Anhui Province

[ān huī shěng]
Provincial Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
zero Useful+1
Anhui Province, referred to as "Anhui", The People's Republic of China Provincial administrative region Hefei [16] Located in East China Yangtze River Delta [36] [48] The terrain is high in the southwest and low in the northeast. The terrain is different from north to south, complex and diverse. It is located in the transition area between warm temperate zone and subtropical zone. The north of Huaihe River belongs to the warm temperate zone semi humid monsoon climate, and the south of Huaihe River belongs to the subtropical humid monsoon climate, with a total area of 140100 square kilometers. [48] The major dialects in Anhui Province are Northern Dialect, Gan Dialect, Wu Dialect and Hui Dialect [77 ] By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has jurisdiction over 16 prefecture level cities with a permanent population of 61.21 million. [37]
In the sixth year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1667), Anhui Province was established, and its name was combined from the first characters of Anqing and Huizhou at that time. [16] Anhui Province is one of the important birthplaces of China's prehistoric civilization. With profound cultural heritage taoist culture literature of the Jian'an period Tongcheng School , Northern Song Dynasty Neo Confucianism Hui culture Etc; At the same time, it is also the hometown of Chinese opera, with Hui Opera, Huangmei Opera and other local operas Drama, [36] [116] There are 470 traditional Chinese villages in Anhui Province, among which Hongcun Village and Xidi Village are listed as world cultural heritage [144] [147] Anhui Province is Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone It is an important part of the national economic development strategy and the docking zone of several major domestic economic plates. [35]
In 2023, the gross regional product of Anhui Province will be 470.506 billion yuan. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 349.66 billion yuan, the added value of the secondary industry was 1887.18 billion yuan, and the added value of the tertiary industry was 2468.22 billion yuan, The tertiary industrial structure is 7.4 ∶ 40.1 ∶ 52.5. [32] [37]
Chinese name
Anhui Province
Foreign name
Anhui Province [102]
Anhui [16]
area number
three hundred and forty thousand [70]
Administrative Region Category
province [70]
geographical position
East China, middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and Huaihe River [36]
140100 km² [36]
Area under jurisdiction
16 prefecture level cities [70]
Government residence
Hefei Baohe District No.1 Zhongshan Road [13]
Postal Code
230000-247000 [70]
climatic conditions
Temperate semi humid monsoon climate, sub hot humid monsoon climate [48]
population size
61.21 million [37] (Permanent population in 2023)
Famous scenic spot
The Mount Huangshan Scenic Area [136] Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area [136] Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction [136] Caishiji Cultural and Ecological Tourism Area along the Yangtze River [136]
License plate code
Anhui A-Anhui S [71]
470.506 billion yuan [32] (2023)

Name Evolution

Anhui Province was founded in 1667, and Jiangnan Province was set up in the early Qing Dynasty. Its jurisdiction roughly includes today's Shanghai City, Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province. In the sixth year of Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1667), Jiangnan Province was officially abolished and divided into Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. Anqing Prefecture was the political center of Anhui at that time, and Huizhou Prefecture was economically developed. Anhui is called "Anhui" for short because there were ancient Anhui countries, mountains and rivers in Anhui in history. [16]

Historical evolution

  • Pre Qin period
In ancient times, ancestors lived and multiplied in Anhui. The site of human activities dating back to about 2.5 million years was found at Renzi Cave in Fanchang County, and the site of "Hexian Ape Man" in the Paleolithic Age, 30000 to 400000 years ago, was excavated at Longtan Cave in Hexian County. In the Neolithic Age (10000 to 4000 years ago), Anhui was affected by Yangshao Culture, Longshan Culture, Qingliangang Culture and Yinwen Glazed Pottery Culture. [16]
During the Xia and Shang Dynasties, there were Tushan, Nanchao, Liuying, Hufang, Linfang, Renfang and other tribes under the jurisdiction of Bozhou. Bozhou was once the capital of soup in the Shang Dynasty. The Western Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed some small countries in the northwest of Anhui, such as Jiao, Yi, Shen, Hu, and so on, while to the east was still a scattered clan and tribal country. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the great powers contended for hegemony, and these feudal states and countries became the property of Wu, Yue, and Chu. In the late Warring States Period, the whole of Anhui was transferred to the State of Chu. Chu was afraid of Qin's coercion and moved from Hubei to Shouxian. [16] [40 ]
  • From Qin Dynasty to Sui Dynasty
The Qin Dynasty implemented the prefecture and county system, involving Jiujiang County, Surabaya County, Dang County, Yingchuan County, and Kuaiji (Wu) County. In the early Western Han Dynasty, the system of prefectures and counties paralleled the system of enfeoffment, and Anhui prefectures and counties were subordinate to Huainan, Jing, Huaiyang, Liang and other countries. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up thirteen provincial governors, and Anhui belonged to Yangzhou, Henan and Xuzhou. Following the old system of the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty adjusted Yangzhou to govern the three counties of Danyang, Jiujiang and Lujiang, Yuzhou to govern the counties of Runan, Chenguo, Peiguo and Liangguo, and Xuzhou to govern the counties of Pengcheng and Xiapi, totaling 69 counties [40 ] During the Three Kingdoms Period, Anhui belonged to Wu and Wei, and there were many wars in Anhui; The two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties respectively belonged to Yangzhou, Xuzhou and Henan. [16] In the Sui Dynasty, the prefectures were dismissed as prefectures, and the prefectures were unified as counties. There were 17 prefectures, including Ying, Bo, Song, Chen, Xu, Ren, Shou, Lu, Xi, He, Hao, Chu, Yang, Jiang, Xuan, She, and 55 counties under their jurisdiction. At the beginning of the great cause, Anhui belonged to Yangzhou, Henan and Xuzhou respectively. [41 ]
  • Tang and Song Dynasties
In the first year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, three levels of management were implemented, namely, Taoism, prefectures (prefectures) and counties. Anhui was divided into three regions, namely, Henan, Huainan and Jiangnan. During the Middle Tang Dynasty, Tao became a formal administrative division, and Anhui belonged to Henan, Huainan, Jiangnan East, and Jiangnan West. There were many vassal towns in the late Tang Dynasty, and there were four festival towns in Anhui. The Xuanwu army ruled the Song states, leading Bo, Ying and Song states; The Wuning Army governs four prefectures, namely, Xu, Su, Hao and Si; Huainan Festival envoys have eight prefectures, namely, Yang, Chu, Shou, Lu, He, Shu, Guang and Huang; Ning Guojun Youxuan, She, Chi 3 State. [41 ]
During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, Huaibei region was successively governed by Houliang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou, and Jianghuai and Jiangnan regions were successively governed by Wu and Southern Tang. The administrative division system still followed the system of vassal towns, prefectures, and counties in the late Tang Dynasty. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the country was founded, with a three-tier system of roads, prefectures and counties (military and prison). Anhui was divided into five roads. Jingdong West Road governs two prefectures, namely, Shan and Xu; Jingxi West Road governs Yingzhou; Huainan East Road governs five prefectures, namely, Bo, Su, Si, Yang and Chu; Huainan West Road governs four prefectures, namely Lu, He, Shu and Hao; Lu'an, Wuwei, and Shouchun, the first prefecture; Jiangnan East Road governs four prefectures, namely, Xuan, She (Hui), Chi, Taiping, and Guangde, the first prefecture. There are 62 counties and 2 supervisors in total. The Southern Song Dynasty set up three roads to the south of the Huaihe River, namely, Huainan East, Huainan West and Jiangnan West, leading three prefectures, eight states and seven armies, and governing 51 counties and two prisons. The Kingdom of Jin set up Nanjing Road and Shandong West Road in Anhui to the north of Huaihe River, leading 7 states and 16 counties.
Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties
The Yuan Dynasty implemented a four tiered system of provinces, roads (prefectures, Zhili prefectures), scattered prefectures (armies), and counties. The administrative divisions were complex, and the subordination relationship was chaotic and changeable. Anhui is divided into three provinces: Zhongshu Province leads Jining Road and has jurisdiction over one county; Henan Province leads Guide Mansion (governing Xuzhou, Suzhou and Bozhou), Runing Mansion (governing Yingzhou), Luzhou Road (governing Wuwei, Lu'an and Hezhou), Anfeng Road (governing Haozhou), Anqing Road (governing 6 counties directly), Yangzhou Road (governing Chuzhou) and Huai'an Road (governing Sizhou); Lingningguo Road (directly governing 6 counties), Huizhou Road (directly governing 5 counties and Wuyuan Prefecture), Taiping Road (directly governing 3 counties), Chizhou Road (directly governing 6 counties), and Guangde Road (directly governing 2 counties) in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. 60 in total County. [42 ]
In the Ming Dynasty, there were three levels of regionalization, with Zhili and the Chief Administrative Officer in the south and north as the first level, prefecture and Zhili prefecture (department) as the second level, and Sanzhou and county (department) as the third level. Anhui is located in the west of Nanzhili, with 7 prefectures, namely Fengyang, Luzhou, Anqing, Taiping, Chizhou, Ningguo and Huizhou, and 4 prefectures, namely Xuzhou, Chuzhou, Hezhou and Guangde. There are 49 counties and 7 scattered prefectures. In the early Qing Dynasty, Nanzhili was changed into Jiangnan Province, and the second and third level divisions still followed the Ming system. In the 18th year of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1661), Jiangnan Province was divided into two provinces: the left and the right. In the fourth year of Kangxi's reign (1665), the area under the Left and Right Festivals was adjusted and the boundaries of Anhui and Jiangsu provinces were established. In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1667), the province was officially established, and its name was composed of the first characters of Anqing Prefecture and Huizhou Prefecture. In the 25th year of Qianlong's reign (1760), Anqing was designated as the provincial capital, which improved the provincial Sansi Yamen [43 ] The third year of Xuantong (1911), China Revolution of 1911 In response to the revolution, Anhui declared its independence and recovery on November 8. [26]
  • Republic of China Period
During the period of the Beijing Government of the Republic of China, the system of three levels, namely, province, road and county, was implemented. Anqing Road governs 16 counties including Huaining and Tongcheng; Wuhu Road governs 22 counties including Wuhu, Dangtu and Xuancheng; Huaisi Road governs 21 counties, including Fengyang, Yingshang and Quanjiao. After the Kuomintang ruled Anhui, in the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), it changed to a two-level system with 60 counties. In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), the system of administrative inspectors was introduced. It was the agency of the province, and the area under its jurisdiction was called the special region. Anhui Province is divided into 10 special regions. By May 1949, the Northern Anhui People's Administrative Office and the Southern Anhui People's Administrative Office had been established Department. [44 ]
  • After the founding of the People's Republic of China
At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Anhui was divided into northern Anhui and southern Anhui, with northern Anhui in Hefei and southern Anhui in Wuhu. In 1952, the provincial offices in southern and northern Anhui were merged and Anhui Province was restored. The provincial capital was located in Hefei. [16] In 1955, Sihong County and Xuyi County in Anhui Province were under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province Jurisdiction Xiaoxian County and Dangshan County in Jiangsu Province are under the jurisdiction of Anhui Province. [45-46]

physical geography


Location context

Anhui Province is located in China East China The geographical location is between 114 ° 54 ′ - 119 ° 37 ′ E and 29 ° 41 ′ - 34 ° 38 ′ N; It is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, Yangtze River delta Hinterland, centered on the east, open to the sea along the river, and connected to the east Jiangsu Province Zhejiang Province , west Hubei province Henan Province , south Jiangxi Province , north Shandong Province The province is 570 kilometers long from north to south and 450 kilometers wide from east to west; The total area is 140100 square kilometers, accounting for about 1.46% of China's land area, ranking 22nd position [36] [47-48]
Administrative map


Anhui Province is located in Warm temperate zone And Subtropical Transitional areas. With Huaihe River as the dividing line, the north of Huaihe River belongs to the warm temperate semi humid monsoon climate, and the south of Huaihe River belongs to the subtropical humid monsoon climate. Its main characteristics are: the monsoon is obvious, the four seasons are distinct, the winter often has the northern cold air invasion, mostly northerly, the climate is cold, rain and snow are scarce, sunny weather is more; In summer, ocean warm air flow prevails, and the weather is hot, with plenty of rain and sunshine; Spring and autumn are the transitional seasons from winter to summer and from summer to winter; Cyclones are frequent in spring, with more rain and unstable wind direction; In autumn, there is often a small high pressure control, with less rain and more easterly wind. Anhui is also located in the mid latitude zone. With the recurrence of the monsoon, the precipitation has obvious seasonal changes, which is one of the regions with obvious monsoon climate. The annual average temperature is between 14 ℃ and 17 ℃, and the average sunshine duration is 1800~2500 hours. It is distributed more in the north than in the south, and more in the plain than in the mountainous area. The 2200 hour contour line crosses the central part of the Jianghuai hilly area, with abundant sunshine to the north of the line. The northern part of Xiaoxian County and Fuyang area has more than 2400 hours; The sunshine is less in the south of the line, and it is less than 2000 hours in the mountainous areas of southern Anhui and some mountainous areas of western Anhui. The average frost free period is 200~250 days, and the average precipitation is 800~1800 mm. The average annual precipitation is more in the south than in the north, increasing from 750 mm to 1700 mm from north to south. The spring precipitation in most areas throughout the year is only second to that in summer [47] [54-55 ]


Anhui Province is divided into two parts by the Tanlu Fault (distributed along Jiashan Lujiang River). The east belongs to the Yangtze Platform and the west belongs to the North China Platform The basement of the North China platform is exposed in Bengbu, Huoqiu and other places, including the gneiss, leucite, marble series of the Neoarchean Wuhe Group and Huoqiu Group, and the phyllite and dolomite marble series of the Paleoproterozoic Fengyang Group. The cap rock deposition began in the Neoproterozoic era. From the Great Wall System to the Middle Ordovician, shallow sea carbonate rocks are dominant, with abundant fossils. Upper Ordovician to Lower Carboniferous are missing. From the late Carboniferous to the early Triassic, there were marine continental coal bearing deposits and continental clastic rocks. Jurassic turned to continental accumulation. The basement of the Yangtze platform is widely exposed along the southern boundary of Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces. It is called the Shangxi Group, which is a set of phyllite, slate and metasandstone series of low greenschist facies in the Mesoproterozoic era. The overlying Neoproterozoic Likou Group contains intermediate and acidic volcanic rocks. The sequence of Nanhua System, Sinian System and Lower Paleozoic is complete and continuous, and the south is famous for graptolite producing fauna. The Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous are partially absent. From the late Paleozoic to the early Triassic, the shallow sea sedimentation was still maintained. After the Indosinian movement, it changed to continental facies. There was volcanic activity in the Late Jurassic. [50]
The strata of the Qinling Dabie orogenic belt in Anhui Province before Jurassic have all been metamorphosed. The most widely distributed Dabie Group granulite and high amphibolite facies deep metamorphic complex is from Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic according to its isotopic age and contact with the overlying Susong Group. The coesite and fine diamond contained in the Dabie block suggest that the continental lithosphere can be subducted to the depth of the mantle, and the Dabie block has also become the largest UHP metamorphic belt exposed in the world. The Proterozoic Susong Group phosphorous rock series and the Luzhenguan Group mainly composed of metamorphic volcanic rocks are distributed on the south and north sides of the Dabieshan Group. The upward greenschist facies of the Foziling Group may be from Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic. The Middle and Upper Jurassic are distributed at the northern piedmont of the orogenic belt parallel to the long continental red basin of the upward coarsening sequence, representing syn orogenic molasse. In Jinzhai area, the klippe structure composed of the Foziling Group can be seen superimposed on it. The magmatic activity in the whole province is the strongest in Yanshan period, and the volcanic activity in the late Jurassic early Cretaceous is mainly andesite and trachyte, accompanied by the intrusion of composite rock stems of corresponding components, reflecting the influence of the circum Pacific tectonic belt; The iron, copper, sulfur and other endogenous minerals in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are related to this. [50]

topographic features

The topography and geomorphology of Anhui Province are diverse. The area of mountains, hills, platforms and plains respectively accounts for 15.3%, 14.0%, 13.0% and 49.6% of the total land area of Anhui Province. The terrain is high in the southwest and low in the northeast, and the topography and landforms are different from north to south, complex and diverse. The province is divided into three natural regions: Huaibei Plain, Jianghuai Hilly Area and Wannan Mountain Area. To the north of the Huaihe River, the terrain is broad and flat, which is part of the North China Plain. The terrain is flat, leaning slightly from the northwest to the southeast. It is alluvial by the Huaihe River and its tributaries, and then moved southward several times through the Yellow River to seize the Huaihe River. The Yellow River flood deposits are accumulated at an altitude of 15-20 meters. Only the northeast part is distributed with low mountains and hills at an altitude of 100-300 meters; The Jianghuai tableland hilly area, located between the Huaihe Plain and the plain along the river, consists of tableland, hills and river valley plains. The tableland is distributed in the middle and west of the area, with an altitude of 50~80 meters. Most of it is denuded and accumulated tableland. The low mountains and hills are mainly distributed in the east of the area, with an altitude of 100~300 meters. They are distributed in northeast direction intermittently, and consist of schist, phyllite, basalt, limestone, etc; The mountainous areas in southern Anhui are dominated by mountains and hills, which are composed of Tianmu Baiji Mountains, Huangshan Mountains and Jiuhua Mountains. Between the three mountains are the valley of Xin'anjiang River, Shuiyangjiang River and Qingyijiang River. The terrain gradually declines from the mountain core to the valley, and consists of a layered geomorphic pattern of middle mountains, low mountains, hills, platforms and plains. The mountains are mostly distributed in the northeast and nearly east-west directions, The highest peak is Lianhua Peak in Huangshan Mountains, 1873 meters above sea level. Large and small basins are inlaid between mountains, among which Xiushe (Huizhou) basin is the largest [48-49] [56 ] [122]

Hydrology and water conservancy

Anhui Province mainly has three water systems: Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Xin'an River. A few rivers in the north belong to the abandoned Yellow River and Yishusi Fuxing River systems. A few rivers in the south of Qimen and Dongzhi County belong to the Poyang Lake water system in Jiangxi Province. There are more than 300 rivers with a drainage area of more than 100 square kilometers in the province, of which 27 are Huaihe River, 22 are Yangtze River and 14 are Xin'an River. There are 587 lakes in the province, 40 of which cover an area of more than 10 square kilometers, including 16 in the Huaihe River basin, mainly including Chengxi Lake, Chengdong Lake, Bali Lake, Jiaogang Lake, Wabu Lake, Gaotang Lake, Sifang Lake, Huayuan Lake, Xiangjian Lake, Tuo Lake, Tianjing Lake, Nushan Lake, Qili Lake, Gaoyou Lake, Yi Lake, Yang Lake, etc; There are 24 Yangtze River basins, mainly including Longgan Lake, Daguan Lake, Huanghu Lake, Bohu Lake, Wuchang Lake, Shimen Lake, Bogang Lake, Sanyasi Lake, Caizi Lake, Baidang Lake, Chenyao Lake, Fengsha Lake, Zhusi Lake, Huangpi Lake, Bai Lake, Chaohu Lake, Qili Lake, Shengjin Lake, Southeast Lake, Dongxi Lake, Danyang Lake, Nanyi Lake, Gucheng Lake, Shijiu Lake, etc. The above lakes have been reclaimed to varying degrees, of which White Lake and Southeast Lake have all been reclaimed, and Qili Lake and East West Lake will also be reclaimed for snail control. Chaohu Lake is the largest lake in the province, with a lake area of 1.17 million mu, the fifth largest fresh water in China Lake. [53]
The groundwater in Anhui Province is the most abundant in the Huaihe Plain and the plains along the Yangtze River, accounting for 78% of the total groundwater reserves of the province. In particular, the Huaihe Plain area only accounts for 26.6% of the total area of the province, while the groundwater reserves account for 55% of the total reserves of the province, that is, 7.389 billion tons/year. However, the hilly areas in western and southern Anhui and the platform hilly areas between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River account for about 55% of the total area of the province, but the groundwater reserves only account for 22%. [122]
Distribution of rivers in Anhui
water conservancy
By December 2022, Anhui Province has built 5493 reservoirs of various types, with a total storage capacity of 20.04 billion cubic meters and 21 national flood storage areas. A flood control and disaster reduction system consisting of reservoirs, river embankments, flood discharge and storage areas, flood diversion rivers and control hubs has been initially formed in the Huaihe River basin. The flood control standard of the Huaibei Great Embankment Protection Area has reached 100 year return period; The Yangtze River basin will gradually build a flood control and disaster reduction system based on embankments, combined with reservoirs on the main stream and tributaries, flood storage and detention areas, etc. The important flood control protection areas on the main stream of the Yangtze River can defend against 1954 type floods, and other embankments can defend against 1998 type floods; Comprehensive management has been carried out in the Xin'an River basin, and a flood control and disaster reduction system consisting of reservoirs in the upper reaches and embankments (embankments) in the middle and lower reaches has been initially formed. The urban section of Huangshan City, the main stream of the Xin'an River, has basically reached a 100 year return period [101]
By the end of 2023, the investment plan of 1.19 billion yuan has been issued for the "14th Five Year Plan" supporting and modernization reconstruction project of Pishihang Irrigation District, which has improved the irrigation area by about 2.112 million mu, increased the annual water-saving capacity by about 38.05 million cubic meters, and increased the grain output by about 61.66 million square meters Jin. On December 24, 2023, the Yuetan Reservoir Project will pass the completion acceptance, and the benefits of flood control, irrigation, water supply and power generation will be brought into full play. [100]


There are various soil types in Anhui Province. The northern zonal soil is brown soil, the southern zonal soil is yellow soil and yellow red soil, the central area is transitional yellow brown soil, and there are also non zonal soil types such as shajiang black soil, fluvo aquic soil, calcareous soil, purple soil, and mountain soil types. Among them, calcareous or neutral tidal soil is distributed on the plains on both sides of the Huaihe River and the old Yellow River, as well as on both sides of the Yangtze River and sandbanks in the middle of the river; Shajiang black soil (Shajiang soil or green black soil) is distributed in the middle and south of Huaibei Plain, accounting for 50% of the soil area of Huaibei; Saline alkali soil is distributed along the old Yellow River in Huaibei and on both sides of some rivers; Calcareous yellow brown soil is distributed on limestone hills and low mountains in the Jianghuai hilly area; Clay pan yellow brown soil (yellow soil) is distributed on the platforms on both sides of the Yangtze River; Red and yellow soils are distributed on granite, gneiss or sandstone mountains and hills in western and southern Anhui. In terms of soil quality, half of them are plain with deep soil layer, with moderate PH value and good soil suitability Guang. [51] [55 ]

natural resources

water resource
Anhui Province mainly has the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. The annual average runoff of Datong Station of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province is about 900 billion cubic meters, and its minimum daily average low flow is 6300 seconds cubic meters. The control basin above Bengbu Station of the Huaihe River covers an area of 120000 square kilometers, with an annual average runoff of 26.2 billion cubic meters, of which the runoff in the flood season from June to September accounts for 66% of the whole year. 63% of the drainage area of Huaihe River above Bengbu is in Henan, and 37% is in Anhui Inside. [57 ]
The groundwater resources in Anhui Province are mainly located in Huaibei. The aquifer lithology in the shallow part of Huaibei Plain with a buried depth of 0~40m consists of clay, loam, sandy soil, silt and fine sand. The hydrogeological conditions are typical of infiltration and evaporation. The recharge source of groundwater is precipitation infiltration, and the recharge amount of shallow groundwater is groundwater resources. The average annual precipitation in Huaibei area is 770-900mm, most of which infiltrates into the ground. The average annual recharge of shallow groundwater is 8.7 billion cubic meters, and the available amount is about 7.2 billion cubic meters. [57 ]
land resource
Anhui Province has a total land area of 139000 square kilometers, accounting for 1.4% of China's total land area, ranking 23rd in China. Including 43500 square kilometers of plains, 41000 square kilometers of hills, 43400 square kilometers of mountains, and about 11000 square kilometers of villages, water and other land whole province There are great regional differences in land resources. 70% of cultivated land is concentrated in plain areas, 21.6% in hilly areas, and 8.4% in Dabie Mountains in western Anhui and mountainous areas in southern Anhui. More than 90% of the non cultivated forestry land is concentrated in the mountainous areas of southern Anhui, the Dabie Mountains of western Anhui and the hilly areas of the Yangtze Huaihe River. [58 ]
mineral resources
Anhui Province is rich in mineral resources. There are 158 kinds of minerals (including sub minerals) found in the province, of which 126 have proved resource reserves, and 38 kinds of mineral reserves, such as coal, iron, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, alum, limestone, rank among the top 10 in China. Proved coal reserves are 25 billion tons, iron ore reserves are 2.99 billion tons, copper ore reserves are 3.849 million tons, and pyrite reserves are 564 million tons, ranking 7th, 5th, 5th, and 2nd respectively in China Bit. [59 ]
Forest and grass resources
The forestry land area of Anhui Province is 4.4933 million hectares, accounting for about one third of China's total land area. The forest coverage rate of the province is 30.22%, and the forest stock is 270 million cubic meters. There are also 100 state-owned forest farms and 51 state-owned nurseries. The total wetland area of the province is 1.0418 million hectares, accounting for 7.4% of China's total land area seven %。 [152]
plant resources
There are many kinds of wild plants in Anhui Province. As of March 2023, there are 3645 species of vascular plants, accounting for 13.1% of China's total, which belong to 225 families and 1232 genera. Among them, there are 253 species of pteridophytes belonging to 88 genera of 41 families; 9 families, 27 genera and 72 species of gymnosperms; There are 3320 species of angiosperms belonging to 1117 genera and 175 families. Among vascular plants, 91 species (categories) are under national key protection, including 10 species (categories) of wild plants under national first-class protection, such as ginkgo biloba and five needle pine in Dabie Mountains; There are 81 species (classes) of wild plants under national second-class protection, such as golden larch and horseshoe clover. [60-61]
Animal resources
There are many kinds of wild plants in Anhui Province. As of March 2023, there are 557 species of terrestrial vertebrates in 32 orders, 100 families, accounting for 26% of the total species in China. Among them, there are 96 species in 25 families of 9 orders of mammals, and the representative species are macaques, macaques, black bears, pangolins, muntjacs, etc; 354 species of birds, belonging to 55 families and 17 orders, are represented by white crane, white headed crane, oriental white stork, white spoonbill, small swan, etc; There are 68 species of reptiles belonging to 4 orders, 11 families, and the representative species are Alligator sinensis; There are 39 species of amphibians in 9 families of 2 orders, and the representative species are tiger frog, black spotted frog, etc. There are 35 kinds of terrestrial wildlife under national first level protection, such as pangolin and Anhui musk deer, and 90 kinds of terrestrial wildlife under national second level protection, such as macaque and red fox species [60-61]
Natural Reserve
By April 2024, Anhui Province has established 8 national nature reserves such as Freshwater Dolphin, Qingliangfeng, Yaoluoping, Gujingyuan, and 33 provincial nature reserves individual [62] [65-66] In addition, Huangshan is the world biosphere conservation Zone. [63]
Anhui Biological Reserve
Name of the reserve
Area (hectare)
administrative division
Main protected objects
Commencement date
thirty-three thousand and four hundred
Dongzhi County, Guichi District, Chizhou City
Rare birds such as white stork and wetland ecosystem
wild animal
nineteen million eight hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and four
Tianma National Nature Reserve
twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirteen point seven
Jinzhai County
North subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest
Forest ecology
nineteen million eight hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and one
seven thousand nine hundred and four point three
Yuexi County
Rare and endangered orchids
Wild plant
twenty million one hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and two
twelve thousand and three hundred
Yuexi County
North subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest and endangered animals and plants
Forest ecology
nineteen million nine hundred and eleven thousand two hundred and twenty-nine
thirty-one thousand five hundred and eighteen
Tongling, Guichi, Zongyang, Wuwei and other cities and counties
Freshwater dolphin and rare fish
wild animal
nineteen million eight hundred and fifty thousand nine hundred and fifteen
Huangshan World Biosphere Reserve
forty-two thousand five hundred and fifty-eight point four eight
Huangshan City
Forest ecosystem in the semi humid climate zone on the northern edge of the middle subtropical zone
Rare animals and plants
two thousand and eighteen
reference material: [63-67]

natural disaster

Anhui Province is located in the north-south climate transition zone, which is deeply affected by the monsoon climate. The temperature and rainfall variability is large, especially the interannual variability of rainfall. The distribution of rainfall is uneven throughout the year. Disaster weather, mainly drought and flood, often occurs. Since the 15th century, there have been 8~9 drought years and 11~12 flood years on average every century. In addition, due to the complex geological structure and diverse geomorphic types, especially many fracture structures and steep mountains, geological disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, landslides and so on often occur [52] In the Meiyu period in 2020, there were 10 heavy precipitation processes in Anhui Province, and serious floods occurred in many places. The heavy rainfall has affected 95 counties (cities and districts) in 16 cities across the province, with 10.4653 million people affected, 14 people killed, and 1328800 people urgently relocated; The affected area of crops is 1221.31 thousand hectares, including 393.7 thousand hectares of dead crop area; 5927 houses collapsed, 27500 seriously damaged and 152000 generally damaged; Direct economic loss of RMB 60.065 billion Yuan. [68] On September 20, 2022, according to the meteorological drought monitoring, Anhui Province Moderate to severe meteorological drought still exists in other places [7]

natural resources


water resource

Anhui Province mainly has the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. The annual average runoff of Datong Station of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province is about 900 billion cubic meters, and its minimum daily average low flow is 6300 seconds cubic meters. The control basin above Bengbu Station of the Huaihe River covers an area of 120000 square kilometers, with an annual average runoff of 26.2 billion cubic meters, of which the runoff in the flood season from June to September accounts for 66% of the whole year. 63% of the drainage area of Huaihe River above Bengbu is in Henan, and 37% is in Anhui Inside. [57 ]
The groundwater resources in Anhui Province are mainly located in Huaibei. The aquifer lithology in the shallow part of Huaibei Plain with a buried depth of 0~40m consists of clay, loam, sandy soil, silt and fine sand. The hydrogeological conditions are typical of infiltration and evaporation. The recharge source of groundwater is precipitation infiltration, and the recharge amount of shallow groundwater is groundwater resources. The average annual precipitation in Huaibei area is 770-900mm, most of which infiltrates into the ground. The average annual recharge of shallow groundwater is 8.7 billion cubic meters, and the available amount is about 7.2 billion cubic meters. [57 ]
By December 2022, Anhui Province has built 5493 reservoirs of various types, with a total storage capacity of 20.04 billion cubic meters and 21 national flood storage areas. A flood control and disaster reduction system consisting of reservoirs, river embankments, flood discharge and storage areas, flood diversion rivers and control hubs has been initially formed in the Huaihe River basin. The flood control standard of the Huaibei Great Embankment Protection Area has reached 100 year return period; The Yangtze River basin will gradually build a flood control and disaster reduction system based on embankments, combined with reservoirs on the main stream and tributaries, flood storage and detention areas, etc. The important flood control protection areas on the main stream of the Yangtze River can defend against 1954 type floods, and other embankments can defend against 1998 type floods; Comprehensive management has been carried out in the Xin'an River basin, and a flood control and disaster reduction system consisting of reservoirs in the upper reaches and embankments (embankments) in the middle and lower reaches has been initially formed. The urban section of Huangshan City, the main stream of the Xin'an River, has basically reached a 100 year return period [101]
By the end of 2023, the investment plan of 1.19 billion yuan has been issued for the "14th Five Year Plan" supporting and modernization reconstruction project of Pishihang Irrigation District, which has improved the irrigation area by about 2.112 million mu, increased the annual water-saving capacity by about 38.05 million cubic meters, and increased the grain output by about 61.66 million square meters Jin. On December 24, 2023, the Yuetan Reservoir Project will pass the completion acceptance, and the benefits of flood control, irrigation, water supply and power generation will be brought into full play. [100]

land resource

Anhui Province has a total land area of 139000 square kilometers, accounting for 1.4% of China's total land area, ranking 23rd in China. Including 43500 square kilometers of plains, 41000 square kilometers of hills, 43400 square kilometers of mountains, and about 11000 square kilometers of villages, water and other land whole province There are great regional differences in land resources. 70% of cultivated land is concentrated in plain areas, 21.6% in hilly areas, and 8.4% in Dabie Mountains in western Anhui and mountainous areas in southern Anhui. More than 90% of the non cultivated forestry land is concentrated in the mountainous areas of southern Anhui, the Dabie Mountains of western Anhui and the hilly areas of the Yangtze Huaihe River. [58 ]

Forest and grass resources

The forestry land area of Anhui Province is 4.4933 million hectares, accounting for about one third of China's total land area. The forest coverage rate of the province is 30.22%, and the forest stock is 270 million cubic meters. There are also 100 state-owned forest farms and 51 state-owned nurseries. The total wetland area of the province is 1.0418 million hectares, accounting for 7.4% of China's total land area seven %。 [152]

plant resources

There are many kinds of wild plants in Anhui Province. As of March 2023, there are 3645 species of vascular plants, accounting for 13.1% of China's total, which belong to 225 families and 1232 genera. Among them, there are 253 species of pteridophytes belonging to 88 genera of 41 families; 9 families, 27 genera and 72 species of gymnosperms; There are 3320 species of angiosperms belonging to 1117 genera and 175 families. Among vascular plants, 91 species (categories) are under national key protection, including 10 species (categories) of wild plants under national first-class protection, such as ginkgo biloba and five needle pine in Dabie Mountains; There are 81 species (classes) of wild plants under national second-class protection, such as golden larch and horseshoe clover. [60-61]

Animal resources

There are many kinds of wild plants in Anhui Province. As of March 2023, there are 557 species of terrestrial vertebrates in 32 orders, 100 families, accounting for 26% of the total species in China. Among them, there are 96 species in 25 families of 9 orders of mammals, and the representative species are macaques, macaques, black bears, pangolins, muntjacs, etc; 354 species of birds, belonging to 55 families and 17 orders, are represented by white crane, white headed crane, oriental white stork, white spoonbill, small swan, etc; There are 68 species of reptiles belonging to 4 orders, 11 families, and the representative species are Alligator sinensis; There are 39 species of amphibians in 9 families of 2 orders, and the representative species are tiger frog, black spotted frog, etc. There are 35 kinds of terrestrial wildlife under national first level protection, such as pangolin and Anhui musk deer, and 90 kinds of terrestrial wildlife under national second level protection, such as macaque and red fox species [60-61]

mineral resources

Anhui Province is rich in mineral resources. There are 158 kinds of minerals (including sub minerals) found in the province, of which 126 have proved resource reserves, and 38 kinds of mineral reserves, such as coal, iron, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, alum, limestone, rank among the top 10 in China. Proved coal reserves are 25 billion tons, iron ore reserves are 2.99 billion tons, copper ore reserves are 3.849 million tons, and pyrite reserves are 564 million tons, ranking 7th, 5th, 5th, and 2nd respectively in China Bit. [59 ]

administrative division


Political district

As of December 29, 2023, Anhui Province has jurisdiction over 16 prefecture level cities, 45 municipal districts, 9 county-level cities, 50 counties, 287 streets, 1011 towns, and 224 townships (including 7 Hui townships, 1 Hui Manchu township, and 1 She township). No.1 Zhongshan Road, Baohe District, Hefei City, Anhui Provincial People's Government [13] [69]
Administrative divisions of Anhui Province
Division name
Area (square kilometers)
area number
Area code
Postal code
Municipal district
County (county-level city)
Shushan District
eleven thousand four hundred and ninety-six
three hundred and forty thousand and one hundred
two hundred and thirty thousand
Jiujiang District
six thousand and twenty-six
three hundred and forty thousand and two hundred
two hundred and forty-one thousand
Bengshan District
five thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine
three hundred and forty thousand and three hundred
two hundred and thirty-three thousand
Tianjia'an District
five thousand six hundred and fifty
three hundred and forty thousand and four hundred
two hundred and thirty-two thousand
Yushan District
four thousand and forty-nine
three hundred and forty thousand and five hundred
two hundred and forty-three thousand
Xiangshan District
two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two
three hundred and forty thousand and six hundred
two hundred and thirty-five thousand
Tongguan District
two thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
three hundred and forty thousand and seven hundred
two hundred and forty-four thousand
Daguan District
thirteen thousand five hundred and twenty-eight
three hundred and forty thousand and eight hundred
two hundred and forty-six thousand
Tunxi District
nine thousand six hundred and seventy-eight
three hundred and forty-one thousand
two hundred and forty-five thousand
Langya District
thirteen thousand four hundred and thirty-three
three hundred and forty-one thousand and one hundred
two hundred and thirty-nine thousand
ten thousand one hundred and nineteen
three hundred and forty-one thousand and two hundred
two hundred and thirty-six thousand
Yongqiao District
nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven
three hundred and forty-one thousand and three hundred
two hundred and thirty-four thousand
Jin'an District
fifteen thousand three hundred and fifty-one
three hundred and forty-one thousand and five hundred
two hundred and thirty-seven thousand
Qiaocheng District
eight thousand four hundred and twenty-nine
three hundred and forty-one thousand and six hundred
two hundred and thirty-six thousand and eight hundred
Guichi District
eight thousand three hundred and ninety-nine
three hundred and forty-one thousand and seven hundred
two hundred and forty-seven thousand and one hundred
Xuanzhou District
twelve thousand three hundred and forty
three hundred and forty-one thousand and eight hundred
two hundred and forty-two thousand
reference material: [70]

major city

Hefei, Anhui Province, is located between the middle of Anhui Province and the Yangtze Huaihe River, connecting the east to the west and the south to the north [162] It is a sub central city of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration and a comprehensive national science center. By the end of 2023, Hefei has a total land area of 11400 square kilometers, accounting for 8.2% of the total land area of the province, with 9.853 million permanent residents [155-157] Hefei is an important administrative center, commercial port and military center in the Jianghuai region. It is known as "the right throat of the Huaihe River, the lips and teeth of the south of the Yangtze River", "the first county of the Jianghuai River, the hub of Wu and Chu", "the hometown of the Three Kingdoms, the hometown of Bao Zheng, and the cradle of the Huai Army". [162]
Hefei Xiaoyaojin Park
Wuhu City
Wuhu, Anhui Province, is located in the southeast of Anhui Province, in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and is a provincial sub central city [158] [163] By the end of 2023, Wuhu City has a total area of 6009.02 square kilometers and a permanent population of 3.756 million [159-160] Wuhu is an important financing hub in the Yangtze River Delta. It has a hundred million ton port, Wuhu Port, and Beijing Fuzhou High speed Railway, Ning'an High speed Railway, and Shanghe Hangzhou High speed Railway run through the territory. There are Fangte Tourist Area, Jiuzi Ancient Town, Wuhu Ancient City and other tourist attractions in the territory Zone. [161]
Wuhu Jiuzi Square


Anhui Provincial Leading Group
Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China
Deputy Secretary
Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee
Standing Committee of Anhui Provincial People's Congress
Han Jun [15] [34]
Deputy Director
Tao Minglun [10] He Shushan [10] Wang Cuifeng [10] Yang Guangrong [10] Liu Mingbo [10] Han Jun [10] Wei Xiaoming [10] Zhang Yunsheng [34]
Secretary general
People's Government of Anhui Province
executive vice governor
Vice Governor
Fei Gaoyun [11] Zhang Shuguang [11] Ren Qinghua [11] Single forward [11] Zhang Hongwen [11] Qian Sanxiong [11] Sun Yong [11] Qin Weiguo [39] Li Zhong [39]
Secretary general
Anhui Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Chairman, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group
Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group
vice president
Chen Shun [33] Sun Yunfei [8] Zhou Xi'an [8] Zheng Hong [8] Li Heping [8] Zheng Yongfei [8] Zhang Xiang'an [8] Tao Yisheng [8] Ma Chuanxi [8] Luo Ping [33]
Secretary general
Anhui Provincial Supervision Commission
Anhui Higher People's Court
Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate
Prosecutor General
The last update time of table information is May 2024



population size

By the end of 2023, the permanent population of Anhui Province will be 61.21 million, 60000 fewer than the end of the previous year; The urbanization rate of permanent residents was 61.51%, up 1.36 percentage points. Among them, 31.27 million are men, accounting for 51.09% of the total population; 29.94 million women, accounting for 48.91% of the total population. The population aged 0-15 (including those under 16) is 11.42 million, accounting for 18.66% of the total population; The population aged 15-69 (including those under 60) is 39.64 million, accounting for 60.35% of the total population; the population aged 60 and above is 12.85 million, accounting for 20.99% of the total population, of which the population aged 65 and above is 9.71 million, accounting for 15.86% of the total population. [37] The birth rate of the permanent population is 6.45 ‰, the mortality rate is 8.56 ‰, and the natural growth rate is -2.11 ‰ ‰。 [153]
Change of permanent population in Anhui Province (2018-2023)
Reference source [6] [14] [20-22] [38]


Anhui Province is a province where ethnic minorities live in scattered communities. The 56 ethnic groups in Anhui Province are complete [75] among Hui nationality Manchu the She ethnic group It is a minority of Anhui Province, with Hui people scattered throughout the province, and there are Hui people in every county and city; The Manchu are mainly distributed in the area of Wanpaifang, Feidong County, and have lived here since the early Ming Dynasty, taking Wanyan as their surname; The She nationality is mainly distributed in Ningguo County, which accounts for more than 80% of the She nationality in the whole province and has one administrative village of the She nationality. At present, the population of ethnic minorities is about 395600. Among them, the Hui nationality has a large population, accounting for 83% of the total minority population in the province, ranking ninth in the country. The population of ethnic minorities is distributed in the form of "large dispersion and small settlement". It is relatively concentrated along the Huaihe River and north Huaihe River, and few and scattered along the Jiangnan River. There are ethnic minorities in all cities and counties (cities and districts) Family. [76]


There are four major Chinese dialects in Anhui Province. From north to south, they are Northern Dialect, Gan Dialect, Wu Dialect and Hui Dialect. From north to south, northern dialects are divided into Zhongyuan Mandarin and Jianghuai Mandarin. In addition, influenced by historical immigrants, Hunan, Fujian, Hakka, Southwest Mandarin and She dialects in modern Chinese dialects are also scattered in many counties and cities in southern Anhui, surrounded by other dialects, and gradually formed a square Yandao. [77 ]
The Central Plains Mandarin, represented by Fuyang dialect, includes 22 counties and cities to the north of the Huaihe River and Fengyang County, Bengbu City, Huoqiu County, Jinzhai County and the area to the north of Xiatangji, Changfeng County to the south of the Huaihe River. Its language feature is that the relationship between the rhymes of Putonghua is relatively consistent, and the tones are divided into Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shang Sheng and Qu Sheng. Grammatically, the word "don't know" in Mandarin is said to mean "don't know". [77 ]
Jianghuai Mandarin. Represented by Hefei dialect, it includes 21 cities and counties between Huaiyuan County and the Yangtze Huaihe River, as well as Anqing City, Guichi District, Qingyang County, Tongling City, Wuhu City, Wuhu County, Nanling County, Xuanzhou District, Langxi County, Guangde County, Dangtu County and Maanshan City along the Yangtze River. Its phonetic feature is that n is not distinguished from i, en is not distinguished from eng, in is not distinguished from ing, and there are five tones: Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shang Sheng, Qu Sheng and Ru Sheng. [77 ]
Gan dialect is represented by Yuexi dialect, including Yuexi, Qianshan, Taihu, Susong, Wangjiang, Huaining, Dongzhi, Guichi (west and southeast corner) and other counties and cities. It is said that the ancestors in the territory moved from Ji'an, Jiangxi in the early Ming Dynasty. Its phonetic characteristics are that the ancient voiced initials have been cleared up. When reading stops and affricates, the aspirated initials are read regardless of the tone; Ancient Han and Huan rhymes have the same initial consonant of the current syllable; The vowels and modern sounds of the characters with the end system initials of ancient Xian and title rhymes are also the same. There are six tones: Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Yin Qu, Yang Qu, Shang Sheng and Ru Sheng. Grammatically, "Give me the newspaper" in Mandarin is said to be "Give me the newspaper". [77 ]
Wu dialect is represented by Tongling County dialect, including 14 counties and cities in the north and east of the Huangshan Mountains in southern Anhui, namely Tongling County, Fanchang County, Jing County, Nanling County (mountainous and polder areas), Dangtu County (east and south), Qingyang County, Guichi District, Shitai County, part of Huangshan District of Huangshan City, Xuanzhou District, Wuhu County, Ningguo County, Guangde County, and Langxi County, The older generation of local indigenous people generally speak Wu. Its phonetic characteristics are that the ancient voiced initials and modern sounds still form a category. There are four tones in Shitai, Jingxian and other places, namely, Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shangsheng and Qusheng. There are five tones in Tongling County, Wuhu County and Fanchang County, namely, Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shangsheng, Qusheng and Rensheng. There are six tones in Guangde, Langxi and Huangshan District, namely, Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Yin Shang, Yang Shang, Yin Qu and Yang Qu. [77 ]
Hui dialect is represented by She County dialect, including Qimen County, Yi County, Xiuning County, Huangshan City (Tunxi District, Huizhou District, Huangshan Scenic Area), She County, Jixi County, and Jingde County. Its phonetic characteristics are that the initial consonants of Zhizhang group read j px before the third class rhyme, the ancient voiced initial consonants are all clear, the stop and affricate initial consonants mostly read aspirated sounds, and the ancient suspect and shadow initial consonants read the initial consonants before the opening call; Xianshan Dangjiang Yangsheng rhyme is mostly converted into Yin rhyme, and the western Hui language has long vowel finals; There are six tones in the territory: Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shang Sheng, Yin Quo, Yang Quo, and Ren Sheng. Grammatically, "Play for another day," "Say yes," and play for a day. ". [77 ]

religious belief

Anhui has five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity. Anhui Province has about 3 million religious believers, more than 6000 teaching staff, 200 patriotic religious organizations, and 5000 approved and registered places for religious activities, including 14 national key Buddhist temples promulgated by the State Council, including Jiuhua Mountain, Qiyun Mountain and other well-known Buddhist and Taoist holy places. [77 ]
Buddhism was introduced into the area north of Huaihe River in Anhui Province in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. During the Three Kingdoms period, there were records of the establishment of Buddhist temples. During the two Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, in the Tang Dynasty, the spread of Buddhism in Anhui reached a climax. Huike, who was praised as the second ancestor of Zen, and Sencan, the third ancestor of Zen, traveled to Sikong Mountain in Yuexi County, Tianzhu Mountain in Qianshan County and other places to widely publicize Zen Buddhism. During the Kaiyuan (719~755) period of the Tang Dynasty, Jin Qiaojue, a monk from Silla (today's South Korea), sailed to China and created the Jiuhua Mountain Dizang Bodhisattva Ashram. By the Ming Dynasty, Buddhism in Jiuhua Mountain had become increasingly prosperous, with more than 100 temples of all sizes in the mountain. During the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Buddhism continued to spread in Anhui. Since the founding of New China, the policy of freedom of religious belief has been implemented, Buddhist activities have been carried out normally, temples have been properly protected and maintained, and many monks and nuns have also been elected deputies to people's congresses and CPPCC committees at all levels committee member. [149]
Anhui Taoism has a long history. In the north, there is the birthplace of Laozi, the founder of Chinese Taoism and the ancestor of Taoism, and Tianjing Palace, the ancestor of Taoism. Zhuangzi, who is regarded as a real man in South China by Taoism, is a native of Mengcheng, Anhui Province. In the south, there is Qiyun Mountain, which is known as "the unparalleled scenic spot in the world and the first mountain in the south of the Yangtze River" and is honored as one of the four famous mountains of Taoism in China. In addition, the ancient "Nanyue" Tianzhu Mountain, located in Qianshan County, Anhui Province, was listed as the 14th cave and the 57th blessed place by Taoism. During the Three Kingdoms Period, Taoist temples had appeared in Anhui Province, and the City God Temple established in Wuhu, Anhui, was the earliest record of China's City God Temple. As of October 2023, Anhui Province has approved the opening of 56 palaces and temples, with about 80000 Taoist believers, and 45 Taoist teaching staff identified 4 people. [150]
Christianity was introduced into Anhui at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the latest among the five religions, but it was widely and rapidly spread. During the period of the Republic of China, Christianity continued to develop. Some churches were built, and many charity and relief organizations were set up, which expanded the social influence. After the founding of New China, Christians throughout the province actively carried out the "Three Self Patriotic Movement" of "autonomy, self-reliance and autobiography". Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, with the implementation of the policy of freedom of religious belief, normal religious activities have been restored Reply. [151]




Anhui Province is an important agricultural production, energy, raw materials and processing and manufacturing base in China, and automobile, machinery, household appliances, chemicals, electronics, agricultural products processing and other industries occupy an important position in the country Set. [36] Investment, consumption and export are the "troika" of Anhui's economy. The growth of these three major indicators in Anhui is higher than the national average Ping. [78]
In 2023, Anhui's GDP will be 470.506 billion yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 349.66 billion yuan, up 3.9%; The added value of the secondary industry was 1887.18 billion yuan, up 6.1%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 2468.22 billion yuan, up 5.8%. The industrial added value was 1402.11 billion yuan, up 6.2%. The three industrial structure was adjusted from 7.9:40.2:51.9 in the previous year to 7.4:40.1:52.5. [31-32] [37]
Change of Anhui Provincial GDP (2018-2023)
Reference source [6] [14] [20-23] [38]
In 2023, among industries above designated size in Anhui Province, the added value of high-tech industries will increase by 11.2% over the previous year, accounting for 49.1% of the added value of industries above designated size; The added value of equipment manufacturing industry increased by 13.3%, accounting for 38.7% of the added value of industries above designated size; The output value of strategic emerging industries increased by 12.2%, accounting for 42.9% of the total output value of industries above designated size. In the market, online retail sales reached 398.54 billion yuan, up 14.5%. Among them, the online retail sales of physical goods reached 340.69 billion yuan, up 12%. Among the fixed asset investment, the investment in high-tech industries increased by 24.4%, 20.4 percentage points faster than the total investment. The operating revenue of the whole auto industry chain in the whole year exceeded trillion yuan, reaching 1.16 trillion yuan, an increase of 28.5% over the previous year. There were 1.411 million newly registered business entities throughout the year, 1211 newly registered enterprises per day, and the total number of business entities at the end of the year reached 8.017 million. [38]

primary industry

Anhui Province is located in the hinterland of East China, close to the sea and adjacent to the river, with obvious geographical advantages, rich agricultural resources and a large proportion of agricultural products. It is a typical agricultural province. In terms of planting industry, the perennial crop planting area exceeds 130 million mu, of which the area of grain crops accounts for more than 75%, with a total output of about 40 million tons, ranking fourth in terms of area and 4-5th in terms of total output. Grain crops mainly include wheat, rice, corn, soybeans, potatoes and other dry grain crops, of which wheat has a perennial sown area of about 42 million mu, with a total output of more than 16 million tons; The rice area is more than 37 million mu, with a total output of more than 15 million tons; The corn area is more than 18 million mu, with a total output of more than 6 million tons; The soybean area is 9 million mu, with a total output of 900000 tons. The main economic crops are rape, cotton, vegetables, etc., of which the rapeseed planting area is about 5 million mu since 2017, with a total output of more than 800000 tons; The cotton area is more than 700000 mu, with a total output of more than 40000 tons; Vegetables cover an area of 10 million mu, with a total output of 22 million tons (revised by the Third Agricultural Census). Others such as tea, cocoons, fruits, and traditional Chinese medicine are important economic crops Things. [79]
Anhui Province is a major animal husbandry province and a major producer of freshwater aquatic products in China. The total area of inland waters, such as ponds, lakes, reservoirs, rivers and paddy fields, ranks first in China. [79] In addition, Anhui Province is also one of the important tea producing provinces in China. Tea not only has a large output and a wide variety of varieties, but also has a long history of famous Anhui teas, such as Huangshan Maofeng, Qimen Black Tea, Lu'an Guapian, Taiping Houkui, and their production techniques have been selected as the intangible cultural heritage of mankind Record. [80]
On July 15, 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics released the data of summer grain output in 2023. According to the data, the total output of summer grain in Anhui Province in 2023 will reach 17.408 million tons (34.816 billion jin), ranking third in China, only second to Henan Province and Shandong Province. In addition, the sown area of Anhui summer grain in 2023 will be 2863300 hectares, and the yield per unit area will be 6079.9kg/ha. [19]
In 2023, the grain sown area of Anhui Province will be 110.017 million mu, an increase of 303000 mu over the previous year; The grain output was 41.508 million tons, an increase of 1.2% over the previous year. Among them, 17.408 million tons of summer grain increased by 1.1%; 1.015 million tons of early rice, an increase of 0.4%; 23.084 million tons of autumn grain, an increase of 1.4%. The oil production was 1.89 million tons, an increase of 9%. The output of pig, cattle, sheep and poultry meat was 4.958 million tons, up 4.5%. The output of eggs was 2.063 million tons, up 10.5%. The output of milk was 536000 tons, up 5.7%. The output of aquatic products was 2.54 million tons, up 3.5%. At the end of the year, the number of live pigs on hand was 15.517 million, down 6.3% from the end of the previous year; 30.755 million pigs were sold throughout the year, up 5.3%. [27] [37]

the secondary industry

Anhui Province has a relatively weak industrial foundation. At the beginning of the founding of New China, there were less than 80 industrial enterprises, with an annual output value of only 440 million yuan. After the reform and opening up, Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government have attached great importance to industrial development, taking the lead in making breakthroughs in the field of light industry, and developed into a "major province of light industry" in the 1990s. Entering the 21st century, Anhui specially issued the Decision on Powerful Industrial Province 》。 [81]
In 2023, industrial enterprises above designated size in Anhui Province will achieve an operating revenue of 5087.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year. The total operating revenue will rank seventh in the country and first in the central and western regions. The added value of automobile industry will increase by 33.9% in 2023, ranking first among 41 major industries. Another key emerging industry, advanced photovoltaic industry, will achieve a revenue of 296.74 billion yuan in 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 50.9%. Its revenue scale will leap to the third place in China, second only to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. [81]
In 2023, Anhui will have a coal production capacity of 130.91 million tons. The installed power generation capacity is 108.173 million kilowatts, including 54.782 million kilowatts of coal fired thermal power and 48.24 million kilowatts of renewable energy power. The annual profit of industrial enterprises above designated size was 241.84 billion yuan, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year. By economic type, the profit of state-owned holding enterprises was 64.76 billion yuan, up 3.2%; Share holding enterprises reached 202.3 billion yuan, up 4.8%; Enterprises invested by foreign investors, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan businessmen reached 32.83 billion yuan, up 17.5%; Private enterprises reached 55.32 billion yuan, down 8.9%. By category, the profit of the mining industry was 26.95 billion yuan, up 1.9%; The manufacturing industry was 194.63 billion yuan, up 3.9%; The production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water reached 20.26 billion yuan, an increase of 68.6%. [37]
In 2023, the added value of Anhui's construction industry will be 488.12 billion yuan, an increase of 5.7% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 9651 general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with qualification levels, 738 more than at the end of the previous year. The construction area of houses in the whole year was 597.693 million square meters, an increase of 100.986 million square meters over the previous year; The completed housing area was 154.656 million square meters, an increase of 6.087 million square meters. [37]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2023, the added value of Anhui's wholesale and retail industry will be 475.05 billion yuan, up 9.1% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 246.92 billion yuan, up 5.7%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 97.65 billion yuan, up 11.8%; The added value of the financial industry was 303.56 billion yuan, up 9.4%; The added value of the real estate industry was 283.95 billion yuan, down 1.9%; The added value of information transmission, software and information technology services was 122.33 billion yuan, up 10.2%; The added value of leasing and business services was 155.27 billion yuan, up 13.4%. The operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size increased by 8.8% throughout the year. [37]
In 2023, the total import and export volume of Anhui Province will be 805.22 billion yuan, an increase of 7.8% over the previous year. Among them, the export was 523.12 billion yuan, up 11.3%; Imports reached 282.1 billion yuan, up 1.8%. In terms of export commodities, the export of mechanical and electrical products increased by 20.6%, and the export of high-tech products decreased by 9.2%. Auto exports reached 71.46 billion yuan, up 1.2 times. The "new three types" of electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar cells totaled 39.06 billion yuan in exports, up 11.6%. The import and export to countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" was 410.46 billion yuan, up 20.1%. Among them, the export was 260.18 billion yuan, up 33.4%; Imports reached 150.28 billion yuan, up 2.5%. [37]
In 2023, listed companies in Anhui Province will raise 48.18 billion yuan through the domestic market. Among them, 13 A-shares (including one IPO in Beijing Stock Exchange) were initially issued, raising 23.93 billion yuan; A share refinancing (including rights issue, public additional issuance, private additional issuance and warrants) was 12.45 billion yuan; Listed companies raised 11.8 billion yuan by issuing convertible bonds and corporate bonds. At the end of the year, there were 175 A-share listed companies, 14 more than at the end of the previous year, with a total market value of 1858 billion yuan, up 3.3%. [38]
In 2023, the total number of postal services in Anhui Province will be 5.7 billion, an increase of 14.3% over the previous year. Among them, the express business volume was 4.10 billion, up 16.2%. The total amount of telecommunications services was 64.07 billion yuan, up 19%. At the end of the year, the total number of telephone users was 73.199 million, including 68095 million mobile phone users. The penetration rate of mobile phones is 111.1/100 people. The number of fixed Internet broadband access users was 29.876 million, an increase of 2.775 million over the end of the previous year, including 28.106 million fixed Internet fiber broadband access users, an increase of 3.328 million. The mobile Internet user access traffic throughout the year was 11.2 billion GB, up 16.3%. [38]

Economic functional area

As of January 2024, there are 131 development zones above provincial level in Anhui Province Including 20 national industrial leading development zones in Hefei, Wuhu, Tongling, Chizhou, etc., 6 national industrial urban integration development zones, 96 provincial industrial leading development zones, and 9 provincial industrial urban integration development zones. [82]

social undertakings


Science and technology

By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 5.033 million professional and technical talents, including 530000 high-level talents. There are 8571 scientific research institutions in the province. 375000 people engaged in R&D activities. Three major national scientific and technological infrastructures, namely, the fully superconducting Tokamak, the stable strong magnetic field and the synchrotron radiation, have been built. There are 15 national key laboratories (including national research centers) and 286 provincial key laboratories; There are 413 engineering technology research centers above provincial level, including 9 national level; There are 20 high-tech industrial development zones at or above the provincial level, including 8 national level. [37]
By the end of 2023, Anhui Province had registered 23219 scientific and technological achievements, including 1111 scientific and technological achievements supported by various financial funds. There were 143000 authorized patents, down 8.9% from the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 173000 effective invention patents in the province. The annual turnover of export technology contracts was 333.95 billion yuan, up 50.7%; The turnover of technology absorbing contracts was 473.42 billion yuan, up 54.2%. [37]
By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 1762 qualified inspection and testing institutions and 26 national product quality inspection and testing centers; 86 certification bodies for products, services and management systems (including Anhui branch and branch companies), and 1409 enterprises with compulsory product certification; There were 80 statutory and authorized metrological verification technical institutions, and 9.232 million sets (pieces) of measuring instruments were compulsorily verified throughout the year. He has led or participated in the formulation of 74 international standards, 4767 national standards and 4023 local standards. It has 86 national geographical indication products and 1324000 valid registered trademarks. [37]


By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 21 postgraduate training units, 121 ordinary colleges (including independent colleges), 245 secondary vocational education schools (excluding technical schools), and 676 ordinary high schools. There are 2763 junior high schools, and the enrollment rate of the school-age population at the junior high school stage is 100%. There are 6218 primary schools, and the enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%. [37]
List of Colleges and Universities in Anhui Province
Anhui Vocational and Technical College Anhui Forestry Vocational and Technical College Anhui Audit Vocational College Anhui Vocational and Technical College of Press and Publication Anhui Vocational and Technical College of Posts and Telecommunications Anhui Grain Engineering Vocational College Anhui Water Conservancy Technical College Anhui Police Vocational College Anhui Technical College of Industry and Economy hefei institute of general professional technology Anhui Communications Vocational & Technical College Anhui Sports Vocational and Technical College Anhui Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College Anhui Automobile Vocational and Technical College Anhui Medical College Hefei Vocational and Technical College Anhui Broadcasting Movie and Television College Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College Hefei Preschool Teachers College Anhui Foreign Economics Vocational College anhui occupational college of city management Hefei Vocational College of Science and Technology anhui business vocational college Anhui Zhong-Ao Institute of Technology Huishang Vocational College Anhui Vocational College of Finance and Trade Anhui Art Vocational College Anhui Institute of International Business Anhui Lvhai Vocational College of Business Hefei Information Technology University Hefei Gongda Vocational and Technical College Hefei Vocational College of Finance and Economics Hefei Binhu Vocational & Technical College Hefei Vocational College of Economics and Technology Wanbo Vocational College of Science and Technology
Wuhu City
Bengbu City
Ma'anshan City
Huainan City
Chuzhou City
Fuyang City
Huaibei City
Anqing City
Huangshan City
Lu'an City
Suzhou City
Bozhou City
Xuancheng City
Reference source: [84] As of June 2023

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 123 cultural centers, 133 public libraries, 225 museums (including non-state-owned museums), and 1512 township street comprehensive cultural stations. There are 175 national key cultural relics protection units and 915 provincial key cultural relics protection units. There are 99 national intangible cultural heritage lists and 626 provincial lists. [37]
Anhui Museum
By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 78 radio and television stations, with a comprehensive population coverage rate of 99.96% for radio programs and 99.95% for television programs. There are 7.77 million cable TV users. 84 kinds of newspapers were published throughout the year, with a total print number of 480 million; 181 journals (magazines), with a total print number of 30 million; There are 11135 kinds of books, with a total print number of 360 million. At the end of the year, there were 125 national comprehensive archives at all levels in the province, with 67.793 million volumes (pieces, volumes) of archives in the collection, and a total construction area of 672000 square meters. [37]

medical and health work

By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 31361 medical and health institutions, including 1355 hospitals, 29340 grass-roots medical and health institutions, 484 professional public health institutions, and 182 other health institutions. Among the primary medical and health institutions, there are 1317 health centers, 1825 community health service centers (stations), and 15546 village clinics; Among professional public health institutions, there are 128 disease prevention and control centers, 41 specialized disease prevention and control centers (stations), 130 maternal and child health centers (stations), and 108 health supervision centers (centers). At the end of the year, there were 514000 health technicians, including 202000 licensed (assistant) doctors and 244000 registered nurses. There are 23000 rural doctors and health workers. There are 451000 beds in medical and health institutions, including 346000 beds in hospitals and 93000 beds in grass-roots medical and health institutions. A total of 390 million people were diagnosed and treated by medical and health institutions throughout the year. [37]


By the end of 2022, Anhui Province has 214100 sports venues, covering an area of 160 million square meters, with a per capita sports area of 2.62 square meters Meters. Nine cities have built municipal "Five Ones" public sports facilities, 78 counties (cities, districts) in the province have built county (city) "Five Ones" and municipal "Two Ones" public sports facilities, and the farmers' sports fitness project has achieved full coverage of administrative villages. [85] By July 2021, Anhui athletes have won 14 medals in all previous Olympic Games, and Xu Haifeng, Deng Linlin, Meng Su and other athletes have won 4 gold medals Cards, [86] Among them, Xu Haifeng won the championship in the men's pistol slow shooting competition at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, achieving a breakthrough of "zero" in China's Olympic gold medal [87]

social security

By the end of 2023, 16880000 people in Anhui Province had participated in the basic pension insurance for urban employees. The number of urban and rural residents participating in basic pension insurance was 34.08 million. The number of people participating in unemployment insurance was 7.004 million, and 171000 unemployed people were paid unemployment insurance benefits of different periods throughout the year. 63.779 million people participated in basic medical insurance, 9.209 million people participated in industrial injury insurance, and 7.822 million people participated in maternity insurance. At the end of the year, 262000 people enjoyed the minimum living security for urban residents, 1678000 people enjoyed the minimum living security for rural residents, and 315000 people were supported in rural areas. [37]
By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 2737 social work institutions providing accommodation, 341000 beds and 132000 adoption rescuers; There are 30000 social work institutions and facilities that do not provide accommodation, including 16000 community service stations. Throughout the year, 7.13 billion yuan of social welfare lottery tickets were sold and 2.17 billion yuan of social welfare funds were raised. [37]

environmental protection

By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 84 ecological environment monitoring institutions at provincial, municipal and county levels. The average annual concentration of PM2.5 in the province was 34.8 μ g/m3, down 0.3% over the previous year. The average number of good days of air quality in 16 cities under the jurisdiction of the province was 82.9%, 1.1 percentage points higher than that of the previous year; Air quality in 8 cities reached the secondary standard, an increase of 2 over the previous year. [37]
By April 2024, Anhui Province has established 8 national nature reserves such as Freshwater Dolphin, Qingliangfeng, Yaoluoping, Gujingyuan, and 33 provincial nature reserves individual [62] [65-66] In addition, Huangshan is the world biosphere conservation Zone. [63]




Anhui Province has the traffic location advantage of connecting the east to the west and connecting the river to the sea in China's transportation trunk network. In particular, the entire Jianghuai Canal is open to navigation, forming a new water transport pattern of "two channels reaching the sea, two canals entering the river, and river river sea combined transport". [88]
In 2023, Anhui will transport 4.23 billion tons of goods, an increase of 7.3% over the previous year. The turnover of freight transportation was 1205.31 billion ton kilometers, up 7.3%. The port cargo throughput reached 670 million tons, up 10.5%. The passenger traffic volume reached 260 million person times, up 76.8%. The passenger transport turnover was 103.91 billion person kilometers, up 107.7%. The passenger throughput of civil aviation airports across the province was 14.893 million person times, an increase of 110.6%, of which the passenger throughput of Hefei Xinqiao Airport was 11.171 million person times, an increase of 95.6%. [37]
By the end of 2023, Anhui Province had 11.926 million civilian cars, an increase of 5.4% over the end of the previous year, including 10.623 million private cars, an increase of 5.8%. The number of civilian cars was 6.728 million, up 8.2%, including 6.441 million private cars, up 8%. The province has 5804 kilometers of expressways, 7098 kilometers of first-class highways, 5501 kilometers of railways and 2537 kilometers of high-speed railways. [37]


By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has a total highway mileage of 239000 kilometers, including 5804 kilometers of expressways, 7098 kilometers of first-class highways, 5501 kilometers of railways and 2537 kilometers of high-speed railways The provincial, municipal and county first-class highway network has basically been completed, and the connection between cities and counties, and between adjacent counties has basically realized the connection of second-class and above highways. More than 20 households have access to hardened roads, 100% of villages have access to hardened roads and buses, and the rural logistics network system covering three levels of counties and villages has been basically built. [37] [88]


Anhui Province has completed the Beijing Shanghai, Beijing Fuzhou, Beijing Port South North Passage, the Yangtze River, the Land Bridge East West Passage and the East China Second Passage, basically forming a railway network structure centered around Hefei [90] By November 2022, the total railway mileage of Anhui Province has reached 5405 kilometers, including 2432 kilometers of high-speed railway mileage, which ranks among the top in China The eight vertical and eight horizontal main channels planned by the national high-speed railway network pass through two vertical and three horizontal channels, and the 16 cities in the province have national high-speed railway channels. Direct high-speed rail trains have been opened to reach 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government, 23 provincial capital cities, and more than 110 prefecture level cities in China. The hub position in China's high-speed rail network has been established. Hefei, the provincial capital, has realized the public transportation operation of railway passenger transport to major cities in the Yangtze River Delta, with a two-hour fast access, basically forming a modern railway network system centered around Hefei. [91] The main railway stations are Hefei South Railway Station Hefei Station Wuhu Station Huangshan North Station Fuyang Station Bengbu South Station Chuzhou Station Etc. [83]


By the end of 2023, there are six transport airports in Anhui Province, including Hefei Xinqiao, Huangshan Tunxi, Chizhou Jiuhua Mountain, Fuyang Xiguan, Anqing Tianzhu Mountain and Wuhu Xuanzhou, two Class A general airports, including Feidong Bailong, Ningguo Qinglongwan, and three Class B general airports, including Hefei Shiwan, Changfeng Beicheng Hospital, and Wuhu Yijishan Hospital. More than 200 routes have been opened, covering more than 100 large and medium-sized cities at home and abroad, forming an airport development pattern of "one hub, ten branches and many points". [88] In 2022, the passenger throughput of Anhui Civil Aviation Airport will be 7070746, the cargo throughput will be 85013 tons, and the transport landing gear will be 76688 Times. [92]
Hefei Xinqiao Airport


Anhui has excellent water transportation conditions, Yangtze River Huaihe River Xin'An River The three major rivers run across the province, and the Yangtze River trunk line and Huaihe River trunk channel run across the province, connecting the east and west. The major cities and mineral resources in the province are distributed along the river, and the channel resources are very rich. The water area of the province is vast. There are more than 300 rivers of different sizes, with a total length of more than 15000 kilometers, connecting most cities and counties, and connecting with 9 provinces and cities in China. Hefei Port, Wuhu Port, Anqing Port, Ma'anshan Port, Tongling Port, Chizhou Port, Chuzhou Port, etc. are important ports along the Yangtze River [93-94]
By the end of 2023, the navigable mileage of inland waterways in Anhui Province has reached 5811 kilometers, including 2202 kilometers of waterways of Class IV and above. It has 24000 operating ships, with a net load of about 57.663 million tons and an average tonnage of 2372.0 tons. There are 879 productive berths, including 467 thousand ton berths and above. The annual throughput of Wuhu Port, Ma'anshan Port, Chizhou Port and Tongling Port exceeded 100 million tons, and the annual container traffic volume of Wuhu Port exceeded 1 million TEUs. In 2023, the province will complete 1.54 billion tons of waterway cargo volume, 670 million tons of port cargo throughput, and 2.47 million TEUs of container throughput, with year-on-year growth of 9.8%, 10.5%, and 15.4%, respectively. The waterway cargo volume will rank first in China for 10 consecutive years. [88]
Wuhu Port

rail transit




Anhui is one of the important birthplaces of China's prehistoric civilization, with profound cultural heritage and a long history. It has cultivated Taoist culture, Jian'an literature, Tongcheng School, Northern Song philosophy, Hui culture, etc., and has emerged a number of famous historical figures such as Laozi, Zhuangzi, Guanzi, Cao Cao, Hua Tuo, Bao Zheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Hongzhang, Hu Shi, etc. The Taoism school of Laozhuang, which originated in the Huaihe River basin, together with Confucianism, constitutes the two pillars of Chinese traditional culture; Hui culture was the most influential cultural school in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Anhui Opera is one of the main origins of Beijing Opera, Huangmei Opera is one of the four major categories of Chinese operas, Nuo Opera in Chizhou is known as the "living fossil of drama", and Flower Drum Lantern popular on both sides of the Huaihe River is known as the "Oriental Ballet" [36]


Anhui cuisine
Anhui cuisine is the abbreviation of Anhui cuisine, which is one of the eight major cuisines in China. Originating in Shexian County at the foot of Huangshan Mountain, namely Huizhou in ancient times, it originated in the Tang and Song Dynasties. In the Southern Song Dynasty, there were historical records that "horseshoe turtles in the sand, ox tailed civets in the snow" were made into delicacies. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Huizhou cuisine was carried forward with the development of Huizhou merchants. Yangzhou cuisine is a new kind of cuisine developed and evolved after Huizhou salt merchants introduced Huizhou cuisine into Yangzhou. Huizhou cuisine is famous for cooking delicacies and game. It is usually stewed in casseroles with charcoal, so it is said that "when eating Huizhou cuisine, you should be able to wait" Said. Its characteristics are as follows: local materials and fresh products; Pay attention to fire, and fire skill is unique; Stewing is skillful, and the thickness is appropriate; There are four aspects of natural nourishing and nourishing the body with food. Huizhou cuisine is rich, and representative dishes include "stinky mandarin fish", "golden and silver hoof chicken", "Huizhou hairy tofu", "Huangshan stewed pigeon", "Wenzheng mountain bamboo shoots", "stone ear stewed chicken", "ham stewed turtle", "mushrooms and chestnuts", "Huizhou dumplings", "double crispy rice dumplings", "one pot", etc [98]
well-known tea
Anhui has a long history of tea planting. Anhui Province is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, with mild and humid climate and four distinct seasons. The superior physical and geographical conditions and climatic conditions have contributed to the high quality, strong sense, sufficient aroma and good taste of Anhui tea. Anhui tea is not only of large output and variety, but also famous for its long history and excellent quality. Huangshan Maofeng Tea, Qimen Black Tea, Lu'an Guapian Tea, Taiping Houkui Tea and other Anhui famous teas have enjoyed a long reputation, and their production techniques have been selected as the intangible cultural heritage of mankind in November 2022 Record. [80] [103]
Mount Huangshan Mao Feng


Huizhou Sacrifice
Ancestral worship is one of the most common and important folk activities in the ancient Huizhou countryside. Since the Song Dynasty, as the "Chengzhu Queli", it has been specially influenced by Zhu Xi's Neo Confucianism, and Huizhou patriarchal society has become a common practice of "strict patriarchal system, upholding patriarchal justice, and respecting ancestor worship". Since the 15th year of Jiajing's reign in the Ming Dynasty (1536), in January, Xia Yan, the minister of ceremonies, according to Cheng Yi's argument that "the ritual of death should be more generous than that of the living", delivered the speech "Please make sure that meritorious officials deserve to enjoy and that the subjects have the right to sacrifice their ancestors and build a family temple", and the court issued an edict that all subjects in the world can build ancestral halls to worship their ancestors, an upsurge of building ancestral halls to worship their ancestors rose in the villages of ancient Huizhou. As a historical tradition, a regional folk custom and a cultural heritage, Huizhou Ancestral Temple contains many important values, with the focus on "filial piety" and "ritual", "honesty" and "respect" [108 ] In 2014, Huizhou sacrifice was listed in the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage Production. [106]
Chongyang Temple Fair
Chongyang Temple Fair is a traditional temple fair in Linxi Town near Tunxi. It will be held for three days, and the ninth day of September in the lunar calendar is the first day. On that day, believers from all villages and towns came in groups to worship King Zhou Bodhisattva, and brought various agricultural and sideline products and handicraft products for trade. During the temple fair, the stage was set up to sing from sunset to sunrise, all night long. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, temple fairs became authentic trade fairs for agricultural and sideline products and handicrafts [107]
Clothes & Accessories
Before the Ming Dynasty, Huizhou used self woven linen as clothing, mostly in black, white and blue. The clothing system remained unchanged for a long time. In the Qing Dynasty, men wore long blouses or blouses with large front, women wore long coats with large front, and men and women wore large waist folding down trousers. Women's dress styles are slightly different. Xiuning and Shexian are near Zhejiang, Qimen and Yixian are near Jiangxi, Jixi, Jingde and Taiping are near Xuanzhou, and Shitai is near Anqing. The common people tend to be simple, while the rich businessmen tend to be extravagant. In the later period of the Republic of China, men from rich families in cities and towns began to wear shirts, trousers and Zhongshan suits, while women were in fashion for cheongsam and short skirts. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, long shirts gradually disappeared, and shirts, trousers and Zhongshan suits became popular. The elderly in the countryside are still used to wearing a pair of short jackets for men and a right cardigan for women. Since entering the 21st century, clothing has become increasingly diverse Change. [104]

Huizhou merchants

Hui merchants, also known as Xin'an merchants and Huizhou merchants, became the "Hui Gang", which was the general name of the old Huizhou merchants (Shexian County, Xiuning County, Wuyuan County, Qimen County, Yixian County, Jixi County) into merchant groups. As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were records of Xin'an merchants' activities, which were developed in later generations. During the Chenghua and Hongzhi periods of the Ming Dynasty, a merchant group was formed. From Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty to the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods in the Qing Dynasty, the business of Huizhou merchants reached its peak. From the Daoguang and Xianfeng periods of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Huizhou merchants gradually declined. Hui merchants, known as "Southeast Zou Lu", have been active in the north and south of the Yangtze River, both sides of the Yellow River, Japan, Siam, Southeast Asian countries and Portugal. Hui merchants are also famous for "being good at Confucianism" and "combining Confucianism with Confucianism". Hui merchants pay attention to absorbing literature, art, history and other knowledge in their business, improve their cultural quality and promote the development of business Exhibition. [105] [154]


Anhui's ancient representative literature is Hui culture, Xin'an Neo Confucianism, Tongcheng School and Jian'an Literature. The formation of Tongcheng School's literary theory system and ancient literature movement began in Fang Bao, and developed into a prestigious literary school after Liu Dakui and Yao Nai, with more than 1200 Tongcheng School writers and more than 2000 books. "The world's articles come from Tongcheng" is the world's praise of Tongcheng articles during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. Most of the great critics who appeared in Jian'an period were Anhui people. Xin'an Neo Confucianism is a school that has had a significant impact in the history of Chinese thought. Its founders, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, and Zhu Xi, the synthesizer, all came from the Xin'an River in Anhui Province. Zhu Xi also calls himself "Xin'an Zhu Xi". The founders of Neo Confucianism, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi of Luoyang, and Zhu Xi of Wuyuan, the epitome of Neo Confucianism, all came from Huangdun, Shexian County, Anhui Province, so they are known as "Cheng Zhu Que" [122]
literature of the Jian'an period
Jian'an literature is a variety of literary works written during the Jian'an period (196-220) at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and before and after. It has a unique style and has been highly praised in literary history. Jian'an literature originated from the advocacy of political leaders. At the end of Jian'an, Cao's father and son held the political power, and they refined literature, so they formed a literary group centered on Cao's family, and the "literary style of Yexia" that was in vogue at that time. They use literary works to sigh, reflecting social realities and personal experiences. The poet also inherited the ethos of taking the world as his own responsibility at the end of the Han Dynasty, and developed a kind of high spirited spirit of making contributions. Five character poems were mainly popular in Jian'an period. In terms of themes, they can be divided into wars and hardships of garrison, nostalgia for home, people's livelihood, political ideals and ambitions, short life, vicissitudes of life, immortals, poetry, wine, banquet, etc. It is realistic in content, reflecting the reality of social unrest at the end of the Han Dynasty, showing the characteristics of generosity and sadness. Its representative works are Wang Can's Poems of Seven Sorrows and Ode to Climbing the Tower. Jian'an literature is also called "Jian'an style" by later generations because of its lyrical content, expressing the author's personal ideal and his ambition to save things and help the world [109 ]
Huizhou Neo Confucianism
Huizhou Neo Confucianism, also known as Xin'an Neo Confucianism, is a school of Neo Confucianism formed in Huizhou during the Southern Song Dynasty. It aims at inheriting Zhu Xi's learning, and is an important branch of Cheng Zhu's philosophy. For example, Huang Zongxi said that Erhu (Yi Gui, Bing Wen) and Dingyu (Chen Li) were written in "Xin'an". It began in the Southern Song Dynasty, spread in the Yuan Dynasty, flourished in the Ming Dynasty, and finally in the early Qing Dynasty. Xin'an Academy chose Cheng Zhu School and advocated Zhu School because after the Southern Song Dynasty, the position of Cheng Zhu School was rising and became the ideological basis of rulers. As far as the birthplace and main areas of academic activities are concerned, Zhu Xi is from Youxi, Fujian Province, and Xin'an is where Zhu Xi's ancestral home is, so Xin'an is also called "Cheng Zhu Que Li ". [110 ]
Tongcheng Literary School
Tongcheng School is the largest prose school in the literary world of the Qing Dynasty in China, also known as Tongcheng Ancient Literature School, and Tongcheng School in the world. With its long history of literary tradition, broad and profound literary theory, rich and honest works, it is popular all over the country, famous overseas, and occupies a prominent position in the history of ancient Chinese literature. Tongcheng School respects Cheng Zhu's Neo Confucianism, and advocates that "literature has no past or present, but can be used whenever appropriate." Dai Mingshi, Fang Bao, Liu Dakui, and Yao Nai are respected as the "four ancestors" of Tongcheng School, and their writers are teachers, private scholars, or imitators. There are 1211 people in 19 provinces (cities) in China. There are more than 2000 kinds of works handed down from generation to generation. They have led the literary world of the Qing Dynasty for more than 200 years, and their influence extends to modern times, Contemporary cultural celebrities such as Hu Shi, Guo Moruo, Qian Zhongshu, Zhu Guangqian, etc. have been influenced imperceptibly by Tongcheng School's prose [99]

traditional opera

Anhui Province is known as the hometown of Chinese operas. The performing arts of Anhui operas have a long history, many varieties and many famous artists. There are more than 30 kinds of local operas, including Anhui Opera It is one of the main sources of Beijing Opera Nuo Opera Known as "living fossil of drama", it is popular on both sides of the Huaihe River hugudeng Known as "Oriental Ballet" [116]
Anhui Opera
Hui Opera is an important local opera tune, which is mainly popular in Anhui Province and Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Luantang tune was introduced into Anhui, which was combined with local tune and folk music to form bozi in Shipai, Zongyang, Tongcheng and other places in Anqing Prefecture. During the reign of Qianlong, the bozi and the blowing tune from Siping tune gradually merged to form the Erhuang tune. Erhuang Tune and Hubei Xipi formed Pihuang Ensemble, which laid the foundation of Anhui Opera. The roles and professions of Anhui Opera include the end, the beginning, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end, the end. The musical tunes of Hui Opera can be divided into Hui Kun, Chuqiang, Bozi, Erhuang, Xipi, Huaqiang ditty, etc. The traditional operas include Seven Catches of Meng Huo, Zhaojun Going Out of the Frontier, Thousand Liju, Zhanfan City, Dragon and Tiger Fight, etc. In 2006, Anhui Opera was selected as one of the first national intangible cultural heritage representative works record [115]
Huangmei Opera
Huangmei Opera, one of the five major operas in China, originated in Huangmei, Hubei Province, formerly known as Huangmei Opera, tea picking opera, etc., and now spreads in Anqing, Anhui Province, Huangmei County, Hubei Province, and other places. The early Huangmei Opera was introduced into Huaining County, Anhui Province and other neighboring areas from Huangmei County, Hubei Province at the end of the Qing Dynasty. It was combined with local folk art, and sang and recited in Anqing dialect. It gradually developed into a new type of opera called Huaiqiang or Huaidiao at that time. Later, Huangmei Opera drew on the music, performance and repertoire of Qingyang Opera and Anhui Opera, and began to perform "this opera". After more than one hundred years of development, Huangmei Opera became the main local opera in Anhui Province and a well-known major opera in China with Anqing as the center. Huangmei Opera is good at lyricism with rich charm. Its singing is simple and fresh. Its singing style is a plate type variety, with three major tunes: coloratura, coloratura and main tune Department, representative plays include Tianxian Pai, Niulang Zhinv, Huaiyin Ji, etc. In 2006, Huangmei Opera was selected as one of the first national intangible cultural heritage representative works record [113-114]
Heavenly Immortals with stills
Nuo Opera
Chizhou Nuo Opera is one of the ancient and rare traditional operas in Chizhou, Anhui Province, known as the living fossil of opera. It is an ancient folk culture with many cultural elements, which is mainly distributed in Guichi, Qingyang, Shitai and other counties and districts of Chizhou City, especially in Liujie, Meijie There are dozens of big family names in Maotan and other towns, which is recorded in history as "no village without Nuo". Chizhou performance consists of "Nuo Ceremony", "Nuo Dance" and "Nuo Opera", which has extremely rich cultural connotation. The content involves many fields such as folk dance, folk music, folk handicrafts, folk art and folk beliefs. Representative plays include Meng Jiangnu, Pang's Girl, Dragon King's Girl, etc. In 2006, Chizhou Nuo Opera was selected as one of the first national intangible cultural heritage representative works record [111-112]

the scholar 's four jewels

Hui ink
Hui ink is the general name of the ink produced in the original Huizhou area (one prefecture and six counties). It is one of the traditional four treasures of study. The production of Hui ink can be traced back to the end of the Tang Dynasty and reached its peak through the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The production techniques of Hui ink are complex. Different schools have their own unique skills, which are secret. Different production processes are used for different ink making materials. Among them, Cao Sugong, Wang Jinsheng, Wang Jie'an and Hu Kaiwen, who are the most famous, are also known as the "four masters of Hui ink painting". Hui ink occupies an important position in the history of Chinese ink making because of its distinctive features, unique techniques, various genres and rich scientific and technological connotations. In 2006, Hui ink production techniques were selected as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative works record [117-118]
Hui ink
Xuan paper
Xuan paper is a unique handicraft created by the working people of ancient China in the long-term production activities. It is the best quality handmade paper used for traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. The rice paper is mainly made from the phloem of Pterocarpus rosea branches growing in the mountainous areas of southern Anhui Province and rice straw in the sand field through careful processing. In the production process, leather production is divided into five stages and 43 processes; The forage production is divided into four stages and 37 processes; The batching process is divided into four processes; The pulping process is divided into six processes; The last is to sort out the packaged products. Generally speaking, the production of a traditional high-quality rice paper, from raw material processing to finished product delivery, requires 18 manual processes and more than 100 different operating processes, at least one year, including peeling, steaming, retting, spreading, beating, washing, pulping, picking paper, pressing, drying, and paper cutting. In 2006, rice paper production techniques were included in the national intangible cultural heritage list. In 2009, rice paper production techniques were selected as representative works of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Record. [119-120]
Xuan paper
She inkstone
She inkstone is one of the four famous inkstones in China. Its main place of production and fame is in She County of ancient Huizhou, so it is called She inkstone. She inkstone came out in the Han and Jin Dynasties, and became increasingly famous in the Tang Dynasty. After the Kaiyuan era, the dragon tail inkstone was found, and the She inkstone was more treasured by the world. Li Yu, the late leader of the Southern Tang Dynasty, regarded She inkstone as the "best in the world", set up "inkstone service" in Shezhou, and promoted Li Shaowei, an inkstone worker, to be "inkstone service officer". Since then, she inkstone's value has soared. In the Song Dynasty, she inkstones developed rapidly, with more varieties and more refined inkstones. The number of names, fine texture, and carving skills of she inkstones ranked first among all inkstones. From the end of the Yuan Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, there was no record of official exploitation of She stone, and the production of She inkstone was just to maintain the situation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the production of She Inkstone was once developed, and the Venus She Inkstone was re launched. She County and Wuyuan County have successively established She Inkstone Factory, Arts and Crafts Factory, and the Four Treasures of Study Company. From the exploitation of inkstone, product manufacturing to decoration, they have also explored new varieties such as "bean spot", "green brush silk", "She red", and "purple cloud". The production technique of She inkstone is centered on carving, and consists of multiple processes such as stone selection, conception, shaping, pattern design, carving, polishing, and making inkstone boxes. According to the texture of stone, she inkstone can be divided into five categories, namely, rib, eyebrow, golden star, golden halo, and roe, with more than 100 varieties. The inkstone material has a fine texture, which is both firm and moist. It has the characteristics of astringency without leaving a pen and smoothness without rejecting ink. It is known as the "stone crown mountains" and the "inkstone national pearl". In 2009, she inkstone production skills were included in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity [121]
She inkstone

Huizhou architecture

Huizhou architecture, with horse head walls, black bricks and black tiles as its strong marks, is a typical representative of Anhui's traditional architectural style. In space, it absorbs the "Ganlan style" architecture of the Shanyue culture and the "quadrangle" architectural features of the Central Plains, and has become a new type of courtyard house. In the internal structure, the bucket type technology in the south and the beam lifting type wood frame technology in the north are used together to enhance the functionality and integrity of the house. In terms of materials, local bricks, stones, wood and other natural materials are used, and the processing of traditional materials is more refined, forming a unique "three carving" art. [122] [141]
Huizhou architecture
Horsehead wall is one of the main style features of Huizhou residential buildings. It generally has the form of "three mountain screen", "five mountains facing the sky", and many variations have also appeared. Different forms of Horsehead wall enrich the interface of the external space due to the combination of building single spaces. The door head is another style element of the single building. The door cover, gate tower and other forms enrich the street space and become the opposite scene of the turning point. The linear shape of the ridge of the wall, the dot shape of the gate, the window hole and so on, form the external black, white and gray color tone under the surface environment of the large pink wall, and integrate with the natural landscape. [122]
Ma Tau wallwatts

Traditional villages

As of April 2023, there are 470 villages in Anhui Province, including Hongcun Village, Hongcun Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Longtanzhai Ancient Dwellings, Tangquan Township, Taihu County, Anqing City, Gangkou Village, Gangkou Town, Ningguo City, Xuancheng City, which are included in the protection list of Chinese traditional villages, and 818 villages are included in the protection list of provincial traditional villages. The total number of Chinese traditional villages has ranked the first in the country seven [144-146]
Hong village
Hongcun is located in the northeast of Yixian County, 11 kilometers away from the county seat of Yixian County, covering an area of 6000 square meters. There are 137 ancient buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Hongcun was built during the reign of Shaoxi in the Southern Song Dynasty (AD 1131). It used to be a place where the Wang family lived together, called "Hongcun". It was changed to Hongcun during the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, and has a history of more than 800 years. Hongcun is an ancient village that has undergone rigorous planning, especially the planning and design of the artificial water system inside and outside the village is exquisite and ingenious. It has the reputation of "human landscape and natural landscape complement each other, and is one of the few ancient villages with detailed planning in the world". It is called "a pearl of Chinese tradition" by Chinese and foreign architectural experts. On November 30, 2000, Hongcun was included in the World Cultural Heritage List. [147]
Hong village
Xidi Village
Xidi Village, located at the southern foot of Huangshan Mountain, 40 kilometers away from Huangshan Scenic Area, is known as the "people in the Peach Blossom Garden". It was founded in the reign of Huangyou in the Northern Song Dynasty, developed in the middle of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty, flourished in the early Qing Dynasty, and has a history of nearly 960 years. The first ancestor of Xidi, the son of Li Ye, Emperor Zhaozong of the Tang Dynasty, fled to the people and changed his surname to Hu because of the upheaval. He multiplied and formed a settlement. Therefore, since the ancient style of writing flourished, until the Ming and Qing dynasties, some scholars abandoned Confucianism and followed the family. They succeeded in business, built houses, temples, roads and bridges, and built their hometown into a very comfortable, dignified and magnificent place. After hundreds of years of social turbulence and wind and rain, although more than half of the ancient dwellings, ancestral halls, academies, and memorial archways have been destroyed, hundreds of ancient dwellings still remain, preserving the basic features and features of the villages in the Ming and Qing dynasties as a whole. [148] On November 30, 2000, Xidi Village was included in the World Cultural Heritage List. [147]
Xidi Village

Fine Arts

In the history of Anhui Province Xin'an School of Painting Dragon City Painting School , printmaking schools include iron picutre Anhui style prints Etc. Pioneers of Xin'an School of Painting include Cheng Jiasui Li Yongchang Li Liufang The main members in the heyday are Square jade Wang Zunsu Wu Shantao , Wang Jiazhen Dai Benxiao Wu Long Wu Tianbiao Xuezhuang Xin'an School of Painting has an important position in the history of Chinese painting. [122] The Longcheng School of Painting originated in the Qianjia period of the Qing Dynasty Liu Kaiqu with Wang Ziyun Together, they taught in Hangzhou Art College. They learned both Chinese and Western art, and integrated them into one, creating a group of contemporary Chinese painters Things. [123]

Regional symbol

From February 25 to March 1, 1986, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth People's Congress of Anhui Province determined that the grey magpie was the provincial bird, the rhododendron of Anhui was the provincial flower, and the pine of Huangshan was the provincial flower Provincial trees. [124]
Provincial bird
Birds in Anhui Province are grey Magpie, [127] The grey magpie looks like a magpie, but it is slightly small (35cm) and has a slender crown, black ear feathers and back pillow, sky blue wings, and a long blue tail. When flying, shake your wings quickly and glide silently for a long distance. They feed on trees, ground and trunk, and their food is fruits, insects and animals Corpse Body. Grey magpie is a first-class protected bird in Anhui Province and has been regarded as lucky for thousands of years Birds. [125-126] [128]
Provincial flower
The flower of Anhui Province is Rhododendron angustifolia. [124] Rhododendron Wan, also known as Rhododendron Huangshan, has ovate lanceolate or oval oval leaves; The pedicel is longer, 1.7-2.5 cm long, nearly hairless; Calyx and ovary nearly glabrous Huangshan Qingliang Peak, Guniujiang, Liugujian and other places with an altitude of more than 1400 meters Band. [129-130]
Rhododendron Wan
Provincial tree
The tree in Anhui Province is Pinus taiwanensis. [124] Huangshan Pine, also known as Taiwan Pine, Long Spike Pine and Taiwan Two needle Pine, is up to 30 meters high and 80 cm in diameter at breast height. Its bark is dark grayish brown or brown, cracked into irregular scaly thick pieces or thin pieces, and its annual branches are light yellowish brown or dark reddish brown, without white powder; Winter buds are dark brown, ovoid or long ovoid, slightly resinous [131] The famous Huangshan Pines include Greeting Pine, Seeing off Pine, Putuan Pine, Black Tiger Pine, Lianli Pine, Wolong Pine, etc. Huangshan pine can tolerate barren soil, drought and low temperature of - 22 ℃. It is widely distributed in Huangshan. It is said that "no stone, no pine, no wonder". [132]
Huangshan Greeting Pine

cultural relics and historic sites

By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has Renzi Cave Site, Li Bai Tomb, Guangjiao Temple Twin Towers, Langya Mountain Cliff Carvings and Steles and other national key cultural relics protection units1 seventy-five place [37] [133]
Anhui Province National Key Cultural Relics Protection Units (Part)
Time of publication
Ancient ruins
Renzi Cave Site
Fanchang County, Wuhu City
Paleolithic Age
The sixth batch
two thousand and six point five
Hexian Ape Man Site
He County, Ma'anshan City
Paleolithic Age
The third batch
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight point one
Maozhushan and Guanshan Sites
Xuancheng Ningguo
Paleolithic Age
The seventh batch
two thousand and thirteen point three
Ancient Tomb
Earth mound tombs in Jianping Town
Langxi County, Xuancheng City
Western Zhou Dynasty to the Warring States Period
The seventh batch
two thousand and thirteen point three
Zhuran Family Cemetery
Yushan District, Ma'anshan City
three countries
The fifth batch
two thousand and one point six
Li Bai's Tomb
Dangtu County, Ma'anshan City
Tang Dynasty
The sixth batch
two thousand and six point five
Ancient Architectural Buildings
Anfengtang (Shaopi)
Shou County, Huainan City
spring and autumn
The third batch
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight point one
Grand Canal (consolidated project)
Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Henan
From Spring and Autumn to the People's Republic of China
It was merged with the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. Name: Grand Canal
Huangshan Mountaineering Ancient Path and Ancient Architecture
Huangshan District, Huangshan City
Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China
The seventh batch
two thousand and thirteen point three
Guangjiao Temple Twin Towers
Xuanzhou District, Xuancheng City
Song Dynasty
The third batch
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight point one
Grotto Temple and Stone Carvings
Tianzhu Mountain Valley Flowing Spring Cliff Stone Carving
Anqing Qianshan
Song Zhiqing
The fifth batch
two thousand and one point six
Langya Mountain Cliff Inscriptions and Steles
Nanqiao District, Chuzhou City
Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China
The seventh batch
two thousand and thirteen point three
Fushan Cliff Carvings
Zongyang County, Tongling City
Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China
The seventh batch
two thousand and thirteen point three
Important historical sites and representative buildings in modern times
Li's Manor
Huoqiu County, Lu'an City
The sixth batch
two thousand and six point five
Liu Mingchuan's Former Residence
Feixi County, Hefei City
The sixth batch
two thousand and six point five
Old House of the Li Family
Luyang District, Hefei City
The seventh batch
two thousand and thirteen point three
Only some references are listed: [133]

Intangible cultural heritage

By the end of 2023, Anhui Province has 99 national intangible cultural heritages, such as Dangtu folk songs, Fuyang paper-cut, Huatuo Five Animal Opera, Fengtai Flower Drum Lantern, Qingyang Tune, etc [37] [134]
Anhui Provincial National Intangible Cultural Heritage
2006 (the first batch)
Dangtu Folk Songs, Chaohu Folk Songs, Bengbu Flower Drum Lantern, Fengtai Flower Drum Lantern, Yingshang Flower Drum Lantern, Qingyang Tune, Yuexi High pitched Tune, Anhui Opera (Huangshan City, Hefei City), Luju Opera (Hefei City, Lu'an City), Huangmei Opera, Sizhou Opera (Suzhou City, Bengbu City), Huizhou Mulian Opera, Chizhou Nuo Opera, Fengyang Flower Drum, Huizhou Three Sculptures, Jieshou Painted Pottery Firing Technique, Wuhu Iron Painting Forging Technique Wan'an compass production technology, Xuan paper production technology, Hui ink production technology (Jixi County, She County, Tunxi District, Huangshan City), She inkstone production technology
2008 (the second batch)
Tongcheng Song, Wuhe Folk Song, Dabie Mountain Folk Song, Huizhou Folk Song, Qiyun Mountain Taoist Temple Music, Qimen Nuo Dance, Dongzhi Lantern Dance, Fire Tiger, Zhuizi Opera, Wennan Ci, Flower Drum Opera (Suzhou City, Huaibei City, Xuancheng City), Erjiaxian, Yongqiao Circus, Fuyang Paper Cutting, Wangjiang Flower Picking, Shuxi, Anhui Bonsai, Mulberry Paper Making, Mulberry Paper Making Huizhou lacquer painting technology, paper and paper processing technology, Xuanbi production technology, green tea production technology (Huangshan Maofeng, Taiping Houkui, Lu'an Guapian), Qimen black tea production technology, Anhui traditional residential construction technology, Feidong Yang Snake Lamp, Elbow Pavilion (Shou County, Linquan County), Jieshou Book Fair, Cheng Daweizhu algorithm
2011 (the third batch)
Dangshan Suona, Fengyang Folk Song, Wuwei Fish Lantern, Donglu Opera, Huangmei Opera, Heizi Opera, Huaibei Bangzi Opera (Suzhou City, Fuyang City), Yugu Daoqing, Huatuo Five Birds Opera, Huanggang Liu Opera, Huoqiu Liu Opera, Zhang Yitie Medical Therapy, Jiuhua Mountain Temple Fair
2014 (the fourth batch)
The legend of peacock flying southeastward (Huaining County, Qianshan County), the legend of Laozi, Lingbi Pine Forest Horn, Dragon Dance, Five Rampants Dance, Four Flat Tunes Dance, Huizhou Bamboo Carving, Du's Bronze Carving, Anhui Brush Making Technique, Traditional Tofu Making Technique (Huainan City, Shouxian County), Xiyuan Laryngology Medicine, Huizhou Temple Sacrifice
2021 (the fifth batch)
Bao Gong's Story, Huizhou Bench Dragon, Nanling Mulian Opera, Huaibei Bangzi Opera (Bozhou City), Bozhou Xiyang Zhang, Linquan Acrobatics, Wang's Fan Making, Pom Pottery Firing, Gujing Tribute Wine Brewing, Anhui Cuisine Cooking, Qimen Snake Wound Therapy
reference material: [134-135]

famous scenery



Anhui Province is rich in landscape resources and beautiful in natural scenery, especially famous for "three mountains, three rivers and two lakes", and has the most beautiful southern Anhui, happy Wanjiang, red Dabie Mountains, leisure in central Anhui, Huaihe River, legendary northern Anhui - Anhui cultural tourism "six plates". [142] By the end of 2023, there are 683 tourist attractions (areas) of Grade A and above in Anhui Province There are 12 national AAAAA tourist attractions, including Huangshan Scenic Spot, Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Spot, Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction, Yangtze River Caishiji Cultural and Ecological Tourist Attraction. It has 1080 key cultural relics protection units, including 175 national key cultural relics protection units. In addition, there are 818 provincial and national traditional villages. In 2023, Anhui Province receives 850 million domestic tourists second [37] [136] [142]

The Mount Huangshan Scenic Area

Huangshan Scenic Spot is located in Huangshan City in the south of Anhui Province. It spans Shexian County, Xiuning County, Yixian County, Huangshan District and Huizhou District. It is about 40 kilometers long from north to south and 30 kilometers wide from east to west. It is famous for the "Four Wonders of Huangshan Mountain", including strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs, and the "Fifth Wonder of Huangshan Mountain" - winter snow. Huangshan Scenic Spot is located in the middle of Huangshan Mountain, southwest of Yuping Peak, and Lianhua Peak, facing Tiandu Peak in the east, is one of the 36 peaks. With an altitude of 1864 meters, it is the highest peak of Huangshan Mountain. Huangshan Scenic Area was selected as one of the top ten scenic spots in China in 1985, was included in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List by UNESCO in December 1990, and was selected as the World Geopark in February 2004. [137]
 The Mount Huangshan Scenic Area The Mount Huangshan Scenic Area The Mount Huangshan Scenic Area The Mount Huangshan Scenic Area
The Mount Huangshan Scenic Area

Caishiji Cultural and Ecological Tourism Area along the Yangtze River

Caishiji Cultural and Ecological Tourism Zone of the Yangtze River is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, 5 kilometers southwest of Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, with a total area of 3.92 square kilometers. Caishiji was called Niuzhuji in ancient times. It faces the river with steep cliffs and has strange rocks. It, together with Chenglingji in Yueyang and Yanziji in Nanjing, is called "Three Rocks of the Yangtze River". The tourist area takes the poetry of Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, as the soul, and takes the cliffs along the river and the Suoxi River, the riverside wetland landscape belt as the main carrier, including four functional areas: Caishiji, Caishi Ancient Town, Wangfu Mountain, and Binjiang Cultural Park. There are some characteristic scenic spots, such as Caishiji, the first of the "Three Rocks of the Yangtze River", Taibai Tower, the national security unit, Sanyuan Cave, the No. 1 spot, and Linsanzhi's "Thatched Cottage on the River", which show the unique natural features and profound cultural heritage of the tourist area from multiple angles and senses. [138-139]

Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction

Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction is located at the junction of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province and Luotian County, Hubei Province. With a total area of 120 square kilometers, it is known as "the last piece of primitive forest, kingdom of plants, and sea of flowers in East China". The Dabie Mountain, where Tiantangzhai is located, is the watershed of China's north-south water system. The water from the north of the mountain flows northward into the Huaihe River, and the water from the south of the mountain flows southward into the Yangtze River. The highest peak of Tiantangzhai is one of the main peaks of Dabie Mountain. It is magnificent, dangerous and deep. In ancient times, it was called "the first pass in the southeast of Wu and Chu". The vegetation on the mountain is verdant, with obvious zonal distribution of Huangshan pine, Huangshan oak and other vegetation. It is a world of natural vegetation. [140]
 Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction
Tiantangzhai Tourist Attraction

Foreign exchange

By December 2022, Anhui Province has concluded 96 pairs of friendly inter provincial (city) relations with 39 countries on six continents, including 21 pairs at the provincial level and 75 pairs at the municipal level [143]
List of Sister Cities in Anhui Province (provincial level)
foreign counterpart
Bond property
Signing date
Anhui Province
Friendly provinces and states
Friendly provinces and states
Friendly provinces and regions
Friendly provinces and counties
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly provinces and regions
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly provinces and states
Friendly provinces and states
Friendly Provincial Highway
Friendly provinces and states
Friendly provinces and states
Friendly provinces and counties
Friendly inter provincial
Friendly inter provincial
reference material: [143]