jail matron

[guān méi]
Women who acted as matchmakers in old government offices
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Official media refer to those who served in the old government offices Matchmaker Women waiting for things. [1] Men and women representing the government marriage The official marriage bureau Official Matchmaker In ancient times, it was called "Media Official", "Media Family", "Media Mutual People" and so on, which first appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty.
Chinese name
jail matron
Official matchmaker
A body that represents the government in matters of marriage between men and women
Common name of organization
Official Marriage Agency

brief introduction

Also called "officer" woman matchmaker ”。
According to《 Zhou Rites ·It is recorded in the Local Official · Mei Family that "the Mei Family holds the judgment of all the people (i.e. marriage)", that "every man and woman who has become famous or above should write the year, month, day and name, and make men marry at thirty and women marry at twenty". It seems that the main job of Media is to master the names and birth dates of men and women nationwide, and urge men and women of the right age to marry. It is described as follows in Guan Zi · Entering the Country Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Official media: "All countries have Palmer media A husband without a wife is widowed, and a woman without a husband is widowed.
Take widows and widows and combine them, and give them fields and houses and families. This is called Hedu. " It can be seen that the official media at that time not only arranged marriages for young people, but also helped widowers widow Reorganize families and integrate their assets. From the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the power of the official media was still great. Private media is the image of matchmaker that we are familiar with. But in ancient times, marriages made by private media also had to be registered at the official media and supervised by the official media, so that they could comply with national laws


1. Women who were approved by the old government to work as matchmakers were also engaged in activities such as trafficking in women. element Jogi The third part of Marriage of Two Generations: "There is a wife who is dumb at a banquet, and also talks with Qian, an official media. Because an adult Sun came to propose to us, he made a post every day these two days, which made people very annoyed. "
2. The female slave in the old government was responsible for the custody and deportation of female prisoners. Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom 》The fourteenth time: "After Lan Xian died, the next morning the official media pushed the door to look in, which was quite frightening, and immediately made a fuss." The fourteenth time of the Official Appearance: "The master passed on the official matchmaker again, slapped the startled wood, and scolded: 'What a bastard! My master has put an important thief in your custody, and you dare to abuse him to death.'"