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Aerospace Space navigation Space navigation outside the atmosphere and within the solar system is called space flight Voyages outside the solar system include the Milky Way Extragalactic galaxy Our voyage is called Hangyu, which is also called Aerospace. Human navigation is also limited to Low Earth orbit , has not yet met the requirements of aerospace.
Chinese name
Full name
Space navigation
Explore space and celestial bodies beyond the earth
yǔ háng

Introduction to Aerospace

The main purpose of space navigation is to explore, develop and utilize space and celestial bodies beyond the Earth. Including the operation around the earth, flight Moon Or other planets (circling the celestial body, flying near or landing on it) Interplanetary space The voyage out of the solar system. The key of spaceflight is that the spacecraft should reach enough speed to overcome or get rid of the gravity of the earth, and the voyage out of the solar system should also get rid of the gravity of the sun. The first, second and third cosmic speeds are the three characteristic speeds required for aerospace. The interstellar voyage is still in the exploration stage (see interstellar voyage). Some people call navigation activities in the solar system aerospace, and navigation activities outside the solar system aerospace.

Father of modern aerospace technology

At the beginning of the 20th century, shortly after the invention of the aircraft, the news of the success of the Wright brothers' test flight spread to Europe. In Europe, especially France, there was a "flight craze", and a number of indomitable aviation pioneers emerged, of which Farmand was one. One day in 1908, Falmang broke the flight record again. After the flight, a young man pushed through the crowd and had a wonderful conversation with Farmand. The young man asked Farmang: "I am a scientist. There was a great scientist who used his laws to prove that something heavier than air can never fly. Can you explain why the plane can fly?" Farmang replied humorously: "Is it the man who studies the landing of apples? Fortunately, I haven't read his book, otherwise, I won't get the bonus of this flight. I used to be just a truck driver, and I became a pilot again. As for why the plane flew, it's none of my business. As a professor, you should study it. " Farmang's words surprised the young man. He said to a reporter accompanying him, "It seems that the authoritative experts are not always right. I can finally decide what I should study in the future." He took the reporter's hand and said, "I will spare no effort to study the wind and all the mysteries of flying in the wind, and one day I will explain to Farmand why his plane can fly in the sky." This young man really embarked on the road of aerospace aerodynamics research. He was Von Kamen, who was later honored as the "father of modern aerospace technology" and "father of supersonic flight".
On May 11, 1881, Von Carmen was born into a Jewish family in Budapest. His father, Maurice Carmen, was a famous professor of education, and his mother was also born in a scholarly family. One night when Von Carmen was 6 years old, Von Carmen's cousin gave a question: "How much is 15 X 15?" Von Carmen answered while playing: "225." The second brother then asked: "How much is 924 × 826?" Von Carmen did not look up and said: "763224." The whole family exclaimed. Von Carmen's father disapproved and said, "You are conspiring to act! Baby, can you figure out how much 18876 X 18876 is?" Von Carmen only thought for a while and then said the correct answer: "356303376." Everyone cheered and held Von Carmen up. But his father was worried about his extraordinary computing ability, afraid that he would become a deformed person in the future. Soon, under the intervention of his father, Von Carmen broke off with various mathematical subjects and didn't start learning mathematics again until he was a teenager.
In November 1898, Von Carmen, 16, entered the Royal Joseph University. At the beginning of college, Von Carmen was able to think independently and attentively, often immersed in rich and colorful scientific thinking, and left all miscellaneous thoughts behind. Never stand up from the chair until the idea of solving the problem is clear.
In 1906, von Carmen came to Gottingen University for further study. There, he followed Professor Prant, the "father of modern aerodynamics", to study the mechanics of materials, and cooperated with German physicist Bohn to study the atomic structure model of crystals. Two years later, he went to Paris University to study. In Paris, he accompanied his girlfriend to watch the first 2km flight show in Europe. It was there that he met Farmand. Since then, he began to study aerodynamics carefully. Soon after, his teacher Pront invited Von Carmen to work as his assistant at the University of Gettingen to engage in teaching and research. In 1912, Von Carmen became director of the Aerodynamic Research Institute of Ahern University. He worked there for 14 years and made many important breakthroughs in aerodynamics. He also developed airships and all metal transport planes for some enterprises and served as a rocket consultant.
In 1926, Von Kamen moved to the United States to guide the Guggenheim Aerodynamic Laboratory and California Institute of Technology Design and construction of the first wind tunnel. When he was the laboratory director, he summarized the bluff body resistance theory, namely the famous "Carmen vortex street" theory. This theory greatly changed the recognized aerodynamic principle at that time. He also put forward the theory of boundary layer control, and in 1935 he put forward the principle of future supersonic resistance. In 1938, Von Carmen directed the United States to conduct the first Supersonic wind tunnel Test, invented jet assisted takeoff, making the United States the first to use it on an aircraft Rocket booster Country. Under his guidance, a group of aviation engineers from California Institute of Technology, including his beloved Chinese disciple Qian Xuesen, began to engage in jet propulsion and liquid fuel rockets, and later founded Jet Propulsion Laboratory The laboratory is the first research unit of the US government engaged in long-range missile and space exploration, and has many important research achievements.
the Second World War Near the end, U.S. Army Air Force General Arnold, the commander, asked Professor von Carmen to evaluate the current status of the development of American aviation technology, predict the future development, and put forward suggestions on how to ensure the leading position of the United States Air Force in the future. After the surrender of Germany, the US Air Force Advisory Group headed by Major General von Kamen, led by scientists related to rockets, made a special trip to Germany to "visit and investigate". They inspected a secret research institute of the German Air Force hidden in a pine forest, which was directly led by Goering, the head of the Nazi Air Force. There are more than 50 buildings with complete sets of instruments and equipment for researching missiles and aircraft engines. During the war, thousands of scientists and technicians worked here. There are 3 million secret research reports written here, weighing 1500 tons. They looked at the German research equipment in detail and analyzed the technical achievements. He also went to Gottingen, Aachen, Munich and other places to investigate. In Gottingen, we interrogated the relevant personnel, including the former teacher of Von Carmen, Prant. Coincidentally, 400 German rocket engineers and technicians from the former Peneminder rocket base also escaped here. The "advisory panel" interrogated these people again. Through interrogation, the advisory group obtained an amazing secret: Germany has begun to develop a rocket that can reach the 3000 mile range of New York in the United States. The German rocket and missile programs are far ahead of the United States.
Through this survey, Von Kamen found out the level of German rocket technology. After returning to the United States, he first wrote an investigation report, "Where Are We?", compared the scientific and technological development of the United States and Germany during the war, and pointed out that the United States has the possibility to develop missiles with a range of 9600 kilometers. Then, Von Carmen produced a second report called "Towards the New Horizon". The report includes 32 sub reports by 25 authors, covering topics ranging from aerodynamics and aircraft design to explosives and terminal ballistics. The main point of the report "Towards the New Horizon" is that "science is the basis for mastering air control". The report stressed that there is no once and for all solution to become a major aviation country. Only by constantly strengthening research and development can national security be ensured.
On the morning of February 18, 1963, President Kennedy awarded von Karman the first American Science Medal in recognition of his outstanding contributions to science, technology and education. According to the plan, President Kennedy will personally award a medal to von Kamen. As soon as the President and his entourage arrived, friends from all over the world rushed to the awarding place. At that time, Von Carmen was 82 years old and suffered from severe arthritis. When he was breathlessly climbing the last step of the podium, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. President Kennedy, who presented him with the award, rushed to him and held him. Von Kamen said to President Kennedy: "Thank you, Mr. President, the object does not need to be boosted when it falls, but only when it rises..." Just over two months after the award, Von Kamen died in Aachen.
Wisdom life
Von Carmen is one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century. On the basis of a lifetime of hard research, he Aerospace technology There have been many important predictions about the development of long-range missile , all-weather flight, satellite, etc [1]

Aerospace classification


Space industry

Space industry (Space Industry) The production department that develops and utilizes space resources. It can be roughly divided into three categories. 1. Information, including meteorology, earth resources, ocean observation, communication, navigation and positioning, remote control technology, etc. 2. Materials, including zero gravity treatment of ground materials; The resources of the moon, Mars and other celestial bodies are mined, smelted and processed for space and ground use. 3. Energy, establishment Solar power station , transmit solar energy to the earth through microwave, laser, etc. In addition, nuclear waste can be processed or stored in space. Once the space industry develops, its growth rate will increase exponentially, that is, a self replication factory will be established in space. When the first replication is completed, the total capacity of the original space industry will double, with great investment returns. The space industry is to create new products from new resources that cannot be produced on earth, such as high-quality large single crystals, high-strength crystals, composite materials Foam metal High purity biological and pharmaceutical products. Space will become a new base for mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, material manufacturing and other industrial sectors. The United States predicts that in the 21st century, the space industry will become one of the fastest growing industries in terms of middle-aged income. By 2000, the total income of its space industry will reach tens of billions of dollars every year.

Space industrialization

Space industrialization Human beings conduct large-scale and diversified industrial production and other economic and scientific research activities in space. Activities are divided into four categories: mining industry is the first category (primary) activities, processing industry is the second category activities, service industry (including transportation, communication, finance, etc.) is the third category activities, and scientific research, sports, education, etc. are the fourth category activities. The primary purpose of the original space activities was scientific research, which belonged to the fourth category of activities. Since the 1960s, space technology has been used in the third type of activities, such as meteorological observation and communication satellites, with increasingly obvious economic benefits. With the development of the first and second class activities such as space mining, processing and construction, space will be industrialized. Space industrialization can solve some problems on the earth economically, such as energy shortage, reduction of natural resources, environmental degradation, etc., thus producing great economic benefits. The United States predicts that by 2010, the space industry will provide 3.8 million new jobs for the United States, and 3-12% of the American workforce will be employed in the jobs created by space industrialization, generating 40 billion dollars in taxes. In terms of politics and military affairs, space industrialization will greatly improve a country's comprehensive national strength. In addition, it can also meet the increasing requirements of human life, such as space living, space travel, etc In addition to the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan and other space technology developed countries actively carrying out space industrialization activities, some third world countries, such as China, Brazil and India, are also participating in this activity. In the 21st century, space industrialization will be carried out on a larger scale.

Space science

Space Science is also called space science. There are broad and narrow senses. The broad sense of space science refers to all the science related to space, including space technology science, space application science and space basic science; In the narrow sense, space science mainly refers to the science of using spacecraft to study the physical, astronomical, chemical, life and other natural phenomena and laws of space. Its main contents include: space physics, space astronomy, space chemistry, space geology and Space life science The development of space science has enabled mankind to have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the Earth's surrounding environment and the laws and mechanisms of change, and has helped to explore some basic scientific issues such as the origin and evolution of the universe and life. At the same time, it will continue to promote the faster development of space application technology and open up new application fields.

Space enterprises

Space Enterprise is an independent economic accounting unit engaged in production, circulation and service activities related to space activities. There are four types: satellite communication enterprises, aerospace transportation enterprises, remote sensing enterprises, and microgravity material processing enterprises. By the 21st century, space enterprises will include three categories: 1. Enterprises engaged in supporting activities on the earth, including enterprises engaged in launching spacecraft, commercial services at launch sites and orbital services (such as maintenance, communication, tracking, etc.), and enterprises providing ground support for future space teaching, travel, and scientific research. 2. Enterprises whose market is on the earth, such as satellite communications, mainly transmit electronic information such as e-mail and television broadcasting from one point of the earth to another; Provide navigation, collision warning, emergency positioning and other information for cars, ships and aircraft; Contact with airborne, laboratories and factories for researchers and business leaders on the ground. Satellite remote sensing enterprises manage, process, sell and distribute remote sensing data. 3. For enterprises whose market is in space, such enterprises will establish a self-sufficient economy outside the earth. Their industrial or agricultural products do not rely on the earth for supply, and their production and circulation are mainly conducted in space. Space enterprises are the products of space development activities and the continuous development and improvement of space technology. At this stage, due to the high risk, high cost and long cycle of space activities, the establishment of space enterprises is mainly carried out by the state. With the development of space industrialization and the reduction of the cost of space activities. As well as some countries' policies to encourage and support private enterprises to participate in space activities, space enterprises will be widely developed.

Space facilities


Space laboratory

Spacelab is an aircraft or permanent base for scientific experiments established by humans in or based on space. Such laboratories are semi permanent, such as those in the former Soviet Union“ Gun salute ”Space Station No., "Peace" space station, "Skylab" in the United States and "Spacelab" in Europe. They generally accommodate 46 people, and astronauts have worked in space for less than a year. Mainly engaged in astrophysics, aerospace medicine, biology, astronomy, material science, technology science and life sciences Experiments (such as solar observation, ground observation, metal smelting, etc.). In the future, mankind will also develop a space laboratory that can accommodate 10 people and live for one year. As for the construction of a space laboratory that can accommodate 50 people and live for more than 10 years, and the establishment of permanent space laboratories on the moon and other planets, it is the future.

Space base

Space Base is the activity center established by human beings in space. It mainly includes space station, spaceport, moon base and Mars base. Its development roughly goes through the following stages: near earth space station far earth space station near earth primary space port near earth all-around space port January orbit space port primary moon base all-around moon base Mars base. The roles of these bases are different. Space stations are used for scientific experiments, observation and communication; The spaceport is used as a transit station for space transportation, for the stay, supply, maintenance and launch of spacecraft; The permanent moon base is used to build factories, hospitals, schools, and as a pedal for developing other planets. The United States plans to develop a space station in the 1990s, establish a primary space port in the late 1990s, establish an all-around space port in 20lO, establish a lunar base in the 1920s, and establish a Mars base in the 1930s. See: space station, space laboratory, moon base.


The transfer station of space passenger and cargo transportation will be built in the 21st century, and a complete space transportation network will be formed. At that time, there will be patrol spaceships flying all the year round, and transfer spaceships like barges will pick up and send goods and personnel between the spaceport and patrol spaceships. The spaceport is composed of several modules according to the needs of the mission. Its main functions are: 1. It will become a transfer spaceship and in orbit Mobile aircraft Base for storage, refueling, repair, supply, maintenance and launch. 2. It will be a transportation hub for passengers and equipment. 3. Provide a permanent base for space scientific research, development and utilization of lunar and Martian resources. The completion of the spaceport will enable human beings to transcend the space and resource constraints of the earth, expand the sky, and have inestimable scientific and economic value. The United States is mainly planning to establish a space port.

space station

Also known as space station, space station, orbital station. A large modular spacecraft that orbits the earth and is manned or visited by astronauts. It usually includes docking cabin, airlock cabin, orbital cabin, living cabin, service cabin, special equipment cabin, solar cell wing and other parts, equipped with complete communication, computing, data processing and living equipment. Uses: 1. As an outpost for exploring and developing the moon and other planets; 2. As a place to use the special space environment for astronomical observation, geodesy and exploration of earth resources; 3. As a place for conducting medical and biological research and developing new processes and technologies; 4. As a base for military reconnaissance and testing, launching space weapons or spacecraft; 5. As a place where people live in space for a long time, carry out space activities and develop space resources. The first space station in the world was the Salute Il launched by the former Soviet Union on April 19, 1971. On February 20, 1986, it launched the Mir space station with six docking modules. The United States launched the "Space Laboratory" * on May 14, 1973, and it crashed in July 1979. Since then, the United States has not launched a space station. European Space Agency“ Space laboratory ”It was sent to space by the US space shuttle Columbia in November 1983. By the beginning of 1992, there were 10 space stations successfully launched.

Lunar base

Space base is a kind of center established by human beings on the moon to engage in scientific research, production, life and other space activities. The purpose of the establishment is: 1. to study the origin and evolution of the moon and the earth by using the space environment; 2. Life support system and large-scale in microbial genetic engineering and closed environment Artificial biosphere And other aspects; 3. Develop and utilize lunar resources, set up lunar enterprises and develop space industry; 4. Provide places for people to carry out space tourism and other commercial activities. The United States plans to build a lunar base in two steps from the 1990s. The first step is to establish a lunar outpost in 20 years, and the second step is to upgrade the outpost in about lo years to make it a permanent lunar base. See: China Earth Moon Space Program.

Space City

With the development of space technology, space cities provide a bright prospect for human survival in space. Therefore, many urban architects and biologists believe that with the help of space technology, a new human living environment can be established in space, which is called a space city. According to this assumption, space cities can not only enable humans to avoid the harm caused by various kinds of rabbit pollution on the earth, but also create an ideal environment more suitable for human survival.

Astro Ranch

Space Farm, the scientific name of Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS), is to solve the supply problem of food, oxygen, water and other basic materials needed by astronauts in space by breeding green plants (vegetables, algae, etc.). It is one of the key technologies and problems to achieve long-term manned interstellar travel and immigration in the future. The United States will“ Botany Long term experiments in sealed space capsule are listed as key research projects. In order to realize the grand plan of returning to the moon in 2018 and manned landing on Mars in 2033 Johnson Space Center Lead, NASA The other three research centers, some military enterprises, research institutes, universities, research centers and other units work together to make its space farm in full swing.
Space mining
It is not only for interstellar navigation that we need to cross the space. Even the stubborn opponents of space navigation admit that, given the increasingly depleted raw material reserves of our planet, we must take all measures to find alternatives.
Thomas B. McCord, an astrophysicist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, explained: "Space mining is possible. Iron, nickel and other metals can be mined on asteroids and then transported to Earth. There is no technical problem that cannot be solved in this regard."
It is calculated that 140 million dollars worth of metals can be obtained from asteroids every year. Through telescope and spectral research, people have long known that it is located between Mars and Jupiter Asteroid belt Several of them are mainly composed of iron and other metals.
Miners must settle down on a mineable asteroid. They use solar energy to melt and cast the metal into blocks, which are then taken away by spacecraft. One cubic kilometer of asteroid material can meet the 15 year iron consumption and 1250 year nickel consumption on Earth. Is space exploration an imaginative journey to Utopia? I don't think so. The industrial sector is always mass produced on demand. The production of space suits can fully realize flowing operation. All space pioneers can wear appropriate work clothes. Gone are the days when space suits were made to measure for each astronaut. Even the spaceship "Cause" on TV is no longer an imaginary thing: in the 1970s, President Gerald Ford of the United States decided to name a reusable space plane that went back and forth between the satellite station and the earth in the 1980s as "Cause".
Aerospace auxiliary conditions Aerospace robot
Space planners have long adopted robots! They know that robots with embedded technology can become the most important members in the cabin: they are lighter than the combined weight of several astronauts and have a strong knowledge storage capacity; This reliable technical escort will not get sick. If he feels uncomfortable occasionally, he will quickly find the cause and solve it; It doesn't eat or excrete.
A new "astronaut" is expected to be included in the roster, which will help mankind land on Mars for the first time. According to the Daily Mail on August 16, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is recruiting a team to develop a humanoid robot to assist astronauts in Mars missions.
NASA is raising a team to develop an R5 robot, which will serve as an assistant to astronauts to help them carry out a series of tasks in space, and even save their lives. For this project, NASA is holding a "SpaceRobotics Challenge", which costs millions of dollars.
NASA requires the team participating in the challenge to program an R5 robot in the virtual environment, which should have the ability to calibrate the communication sequence and repair the damage Solar panel And the ability to identify and repair habitat vulnerabilities. Although Nasa has developed these advanced technologies by using hydraulic technology in the earth robot system, these technologies are not applicable to the planet surface with temperature below zero and harsh environment. R5 robot uses elastic technology instead of hydraulic technology to solve these problems.
Monsi Roman, manager of NASA's Centennial Challenge Program, said: "Accurate and smart robot technology is crucial for supporting astronauts. It can handle communication delays, be used for space flight, and perform dangerous and complex tasks on Mars and other places. In addition, NASA and our partners believe that the public is very interested in this challenge, and people are looking forward to seeing the birth of new technologies. "
The R5 robot developed by each team will face the challenge of analyzing the consequences of sand storm damage to the Martian habitat. The registration of the project began on the 16th of this month, and the qualification contest will start in mid September and end in mid November. In addition, the final will be announced in December, and the final winners will be announced at the Houston Space Center at the end of June 2017.
Using the technology generated by this challenge, robots can participate in pioneering missions, such as selecting landing sites, reaching the destination early before astronauts set up their habitat, and even conducting preliminary scientific research.
NASA has been working on the space robot project since 1996, and has a robot working on the International Space Station. Experts firmly believe that, one day in the future, these space age humanoid robots can be used on dangerous or extremely harsh planets that cannot be reached by humans and Earth robots [2]
Advanced Space Propulsion Technology
The rockets used by humans for space launch mainly use liquid or solid propellant , also known as chemical propulsion. however Chemical propellant Because of its low energy density, the propulsion system needs to carry a large number of propellants to meet the launch requirements. From the mass of the whole rocket, the propellant carried by the rocket generally accounts for more than 90% of the total mass, while the mass of the payload only accounts for 1%~1.5%. This has led to the high launch cost of modern chemical propulsion rockets, long mission preparation cycle, and low Earth orbit entry costs ranging from US $10000/kg to US $20000/kg; The cost of synchronous orbit entry is between 60000 dollars/kg and 120000 dollars/kg. And with the rapid growth of commercial space launch business Payload capacity , launch cost and launch cycle have new requirements.
Also, because of the low energy density of chemical propellant, the jet speed of chemical propulsion rocket has approached the limit, and the specific impulse is generally 200s-500s. A two-stage or three-stage rocket must continuously accelerate to put the payload into orbit. However, the deep space interstellar exploration mission envisioned by mankind in the future needs the specific impulse of rockets to reach 10000s~3000000s, which will greatly exceed the performance limit of existing chemical propulsion. Therefore, it is necessary to start developing new space propulsion technologies.
Promotion method
Electromagnetic accelerator( Ion Thruster
Propulsion equipment
Propulsion systems that may violate the laws of physics

American Space Program

The Pioneering the Space From tier report is a proposal made by the US Space Commission to the US Congress and President in the mid-1980s to explain the development goals of US civil space in the next 50 years. The report is divided into one preface and three chapters. It discusses in detail the theoretical basis for the United States to formulate space goals, the current and future technological foundation, the scientific value and direct economic significance of carrying out new space activities. It is not only the theoretical basis of the United States civil space program, but also the declaration of the United States to declare war on space. The report believes that the cause of leading the investigation and development of Tianjiang is the pioneering mission of the United States in the 21st century. The government should play a key leadership role, actively support and explore and promote the development of key technologies; Through the cooperation between the government and Congress, the spirit of the American people will be revitalized, and new goals for civil space activities will be established, so as to meet new challenges and guide part of the energy of the country and nation to explore the sky beyond the earth. The report also analyzes the social and economic benefits of the U.S. civil space program in the 21st century, pointing out that the key scientific and technological progress driven by the new space program can be transformed into the country's future economic strength and national security. Opening up a new world in Tianjiang can not only directly benefit from space enterprises, but also stimulate the emergence of some new industries. Its long-term economic significance is even greater, and it will have an invaluable impact on mankind. The report specifically envisaged the U.S. civil space program in the 21st century. It concretely and realistically expounded the application scope and significant role of developing space industry from many aspects, such as promoting scientific development, exploration, exploration and settlement of the solar system, and establishing space enterprises, and demonstrated the bright prospect of developing space industry. The report discusses the feasibility of implementing the space program in the 21st century, comprehensively discusses the application and development direction of space technology, and emphasizes the importance of space technology and the need for the country to make greater efforts in the development of space technology. He advocated that the National Space Administration (NASA) of the United States play a key role in research and technology development, and continue to encourage the development of commercial use of space with the country as the core. The report proposes that the medium-term goal of the US space industry is to expand productive industries into space, promote scientific development and maintain the leading position of US technology. It also implements effective scientific plans, emphasizes mobilizing the enthusiasm of the government and private enterprises, formulates new national space policies, actively seeks international cooperation and the support of the U.S. Congress for the space program, and promotes the development of the space industry. The report also assessed the impact of the changes in the world's social, technological, economic and political environment on the United States in the next 50 years, the prospects of the United States' economic development, and the steps and costs of expanding Tianjiang. It affirmed that the plan of expanding Tianjiang was compatible with the economic strength of the United States, and stressed that it would be an amazing move for the United States to actively lead the cause of expanding Tianjiang. The relevant civil space programs implemented by the United States during the Reagan Administration and the Bush Administration were formulated according to the basic ideas proposed in the report.