and status are the pursuit of many enterprises. These products are distinguished from competitors by Brand influence , consumers are right product lines And occupy the high-end of the market. as Apple Inc Of iPhone mobile phone, iPod MP3 player Mercedes Benz Evian Shampoo, Viking Series of products IBM Computer and Starbucks Coffee and other products are leaders in product quality in the industry. Through the quality, taste and high price of the product itself, a large number of stable and loyal customers are profited. To build such a brand, the key is to change customers' understanding of products through marketing and excellent product quality, which may take a very long process.
When enterprises face overcapacity, fierce competition or changes in consumer demand, they regard survival as their main goal. Taking Volkswagen as an example, it entered the Chinese market around 1982 and achieved great success. The reason is not how successful he is in the market, but that he made the right decision and "ventured" to establish two joint ventures in China. Due to the non competitive environment, the supply of products can not meet the demand. Only one Santana model can be sold for more than ten years domestic market The share reaches more than 50%. But in the 1990s, as more American, Japanese and Korean companies entered the Chinese market in succession, in the face of more fierce competition, Volkswagen hoped to maintain its original market share. Despite taking many measures, it could not change the situation of declining share, which has fallen to about 20%.