
A minor goddess in Greek mythology
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Nymph is MYTHOS The minor goddess, sometimes translated into fairies and fairies, is also regarded as a member of the goblin, haunting mountains, plains, springs, the sea and other places. It is a natural fairy, usually a beautiful girl, who likes singing and dancing. They will not grow old or get sick, but they will die. They can also give birth to immortal descendants of God when they are combined with the gods. Many Ningfu are free. Some Ningfu will serve the gods, such as Artemis Dionysus Apollo Hermes pan
Setil Often chase Ningfu and have fun with them. Ningfu was tempted Hellas These are all described by western painters and become immortal works.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Elves and fairies
Mythological system
Mountain forest, field, spring, sea, etc
Water element
Ethnic group

brief introduction

Nymph, a water demon, a beautiful water goddess, a representative of water elves, and a master of water elements.


Greek "Nymph" means "bride" and generally refers to the goddess of mountains, forests and springs MYTHOS There are many love stories about them, mostly in the image of beautiful women, sometimes incarnated as trees, water, mountains and other natural things. The Goddess Ningfu in Greek Mythology and the《 Nine Songs · Mountain Ghost 》The "mountain ghost" described in one article is very similar to: "If someone comes to the mountain, he will be led by Xue Lixi with a female pineapple; he will look and smile at the same time, and he will be kind and graceful to Xi; he will ride a red leopard, follow Wen Li, and tie a flag of laurel in a Xinyi car; he will be led by Shi Lanxi with Du Heng, and he will lose his mind when he breaks the fragrance."
Generally speaking, Ningfu's voice is beautiful, so their songs and words may be mistaken for the rustling sound of the gentle wind blowing the woods, or the gurgling sound of the spring water falling rocks. However, when the herding gods follow closely, they even sing some indecent songs. Ningfu's dancing posture is elegant and graceful. A few lucky people will record the scene of Ningfu dancing to meet the spring, but even if they rack their brains, they can't describe the rare beauty in the world. However, Ningfu is actually very shy and seldom seen by human beings.
Ningfu is sometimes translated into fairies and fairies. They will be divided into Dryad, Naiad, Oread, Nereid and so on according to their living places. Ningfu will also be regarded as a member of the goblin.

Name of branch

Shuningfu (wood spirit Deluades , Dryad/Dryas/ドリュアス, [plural] Dryades/ドリュデス)
Spring water Ningfu (water spirit Nayades , Naiad/Naias/ナ ー イ ア ス, [plural] Naiades/ナ ー イ デ ス)
Shanningfu (mountain spirit Oriades , Oread/オ レ ア ー ド, [plural] Oreades/オ レ イ ア デ ス)
Haining Fu (sea spirit Nereides 、Nereid/Nereis/ネーレーイス、Nereides/ネーレーイデス)
Forest Ningfu (Forest Elves, Alseid/Alseid/Alseid, Alseides/Alseides)
Mountain Valley Ningfu (Valley Elves, Napaea/ナパイアアアアアナパイイイイイイイイイイイイイイナナ12490
Netherworld Ningfu (ghost Lampardes Lampas/Lampas/Lampas/Lampas/Lampas