Royal Ontario Museum

Canadian History Museum
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synonym Royal Ontario Museum (Royal Ontario Museum) Generally refers to the Royal Ontario Museum
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is located in Ontario, Canada Toronto Center, yes North America The 5th largest museum. It was founded by the Ontario government on April 16, 1912 and was founded by University of Toronto Administration.
On June 11, 2022 local time, the China Pavilion of the Royal Ontario Museum of Canada will be open for free until the first weekend after late September. [1]
Chinese name
Royal Ontario Museum
Foreign name
Royal Ontario Museum
History class
Time for Completion
April 16, 1912
Until 1955
Formerly University of Toronto Administration
North America The 5th largest museum

brief introduction

The Royal Ontario Museum is called ROM for short. Its main contents are archaeology, art and biology. There are various collections in the museum, such as mummies, Chinese tombs, etc. It is the largest museum in Canada with the most collections, including natural science, animal ecology, art and anthropology.
There are five floors in the whole museum. The museum has a special place, that is, there
Royal Ontario Museum
It collects a lot of Chinese art and antiques, and is the headquarters of Chinese collections around the world. In addition to China, there are precious collections from Greece, Egypt, Rome and other countries. Of course, there are also the most popular discussions dinosaur fossil It is collected by this museum. Recently, there is a fake bat cave in our museum, which is located in Jamaica Those found are later collections.
The Royal Ontario Museum is Canada's top museum and also a visit Toronto A must see place for tourists. It is the largest museum in Canada and has the most collections. The museum is located in Toronto The center, which has many permanent exhibition halls and often holds international itinerant exhibitions, is a comprehensive museum integrating world culture and natural history.

architectural composition


Crystal exhibition hall

The new attached building of the Royal Ontario Museum of Canada designed by Daniel Libeskind is called "Lee Chin Crystal Palace". It is a building with an area of 175000 square feet, and its roof is covered with aluminum and glass. The new two storey main structure contains seven exhibition halls and two special exhibition areas, as well as a new catering area and a new main entrance hall. It is Daniel's signature angular aesthetics and crystal shape.
Royal Ontario Museum
The "Crystal Palace" is composed of five interconnected and self-supporting prismatic structures, basically without a positive angle. The inclined walls create a unique internal space with a large volume. The cross shaped corridor passes through the "Spirit House" in the middle. The bright windows fill the interior with natural light and add a strange landscape to the city. The new annex is the main part of the 250 million dollar reconstruction and expansion project of the museum, which will be completed in 2009.
After the expansion part was opened, it became the object of people's pursuit. although Denver Art Museum It is 1500 miles away from ROM, but both buildings have the corner aesthetics and crystal shape of Libeskind. And they all have the same building body as the bow, holding their heads high above the public space.

Humanities Department

The Humanities Hall on the third floor includes Egypt, Greece and Idalaria , Islam, Rome, military weapons from the Bronze Age to World War I, Art Deco products popular in France in the 1920s and 1930s, Jewish life in Europe and North America in the 20th century, the evolution of decorative arts from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, glass technology, and drawings and models of the new Royal Ontario Museum to be built.
The museum also collects Egyptian cultural relics (such as mummies), minerals and the spectacular spine animal fossil (such as dinosaur fossils). In addition, there is an aviary, where a wide variety of bird specimens are orderly placed in drawers.


The museum is famous internationally for its rich collection of Chinese art. These exhibits are displayed in the main building of the museum, from Chinese imperial costumes to a stone arch Stone Man Stone Horse , sacrificial platform and tomb of the Ming Dynasty, with various and unique types, is the museum with the richest collection of Chinese art outside China. In addition, there are masterpieces of Egypt, Rome and Greece, as well as the ancient European Weapons Museum and Musical Instrument Museum. Among them, nothing attracts children more than life evolution and dinosaurs.
Royal Ontario Museum
In addition, there is a bird museum, which is full of all kinds of bird specimens. These specimens are orderly placed in drawers, so that visitors can clearly find rare bird specimens. In another part of the museum, tourists can also enjoy expensive and shiny jewelry and gold ornaments, some of which are of historical value and very valuable. There is also a cafe in the museum, and the price is also very reasonable, for tourists who are ready to stop to eat here.

Exhibition of Chinese Cultural Relics

Royal Ontario Museum
In Toronto, Canada Royal Ontario Museum The display of Chinese cultural relics accounts for almost half of the area of the exhibition room on the first floor of the main building. One of the most precious is the oracle bones excavated from the ruins of the capital of the Yin and Shang dynasties. These oracle bones are Yin people Something used in divination; Inscribed with words, it is a record of the process of this divination activity and its causes and consequences. This kind of writing is called oracle bone inscriptions.
The four Chinese exhibition halls include ancient art, Buddhist art, architectural art and sculpture. When entering the Chinese Cultural Relics Museum, the first thing to come into sight is the Chinese temple art exhibition area named after Huai Ruguang, which mainly displays the murals of Chinese temples in the late 13th century, as well as the wood carvings of Buddhism and Taoism in the same period.
The walls of the exhibition area are respectively inlaid with three giant murals. The largest one is called "Paradise of Maitreya". On this 11.6 meter wide and 5.8 meter high mural, the figures have different expressions and are lifelike. The text on the display board in the exhibition area shows that this mural is from Shanxi( Jishan )Xinghua Temple is one of the finest murals in ancient Chinese Yuan Dynasty temples. The murals on both sides of the column are not small, and the collection is suspected to be from Shanxi( Smoothness Longmen Temple In order to protect these cultural relics, in addition to the small fence in front of the mural, the light is also darker than other exhibition halls, and flash photography is not allowed.
Royal Ontario Museum
The huge murals of the Yuan Dynasty, statues of Bodhisattvas, colorful arhats and other exhibits from Shanxi can all be called exquisite. Entering the exhibition hall of Chinese cultural relics in the museum, a large number of Chinese art treasures, such as ceramics, bronzes and oracle bones, dazzle people. In the art exhibition room of Bishop Huai Ruguang's Chinese temple, a large number of Buddhist statues and murals attracted audiences from all over the world: the sitting statues of Sakyamuni, Lotus Hand Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra all reflect the charm of the art of ancient Chinese Buddhist statues.

Chinese Antiques

For decades, the Royal Ontario Museum has been collecting the world's top Chinese antiques. From jade to pottery, from temple murals to bronzeware The collection of the Royal Ontario Museum is breathtaking.
By Chinese scholars Dong Lin Written by Fu, University of Toronto According to the book Cross Culture and Belief published by the publishing house, these antiques were smuggled out of China by a Canadian missionary named Huai Ruguang. According to the book, the Episcopal bishop sometimes packed antiques into the luggage of other bricklayers to avoid being found, and sometimes smuggled antiques through remote railway stations that were unlikely to be inspected.
In the 1920s and 1930s, China was in turmoil due to the civil war. Foreign museums took the opportunity to collect a large number of ancient Chinese treasures, thus collecting a surprising number of collections. Many Chinese people were angry about this.
Chinese media criticized another Canadian museum for displaying nearly 500 antiques stolen from ancient Chinese tombs, and the controversy broke out again. Chinese newspapers and websites have expressed that, Victoria Art Gallery The exhibition is "immoral" and "inciting illegal smuggling".
Although the Chinese government has never formally asked the Royal Ontario Museum to return cultural relics, Bishop Huai Ruguang is often criticized by critics, demanding that his collection be returned to its original owner. Some newspapers also accused him of plundering Chinese treasures.

Cultural relics are questioned

Royal Ontario Museum
"Many Chinese museums are not as rich as our collections. Apart from China, the Royal Ontario Museum's Chinese collections are among the best in the world in terms of delicacy and rarity." Rukes spoke fluent Chinese《 International Herald Leader 》According to the introduction, there are about 35000 Chinese cultural relics in the museum, of which about 2200 are on display, and the rest are in the warehouse for professionals to study.
The issue of the so-called "Tomb Robbing Exhibition" at the Victoria Museum of Art in British Columbia, Canada, has not yet subsided, and the life experience of the exhibits in the China Pavilion of the Royal Ontario Museum has once again aroused external doubts.
The first to question the exhibits of the Royal Ontario Museum is the English language newspaper Globe and Mail, which has the largest circulation in Canada.
On January 19, 2004, the newspaper quoted the contents of the book "Dual Culture and Belief" published by Chinese scholar Dong Linfu two years ago at the University of Toronto, saying that Canadian missionaries were aware of the ban on the export of cultural relics by the Chinese National Government at that time, but they still knew the law and violated the law, smuggling Chinese antiques of great value to the Royal Ontario Museum.
Three days later, the reporter of the International Herald Guide drove to the Royal Ontario Museum in downtown Toronto to explore the truth.

Building High Buildings Is Angered by People

The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto planned to build a condominium building at the McLaughlin Planetarium, which was opposed by the public.
Royal Ontario Museum
The Royal Ontario Museum is undergoing large-scale renovation projects, including the construction of a beautiful glass walled Michael Lee Chin crystal building. However, this expansion project at the southern end of the museum has aroused dissatisfaction from neighbors.
At the public meeting, the museum proposed a building plan with a height of 180 meters and 46 floors. If it is to be built, it must be re zoned with the approval of the municipal government. The local citizen organization Annex Residents Association opposed the plan, saying that the building was too high.
Ontario The museum is close to the Royal School of Music and borders the University of Toronto campus on three sides. There are many historic buildings on the campus, so the campus of the University of Toronto also opposes this plan.

Exchange and cooperation

On March 30, 2004, the curator of the Royal Ontario Museum of Canada and the researchers of the Far East and Asian Civilization Department of the Museum, accompanied by Wang Wuyu, deputy curator of the Capital Museum, visited Badaling Great Wall and Dingling Museum Director of the First Museum Academic Committee and one of the archaeological excavators of the Dingling Underground Palace Zhao Qichang Mr. Liu introduced the archaeological excavation of Ding Tomb to the Canadian guests.
The two sides said that they would further strengthen academic and personnel exchanges in the future to jointly promote the development of museums in both countries.

Visiting Testimony

The explanation in the museum is very good, especially vivid, easy to understand, suitable for young and old.
The most beautiful scenery of the Royal Ontario Museum is the Chinese exhibition hall. The area of all the local exhibitions of Egyptian and Greek weapons together is just equal to that of the Chinese exhibition hall. Then there are Japanese and Korean cultural relics exhibitions in two small corners at both ends of the China Exhibition Hall. Although in terms of area, the Chinese people can have a high degree of pride in surpassing Japan and South Korea, it also shows that our cultural relics are lost far more than Japan and South Korea.
Royal Ontario Museum
They also have an exhibition area of Chinese architecture, so they have to move people's graves to the museum completely, not only the sculptures of Shinto, but also the memorial archways, and even the graves of people. The owner of this tomb, whose surname is Zu, is a general of the Ming Dynasty. I don't know whether it is Zu Dashou There are three groups of murals on the whole wall, all of which were cut from our temple, but they said they bought them from Japanese. One group is from the Yuan Dynasty, and two groups are from the Ming Dynasty. The degree of completeness is amazing.
There are few Chinese paintings (scroll paintings) and no calligraphy in the museum. Westerners still find it difficult to appreciate our calligraphy and painting art from the perspective of pure spirit.
Of course, some of the most popular dinosaur fossils are collected in this museum. More recently, a cave of imitated bat cave was exhibited in the museum. This bat cave was found in Jamaica, which can be regarded as a later collection.
In another part of the museum, tourists can also enjoy expensive and shiny jewelry and gold ornaments, some of which are of historical value and very valuable.
There is also a cafe in the museum, and the price is also very reasonable, for tourists who are ready to stop to eat here.

Visit information

admission ticket
Adult: $23
Elderly people over 65, students aged 15-25, children aged 4-14: $18
Under 4 years old: free
Opening Hours
10: 00-17:30 (Monday Sunday, January 1 to December 31)
The venue will be closed on December 25 every year, and free general admission will be provided on the third Monday of each month. The closing time will be extended to 8:30 p.m.