Song Dynasty Book

A historical book written by Liang and Shen Yue in the Southern Dynasty
zero Useful+1
The history described in Song Shu is from Emperor Wu of Song Dynasty From the first year of Yongchu (420 years) until Emperor Shun of Song Dynasty The third year of Shengming (479) ended, totaling more than 60 years. The book consists of 100 volumes, divided into "history", "chronicles" and "biographies". Among them, there are 10 volumes of the Emperor's Chronicle, recording 8 emperors of Liu Song in the Southern Dynasty; The annals are 30 volumes, with one "preface" attached at the beginning, and the rest include "Annals of Laws and Calendar", "Annals of Hundred Officials", "Annals of Prefectures and Counties", "Annals of Music", "Annals of Fu Rui", and "Annals of Rites"; The biographies are 60 volumes. [2]
The Book of the Song Dynasty first lists Enxing Biography and Suolu Biography, and in terms of the writing technique of "biography", it adopts the method of putting people without "biography" into people with "biography" to describe, which is groundbreaking. However, there are some shortcomings in the book, such as the lack of criminal law and food and goods chronicles in the "chronicles" part, and the taboo and praise of the Liu Song Dynasty in many places, which makes some records untrue. The Book of Song has preserved a lot of precious historical data, which is an important historical basis for the study of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. [2]
Song Dynasty Book
author of an epochmaking work in phonology
Creation era
Southern Dynasty Liang
Number of volumes
100 volumes

content validity

The book has 100 volumes in total, including 10 volumes of the chronicles, 60 volumes of biographies and 30 volumes of chronicles; The record began in the first year of Yongchu (420) of Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty and ended in the third year of Emperor Shun of the Song Dynasty (479), recording the 60 years of Liu Song's political power in the Southern Dynasty.
Song Dynasty Book
The Book of the Song Dynasty contains many documents such as imperial edict memorials, letters, articles and so on at that time, and preserves many original historical materials. Most of the biographies are joint biographies or quasi biographies, and the biographies preserve a lot of literature materials, such as The Imperial edict of Banying Prostitution Temple in the Annals of Emperor Wu, The Table of Admonishment to the Northern Expedition in the Biography of He Chengtian, The Letter of Resignation of Yu Jiang Jiao in the Biography of Wang Hui, and The Dingming Theory in the Biography of Gu Yan, which are all important ideological and political documents at that time.
There are eight kinds of records in the Book of Song, including the Record of Law and Calendar, the Record of Rites, the Record of Music, the Record of Astronomy, the Record of Fu Rui, the Record of Five Elements, the Record of Prefectures, and the Record of Hundred Officials. It is called the eight books of the Book of Song, and it is the essence of the book. The description of these records can be traced back to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, making up for the shortcomings of the previous history such as the Records of the Three Kingdoms.
Among them, the Law and Calendar Annals recorded Yang Wei Of《 Scene calendar 》、 He Chengtian Of《 Yuan Jiali 》And Zu Chongzhi Of《 Daming Calendar 》, showing the level of natural science at that time; Ritual Annals records the worship of heaven and earth, ancestor worship, court meeting, and public uniforms together; The Music Annals details musical instruments, records movements, and collects movements, lyrics, and dance music of the Han, Wei, Jin, and Song Dynasties; The Annals of Prefectures and Counties recorded the opening and closing of the setting of Qiaozhou Prefectures and Counties, which is valuable for investigating the geographical evolution of this period.
However, Song Shu is short of food and goods, criminal law and art and literature, which is the inadequacy of the book. [3]

Catalogue of works


Principal discipline

volume number
Figures in the volume (figures in brackets are attached biographies)
Volume 1~3
The first, second and third discipline
Emperor Wu
Volume 4
The Fourth Discipline
Volume 5
The Fifth Discipline
God of Literature
Volume 6
The Sixth Discipline
Emperor Xiaowu
Volume 7
The seventh discipline
Former Abolished Emperor
Volume 8
The Eighth Discipline
Emperor Ming
Volume 9
The Ninth Discipline
The Empress Abolished the Emperor
Volume 10
The tenth discipline
Shun Di


No. 1 Chronicle on the Calendar
In the Second Calendar
The Third Calendar (B)
Zhidi Fourth Rite One
Zhidi Five Rites Two
Zhi Di Liu Li San
Zhidi Seven Rites Four
Zhidi Eighth Rite Five
Zhijiu Leyi
Zhidi Tenth Music Second
Chi No. 11 Le No. 3
Chi No. 12 Le No. 4
Chronicle 13 Astronomy 1
Chronicle 14 Astronomy 2
Chronicle 15 Astronomy 3
Annals 16, Astronomy 4
Zhi Di 17 Fu Rui Shang
Chi Di 18 Fu Ruizhong
Zhi Di 19 Fu Rui Xia
Record the 25th line
The 21st Five Element Two
The Twenty second Five Elements Three
The Twenty third Five Elements Four
The Twenty fourth Five Elements Five
First county of the 25th prefecture
The second of the twenty sixth prefecture
The 27th prefecture and the third county
The 28th prefecture and county
Top Twenty Nine Hundred Officials
The Thirtieth Hundred Officials [1]


volume number
Figures in the volume (figures in brackets are attached biographies)
Volume 41
Biography No. 1
Empress Xiao Yixiao, Empress Wu Jingzang, Empress Zhang of Emperor Wu, Empress Sima of Emperor Shaodi, Empress Hu Jieyu of Emperor Wu, Empress Yuan of Emperor Wen, Empress Lu Shuyuan of Emperor Wen, Empress Mu of Emperor Xiao, Empress He of the former deposed emperor, Empress Ming Gong, Empress Chen Guifei of Emperor Ming, Empress Jiang of the later deposed emperor, Empress Chen Zhaohua of Emperor Ming, Empress Xie of Emperor Shun
Volume 42
Biography No. 2
Volume 43
Biography No. 3
Volume 44
Biography No. 4
Volume 45
Biography No. 5
Volume 46
Biography No. 6
Volume 47
Biography No. 7
Volume 48
Biography No. 8
Volume 49
Biography No. 9
Volume 50
Biography No. 10
Volume 51
Biography No. 11
royal clan
Volume 52
Biography No. 12
Volume 53
Biography 13
Volume 54
Biography XIV
Volume 55
Biography 15
Volume 56
Biography No. 16
Volume 57
Biography XVII
Volume 58
Biography No. 18
Volume 59
Biography 19
Yin Chun (Child Yin Fu , brother Aggressive Insipid
Volume 60
Biography No. 20
Fan Tai, Wang Huaizhi, Wang Shaozhi
Volume 61
Biography No. 21
Lu Ling, the Three Kings of Emperor Wu, is the King of Filial Piety, Liu Yizhen, the King of Jiangxia Literature, Liu Yigong, the King of Hengyang Literature, Liu Yiji
Volume 62
Biography No. 22
Yang Xin, Zhang Fu, Wang Wei
Volume 63
Biography 23
Wang Hua, Wang Tanshou, Yin Jingren
Volume 64
Biography No. 24
Zheng Xianzhi, Pei Songzhi, He Chengtian
Volume 65
Biography 25
Jihan, Liu Daochan, Duji
Volume 66
Biography No. 26
Wang Jinghong, He Shangzhi
Volume 67
Biography No. 27
Volume 68
Biography No. 28
The Second King of Emperor Wu, Pengcheng King, Liu Yikang, Nanjun King, Liu Yixuan
Volume 69
Biography 29
Liu Zhan Fan Ye
Volume 70
The thirtieth biography
Yuan Shu
Volume 71
Biography No. 31
Xu Zhanzhi, Jiang Zhan, Wang Sengchuo
Volume 72
Biography 32
King Nanping Mu, the Ninth King of Emperor Wen Liu Shue Jian Ping Xuan Jian Wang Liu Hong King Xi of Jin Dynasty Liu Chang Shi'an King Liu Xiuren Jin Ping La Wang Liu Xiuyou King Ai of Poyang Liu Xiuye Linqing Chongwang Liu Xiuqian Xinye Huaiwang Liu Yifu King Ai of Baling Liu Xiuruo
Volume 73
Biography 33
Volume 74
Biography 34
Zang Zhi, Lu Shuang, Shen Youzhi
Volume 75
Biography 35
Wang Sengda, Yan Jun
Volume 76
Biography 36
Zhu Xiuzhi, Zong Kui, Wang Xuanmo
Volume 77
Biography 37
Liu Yuanjing, Yan Shibo, Shen Qingzhi
Volume 78
Biography 38
Xiao Sihua, Liu Yansun
Volume 79
Biography 39
King Jingling, the Five Kings of Emperor Wen Liu Sheng King of Lujiang Liu Yi King Wuchang Liu Hun Hailing King Liu Xiumao King of Guiyang Liu Xiufan
Volume 80
Biography 40
The Fourteenth King of Xiaowu, the King of Yuzhang Liu Zishang King of Jin'an Liu Zixun Marquis Songzi Liu Zifang King Linhai Liu Zixu Shiping pays homage to the king Liu Ziluan Yongjia King Liu Ziren Shi'an King Liu Zizhen Shaoling King Liu Ziyuan King Jing of Qi Liu Ziyu Huainan King Liu Zimeng King Ling Xiao of Jin Liu Ziyun King Ai of Nanhai Liu Zishi Huaiyang misses the king Liu Zixiao Dongping Wang Liu Zisi
Volume 81
Biography 41
Liu Xiuzhi, Gu Chen, Gu Yanzhi
Volume 82
Biography 42
Zhou Lang, Shen Huaiwen
Volume 83
Biography 43
Zong Yue, Wu Xi, Huang Hui
Volume 84
Biography No.44
Deng Wan, Yuan Yi, Kong Yan
Volume 85
Biography No. 45
Xie Zhuang, Wang Jingwen
Volume 86
Biography 46
Yin Xiaozu, Liu Gui
Volume 87
Biography 47
Xiao Huikai, Yin Yan
Volume 88
Biography 48
Xue Andu, Shen Wenxiu, Cui Daogu
Volume 89
Biography 49
Yuan Can
Volume 90
Biography 50
Shaoling, the Four Kings of the Ming Dynasty Liu You King Suiyang Liu Xuan Xinxing Wang Liu Song Shi Jian Wang Liu Xi [8]
Volume 91
Biography 51
devotion to parents and loyalty to friends
Volume 92
Biography 52
good official
Volume 93
Biography 53
Volume 94
Biography 54
Volume 95
Biography No. 55
Volume 96
Biography No. 56
Xianbei, Tuyuhun
Volume 97
Biography 57
Volume 98
Biography No. 58
Volume 99
Biography No. 59
Two murderers
Volume 100
Biography No. 60
Self order [1]

Creation background


historical background

Song Dynasty Book
Song Dynasty was a feudal dynasty established in the south after the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Jin An Emperor In the second year of Yuanxing (A.D. 403), the governor of Jingzhou Huan Xuan He proclaimed himself emperor on behalf of Jin. The next year, the then general of Beifu Army Liu Yu In fact, the military and political power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was controlled by the army in Jingkou (today's Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province) and Guangling (today's Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province), overthrowing Huan Xuan and nominally restoring the rule of the Jin Dynasty.
Fifteen years later, Emperor Jin Gong In the second year of Yuanxi (420 A.D.), Liu Yu established the Song Dynasty and established its capital Jiankang (Nanjing today). After Liu Yu, there were seven generations Emperor Shun of Song Dynasty In the third year of Shengming (AD 479) Xiao Qi Is extinguished.
Song Shu was written in the Yongming period of the Southern Qi Dynasty at the beginning of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty. At this time, Emperor Xiaowen's reform had not been completed, but his strength could not be underestimated. The existence of the Northern Wei Dynasty seriously threatened the orthodox position of Liu Song. Therefore, Liu Song had to use various means to fight for, defend and consolidate his political power. Song Shu was born under such circumstances, shouldering the mission of "fighting for orthodoxy" for Liu and Song, and its national biography has an obvious color of "orthodoxy debate". [4]

Edit Process

The Book of the Song Dynasty was written by author of an epochmaking work in phonology The final assembly, however, was already on a large scale before that. Self Preface, Volume 1000 of the Book of the Song Dynasty, describes the previous history of the Song Dynasty in detail.
It is said that the Song Book has been compiled since Liu Song Dynasty, and the person who led it was the writer of the Song Dynasty He Chengtian , The Book of the Song Dynasty · Biography of He Chengtian said that Emperor Wen of Song Dynasty In the 16th year of Yuanjia era (439 years), the biographies were mainly written by the personnel of Emperor Wu, and the only historical records were "Astronomy" and "Law Calendar". The Book of Song · Biography of Pei Song also mentioned that after He Chengtian, Pei Songzhi In the continuation of the national history, however, "it was not time to write", that is, he died in the 28th year of Yuanjia (451) of Emperor Wen. However, Pei Songzhi was ordered to write Yuanjia Qiju Notes in 435, the 12th year of Yuanjia period, which left important first-hand materials for later generations to write the history of the Song Dynasty. Hereafter, there are Shan Qianzhi Su Baosheng continued his studies, but their working time is very short, so it is estimated that the length of writing is limited. In the sixth year of the Ming Dynasty (462) of Emperor Xiaowu, he wrote Xu Yuan According to the old manuscripts of He, Su and others, the "National History" was written from the "beginning of Wang's career" when Liu Yushi took charge of the state affairs in the first year of Yixi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (405) to the end of the Ming Dynasty. Among them, Zang quality Lu Shuang Wang Sengda It is said that it comes from Emperor Xiaowu Liu Jun Hands. It can be seen that there are six people who handle the Song Book assembled by Shen Yue. Pei Songzhi Although "it is not time to write", his "Yuanjia Qiju Note" is the basis for later generations to revise the history of the Song Dynasty He Chengtian The pioneering work of cohabitation.
The above is the compilation of the Song Shu system of Shen Yue's final assembly. Sui Shu · Jing Ji Zhi records Xu Yuan's sixty-five volumes of Song Shu, and Shen Yue's sixty-five volumes of Song Shu. The two books coexisted in the early Tang Dynasty《 Taiping Imperial Survey 》Among other books, there are still fragments of Xu Yuan's Song Shu. Shen Yue's Song Shu was expanded and revised on the basis of Song Shu by Xu Yuan and others. [9]

Appreciation of works


Ideological content

Most of the characters recorded in the Book of the Song Dynasty were lords and landlords, which reflected the ethos of advocating family status at that time. The Biography of Filial Piety and Justice was also added to the class biography, which advertised the so-called "filial piety" and "filial piety and honesty", and catered to the needs of rulers to "govern the world with filial piety". The book also proposes some useful political measures, which are illustrated with examples, such as opening up a wide range of ways to accept advice; Holding the law fairly and not playing favoritism; Select good officials and stay in their posts for a long time; Leniency of punishment and relaxation of government, reduction and exemption of service tax, etc., are of great benefit to improving people's lives. [3]

Editing characteristics

The biographies of the Book of the Song Dynasty use the method of narration, that is, the resumes and deeds of the relevant characters are written in the narration of their actions. For example, in The True Story of Lu Ling's Filial Piety Presenting King Yizhen, it is written that Yizhen met on the way to escape from Guanzhong Duan Hong The introduction of Duan Hong's life experience was inserted when he came here alone. This kind of narrative method saves the tedious work of the single independent biography.
The Book of the Song Dynasty records important information about national relations. For example, the Biography of Man Yi records the exchanges between the Song Dynasty and other countries. The Book of Song also recorded literature, such as Biography of Xie Lingyun, which described the development of literature since Qu Yuan, as well as the idea of using rhythm in poetry and prose. The elegant and fluent writing is also the prominent feature of Song Shu. [3]
The use of the narrative technique shows the author's ability to control the writing materials, making the complicated threads become orderly and rigorous under the control of the author. In Tang novels, there are many short passages like those in Song Shu. Li Gongzuo The Biography of Xie Xiao'e basically adopts a natural time sequence, with two interlocutions in the middle: "At the beginning, my father died, and my dream father declared"; "At the beginning, there were dozens of parties in Lan and Chun, secretly recording their names, and knowing how to catch and kill them". For the needs of the plot, it was written in simple style. Although it can not be said that the narrative technique of the legendary novels of the Tang Dynasty is completely derived from the Book of Song, it can at least be explained that the narrative technique is an effective narrative method, which has a certain impact on the narrative method of the later legendary novels of the Tang Dynasty. [7]


However, Song Shu also has shortcomings, its ideological tendency is relatively conservative and backward, so it distorts and covers up a lot of historical truth. [3]
There are many taboos in Song Shu, which is an undeniable fact, but the reason is related to the uniqueness of the compilation of Song Shu. Unlike the former "Four Histories", the Book of the Song Dynasty is not purely a private compilation of historians, nor is it a public revision of the post Tang history books. It is the first official history compiled by the historiographers, but actually it was jointly completed by the historiographers of the Song and Qi dynasties. The extant Shen Yue's Song Shu is based on 65 volumes of Song Shu written by Song Xuyuan. Shen Yue's "Book of the Upper Song Dynasty" said: "The book of the Song Dynasty was written by Lang He Chengtian, who started to write the book of the Song Dynasty. It was a preliminary biography, and it ended with a meritorious official of the Emperor Wu. The only records he wrote were" Astronomy "and" Law and Calendar ". Since then, he has been entrusted by the imperial court to ask Shan Qian to write. At the beginning of his filial piety, he was also ordered to write a book to look after his illness and die, and still made Su Baosheng, the imperial official of Nantai, continue to write biographies. All the famous officials of Yuanjia were written by him. Bao Sheng was killed. In the Ming Dynasty, he ordered Lang Xu Yuan to write the book. So why? Su said that it is a history, starting from the beginning of Yixi and ending at the end of the Ming Dynasty. " It can be seen that the 65 volumes of Xu Yuan's Song Shu were completed on the basis of the history written by He Chengtian, Shan Qianzhi and Su Baosheng. Contemporary people write about contemporary events, "events belong to the time", and the history is inconclusive. Historians write history, and their evaluation of characters is mostly influenced by the purpose of the time, and most of the characters in the biography involve monarchs and relatives, so the author can't help but hide for the respected and relatives. [7]

Later influence


Historical value

The Book of Song has preserved rich historical materials. Because the Book of Song was written by the people of the current dynasty who recorded the historical events of the current dynasty, although it was inevitable that the people in power would avoid, protect and use Qubi, the materials they contacted were far more abundant than those of later generations. This is reflected in the following aspects:
First, the imperial discipline and biographies in the Book of Song recorded the historical facts of class contradictions and social contradictions at that time. For example, the peasant uprising led by Sun Jieguang, a Fuyang man, was recorded in the "History of the Young Emperor" and "Biography of Chu Shudu"; The "barbarian" riots in Jingzhou, Yongzhou and Yuzhou are recorded in the "History of Emperor Wen", "Biography of Barbarians", "Biography of Shen Qing" and "Biography of Zhang Shao". In addition, in the imperial discipline and biographies of the kings, the political struggle of the Liu Song ruling group was also revealed, such as "Xu (Xianzhi), Fu (Liang) abolished the throne", "Prince Shao killed the rebels", "the rebellion of the Southern Jun Wang", "the rebellion of King Jingling", and "the rebellion of King Guiyang".
Second, Emperor Wu Ji and Emperor Wen Ji recorded the reform and“ Governance of Yuanjia ”; The former and the latter records the political corruption in the late Song Dynasty. Bai Guan Zhi recorded the political system of the Jin and Song dynasties, especially the Liu and Song dynasties. The Annals of Prefectures not only records the establishment of local administrative institutions in the Liu and Song Dynasties, but also traces the changes in the establishment of prefectures in the southern region since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, as well as the distribution of prefectures set up by overseas Chinese in the southern region during the Eastern Jin and Liu and Song Dynasties, which is of great historical value for the study of the historical geography of this period.
Third, although there is no "Shi Huo Zhi" specifically recording social and economic conditions in Song Shu, some historical materials reflecting social and economic development at that time have been preserved in some biographies. For example, in the Biography of Yang Xuanbao, it is mentioned that "the rich and strong occupy the mountain, while the poor and weak have no trust to cut the trees". We can see the situation of land acquisition at that time. The disputes about coinage reform are recorded in the Biography of Kong Lin, Biography of Fan Tai and Biography of He Shang, from which we can learn about the coinage and the development of monetary economy in the early years of the Southern Dynasty. The Biography of Xie Lingyun and the Biography of Kong Xiugong recorded the manor business of the gentry at that time, which can help us understand the form of manor economy. wait.
Song Dynasty Book
Fourth, the biographies and annals of the Song Dynasty recorded a lot about the development of science and technology at that time. For example, the Biography of He Chengtian recorded the achievements of the astronomer He Chengtian in astronomy, and the Chronicles of Law and Calendar recorded Yang Wei's《 Scene calendar 》He Chengtian《 Yuan Jiali 》And Zu Chongzhi's《 Daming Calendar 》。 The Five Elements Annals recorded the solar and lunar eclipses, earthquakes, floods and droughts. These are important historical materials for understanding and studying the development of science and technology at that time. Shen Yue's "theory" after "Biography of Xie Lingyun", which starts from Qu Yuan and Song Yu and continues to describe the development and evolution of literature since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, is an important article in the history of literary criticism.
Fifthly, the Biography of Manyi not only records the production and lifestyle of the minorities in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasties and the process of the integration of the minorities with the Han nationality, but also describes the origins of the founding of the Northern Wei Dynasty and Tuyuhun in the Biography of Suolu and the Biography of Tuyuhun, which can supplement the shortcomings of the Book of Wei. In addition, it also describes the transportation, trade and diplomatic exchanges between Asian countries such as India (India, Pakistan), Funan (Cambodia), Shiziguo (Sri Lanka), Nyingguo (Japan), Korea, Baekje (Korea) and the Liu Song Dynasty. It is a valuable historical data for studying the history of economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries during the Liu Song Dynasty. [10]

literary merit

Those who participated in the compilation of Song Shu Xu Yuan "A lot of books and biographies are involved, and you are still familiar with the imperial rites"; Continuation of his book author of an epochmaking work in phonology "Wisdom is vertical and horizontal", "poetry is abundant and capable", and poetry is "good at clearing up grievances". Although it is simple, it has a purpose. Their literary cultivation, especially Shen Yue's poetry creation and poetry rhythm research, will undoubtedly play a positive role in recording poetic literature in Song Shu. Because of this, there are a lot of poetics documents in Song Shu, which is an important historical book to study the development of poetics in the Southern Dynasty. At the same time, through the textual research on the poetics literature of Song Shu, we can understand the evolution of Chinese poetics from "the study of poetry and prose" in the Pre Qin Dynasty to "the study of the Book of Songs" in the Han Dynasty to "the study of poetry" in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. [6]
Many scholars of later generations often studied Liu Song literati and Liu Song literature on the basis of Song Shu. Prince Qi Zhaoming Xiao Tong Compiled《 Selected Works of Zhaoming 》Selected Yan Yanzhi Xie Lingyun Bao Zhao Xie Huilian Tao Yuanming author of an epochmaking work in phonology Wang Sengda At the same time, a brief introduction is made to these writers. The introduction is basically taken from Song Shu. [11]
Abandoning those imperial edicts, Fu Xi and Zhang Biao, the narration of Song Shu is still worth affirming. On the one hand, it basically follows the spirit of "factual record" of historical narrative. On the other hand, the author consciously uses the master's poems and essays to assist in narration, which enriches the narrative means of historical books. What is more valuable is that the Book of Song has created a new narrative technique - narrative method, which has a profound impact on later historical books and novel narration. [7]

Work evaluation

Tang dynasty Liu Zhiji "The Song family was born in the fifth century. It was located in the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers. It had hundreds of books and was titled Fanfu." [7]
the Qing dynasty Zhao Yi : "It is too tedious, and every edict, declaration, chapter and table can contain the full text without leaving a word, so I don't think there are many volumes". [7]

Version circulation

Most of the seven histories of the Southern and Northern Dynasties have been lost in the early Song Dynasty. Five of them were compiled by the Song people during the Renzong Jiahu period, and the remaining two histories of the Song Dynasty and the Northern Qi Dynasty. Shen Yue's Song Shu should be compiled before the Yuan Zhe period, so the New Tang Shu Yi Wen Zhi was recorded Li Baiyao As Chao Zhi said, "Northern Qi Shu" was finished in the middle of the reign of Emperor Huizong, and was the last one in the seven histories.
After the war of the Five Dynasties, most of the seven histories were lost. Therefore, when sorting out the seven histories in the Northern Song Dynasty, we often took each other's reference to make up for the lost. For example, the collation of "Song Shu" refers to the "Southern History" to supplement the evidence.
The seven history books were collated by the pavilion of the Northern Song Dynasty, and were reprinted in succession. However, the war in the Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty caused them to be robbed again. Chao Zhiyun: "In the near future, the Central Plains was occupied by the chaos of Jingkang in the mid afternoon, and this book was almost destroyed. In the 14th year of Shaoxing, Jing Xianmeng was a Sichuan Cao, and he began to call on the school officials of various prefectures to ask for the book issued on that day. At that time, more than 50 prefectures in Sichuan were not attacked by soldiers, and there were quite a few books in existence. However, the book was often incomplete, and only ten volumes of the Book of the Later Wei Dynasty were missing. Finally, I got Yuwen Jimeng's family book, and occasionally there were few, so seven histories were completed and ordered to be published in Meishan. " It is known that there is Meishan printed edition behind the pavilion edition. However, they are not passed on today. Today, the earliest version is the so-called "Three Dynasties Version", which was engraved in the Southern Song Dynasty and supplemented in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Since then, the Northern Jian of the Ming Dynasty has taken the Southern Jian's supplementary version as the base, and once again collated the stereotype, that is, the Northern Jian's version; At the same time of official book printing, the Jiguge Pavilion of Mao Jin in the late Ming Dynasty selected the Song version as the base copy, and proofread and engraved a large number of ancient books, including the Song Book, which is the Jiguge Pavilion version. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, great efforts were made to revise the literature, collate and engrave a group of books, correct the history of the Northern Ming Dynasty and hand it over to the Wuying Hall for printing. Among them, there is the Wuying Hall edition of Song Shu, which is called the Palace edition for short, and is more refined than the Ming edition. In the late Qing Dynasty, Jinling Book Company collated and published the edition for Jinling Book Company. In the 1920s and 1930s, Mr. Zhang Yuanji presided over the Commercial Press, reprinting the Twenty Four Histories. Most of them were based on the Song version, and then proofread the Ming and Qing versions. Compared with the previous versions, they are the versions with the highest academic value. The present edition of Songshu published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1974 is a consolidated edition after the founding of the Republic. It was collated by Wang Zhongluo. It is considered to be a better version of Songshu, which is based on the surviving editions of the Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties, the Northern Jian edition of the Ming Dynasty, the Mao's Jiguge edition, the Wuyingdian edition of the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the Jinling Book Company edition, and the Baina edition. [12]

Anecdotes and allusions

The earliest source of the word "local tyrant" is in the Book of Song Dynasty. Duan Shuangyin, a scholar, introduced that in ancient times, "native" means "indigenous people"; Heroes refer to people with talent, prestige and power. The Book of Song · Biography of Yin Yan records that "Shu Bao, the son of Dutan, is a local tyrant, who specializes in both internal and external military affairs." Here, it seems that there is a meaning of "celebrity on one side", which is not derogatory. There is also a saying in the Book of Song that "natives strengthen the beam". "Tuhao" emphasizes the local attribute, and "Haomin" emphasizes its social attribute. In a word, they are representatives of folk forces. They may obtain the status of bureaucrats and literati officials through various ways, or they may be reduced to dilapidation due to natural and man-made disasters. Later, the word "local tyrant" gradually changed. Today's popular word "local tyrant" has become a fashion symbol. [5]

About the author

author of an epochmaking work in phonology (441-513), with the word Xiuwen and the posthumous title of Yin, was called Shenyin Marquis. Wuxing Wukang (now Huzhou Deqing). Leader of the literary world in Qi and Liang dynasties. One of the "Jingling Eight Friends". From Xiao Yandai to Qi Dynasty, to Liang Wudang Dynasty, he had long been at the end of the Coyett, and sometimes met with a grand occasion. The officials went to the minister's order, and the feudal princes of Changxian County led the prince and the young Fu. Shen Yue, "a good tomb book, gathers books to 20000 volumes, and the capital is Mobi", integrating poets and historians, inheriting Han and Wei dynasties, and starting Sui and Tang dynasties. Proficient in melody, he created the theory of "four tones and eight diseases" with Zhou Zhan, which opened a new realm of verse creation at that time. His poems focused on rhythm and antithesis, and the time sign was "Yongming style". He has compiled the records of Jin Shu, Song Shu, Qi Ji and Liang Wu Ji. [13]