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Anshan Town

Xiaxia Town, Changli County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
open 2 entries with the same name
Anshan Town, Hebei Province Qinhuangdao City Changli County, located in Changli County Northwest, east Longjiadian Town , South and Matuodian Township Adjacent, southwest and Jing'an Town Bordering Lulong County to the west Shimen Town Connected with Lulong County in the north Mujing Town Bordering. [1] The administrative area is 82.9 square kilometers. [2] By the end of 2018, the registered population of Anshan Town was 47175. [2]
From the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, Changli County was divided into six fortresses, and Anshan Town was located in Hebo Castle; In February 1984, the commune was abolished and Anshan Township was restored; In August of the same year, it was changed to Anshan Town; In January 1988, Datianzhuang Township was incorporated; In March 1996, Danggezhuang Township was incorporated. [1] As of June 2020, Anshan Town has 39 administrative villages under its jurisdiction, [3] The town people's government is located in Houshizhuang Village. [1]
In 2018, there were 37 industrial enterprises in Anshan Town, including 2 enterprises above designated size; There are 180 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]
Chinese name
Anshan Town
Administrative Region Category
Hebei Province Qinhuangdao City Changli County
geographical position
Changli County Northwest
82.9 km² [4]
Area under jurisdiction
39 administrative villages
Government residence
Houshizhuang Village
Area Code
Postal Code
License plate code
Ji C
47175 persons (Registered population by the end of 2018)

Construction history

From the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, Changli County was divided into six fortresses, and Anshan Town was located in Hebo Castle.
During the Republic of China, it belonged to the second district.
In May 1953, it was established in Anshan Township.
In August 1956, Zhouzhuang Township and Xiaoniulan Township were incorporated.
In August 1958, it was the Anshan management area of Anshan Commune.
In May 1961, it was separated from Jian'an Mountain Commune.
In February 1984, the commune was abolished and Anshan Township was restored; In August of the same year, it was changed to Anshan Town.
In January 1988, Datianzhuang Township was incorporated.
In March 1996, Danggezhuang Township was incorporated. [1]

administrative division

At the end of 2011, Anshan Town had jurisdiction over Anshan Street, Mazhuang, Houshizhuang, Housuoying, Jiazhuang, Wanzhuang, Shabuying, Zhouzhuang, Dongliuzhuang, Xiliuzhuang, Dizhuang, Dongniulan, Xiniulan, Xiaoniulan, Baizhuang, Xuxinzhuang, Bianxinzhuang, Dongxinzhuang, Niufuzhuang, Datianzhuang, Xiaotianzhuang, Dongjingdianzi, Xijingdianzi, Zongtunyi, Zongtun'er, Yuanwaizhuang, Xiluojiaying, Gaozhuangzi There are 39 administrative villages in Dongbeizhuang, Baituozi, Niugezhuang, Wanggezhuang, Jinjiazhuang, Liuguanying, Baiguanying, Yulin, Dongmaogzhuang, Ximaogzhuang, Danggezhuang. [1]
As of June 2020, Anshan Town has 39 administrative villages under its jurisdiction, [3] The town people's government is located in Houshizhuang Village. [1]
Details of Anshan Town Division
Anshan Street Village
Dizhuang Village
Zongtun Second Village
Niugezhuang Village
Mazhuang Village
Dongniulan Village
Zongtunyi Village
Wanggezhuang Village
Houshizhuang Village
Xiniulan Village
Xiluojiaying Village
Ximaogezhuang Village
Jiazhuang Village
Xiaoniulan Village
Gaozhuangzi Village
Dongmaogezhuang Village
Wanzhuang Village
Baizhuang Village
Dongbeizhuang Village
Danggezhuang Village
Shabuying Village
Xuxinzhuang Village
Datianzhuang Village
Liuguanying Village
Housuoying Village
Bian Xinzhuang Village
Xiaotianzhuang Village
Baiguanying Village
Dongliuzhuang Village
Dongxinzhuang Village
Dongjingdianzi Village
Yulin Village
Xiliuzhuang Village
Niufuzhuang Village
Xijing Dianzi Village
Jinzhuang Village
Zhouzhuang Village
Yuanwaizhuang Village
Baituozi Village

geographical environment


Location context

Anshan Town is located Changli County Northwest, east Longjiadian Town , South and Matuodian Township Adjacent, southwest and Jing'an Town Bordering Lulong County to the west Shimen Town Connected with Lulong County in the north Mujing Town Bordering. [1] The administrative area is 82.9 square kilometers. [2]
Anshan Town

topographic features

Most of the territory of Anshan Town is plain, with the terrain slightly higher in the northwest and lower in the southeast. Jiulong Mountain, the highest peak in the territory, is 85 meters above sea level. [1]


The river in Anshan Town belongs to the Yinma River system. The Jiahe River enters from the west of Jiazhuang Village and flows to Longjiadian Town from west to east via Wanzhuang, Anshan Street and Xiaoniulan Village. The river within the territory is 4.7 kilometers long. [1]

natural disaster

The main natural disasters in Anshan Town include hail, drought and flood, wind disaster, etc. [1]

natural resources

There are many iron ore resources in the west of Anshan Town. [1]


At the end of 2011, Anshan Town had a total population of 49000, including 8350 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 17%. There are 295 floating population. In the total population, there are 28420 males, accounting for 58%; 20580 women, accounting for 42%; 7350 people under 14 years old, accounting for 15%; 27440 people aged 15-64, accounting for 56%; 14210 people over 65 years old, accounting for 29%. In the total population, the Han nationality is the dominant, accounting for 48702 people, accounting for 99.4%; There are 298 ethnic minorities, including Manchu, accounting for 0.6%. In 2011, the birth rate was 7.12 ‰, the mortality rate was 8.35 ‰, and the natural population growth rate was -1.23 ‰. The population density is 606 people per square kilometer. [1]
At the end of 2017, the permanent population of Anshan Town was 46810. [4]
By the end of 2018, the registered population of Anshan Town was 47175. [2]




In 2011, Anshan Town's total financial revenue was 12.8 million yuan. An increase of 27.28% over the previous year. The local fiscal revenue was 9 million yuan, an increase of 25.31% over the previous year. From the perspective of main taxes, business tax was 1.8722 million yuan, value-added tax was 6.2547 million yuan, and corporate income tax was 4.1029 million yuan. The per capita fiscal revenue was 261.2 yuan, an increase of 3.19% over the previous year. [1]
In 2018, there were 37 industrial enterprises in Anshan Town, including 2 enterprises above designated size; There are 180 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]


In 2011, Anshan Town achieved a total agricultural output value of 870 million yuan. Anshan Town has 94000 mu of arable land, 2 mu per capita, all of which are irrigated land, mainly planted with wheat, corn, peanuts and sweet potatoes. Crops include wheat, corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts, etc. In 2011, 47 million kilograms of grain were produced.
The animal husbandry in Anshan Town mainly focuses on raising cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. At the end of 2011, there were 22000 cattle, 8000 sheep, 15000 pigs and 347000 birds. [1]


Anshan Town mainly processes vermicelli. In 2011, the total industrial output value was 823 million yuan. 115 industrial enterprises with 6900 employees. [1]

Commercial foreign trade

In 2011, Anshan Town had 105 commercial outlets and 210 employees. In 2011, the total sales of social goods was 22.1 million yuan, an increase of 23.5% over the previous year. Two fairs with an annual turnover of 5 million yuan. The total export of Anshan Town was 400000 US dollars, an increase of 21.6% over the previous year. The main products are fans, which are sold to South Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. [1]


In 2011, there were three financial institutions in Anshan Town, with deposit and loan balances of 12.4 million yuan and 12 million yuan respectively. They increased by 35.6% and 43.9% respectively over the previous year. [1]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were 9 kindergartens in Anshan Town, with 1300 children and 55 full-time teachers; There are 9 primary schools with 2470 students and 170 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There are two junior high schools, 1100 students and 115 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior high school, the enrollment rate from primary school to junior school, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reached 100%. In 2011, the education budget was 15.5 million yuan, an increase of 16% over the previous year. The education expenditure within the budget accounts for 5.8% of the total financial expenditure. [1]
The Central Primary School of Anshan Town, Changli County carried out the "Sunshine Fitness" big break evaluation activity

Cultural and sports undertakings

At the end of 2011, Anshan Town had 1 cultural station, 39 village cultural activity centers, 20 various cultural professionals, 39 various libraries, more than 200000 books, and 112 amateur music, art, calligraphy, photography and literature creators.
At the end of 2011, Anshan Town had 11 school stadiums, 30 villager activity squares, 60% of the villages installed fitness equipment, and 23% of the permanent residents often participated in sports activities.
At the end of 2011, Anshan Town had one radio and television station; There are 6462 cable TV users, with an occupancy rate of 45%. [1]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Anshan Town had 2 medical and health institutions and 2 outpatient departments (stations); 156 beds; The total value of fixed assets is 8.2 million yuan. There are 56 professional health personnel, including 25 licensed doctors, 19 licensed assistant doctors and 12 registered nurses. In 2011, medical institutions (above outpatient department) completed 6200 person times of diagnosis and treatment. All the villagers in 39 villages participated in the new rural cooperative medical system, with a participation rate of 100%. [1]

social security

At the end of 2011, Anshan Town had 35 urban subsistence security households, 55 people, and 134800 yuan of expenditure, an increase of 74.19% over the previous year. The monthly average is 204.24 yuan, up 16.02% over the previous year; The number of rural minimum living security households was 1014, with 1775 people, and the expenditure was 2.2052 million yuan, an increase of 157.34% over the previous year; The average monthly income was 103.53 yuan, an increase of 75.08% over the previous year. In 2011, 295 rural residents were provided with five guarantees in a decentralized way, with an expenditure of 594000 yuan, an increase of 71.42% over the previous year. Another 55 people are provided in the nursing home. There is Changli County Social Welfare Institute in the territory. Rural medical assistance reached 252 person times (122 inpatients and 130 outpatients), with an expenditure of 360000 yuan, an increase of 118.5% over the previous year. The civil affairs department subsidized 1850 people to participate in cooperative medical care, with an expenditure of 55500 yuan, an increase of 84% over the previous year. 845 victims were rescued and 169000 yuan of relief funds were spent. 116 people from poor families received living relief, with an expenditure of 32700 yuan. In 2011, 561 people received preferential treatment, with an expenditure of 649200 yuan, an increase of 58% over the previous year. 30900 people participated in the new rural social endowment insurance, with a participation rate of 64%. [1]


  • Post and telecommunications
At the end of 2011, there was one post office in Anshan Town. 1 telecom enterprise, 66 service outlets, 10052 fixed telephone users, and 70% telephone penetration rate; 13241 mobile phone users and 5744 broadband access users. [1]
  • Landscaping
In 2011, the area of forest land in Anshan Town was 78.22 hectares. [1]


In Anshan Town Tang Qin Expressway , G205 National Highway, etc.
At the end of 2011, Anshan Town sent 60 passenger cars to and from the county every day. [1]
Electronic map and topographic map

Historical culture

  • Origin of place names
Anshan Town got its name because the original seat of the People's Government of the town is located in Anshan Street. [1]