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[ān lā]
The title of the dominant person to be worshipped in the Koran
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All  h, yes Islamism Classic《 the Koran 》The highest single reality in the universe worship The master name of the. Transliteration: allahu (commonly known as allah).
Common Chinese Muslim Known as the only true master Allah In the early translation of scriptures, "Zhiren Zhu" was the most commonly used. currency Turki farsi and Urdu Of Muslim It is called Huda (owner).
Allah is the world Muslim The only master of worship is believed to create all things in the universe and nurture the whole world. This world has sent many prophets to convey to mankind truth The master of fair liquidation in later generations.
Chinese name
Foreign name
الله、Allāh [1]
Allah Allahu [1]
The unique and worshipful name of the universe
Religious system

Detailed introduction

the Koran 》The word "ه" in "ه" is composed of two arabic The words "ه" and "ه" are composed. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. هههههههه (a pair of black) is a general noun, meaning: worship The owner of, the arabian peninsula On Polytheism Many idols are called "ه". the Koran 》The ه in is composed of ه and ه, namely ه, in which the second ه of ه (the long note 'Elief') is expressed as a long sound; Also, the first letter of ه ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه1607. The word ههههههه has no plural form, no yin and yang changes, and no derivatives, but specifically refers to the supreme and beautiful name of being worshipped, that is, this worshiper refers exclusively to God, and this honorific name itself denies any proposed worshippers except him.
Allah Scripture
The word ه is also Sumerian The master of the ancient times semitic People (including Hebrew arab Phoenicians and Assyrian )The honorific title of the Creator is like the English word God. believe in Islamism or Christianity Of arab , also called the Creator as ه (ALLAH), because Aramaic Hebrew Arabic All from Sumerian These languages“ dominate ”The pronunciation of "EL" is very similar. The word "EL" in Aramaic is equivalent to the word "God" spoken by Jews, and the pronunciation of "EL" is very similar to that of "ه". In Hebrew, the address "God" has the same situation, similar to the pronunciation of "EL" or "ELAH" in Hebrew, and its plural form is "Elohim".
Israel Use the plural to honor the creator. In the Oriental language system, the plural of nouns has two usages: one to express the number, and the other to express the honorific and solemn plural. In the Prophet Isa Jesus )Language of Aramaic (Arabic sister language) is also the only proper noun that dominates. (See 1980 edition《 Encyclopedia Britannica 》Allah and Elohim).
arab Accepted on Islam In the obscurantism period before Christianity, the word "ه" was used to refer to the supreme and unique master arab While worshiping God, he also worships other idols. according to the Koran 》It is recorded that before the rise of Islam, some Arabs and“ Confucian classics ”( Judaism Tuhe Nazarene )They all use the word ههههههههههههههههههههههههههه160. But while they believed in and worshipped God, they also set up different kinds of companions and worshipped God.
When Islam rose, the prophet Mohammed According to the revelation, it is announced that what you should worship is the only God to be worshipped, and there is no idol to be worshipped except Him. It negates what people did at that time except Allah Chongxin The divinity of all the gods and holy things in the universe affirms that God is the only one who creates and dominates all things in the universe Almighty Because the correct religious belief comes from the enlightenment of the highest reality (God) in the universe, so many useless and useless nihility gods are abandoned, and God is the only supreme master in the world. And through the announcement of enlightenment, he pointed out that God is the creator of all things in the world. He is free, without beginning or end, eternal, invisible, and benevolent, Natural Self support, omniscient and omnipotent, superior to all things, unique and unique, no match, no rival, no offspring, neither living nor born of things, nothing is similar to him, and at the same time, it is majestic, Good and evil It must be reported, and the liquidation is very fast. And he announced that if there were many masters between heaven and earth, then heaven and earth would be destroyed. Therefore, the only way to believe in God is the core and foundation of Islam. It also describes that Allah has no beginning before and no end after, which is extremely obvious and subtle. He knows everything, listens to everything, is omnipotent, and has insight into everything. All great powers belong to him. All things in the world are signs of his existence and greatness. All things are decaying, and only Allah's body is immortal. All beautiful praises belong to him.
Respect for Allah's oneness is the core of Islam Absolute obedience to the will of God is the basic requirement of Islam. This simple monotheistic belief is the main spiritual strength of Islam.
Allah's Chain
Later, doctrinalists based on the Koran and《 Hadith 》The statement of Allah in is more systematic. They put forward that God is an ontological being, not an abstract concept, nor is it people's subjective imagination. People's reason and thinking are just a medium to know God. God has created all things, but is superior to all things. He does not depend on all things, nor is he subject to any restrictions and restrictions, but dominates the "world". The small world is like the human world, the fairy world, the animal world, the plant world, and the large world is like the changes of the universe, the operation of the celestial galaxy system, etc. Whether Macro world The micro world, the material world or the spiritual world are all in the will and control of God.
God has created human beings, endowed them with reason, and made them free to think, judge and act. All human beings are not beyond God's will and reservation. Therefore, Islam requires people not only to obey the will of God, but also to believe in his kindness and kindness to human beings, thank him, worship him, believe in his majesty and punishment, and fear him. His commands and prohibitions cannot be violated.
Stone with Allah Scripture
Later, I will study in the doctrinal science( Keram studies )Is developing, Murtaizilai Opposing the symbolic understanding of God Anthropomorphism And the flesh school, using the method of rational thinking, emphasized the unity of God's noumenon and attributes, and advocated that the Koran was not eternal, but created; Adhere to the absolute justice of Allah, advocate that people have free will and should be responsible for their own actions.
Orthodox school( Sunni Adhere to God's timeless and transcendental nature, advocate the coexistence of God's unique and numerous attributes, and recognize that perception, ability, life, hearing, vision, will, creation and speech are the most basic attributes without a beginning; As the word of God, the Koran is non creation and non beginning; Emphasize that Allah is the creator of all human actions Predetermined Human beings have relative freedom of will; For the text of personified expression, adopt the creed of accepting only and not studying deeply. Because the Koran says: He sent you this classic, which contains many clear verses, which are the basis of the whole scripture; There are many other obscure passages. Those with evil thoughts follow the subtle verses in an attempt to mislead people and seek the truth of the Scripture. Only Allah knows the truth of Scripture. The man who is proficient in learning said, "We have been convinced that it is revealed from our Lord, both explicit and subtle. Only the rational will become aware." (3:7).
The Pilgrims of Allah
sufism With the purpose of spiritual cultivation of unity with God, the author explains that God alone "has no existence except God", and believes that only God is real existence, and all things in the world are just God's self manifestation and externalization, which has developed from uniqueness to "oneness of existence". Later, Sufism developed“ Pantheism ”And“ On the Unity of Man and Lord ”The idea was rejected by Sunnis.
Islamic Modernism To be in harmony with modern science and rationality coordinate , while adhering to the uniqueness of God, we should emphasize the initiative and freedom of will it gives to people, and encourage people to understand the omnipotence and perfection of God by exploring the mysteries of nature. Some Islamic doctrinal philosophers call Allah“ Primary cause ”, "what should be", "absolute existence" or "absolute truth", and call the will of God“ natural law ”Etc.
Chinese Islamic educators in the Qing Dynasty Liu Zhi according to Sufism The point of view of, made the following statement: God is "the truth in the invisible", "there is no image, there is indeed", "its original body is useful and promising; "The body stands before the two qi, and is used after the appearance of everything", "The body is hidden and unknown; its use is subtle and unpredictable; its use is vaguely visible". Allah is not only the emperor's master of "born in nature", "born human beings", "master the universe and human beings", but also the "origin of the heaven and earth characters", "the master of all things is not changed, it is not changed; the wonderful myriad things are not changed, which is not its traces", "work without waiting, change without limitation, nurture without leaving, give without ending"; It is "the beginning of all regulating qi and the end result of all regulating qi". "The so-called combination of man and nature is the same here, and the so-called return to life is the same here".

Honor the name

Allah, in addition to the name of ه《 the Koran 》There are also many names in it for addressing. Before God created all things, there was only one name, that is, هه, which is also the most noble name of God. Other honorific names are synonyms that praise God's attributes from different aspects. Before the creation of the world, Allah was not called the creator, the nurturer, etc. Therefore, the rest of Allah's honorific names are new. However, it cannot be denied that Allah had the ability to create and nurture before the creation of the world. Therefore, the attributes of Allah are the same as his own entity. It is just that before the creation of the world, there was no ability to exert those attributes mosque The meaning of "initially without name" on the plaque.
The other honorific names of Allah can be divided into two categories in terms of content: one is the title that is respected by others; One is a kind of commendable address, and each word of honorific name has its extended meaning. According to the doctrine, Muslims are prohibited from using other names to address Allah except those mentioned in the Koran and Hadith , such as motive force, God, God, writer, spirit, pure self, unknown, etc.
The Koran mentions 100 Names of Allah , namely: ه, universal, special, authoritative, holy, peaceful, protective, guardianship, omnipotent, powerful, supreme, creative, creative, formative, forgiving, ruling, generous Universal philanthropy ", decisive, thorough, controlling everything, joyful, demoting, promoting, honouring, humbling, intelligent, discerning, impartial, just, benevolent, knowledgeable, tolerant, great, forgiving, rewarding, exalting, dignified, dignified, sheltering" Mu Min He who gives people food and money Last Judgment The honorable, dignified, supervised, responsive, lenient, sagacious, beloved, glorious, resurrected from the dead, witnessed, real, trustworthy, powerful, firm, supervised, praised, identified with good and evil, created, recreated, endowed with life, dominated by death, immortal, immortal, abundant, outstanding Unique, everything depends on, omnipotent, powerful, predetermined, endless, primitive, unique, visible, hidden, unified supreme They are honest, honest, penitent, punishing evil, forgiving, compassionate, ruling all, dignified and virtuous, just, gathering all things, asking for nothing, rich, philanthropic, anti evil, punishing, benefiting people, brilliant, guiding, outstanding, eternal, collecting heritage, intelligent, and patient.


Allah Messenger
Attributes exist because of God's noumenon, which is an abstract property attached to God's noumenon, but the original attribute cannot be attached to God's noumenon. When confirming the attributes of God, it is forbidden to compare the attributes of the created, to be the servant of the attributes, to pray to the attributes of God, and to deduce his name from the attributes of God, but attributes can be deduced from the name. This is the principle of Islamic dogma. Sunnis claim that attribute is a word that confirms the meaning attached to Allah. The non beginning of God's existence has all the attributes of non beginning and perfection. Allah has certain positive attributes, such as: no beginning, creativity, omnipotence, etc; There are also some negative attributes, such as non matter, non atom, etc. The attribute of Allah is not the body of Allah, nor is it anything else. All the attributes of Allah are neither original nor created, but just like the essence of Allah, they have no beginning.
Shiite and Murtaizilai Proposition: Allah's ontology and attributes are unified, and there is absolutely no duality in the existence of attributes and attributes. That is to say, God has no certain attribute of no beginning, and he acts on the basis of noumenon. The positive attribute of Allah is its noumenon, not attached to it, that is, the attribute of Allah is its noumenon in terms of extension and existence, but it is different from the noumenon in terms of content and meaning. Therefore, whether this school seriously believes that God's noumenon is omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omniscient, omniscient, omniscient and omniscient. It is believed that adding many attributes to Allah's essence will destroy the uniqueness of Allah.
Allah pilgrim
Allah said: They must not pry into his mysteries except what he (Allah) has revealed (2:255) This is because of the limitation of reason. God only allows human beings to know him within their ability, and does not require human beings to pry into the mystery of his attributes that they cannot relate to. If human beings insist on transcending their own rational category, they will not only wander, but even become deranged, or fall into pure speculation. Therefore, the limited rationality of human beings cannot directly understand God's noumenon, and rationality needs to know God through some of his attributes. The attributes of God are infinite. In addition to enlightenment, it is forbidden to study the attributes of God, speculate on the behavior of God, and even imagine the body of God, because all human thinking tools are not endowed with this ability. Muslims firmly believe in the existence of God. Because reason is restricted by the limits set by God, they feel at a loss when understanding and imagining God. That's what Allah ordered his servants to believe“ yugen ”The essence of. So believers are superior to non believers. If the curtain disappears, heavy curtain When it is revealed that the mystery has become a matter of the world, believers are no longer superior to non believers, because the most important element of responsibility no longer exists.
Allah pilgrim
Allah said: Praise Allah and surpass all things. He is beyond their description. (6:100) This is due to the limitations and weakness of language, because it is human language after all. The concepts in the human mind are limited. When describing things, they all borrow the existing concepts and languages. New concepts and words will continue to emerge on the basis of inheritance, but ultimately they are limited. This is also the dilemma faced when elaborating God. On the attribute of expressing the unique God noumenon, God uses Arabic to show the classics, so that Recognize the uniqueness of the Lord Only Arabic is the most accurate and beautiful expression of the belief of "Li". No translation in any other language can accurately express the meaning of the original text. The translation words in any language are the historical and cultural carrier of that nation, with some impure semantic color. When translating or interpreting religious words, the translator has insurmountable obstacles in grasping the sacred characteristics of religion, especially some words about God's respect for names and attributes. Inappropriate play or interpretation can easily make God's respect for names and attributes personified, visualized, and materialized. Secondly, everything in human thinking, no matter concrete objects or abstract time, has a beginning and an end, while God has no beginning and no end, no margin, no limit, no image, no description, which is the immensity and subtlety that people cannot imagine, and the eternity that cannot be described. In a word, no matter how this term explains Allah, the description of Allah is limited and limited. It cannot reach the beautiful accuracy of the original revelation, but as a human being, it cannot remain silent and use the language it understands to explain.
Explain some main attributes
1. Realistic. The existence of Allah is the foundation of Islamic dogma. Only by understanding its primary source and source can we know the essence of small and differentiated facts. Allah's existence is not subject to experiment, verification, witness, etc. It can not be proved by the senses alone, and he belongs to the category of sound reason. The existence of Allah is perfect and does not depend on the factors that affect it. The feature of Allah's existence is that it is not troubled by "nothing". Whether human beings believe in the existence of God or not does not harm the existence of God. The existence of all things in the universe does not affect the existence of God. As for all beings except Allah's existence, they are fragmentary and subordinate ones. They trace back to other things, and depend on the existence of a creator. They are the existence that exists first, then exists, and finally tends to perish. Deny that Allah has such attributes as essence, matter, image, atom, molecule, part, movement and stillness, weight, duality, space, separation, integration, form, boundary, ultimate, and quantity, because they are the attributes of fragmentary and created things. Generally speaking, "Allah is with you" means that Allah's guardianship and kindness are with you. The body of Allah will never be with the creature, and the approaching of Allah does not occupy space and time like the creature. Reason's inability to think about a thing does not prove that it does not exist, because reason cannot comprehend all existence fact Reason cannot record all images and forms.
Sunnis deny part of Sufi's mysticism, that is, nothing exists except the body of God. The essence of Allah is the existence of the world itself. Therefore, all the cosmic entities seen by human beings are actually just a few drops of Allah's existence in these images and forms! In this way, we mistakenly believe that the existence of God is an empty container, in which there is only something called "existence". We imagine God as a container full of all kinds of beings and creatures.
2. Divinity. Only Allah has the unique right to be worshipped, can only worship and obey him, can only pray to him and repent. Deny the right to be worshipped by beings other than Allah, that is, deny the worship of gods, idols, sun, moon, stars, prophets, great men angel , elves, ghosts and gods and any other creatures created, deny worship of lust, money, stars, status, etc. Shahada The first part (there is nothing to be worshiped except God) emphasizes the existence, uniqueness and unique divinity of God.
3. Unique. Deny the imagination of "quantity" in Allah's noumenon, attribute and behavior. That is, it is not composed of some parts, nor is it composed of parts. The theme of uniqueness: not the whole composed of parts, nor the whole composed of parts. Allah's noumenon and attribute have no iconicity; No similarity in knowledge and ability; No partner in creation and support; Absolutely unique in all perfect attributes. Allah's oneness negates dualism And Trinity. If there are two or more masters of the universe, there are two conclusions: mutual opposition leads to the decay of the universe; Collective collaboration shows incompetence. Sufism's claim to uniqueness is a single existence, that is, nothing exists except God.
4. No beginning. Allah is the existence that starts but does not start. Allah is ahead of any existence that human beings can imagine, and there is absolutely no existence that precedes him. No beginning is original, which is the existence before the universe. Therefore, the "being" of God is inherent, original, and the existence of super matter before the universe. If God has a beginning, then there must be an influential person to create him. If so, God is not the master. At this time, there must be another god who exists before him and is also the creator of the creator of God. This just delays the problem, which will inevitably lead to Circulation theory Assumptions of.
The "beginning" without beginning is used to express the concept of time. It can be understood that "without beginning" has no meaning of time. Only when time exists can "beginning" have actual meaning. God existed before he created time and space, and there was no concept of time before he created time. Therefore, it is meaningless to use the concepts of time and space to state God's ontology and attributes. Therefore, Allah is not confined to the space and time created by himself, that is, Allah does not occupy space and time. All beings must rely on an inevitable ontology in their own survival process. This ontology only affects other things, but is not affected by external things to become an inevitable existence. This requires God to have the attribute of having no beginning.
5. Eternity. Allah has eternal existence that does not disappear or destroy, otherwise Allah will not exist necessarily. Allah's noumenon and attributes are stable. His way of existence is the same as that before he created everything, and will not change, update, increase or decrease due to time and space. God has the attribute of stability, and he is not affected by the essence, phenomenon, body and other creatures; It is also not involved in the transfer of places and activities. God should not be restricted by anything. This attribute negates the“ To become flesh ”。
6. No end. The existence of non existence after the exclusion of Allah's noumenon is also the last existence, just as his first existence was. If extinction is imposed on Allah, then he must belong to the dispensable part. All dispensable things have a beginning, which is inconsistent with the attributes of Allah. The existence of things can be divided into four types: first, there is no beginning and no end, that is, God; Second, there is a beginning and an end (dispensable), that is, the universe is diverse except Allah; Third, there is an endless existence, that is, what Muslims believe later ages Even though they are endless, they exist with the permission and power of Allah. Therefore, the existence of these beings depends on Allah's domination, and Allah's existence does not need cause; Fourth, there is no beginning and end, that is, the false world whose existence has been denied (there must be no).
7. Self support. Allah needs nothing. Allah existed before all things existed, before time and space existed. Allah's existence does not require time and space. Nothing unique in the world is absolute isolation and self existence, autonomy, self-reliance, self perfection and reality, and God is not affected by any creation and composition, and God is pure and pure. Those who do not understand that Allah is not limited by space are because his knowledge is the possible attribute and new born attribute that he acquired after studying the body, image, form and events. If God is limited by space, and someone can imagine his existence in that direction, then the rational understanding of things must not be inferior to the creator.
8. 1. Unconventional. This attribute negates the personified God. Allah's noumenon, attribute and behavior are completely different from all things. Allah has neither form nor contingency, nor whole or part. It is forbidden to compare God with the attributes of the created, and to visualize and personify God. Nothing looks like him. (42:11) The literal combination of the preposition "Xiang" and "similar" of analogy is more negative to the fact that Allah has companions or similar. Nothing can rival him. (112:4) The meaning of "equal" and "similar" is the same. Deny the action and mechanization in God's behavior; Deny that Allah has the attributes of creation such as increase and decrease, renewal, combination, division, separation, decomposition, movement, state, contingency, emotion, rest, struggle, etc. The noumenon of God has nothing to do with anything that the human brain imagines. Everything that human beings can see or imagine has a "qualitative" concept of thinking, which is the limitation of human thinking, because everything that human beings can imagine is created just like the human noumenon. But God is beyond all things, beyond people's thinking and imagination, and beyond the expression of human "words have something" language. Allah is not an abstract concept in philosophy, such as Causality , non-polar or transcendental It is also not the "heaven and earth" or "heaven and earth are inferior" representing nature in Chinese.
In God's unconventional attribute, will, knowledge, ability, etc. are common attributes of God and human beings, but there are the following differences: these attributes are attributes of God's ontology. These attributes, like Allah's noumenon, have no beginning; These attributes are non ontological attributes of human beings, with the nature of being created and new born attributes. When human beings were born, these attributes were not perfect or even possessed; These attributes are just a drop of grace from God to human beings, which makes human beings enjoy the sea, and cannot be equal to God. There is a world of difference between human beings and Allah in the essence and essence of these attributes, just the same name. If it is not allowed to use such proprietary terms to address human beings, then these names must not be used together; If the creature tries to analyze and understand the will, or behavior, or thought of the creator through these created attributes, then human understanding and knowledge of all things must not be inferior to God, which is worse, and reason is more ignorant.
nine Omniscient Through this attribute, Allah reveals some things, clarifies the original appearance of these things in reality, and insight into the situation it will form in the future. Allah knows all things and their essence, and nothing in heaven and earth can hide him. Know the surface and internal. He knew the creature before he created it.
Human knowledge differs from God's knowledge in three aspects: in the amount of knowable things. Because the things that people can know, even if extensive and profound, are still limited and cannot be compared with unlimited knowledge; What people know is just the starting point to "know", and will never reach an endless end. Some of the things we see are only seen from outside the thin curtain, and the level of discovery is constantly deepening; Allah's knowledge is eternal, not inspired by other things, but all things are only inspired by Allah. Human knowledge is new and acquired.
10. Versatility. Through this attribute, Allah easily creates every possible thing to destroy and rectify it. Allah has absolute omnipotence and will to implement. God is supreme, controlling all things, and nothing can control him. The noble Lord controls the servants with the laws of the universe, and no one can get rid of his power. He makes people live, die, rich, poor, noble, and humble. He does what he wants to do with his creatures. His orders are not rejected, and his judgments are flawless. Allah has complete power and perfect ability, and no situation can make him incompetent.
11. Life. Those whose actions lead to their own lives. "Allah, there is nothing to be worshipped except him; he is immortal..." (2:255)
12. Hearing. It is associated with something audible or existing. These things are neither perceived through imagination and illusion, nor through the influence of the senses and the transmission of air. In spite of different purposes and degrees, Allah can hear the voice of all creatures and cannot hide it at all. Allah's hearing is different from human hearing. Human hearing is a kind of hearing that exists in the middle ear. It depends on the action of vibration, depends on the air leading to the senses as the medium, and is affected by the senses.
13. Vision. It is connected with the visible or existing things, which are perceived neither through imagination and illusion, nor through light radiation. God will not ignore what it has created. God can see all things thoroughly, every action and every word without any omission. No matter huge or subtle, nothing can be hidden from it. Allah's vision is not like human's vision. Human's vision is the vision that resides in two visual nerves outside the brain. In terms of auditory and visual attributes, it is forbidden to attribute human and animal attributes such as taste, smell, touch, ears, eyes, etc. to Allah.
14. Will. Issue some existing, nihilistic and rectification instructions to the possible things. God is born knowing what he will do and create in the right time. Allah's will is perfect, free from any need or compulsion. [1]
15. Creation. God created all things from nothing. All things are created except Allah. God creates all things without any precedent, and makes the created things perfect, beautiful, precise and orderly. God creates all things without careful consideration, without the use of experience, without the help of new intermediaries, and without the tendency of God's ontology. God's power predetermines all things from the beginning without any medium or factor. The existence of all things was once based on a direct factor - God's power and creation. God does not need to base his behavior on thinking and thinking, that is, to deny the motivation of God's behavior. The creation of all things is not to strengthen his authority, nor to worry about the results. God creates all things through the attribute of "creation", and the way of creation is attribute "words". The Koran says, "He is the one who created heaven and earth according to the truth. On that day, he said, 'There is', and the world will be there." (6:73). All things in the world are made up of atoms and duality directly created by God.
The Murtaizilai School holds that God first created a single world reason, and world reason created spirit and soul, and world spirit produced the original material through its inherent attributes. Sophie mysticism claims that God first creates names, appearances and concepts, and then creates all things in the universe and human beings according to names, appearances and concepts.
16. Speech. Allah promulgates orders, prohibitions and announcements through this attribute, and through this attribute, he expresses the system scripture that he enlightens the messengers, such as:《 The Five Sutras of Moses 》、《 poem 》、《 the gospels 》The Koran is the words of God. It is true that Allah talks about the topic of his desires in the way he desires Musa Moses )Speaking, his language is not transmitted through air, his language does not come from a certain direction, and his language is not perceived by Musa's hearing. His words are not the same as letters and sounds. In short, his words are not like the words of the creature, just as his existence is not like the existence of the creature, and sounds are just letters that are read as signs, just as they are sometimes represented by signs and marks. For this attribute, it is the most controversial and famous doctrinal discussion in the history of Islam.
The Murtazilai sect believes that the Heavenly Sutra is some sounds and letters created by God in other places. Apart from these sounds and letters, they have not affirmed another thing called "language" to God. The literal meaning of the Koran is composed of orders, prohibitions, and declarations of people. If this meaning is declaration, its name is knowledge; If the meaning is command or prohibition, the name is will. Therefore, the Muataqilai sect believes that the Koran is created and has a beginning. The Sunnis believe that we do not deny the view of the Murtazilai faction, and the difference with the Murtazilai faction is that this meaning has no beginning, and the name of this meaning is the language of ontology. Some words are used to express this attribute, which is neither the essence of knowledge nor the essence of will.
Christian theology The use of the doctrine "Tao becomes flesh" to this problem
As for the source of differences in the Koran and its created or non created words, the opinions of evangelists and Orientalists are the debates between Muslims and Christians. All this is based on the words of God:
messiah ·Ersa( Messiah ·Jesus), just the messenger of God, only he granted maryam His words are just the spirit (soul) from him; So you should be sure of Allah and his messengers, not to mention three. (4:171) Arguments triggered by "a sentence awarded to Melyan". Christianity refutes Muslims: Who is Mexiha? Is he a word of God? Then, is this word created or not created? If it is not created, Mexiha is God. If it was created, before the birth of Mexiha, Allah did not have a word and soul. This is the debate between the creation and the beginning of the Koran.
Allah's words are just his words: "Yes". For example, when he wants to create anything, his thing is just to say, "Yes," and it will be there. (36:82) If the meaning of "there" is no beginning, then it does not need that things related to this word also become groundless. Ersa, the son of Melyan, is not the word "you" itself. Ersa, the son of Melyan, is the related thing of the word. Allah's declaration of Ersa with "one sentence" itself is more illustrative of this connection, which makes people more aware that "He was created purely because of the will of Allah.". If the things connected by the will, like the will itself, have no beginning, then the whole world will have no beginning, because it is only the result of God's will and God's words. Because the Koran says: "He is the one who created heaven and earth based on the truth. On that day, he said 'there is', and the world was born. His words are the truth. On the day of blowing the trumpet, the power of the country is only his. He knows that he is wise, he is wise, and he knows it thoroughly." (6:73). "She (Malyan) said: 'My Lord, no one has ever contacted me, how can I have a son?' The angel said: 'The main thing is the man who created his will. When he judges a thing, he only says' Yes' to that thing, and it will be there.'" (3:47). "In the eyes of Allah, Jesus is really like Adan( Adam )Same. He used earth to create Adan, and then he said to him, "If there is, he will have it." (3:59)
Allah created Adan (Adam) and Jesus (Jesus) and all things with the words of "being". In this way, Allah narrates that Ersa, the son of Melyan, "has". He is created for a creature. As if all things were created new, even if they were connected by God's endless appeal. Similarly, the creation of Ersa, the son of Melyan, also had a beginning, even though he was connected by the appeal of God without a beginning. Also in Catholicism and Judaism Medium, priest and rabbi We agreed that at the beginning, Yahweh (Creator) Create heaven and earth by "talking".
In fact, both the Murtazilai sect and the orthodox sect (Sunni sect) agree that the words of the Koran have a beginning, and its meaning has no beginning. Their differences are limited to the naming of the meaning of no beginning. Wushi is called the attribute of speech, or the attribute of knowledge and will!
17. Justice. Allah is extremely dignified, and good and evil will be rewarded. Allah's justice, he will never wrong mankind, and his judgment is absolutely fair: those who follow the main line of good will be rewarded, and those who disobey the main line of evil will be punished. Will not be abused and unjust. Allah does not punish what is beyond the power of human beings, nor does he punish those who should not be punished. All that Allah does is perfect. Allah is never arbitrary in his judgments. All his judgments are just and there will be no injustice. Allah only orders people after sending prophets to promulgate the scriptures, that is, before the emissaries were sent, there was neither teaching nor duty, and residents who did not hear the message of the previous prophets were neither asked nor charged. But we should bear the moral fault. "... I will not punish (anyone) before sending emissaries.". (17:15)
18. Honesty. Deny that Allah has the attribute of lying. All words of Allah are honest. He will not violate his words or his promises.
19. Liquidation. He redoubles the work of Allah's servants Reciprocate Those who do good punish those who do evil. The noble Lord can easily liquidate the work of servants, and if the creature wants to do that, it must painstakingly hurt the mind; Be able to give everyone the return they deserve at the same time, without hesitation, and not delay the liquidation of one person for another.
20. Reliance. Only Allah is the object on which all things rely to solve their needs and fill their gaps.
21. Greatness. The noumenon and attribute of Allah are supreme and majestic for all things, with all the sense of honor and high position. Noumenon, attribute and behavior all have absolute dignity.
22. No requirement. God created all things not by necessity. Allah does not need everything, but all living beings ask of him. Allah does not need the worship of the world, but the worship of human needs.
23. Guardianship. Allah maintains all things by protecting, providing, arranging and handling things. He records the behaviors of the creatures, their language, and their beliefs and hearts. Nothing can hide him. Protect his servants from evil, evil tricks, evil deeds and injuries.
24. Wisdom. It includes power, authority, thorough knowledge and mastery. He arranges everything accurately. He creates everything and makes it beautiful and perfect.
25. Excellence. Allah is holy, without any defect, pure from all filth, and detached from all defects. His noumenon, attribute and behavior have absolute superiority and perfection.
26. Kesong. All praise belongs to Allah, and the praise of all the praisers cannot reach the praise that Allah deserves. All good belongs to him, and all evil does not originate from him. Evil is not the behavior of Allah. Natural disasters and sufferings are warnings to the world, so that they can return to Allah. It is also a punishment for mistakes and crimes.
27. Zhiren. This attribute is applicable to all life forms in this life. Allah has mercy on them, and gives them nourishment and grace.
28. Be merciful. This attribute is only for believers in later generations, referring to paradise.
29. Desire. Every action of Allah has a purpose. His action originates from his will. His will is practiced in his creation. When the true mind desires a thing, he says' Yes' to that thing, and it is there. Allah has fixed the position of all things. With his grace, he advances the things he desires, with his justice, he delays the things he desires, and he makes the people he desires noble or humble.
30. Sovereignty. Allah has dominion in all senses, including sovereignty, honor, high position, assistance and rule. Allah regards his Mingzhe Dominating the servants and making them obey his power, no one can surpass his command, whether essential or capable.
31. Dominate life and death. Only God can give life and recall life. Give the inanimate essence and life, and then give life. On the second birthday, he revives the decayed body with the return of the soul. He revives the soul with the light of knowledge.
32. Shape. Allah gives images to the creatures. They have their own shapes and are distinguished by different shapes so that they can identify each other.
33. Nurturing. The recuperator of all things, giving wide benefits, maintains all lives according to the strength required by each life.
34. Noble and generous. Allah is generous and generous. His almsgiving will never end, and his generosity will never stop. His generosity and grace are given to all things in the world. Huishi Benefits and benefits without return.
35. Preparation method. Allah has made it clear to mankind that he should abide by what is lawful, stay away from what is illegal, and choose to do or not to do what is permitted.
36. Guidance. Allah guides people in the right way, and sends many messengers to this end. Let those who have a correct mind move towards success, entrust them with heavy responsibilities and perseverance.
37. Beloved. Love and pure friendship. Allah Ibrahim And Muhammad as close friends is out of their love. Allah loved his servants and made laws for them. He loved his servants, loved him, and approached him. Sophie mysticism Theory of divine love (People love each other) divides love into three types: natural love, spiritual love and the highest level of divine love. Mysterious love requires being close to God and loving God, which is also accepted by most Sunnis and integrated into orthodox doctrines.
38. Tolerance. Allah allows disobedients and evildoers not to punish them in this world, but to provide them with food and forgive them in order to make them repent, convert them, call them to repent, and not rush to punish them. Tolerance is not weak forgiveness, and not eager to punish is tolerance.
39. Covering the Ugly. Allah conceals the ugliness of his servants and does not reveal their crimes and mistakes. Allah's concealment of ugliness is reflected in the present and future generations.
40. Forgive me. Allah forgives servants for their mistakes, forgiving them by giving them grace, or by accepting their repentance and converting them to Him. Allah has bestowed grace on his servants, allowing them to repent after they have sinned, accepting their repentance, and then giving them back to change their repented crimes. Allah often covers up the mistakes of his servants and forgives them more than punishes them.
41. Punish evil. It is a kind of behavior attribute aimed at the unbelievers, criminals and tyrants. Punishment is the divine and just attribute shown against the perpetrator. According to the judgment of God, punishment may occur in this world or in the future.
42. Dim attributes. According to the superficial phenomenon, some scriptures in the Koran and Hadith are easy to be confused in expressing God's attributes, such as space, body, etc. For example:
The command of your Lord comes together with the angels on duty (89:22). (Denying the space occupied by God)
The hand of Allah is above their hand (48:10). (Denying that Allah has limbs)
He created heaven and earth in six days, and then ascended to the throne. (10:3) (Denying that Allah occupies the throne space)
These scriptures belong to a subtle category, and other scriptures are clear, such as: you say: He is Allah, the only Lord; Allah is on which all things depend; He did not produce, nor was he produced: nothing could rival him. (112:1-4) Allah severely condemns those who do not know clarity and are categorical; And those who follow up unclear and obscure scriptures and interpret them as they please are reflected in a sentence of Allah: He sent you this classic, which contains many clear verses, which are the basis of the whole scripture; There are many other obscure passages. Those with evil thoughts follow the subtle verses in an attempt to mislead people and seek the truth of the Scripture. Only Allah knows the truth of Scripture. The man who is proficient in learning said, "We have been convinced that it, both explicit and subtle, is revealed from our Lord. Only rational people can become aware of it.
43. See God in person. According to the Koran, the prophet Moussa (Moses) once asked to see Allah with his own eyes, but Allah showed signs, so Moussa fainted to the ground. Some doctrinalists believe that the request of the Prophet Moussa is wrong in essence, because the human eye cannot bear the huge pressure of seeing God's body, and the naked eye accepts the physical existence occupying space and time, and needs the medium of light.
Sunnis believe that it is ambiguous to see Allah in this world, but believers can see Allah in later generations, Saint Gate Disciple We also hold this opinion. In the future, the way to see Allah is not like the naked eyes of human beings in this world. Seeing Allah is the greatest benefit enjoyed by paradise residents. Shi'ites and Murtaiqilai maintain that reason must not allow to see Allah, either in this world or in the future. He also thinks that the narrative of seeing God in later generations in the Sutra is a rhetorical device.

Law of causality

What the Koran advocates is“ monism ”Therefore, the basis of Islam is "unilateralism". Chen Keli, a famous Chinese scholar, said that Islamic philosophy is the theory of creation uniqueness, which includes all kinds of philosophical arguments, but does not belong to any one. It advocates that no matter what kind of philosophy, it can completely and perfectly solve the problem of the universe through the creation of the One God. Philosophy calls the creator of all things "the first cause" or "the ultimate cause". But the first cause is not a cause within the law of causality, but outside the law of causality, the first cause is the source in the chain of causality, the root of the chain of causality, and it is an inevitable existence, not an accidental or contingent existence. It is not two or more things, nor is it a combined whole. It does not play the role of "fruit", it is not affected by external forces, and there is no external force on it. Every link or thing in the causal chain is the "result" of the previous thing in the causal chain, and this "result" can be the "cause" of the next thing, so everything in the causal chain is passive. The first reason is that there is no original existence, but the whole Law of causality The system is original.
The movement of the universe can be traced back to the starting point, that is, to confirm the existence of the first cause. The first cause itself is not passive, it is active, and it is not the "result" of anything. If the first cause is passive, its action needs cause, which means it is the "result" caused by another thing earlier than it, so it does not have the definition of the first cause, nor does it have the substantive attribute of the first cause, but only has the name of the first cause, and that earlier thing should be the first cause. If we trace back upward, we will fall into the theory of infinity or circulation. Acknowledging that the first cause is the initiative means acknowledging that the highest free will exists in the universe. Just like the human soul, free will is a part of the key to the human soul. Free will is a kind of human initiative. It does not react and react to the outside world because of the role of the outside world, but its own initiative. Aristotle Newton Descartes Both advocate the first cause or the first driving force.
Muslim scholar Alengmai Jilili Sheikh Mustafa Sable said in his great book "Rationality, Science, and Scholars' Position on World Supporters": If you say to an unbeliever, "What is the reason for the existence of this kind of thing that needs creative reasons?" He would answer, "It is the existence of another being earlier than himself...". Then ask him: "What is the reason for the existence of the earlier existence?" He will also answer: "It is the existence of the third existence with an earlier existence, just like the second one, which needs creativity. Therefore, it should be known that this respondent will cheat, fool, and prevaricate in his answers in a way that does not answer the question. Even before that, he was also deceiving himself and fooling himself. It means that he cannot reveal the reason for the existence of the existence that first asks him about the reason for its existence; Therefore, he is evading answering questions, but he does not feel that he is evading. Then, he tried to hide his escape from the problem by shifting things to the endless darkness without a start. His illusion is that this is the cause before the cause; Then, he continued to create this illusion until there was no beginning of the causal cycle; Therefore, nothing can be included in the scope of that cause, because it has neither foundation nor existence.
The universe -- or most of the lowest cosmic phenomena -- is inevitable, and its operation according to the formal laws seen by human beings is also inevitable and necessary; Because the universe is the result of various specific factors, this result will certainly form many factors through sense and vision. Allah has connected these things with others only through his pure will and power; Therefore, this continuous connection is shown by the phenomenon of cause and effect in front of human beings, who borrow the word "cause and effect" or "influence" metaphorically; The long-term connection between "existence" and "nonexistence" will make people feel that there is a causal connection between the two, even if there is no absolute connection in reality. In essence, the name of the thing called cosmic causality is just a pure law of association; The reason why we call it this way is that it is shown to human beings through causal phenomena. Similarly, it is also deeply rooted in human thinking. The influence of cosmic factors is not decisive. It can take effect only through the will of God. Therefore, it is something that has nothing to do with other things at all; But God makes it a self contained factor. It is the same whether God has deposited an influential force or not.
The most obvious cosmic phenomenon that proves the existence of God is the harmonious and orderly phenomenon in the universe, just like the rotation of day and night, the alternation of the four seasons, the interaction of all things, and the ecological balance of nature. The meaning of harmony and order in the universe does not exclude the widespread causal phenomena in all forms and parts. Therefore, so that the universe can become a clear proof of the existence of God, it should become harmonious.
In order to make this harmony in the universe perfect, the universe should be orderly with each other. This part should be the demander, and that part should be the demander. Therefore, the combination of the two meets the needs of both; God's kindness to his servants requires that his ontological existence become the most refined proof of the existence and attributes of the only God, telling that God is the creator of the universe; Therefore, Allah makes human beings need many things constantly, and then sets up many links of media and factors between human beings and these things. Whenever we go beyond one link to another, we will see a new harmonious meaning between the various parts of the universe and the various parts; In order to realize various purposes and needs of human beings, we can also observe the mutual assistance and cooperation between these links until we finally believe that there is a master in the whole universe who is making such arrangements and combining such combinations.
If God does not need anything to create human beings, so does he create all things - he is fully capable of doing so - then human beings will never have the opportunity to reveal the meaning of harmony and mutual coordination; According to this, mankind must lose the most obvious phenomenon that proves the existence of God. Then, all these are in full accordance with the wisdom of God and his kindness to his servants. Human beings live an orderly life with a system of media and factors. In a word, except God, nothing in the universe has influence; All the factors and causes that human beings see are some creative factors and causes, and Allah has set them in this way.

Advocate rationality

From the form of expression, God has no image, so we can only understand the existence of God through reason, through ourselves, and through the diversity between heaven and earth. The Koran also advocates and encourages human beings to observe all changes in nature and understand the existence of God rationally in the harmony of the movement of the universe, such as:
The creation of heaven and earth, the rotation of day and night, the ships that benefit people's navigation, Allah drops rain water from the clouds, uses it to bring the dead earth back to life, and spreads all kinds of animals on the earth, and changes in the wind direction. The clouds that restrict heaven and earth do have many signs for those who can understand. (2:164)
I did Jahannam But they created many fairies and human beings. They had hearts but didn't need to think, they had eyes but didn't need to observe, and they had ears but didn't need to hear. These people are like livestock, even more confused than livestock. These people are negligent. (7:179)
He used to take the sun as the light, the moon as the light, and set the night for the moon, so that you could know the calendar. Allah creates only in truth. He explained all the signs for the people who could understand. (10:5)
They mostly rely on conjecture, which is of no benefit to the truth. Allah is fully aware of their deeds. (10:36)
You should observe the diversity between heaven and earth. All signs and warnings are of no benefit to the unbelievers. (10:101)
Do not follow your words and deeds that you do not know. Your ears, eyes and heart will be questioned. Do not walk proudly on the earth. You must not tread through the earth or compare with the mountains. (17:36-37)
I have never created heaven and earth with a playful attitude; If I want to have fun, I will use my things here for fun. I am not a recreational person. I throw falsehood with truth, and smash its head, and falsehood vanishes instantaneously. Sad for you! Because of your false description of Allah. (21:16-18)
You see, the earth is barren. When I make the rain fall on the earth, it will move and expand, and produce all kinds of beautiful plants. (22:5)
I have indeed created man with the essence of the earth, and then I made him into semen, the semen in a solid container, and then I made the semen into blood clots, and then I made the blood clots into meat clots, and then I made the meat clots into bones, and then I made the muscles attach to the bones, and then I made him into other creatures. Blessed be Allah, who is the most creative. (23:11-14)
Do you think I just created you in vain, and you are not called to me? (23:115)
Allah uses water to create all animals, including those who walk on their bellies, those who walk on two feet, and those who walk on four feet. Allah creates what he desires, and Allah is omnipotent in all things. (24:45)
They have a sign: I have revived the dead earth, and I have made it grow food for their food. I have created many date palms and vineyards on the earth, and I have brought many fountains out of the earth so that they may eat their fruit. These fruits were not made by their hands. Aren't they grateful? Praise Allah and transcend all things! He created all spouses, and all that the earth produces, they themselves, and what they do not know, have spouses. (36:33-36)
The moon, I ordered stars for it, until it becomes like a dried date branch again. The sun shall not catch up with the moon, and the night shall not surpass the day, each floating on its own track. (36:38--40)
Don't you know? Allah sends down rain from the clouds and makes it seep into the earth and become a spring; Then, use it to produce various crops, and then the seedlings wither. You can see it turns yellow, and then he makes it into pieces. There is a kind of teaching for the reasonable and wise. (39:21)
I will show them many signs of me in the four directions and in themselves until they understand that the Koran is true. Is it not enough for your Lord to witness all things? (41:53)
Have I not made the earth like a cradle, and the mountains like stakes? (78:6--7)

Annotation divergence

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are collectively referred to as Revelational Religions , Jewish Yawei and Christian Yawei Jehovah And Allah is the same master, and the doctrinal differences are mainly reflected in the different interpretations of the attribute ontology of the master. All other nations in the world have the imagination, understanding and understanding of the supreme existence. Many tribes in Africa also have some monotheistic religions. Some people also believe that ancient Chinese philosophical classics《 The Scripture of Ethics 》The concept of "Tao" in Chinese is very similar to that of Zhen Zai. The Koran mentions three other monotheistic religions: Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity.
The supreme master of Zoroastrianism is Ahura Mazda (meaning "the master of wisdom"), the omniscient creator of the universe, with the attributes of light, life and creation, and the embodiment of natural law, order and truth. Zoroastrianism is a kind of dualistic religion, which advocates the dualism of good and evil: there is Ahura Mazda, the good god representing light, and Angela Manuel, the evil god representing darkness. Some Koran exegetists believe that the source of Zoroastrianism is the prophet Noah The remaining teachings, Zoroaster He is a reformer, but after the prophet Noah, Zoroastrianism has seriously deviated from the understanding of the ontological attribute of the master.
The master (Yahweh) that the Jews believe in creates and dominates the universe and all created things. He is supreme, unique, invisible and formless. The Lord is the first and last. The Lord is the only one to be worshipped, and there is nothing else to worship. Judaism does not accept Christian Son When it comes to the Trinity, he does not recognize Jesus as the Messiah (Messiah) and continues to wait for the coming of the Messiah. The difference between Islam and Judaism is that Judaism imposes some attributes of creation on Yahweh, such as anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, preference, hatred, sadness, struggle, and evil is caused by Yahweh. In addition, Judaism denies《 books of the new covenant 》And the Koran, as well as denying that Jesus and Mohammed were sent.
The God in Christianity is a fully personified God. He claims that God is trinity, and regards Jesus as the second person of God. He believed that Jesus was both the incarnation of the LORD and the only son of the LORD, and that Jesus had both human and divine natures. He believed that Jesus was the Messiah waiting for Judaism, and that Jews violated God and Israelite A definite agreement, that is Old Testament So he sent his son Jesus to redeem mankind with his own life, not only with Israel but with all mankind New Testament
Islam believes that Jesus is indeed the Messiah (Messiah), but his followers have deified Jesus. He claims that the only God is from Adam, the prophet of human ancestors, through Noah, Abraham Moses, David, Jesus and Mohammed are all assigned to spread the core ideas. God has revealed 104 books of heaven to mankind in total, the most important of which are the Five Books of Moses, the Psalms, the Gospel and the Koran. However, the previous Tianjing has been lost, scattered, tampered with and distorted. He also believes that the trinity and incarnation of traditional Christian theology are impure knowledge in the attribute of God (Allah), a betrayal of the oneness of God, and a disguised polytheism. Therefore, Muslims believe that Islam is Kaitian Ancient Religion The promulgation of the Koran abolished all previous classics and religions, Prophet Mohammed It is also the messenger of seal.

Basic doctrine

The core creed is "Nothing should be worshipped except Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of the Lord", This is in our country Muslim It is regarded as " Shahada ", highlighting Islamism The core content of belief. Specifically, there are six beliefs:
1、 Shin Allah Believe that there is no god except Allah, who is the supreme master of the universe. Chapter 112 of the Koran says, "Allah is Allah, the only Lord. He did not produce and was not produced; nothing can be his enemy." According to the Koran, Allah has 99 good names and 99 virtues, which are unique, eternal, omnipresent, omnipresent, creating everything and dominating all people fate The supreme authority of. Belief in Allah is the core of the Islamic faith, which reflects its Monotheism Characteristics of.
2、 Messenger Many emissaries were mentioned in the Koran, including Adan Nuh Ibrahim, Musa, Ersa Adam Noah Abraham Moses Jesus )The last messenger is Muhammad. He is also the greatest prophet and the most holy messenger. He is the messenger of Allah's "seal". He has a major mission to spread the "way of Allah". Those who believe in Allah should obey his messenger.
3、 Believing in angels Believes that angels are invisible and wonderful bodies created by Allah with "light", and are under the command of Allah Heaven And hell, and convey Allah's will to the world, and record the merits and demerits of the world. There are four angels in the Koran: Jibra'il, Mikal Azrai (Azral) and Israfil are respectively responsible for conveying Allah's orders and preaching scriptures, taking charge of secular current affairs, taking charge of death and trumpeting the final judgment.
4、 Letter Classic Think《 the Koran 》It is a heavenly scripture revealed by Allah, and believers must believe in and follow it, and must not slander or tamper with it. Islam also recognizes the classics that Allah had sent before the Koran (such as《 Bible 》)However, after the advent of the Koran, believers should act according to it.
5、 Letter of Last Judgment and Resurrection after death Think that there is a doomsday When the end of the world comes, the world is going to be destroyed, and Allah will make the "Last Judgment". At that time, all the dead will be resurrected and judged, the sinner will go to hell, and the righteous will go to heaven.
6. According to the Hadith letter Predetermined It is listed as one of the six major beliefs. He believes that everything in the world is pre arranged by Allah, and no one can change it. Only obedience and patience can meet the will of God.