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cosmological redshift

Spectral lines emitted by distant galaxies move to low frequencies relative to those emitted by the same light source on the earth
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Cosmic redshift refers to the spectral lines emitted by distant galaxies, which move to the low-frequency direction relative to the spectral lines emitted by the same light source on the Earth.
Chinese name
cosmological redshift
This is the so-called cosmic redshift. This phenomenon was discovered by Hubble when analyzing the spectra of distant galaxies, which also supports Big Bang Theory One of the bases of!
Astronomers have found that most galaxies have redshift, that is, the radiation of galaxies shifts to the low-frequency direction
Redshift amplitude=frequency change/original frequency
The redshift is caused by the Doppler effect, so Galaxy redshift The larger it is, the faster it is away from us. As long as the speed away from us is much lower than the speed of light, the following formula can be used to find the galaxy's Retrogression speed v:
V=redshift amplitude x speed of light